Billionaire's Black Secret Baby (BWWM Second Chance Romance)

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Billionaire's Black Secret Baby (BWWM Second Chance Romance) Page 18

by Ciara Cole

  “So I guess you’re glad you took on the project?” asked Rafe with a grin.

  “Yes, definitely. And I can’t wait for next week when the big day arrives. All that hard work, coming to fruition.”

  Rafe nodded, rubbing his chin reflectively. “Cavendish has always been the brand when you want to get down and dirty. Now that I’m breaking us into the athleisure movement, the company can take not just the sports section but the sportswear by storm—and ensure we stay cutting-edge market-wise. I have no doubt you’ve created the perfect look for our brand placement stores. That’s why I’m glad, too, that you came on the team.”

  Tamira felt warmed to the core by Rafe’s words. She couldn’t deny how gratifying it was to hear his praise and positive critique. He held her abilities in high esteem, and she took it as an honor that he put such faith in her.

  “Mmm. That can’t be all you’re glad about.” Tamira let a deep purr rest in her voice. She pushed aside the designs notes and the iPad she had scattered before her and moved with feline grace to Rafe. Her body glided easily to straddle his thighs as he sat in the high-backed leather chair.

  She loved these moments when they worked together, sometimes at his corporate office but then other times at his home within the well-equipped study. Something about seeing Rafe being serious and absorbed with work had the perverse effect of Tamira wanting them to play. “Serious Rafe” was certified sexy to the max, and Tamira just couldn’t resist.

  She linked her arms around his neck, while his strong hands rested heavily on her waist as she rocked slightly atop his groin. She felt him harden beneath her and growl deep in his throat as her lips melted over his. He wrapped her in a tight, possessive embrace that almost knocked out her breath.

  Tamira felt an almost desperate note in her kiss as she ate into Rafe’s firm, sexy lips. It almost seemed like she was losing him already. She couldn’t help but think that after next week, they’d have no reason to keep seeing each other. Once the project concluded its objective, what more could they have connecting them?

  Tamira would be wrapped up in other new, equally demanding work. She was already booked up till the end of the year with other projects. Rafe would be developing more on the brand with his collaborations and the big new ad campaigns.

  Tamira had total faith in her team’s abilities. Once they’d got the Cavendish brief, they’d taken care to research and interpret the brand to create a design that worked well with the products and the needed props. When it came to visual merchandizing in not just retail but any field her skills came into play, Tamira took pride in her high level of personal responsibility and autonomy. Working with Rafe and his team, she’d been able to figure out their goals and targets in line of sales and marketing, and she knew she’d created a display with the “wow” factor.

  Tamira was never afraid to dab into diverse cultures, trends, and fashions to pull off something gritty with her visual imagery. That’s why she was known as one of the most talented and promising names in the field. She was already looking to more commercial and international opportunities, and even as she felt thrilled by the prospects there was a part of her that felt sad too. She could be chasing all the acclaim and success, but was that really all she dreamed of?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cavendish Clothing launched its “Wear Your Dreams” activewear line in hundreds of stores for both men and women, and for a first-run series it was already making waves.

  Tamira was proud of her work and the commendation it received as mirrored in the jump in revenue the day of the debut. She’d revamped the whole concept around the Cavendish clothing brand, which people were now terming very raw edge and multifocal, impacting not just the present but the future with apparel that worked for all-day wear.

  From the workout studio to the street to even work and then back to the gym, Tamira was sure to showcase all the features that the new clothing line had implemented to make it more fashionable. To be extra sure to make it a breakout year for Cavendish brand, Tamira had taken to social media for some prelaunch awareness, and within days before the line came out it had already amassed tons of fans on most major social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

  Tamira felt like she could heave a sigh of relief now, two weeks later. She realized that mostly because of the emotional attachment she’d come to have with the project, it was no surprise to her that she’d been secretly nervous about it being a success.

  Now she told herself she really shouldn’t have worried. Too bad, though, that she couldn’t say the same for her other, biggest fear…

  In the beginning, Tamira knew she’d been looking forward to get the project over with. She never really should have taken it on with everything else she had on her plate from other clients. As her affair with Rafe went on, she began to see the debut of the new clothing range as an end to their easy fling, and she knew she’d feel sad to see it all go.

  She didn’t think Rafe would want to continue their relationship in private, and even she wasn’t sure that she wanted to take it public. The opening night was a huge success, and yet when she first arrived she already felt in her heart that it was the beginning of the end for her and Rafe.

