Billionaire's Black Secret Baby (BWWM Second Chance Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Secret Baby (BWWM Second Chance Romance) Page 12

by Ciara Cole

  She’d already made the first move, introducing herself. And to her hidden delight, Raphael had chosen to share her company, even though the only indication of that was him sitting next to her and enjoying his drink. There was just something about him that she liked. His intimidating good looks and apparent rich status could of course not be ignored. But there was an air of mystery about him and a thrilling sex appeal few men were blessed with that probably made even the most tight-laced female feel ready to cast away her virtue.

  She bet women threw themselves at him all the time. He certainly looked like the type never hard up for any type of woman he desired. She couldn’t help but wonder if she fitted his type in any form at all. Why it would matter in the slightest wasn’t apparent to her lust-jumbled state of mind right now.

  Tamira felt relieved when he struck up conversation after a minute of savoring his drink. “You came alone?” he asked.

  “Yes. And you? Expecting anyone?” It would be embarrassing, Tamira thought, to be flirting with him only to have his date show up. After all, a man like him would hardly be at a bar to pick up women. Tamira could just picture his supermodel girlfriend suddenly walking up and wrapping herself around him, while Tamira would be sitting there feeling dumb. Raphael was way too hot to be single, yet if he was would that make any difference?

  Not like she planned on sleeping with him or anything.

  Just the thought of sex at that moment was a bad idea, because Tamira felt her breath quicken simply from picturing the act with Raphael. Even in his tailored suit he seemed like so much leashed force, and that sharp-edged jawline, those square-tipped hands, and that noble nose beneath those heavy-lidded golden eyes drew an image of dangerous, wicked desires. Why did she feel she should be running the other way by now?

  “Not expecting anyone, no.”

  His reply left relief washing through her. So far, they’d only exchanged economic responses. Almost like they were circling each other, in some elaborate dance routine. Tamira smiled into her tumbler and shook her head internally for being too fanciful. For want of a distraction Tamira glanced around the bar and lounge area again, sensing it was going to get crowded later on. The comfy and intimate arrangement of the seating gave it just that bit of a “clubby” vibe, especially with the friendly, cool crowd. It was definitely a place for a great night out with a date, friends, or someone special. Tamira almost cursed herself for coming alone, and yet, could it be fortuitous in the long run? Hmmm, only time will tell. Or maybe, she would need to give “fortune” a little nudge. With that in mind, she didn’t think it through and simply turned to the man beside her.

  “Do you…”

  “Is there…,” Tamira began and then paused as she realized they’d spoken at the same time. “You first.”

  Raphael smiled. “I was about to ask if you came here often. Then I realized how lame that would sound. Though I’m asking because I really want to know. I feel I’d have noticed you if so.”

  “I’ve been here a few times, but the instances are far between so I’d hardly consider myself a regular.” Tamira was reluctant to bring up her career and how busy it kept her for months on end. Raphael didn’t seem to want to talk shop either, as he kept their ongoing conversation on other topics. They might have laughed over some parts, and even found a common ground in others, but the underlying factor was the tension that swirled beneath their talk and banter.

  The time ticked by, and the crowd grew noisier and tighter. Those unfortunate enough not to find a seat at such an in-demand yet highly exclusive nightclub became a bother with the way they hovered around and bumped shoulders, making Raphael have to reach an arm round to shield Tamira more than once.

  When a sloshed-looking couple started making out right by them and the woman almost spilled her drink on Tamira, she really stopped finding it funny. Yet she looked at Raphael, saw his expression, and they both laughed.

  “Want to go somewhere quieter?” he asked, his even tone carrying despite the loud music and chatter.

  Tamira nodded without hesitation. She felt a keen rush when he rose and took her hand in a firm clasp and didn’t let go as they weaved through the thick press of bodies leading to the exit.

  Once outside, the warm city atmosphere was lightened by an occasional breeze. Standing close to Raphael, Tamira’s mind was suddenly having mixed feelings. Now what?

  “I could call my driver, or we could walk. I live not too far from here,” he said.

  Her suspicions confirmed, Tamira’s sensible side kicked in with full force. Oh sure. He’d meant his place when talking about going somewhere “quieter.” She could just imagine how much peace and quiet she’d get over there.

  “On second thoughts, can we do a rain check on that? I seem to have had a few shots too many. I should just go home and sleep it off,” she said.

  Raphael arched a dark brow. “What’s wrong? In case you’re worried, I don’t bite—unless of course you’re into that sort of thing.”

  Before she could respond, he shook his head almost in self-remonstration. “I got too ahead of myself. A beautiful woman, a riveting half hour talking with her, and just that little something in the air tonight… got me thinking things I shouldn’t. At least let me hail your cab.”

  A perverse feeling of irritation made Tamira then say, almost snappishly, that he didn’t need to bother. It almost felt like she’d wanted him to try and change her mind. Tamira sighed to herself. She obviously needed more practice at this dating thing. Gosh, just interacting with an eligible male seemed like an obstacle course.

  “Which way are you headed?” she asked in a more civil tone, as she drew on a smile.

  He pointed to his left, at which Tamira promptly indicated the opposite direction, to their right, mumbling, “I’m off that way.”

  “Are you sure you should be walking? It’s late, and dark. And you—” As Raphael spoke to the hastily departing Tamira’s back, the most disastrous consequence happened. She’d practically been sprinting off blindly on her too-high pumps, and that was when she got one stiletto heel stuck in the rung of a venthole beneath her feet. This caught her up and had her swearing tightly beneath her breath, while she tried to pull her leg free. Not a good idea, because the force of the tug had her twisting her ankle sharply as the heel of her shoe got torn away.

  “Oh!” She’d have landed in an undignified heap on the floor if not for Raphael’s strong arms suddenly catching her. They went down together on the asphalt, his body cushioning her from making impact on the ground.

  “Here, let me.” He gently guided her up on her feet, only for Tamira to yelp in pain as she tried to balance on her feet. Raphael instantly asked in a worried tone what was wrong.

  “I don’t know. I think I sprained my ankle.” Tamira bit on her lip to fight back tears of embarrassment blended with agony. Without a word, Raphael lowered on one knee and helped pull her trapped foot out of the vent. With equal gentleness he had her shoe off, the heel dangling from its root.

  “Thank you.” Tamira didn’t know what else to say or do. She just felt stupid.

  But Raphael was all concern, and the genuine manner he handled the situation began to ease her discomfort. Just one slight touch of his hand on her foot had her yelping, so he straightened and let her lean on his arm. He made her smile when he offered to piggyback her, seeing as she had problems walking on her own. Tamira shook her head no, sure he wasn’t joking but not about to embarrass herself or him further by obliging.

  “We should take a look at that,” he said, indicating her foot with the ankle already beginning to swell. Since she was being mostly supported by his solid strength anyway, Tamira didn’t see how she could protest when Raphael made his next suggestion.

  “All I’m offering to do is help, so just stay calm, okay? My driver will soon be here—and I literally live just round the corner.” In his free hand he held up his phone, with which he’d already dialed a number. Even without him speaking on the phone, it seemed he rela
yed a message because within a minute, a sleek-looking town car drew up to the club entrance.

  Raphael raised his hand and waved to the driver, who moved forward to where they stood together, Tamira mostly leaning on Raphael’s broad frame. In seconds she realized why he’d told her earlier to stay calm; without warning he gathered her up into his arms, bridal-style. Tamira gasped at being swept up off her feet like she weighed a feather, but she otherwise didn’t complain, and was gently placed in the backseat of the car.

  Raphael got in beside her and instructed the driver to take them home.

  Tamira was just trying to wrap her head around the happenings of the last five minutes. The throb in her ankle was growing to a nagging ache, and she tried to take her mind off the pain, but the only distraction afforded was the man at her side.

  She didn’t know what strange fate was drawing them close together. Maybe if she didn’t try to fight it, things would flow in a more natural, nonhazardous sequence. Who knew, really, what the next moment, the next hour, would bring?