  She just hadn’t expected it to happen with such certainty and ensuing heartache.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rafe Cavendish was surprised to see his mother turning to face him once he arrived in the private lounge. “What are you doing here? You should be outside celebrating at the party,” he said, coming up to her with a smile. When his assistant had told him one of the dignitaries wanted a word with him personally, he’d never expected it to be his mother.

  She returned his smile. “It’s your baby. I didn’t want to butt in on your night. But I did want to congratulate you personally.”

  Sylvia Cavendish patted down her son’s lapel, straightening the already impeccable line of his bow tie. Then she looked up at him. There was the steel in her hazel eyes that were so similar to his. “I’m really proud of you, son. But I have to go back to what we discussed weeks ago. Are you really going to let this thing between you and that designer continue?”

  Rafe sighed angrily and turned away. “Her name’s Tamira, mother. And I asked you before to keep her out of this. Don’t think I don’t know that your little emergency board meeting was your way of warning me to toe the line. You made things look like it was just to shake up some of the sections of Cavendish Group and get them at attention, but I was aware your real target was me. Oh, you showed me well enough how much power you have in the company.”

  He faced her again, and his brow was stormy. “Just like you pointed out, the clothing company is what I made it—a success. Cavendish athleisure brand has never been more profitable, and it’s definitely doing better than most other areas of Cavendish Group. The last thing I need is you trying to butt into my private life and make it something it isn’t. Who I’m with has no bearing on what I bring to the table as CEO. I’ve earned my spot and you know it.”

  “Still, you know how much controlling interest I have. So if I think your actions jeopardize the company in general, then my saying goes.” His mother’s tone had hardened along with her gaze. “I hate to say this, but ever since you showed up with her at that art event, I’ve had no choice but to keep tabs on you both. I know you’ve been meeting each other, even spending time at a secret kind of ‘den’ you bought and designed for goodness knows what purposes. That’s none of my business. But I need to be sure you aren’t headed anywhere with that… with Tamira. Because it’s not acceptable, and your father and I are in agreement on this.”

  Rafe could only huff and stare at his mother in disbelief. “Why, because she’s black? Or not welcome in the circles you feel are important? She’s not influential enough, or not blue-blood material like all those heiresses and socialites you shove down my throat at any given notice?”

  “Don’t push me, Rafe. The combined efforts of your father and I, if we put our mind to it, ca
n end her. Just a few well-placed words and her whole career, even her name, will be destroyed. I can be ruthless when it comes to protecting my flesh and blood.”

  “You mean, your financial interests,” Rafe said with a cold, thin smile. “Don’t pretend like this is really out of some maternal concern for my future or image. I of all people know how the wrong social connection can topple net profits and even company stock value. That’s what really has you so uneasy.”

  “Go ahead and think what you like. I’m doing what’s best for you, and one day you’ll thank me.” Sylvia drew in a bracing breath and smiled. “It’s a good thing the opening has been monumentally successful and now there’s no need for you and Tamira to meet again. It can just end cleanly, don’t you think? After all, it’s not like you’re both in love or anything. I’m sure Ms. Tamira Fontaine would actually be of like thought. You’ll be doing each other a favor.”

  Sylvia Cavendish moved to her son and squeezed on his hand with gentle warmth. “I do love you, son. You know that. Please don’t disappoint me again.”

  Then she walked out of the room, leaving a cold silence as the tall, still frame of Rafe Cavendish stood for endless moments of leashed anger that just managed to keep him from smashing his fist into the near wall.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tamira stared at the positive pregnancy test and her heart sank.

  This was not going to go over well with Rafe. A month ago, he’d made it more than clear that their affair was over. She hadn’t heard from him since then, making it pretty obvious that he cut ties quickly.

  Now, however, she had no choice but to get in contact with him. This news with the baby was one that was definitely too big for her to shoulder alone. She was freaking out!

  But when reaching out to his office, it was clear she was getting the brush-off, his assistant claiming Rafe was not around, not in town, or unable to get back with her quickly. Tamira felt hurt. She’d thought Rafe was a good man. But now she wondered what the hell kind of con artist she lost her heart to.

  Yes, she’d foolishly gone and fallen in love with the brute.

  Tamira sighed heavily. Why wasn’t she surprised with this whole mess, though? After that opening night and the disastrous way things had ended between them, she should have known better.