  Chapter Two

  “It seems like you’ve done this before,” said Tamira, seated on a sofa while her injured foot rested in Raphael’s capable hands. He’d been applying the ice pack gently all over her ankle, focused on his task and not noticing how intently Tamira had been viewing him. With him on one knee and tending to her foot, the chivalrous picture wasn’t lost on Tamira as she thought of the other women he must have given the same attentions.

  Her words had him glancing up at her for a moment, those piercing eyes seeming to see deep into her thoughts. Then he was back to focusing in on his task, while saying that he had a younger sister who tripped often and always sprained her ankle in the past.

  “That’s enough. I think I can walk,” she said, maybe a little sharply than she intended. Maybe she didn’t wholly believe it was actually his sister he’d had to do such things for in the past?

  Tamira tried to figure out why she felt so short-tempered when the man had been nothing but nice. Not many would have taken the effort to be so attentive, especially to a woman they’d only just met. Maybe she was torn between thinking Raphael could be a knight in shining armor, or the big bad wolf in disguise…

  Tamira rose from the sofa just as Raphael straightened to his full height. It’d been barely half an hour since he brought her into his home. Every minute of it had hummed with the same sexual friction from earlier at the club. Even in her sore state from the sprain, those crazy hormones of hers had been skipping around causing trouble with her panties. All because of the touch of the handsome stranger and his careful attentions that had her feeling feminine and oh so fragile.

  “Thank you,” she said, looking up at him as she steadied on her feet and elicited a wince at the sharp sting when her ankle felt her weight. “The ice pack was a huge help.”

  Raphael could see her grimace slightly. “Shouldn’t you see a doctor?”

  “It’s just a sprain,” Tamira said with a shake of her head. “I’ll be fine after a while.”

  If she had any sense she’d be leaving now. She’d prolonged her time around him long enough, and now there was no excuse. Full of resolve, Tamira tried to move forward on her feet and, of course, felt the stinging ache shoot up from her ankle. Okay, point taken. She wasn’t about to just waltz out of here. What she didn’t expect was her body instinctively seeking the support pillar that was his six-foot frame. It was almost magnetic, the way she was drawn to his strength. Tamira wasn’t the meek, submissive type who needed some alpha male to make her feel good and like a woman. But maybe that was back then. She felt different with Raphael.

  She wasn’t a slut, but she could see herself being a slut for him.

  She could see it all too easily, her lips moving up invitingly to his, her body melding softly against him while her hands moved round his broad shoulders to clasp behind his neck. She could hear her voice, asking him what he thought of her—did he find her charming? Did he desire her, want to take her body hard and fast like she wished he would?

  Tamira could picture it all in a millisecond, and it left her senses reeling. She inched closer to his jawline and nuzzled slightly. So good. His scent. It wasn’t just something from a bottle, but rather the essence of Raphael, of wood spice and heat and frosty mountain peaks. So formidable, so out of reach, yet the subject of the most electrifying desires and fantasies.

  “I shouldn’t have come here,” she whispered, staring deep into his eyes. What she didn’t add was that the moment she’d told him her name, she’d known she wanted him inside her. Had sensed that before the end of the night, they’d be in his bed or hers.

  Raphael simply said, “You’re beautiful.” His gaze pinned on her lips, and when Tamira smiled bright, he ducked his head and kissed her.

  Chapter Three

  Kisses like this one shouldn’t exist outside of books. The bone-marrow-liquefying kind that singed the edges of your brain and sent a single path of flames straight to your sizzling core. Tamira moaned faintly, her panties positively creaming while her fingers gripped at the breadth of his muscled upper arms.

  Wow. Kissing him felt so good. He tasted good too. There was nothing, really, that wasn’t good about this man. Yes… a mighty good man indeed, thought Tamira haphazardly as she laced her tongue with his. This feeling of abandon and excess, of gorging herself on Raphael, was the best and worst thing all at once. Best because what woman wouldn’t love to feel, for what felt like the first time in her adult life, how to be kissed by a real man? And worst because damn, it was going to take this one kiss to make Tamira start to make some pretty bad choices. Like asking Raphael to sleep with her.

  Before she knew it, she was off the floor, Raphael’s arms wrapped just below her ass, ensuring she was lifted to above eye level with him. From this angle she could take charge of the kiss, which she did while cupping his face and slanting her face this way and that, devouring him just as hungrily as he did her.

  With her weight off her foot, thanks to Raphael holding her up in his strong arms, Tamira could take her mind off any discomfort, which in fact was now nonexistent. Her pressure points seemed to pound as loudly as her nipples seemed to twang in desire as they puckered and stiffened. If one kiss could give her this much feeling of unbridled lust…

  Rafe crowded her up against the nearest wall and pinned her to it while hiking up her skirt. He settled his erection in the concave of her thighs, and Tamira felt every turgid ridge and swell. Ooh, he was big and hard. Without thinking, she ground strongly on his trouser-clad manhood. Christ, she was so close to the edge. Just thinking of him when rid of his confined clothing had Tamira getting wet.

  His lips tore from hers to run hotly down her neck. His voice was almost a snarl as he said, “I want you. And you want me too. I can fucking smell it.”

  He moved a hand in between her legs. Tamira felt shocked but didn’t do a thing to stop him. He cupped her over her panties and then stroked, teasing out more moisture and more moans from Tamira.

  She didn’t want him to think he could get away with this, but fuck it was so hot, this man claiming what he wanted from her body. He pushed aside the protective panel of her panties and slid his fingers in between her soaked lips, causing Tamira to crash her head back into the wall. He didn’t penetrate her, and only used shallow strokes through her swollen folds while thumbing her clit. From nuzzling her neck he shifted down to bury his face in her cleavage, bared somewhat by her dipping V-neckline. She heard him inhale deeply and harshly, as he worked his thumb over her clit. Like a top she was spinning faster and faster in one spot. Ohmygoodness… yes, yes! Shockingly responsive to his caresses, it took moments before Tamira came. So hard and so exultantly, that ecstatic laughter broke from her lips. Wow, just wow.

  “Tamira,” Raphael breathed into her chest, gently nipping the tops of her firm brown globes. He let out a ragged sigh. “I should get you home or I’m going to be a bastard and take advantage of you. More than I already have.” He sounded al
most angry, while Tamira was simply trying to not go blind as she blinked repeatedly to clear her vision after that brain-numbing orgasm. Even as Raphael slowly began to pull his hand from between her thighs, he’d brought his lips to her ear and nipped there too. “But I want these panties before you can be free to go.”

  His husky words just made her oversensitized nipples harden to even stiffer, more painful peaks.

  Tamira waited till Raphael turned to look her in the face, and she met his eyes squarely. “Whose prerogative is it to say if I stay or go?”

  Wait… what the hell was her mouth saying? It didn’t feel connected to her brain at all—a brain Tamira didn’t even know could work to form syllables of any number after an orgasm like that. So swift, so intense. Had to be a Guinness World record, she thought with an inner smile of awe.

  Raphael was shaking his head. “Prerogative has nothing to do with it.”

  “Then what? The fact you think we’ll have sex if I stay?”

  Raphael’s lips twitched in a smile. “I have a feeling we won’t just have sex, angel. I’m about ready to inhale you, just eat you up whole.”

  “Promise?” she teased, and his answering grin eased the crackling atmosphere, almost.

  He gently slid her down his body to the floor, still not letting her rest all her weight on her feet as with his knees he kept her half pinned to the wall still. Tamira liked the way it felt in the cage of his body, much too much. The sensation of his yet raging hard-on was a reminder of how close she’d been moments ago, of being taken. Of Raphael pounding her into the wall with his thick length deep inside her, with her arms and legs wrapped around him tentacle-style.

  “It’s pretty late and it wouldn’t do to put a strain on your ankle before it properly heals,” Raphael said, and Tamira’s all-too-inconsistent heart felt itself lifting. Did he mean…?


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