  At the closing of the night, Rafe and Tamira were the last ones at the party. Then Rafe began to say that he’d be unavailable for a while, and that was when Tamira had stopped him from talking.

  She’d more than sensed something all evening when he suddenly began evading her. He’d come in from outside the ballroom and looked like thunder itself, but then when she tried to talk to him he avoided her or acted so distant she was forced to simply go off to some other part of the party.

  Later she told him she already knew what he wanted to say. He looked surprised, yet showed no sign of being perturbed. Tamira remembered blathering something about being busy with stuff herself and might even have to move base internationally. The truth was, she just hadn’t wanted to hear the planned or fake speech he’d give about breaking up now that they were no longer going to be working together.

  Tamira had expected it from the start, but parting from him had hurt so much. He’d insisted on driving her home, and foolish Tamira, she hadn’t been able to resist turning to him for a kiss once the car stopped in front of her place. She cupped his jaw and moved his face to meet hers, while kissing his mouth with warm hunger. She still wanted him; her body and heart still needed and cared for him. She could feel the answering surge of desire in him as he crushed her against him and returned her ardent kiss. She’d been moments from inviting him up, for one final time so they could at least have that.

  But slowly, Rafe had pulled her arms from around his neck and drew apart from her clinging lips. That had hurt even worse: his last rejection. He couldn’t even bear to touch her? Tamira had hidden her embarrassment with a smile and “good night,” before exiting the car and disappearing into her apartment to nurse her ravaged pride.

  Now pride was the last thing she was worried about right now. Pregnant! What… how? They hadn’t been that reckless, and she couldn’t remember any mishaps with the condoms, so… Well, there was no point going over and over the possible reasons why this was happening. All she knew was that she was expecting a baby after several weeks of suspecting thanks to a missed period. Little had she known she’d been pregnant for more than a month, and now she had no clue how to even reach the man responsible and break the news to him.

  She was in such a state, she took to leaving countless messages for him in the hope that he’d finally reach out. She checked all his social media accounts, but there were no updates, nothing. Could it really be true and he was totally inaccessible? How was that even possible? Or had he simply done his disappearing act to throw her off for good? Maybe he felt she’d think of having another chance with him and bother him with pleas for him to come back. Hence, he went off for a breather somewhere she could never find him.

  Great. Now he made her feel like a loser and a stalker.

  Tamira was afraid to face this all alone, but she also had faith that some good could come out of this. She was having a baby, not a terminal illness. She’d find a way to get through this, with or without that jerk Rafe Cavendish.

  Chapter Seventeen

  For the umpteenth time, Tamira wanted to swear at her parents for doing this to her. How could they possibly think that she’d want to spend her birthday this way? Only parents like hers would think that a blind date would actually be the perfect setup for their daughter on a day like this.

  She couldn’t really blame them; after all, at their age they possibly thought romance was still something you could machinate through match-making and “introductions.” Tamira knew for a fact that the young gent before her, handsome as he undoubtedly was, happened to be the son of their church pastor and as such must have seemed like the perfect suitor.

  Why had she even agreed to this again?

  Oh yeah, now she remembered. She was trying her best to not let her parents suspect her current predicament of being pregnant, or heartbroken. So for once she went along with their scheme, because lately they’d become even more enthusiastic in their aim of settling her with someone. It was almost like the more successful she was, the more they felt they needed her grounded quickly by marriage and kids. Perhaps they were worried she’d become too rich and successful and drive away all the good men.

  Huh. Like Tamira needed any male that would feel intimidated by her achievements. She’d want someone who preferred an equal, who wished for a woman who could stand her own and not depend on her man for every little thing.

  Once her date had walked in, Tamira just knew this wouldn’t work out. Physically he more than got a pass. Medium height and broadly built, he had his own kind of presence. He’d dressed suitably for the kind of restaurant, which was very high-toned. He had a perfectly groomed beard that went well on his dark skin, and his smile was nice. But there was something about him that put her off from the start.

  Maybe it was the knowing way he looked at her, almost like he was seeing right through her clothes. The first few moments were spent simply feeling around each other, and to his credit, he’d made sure to arm himself with enough details about her hobbies, interests, and pursuits. Then he unearthed a gift-wrapped box and wished her a happy birthday, and Tamira felt touched despite herself.

  “You shouldn’t have,” she said. When she peeled it open, her eyes widened when she saw that inside was a set of purple-colored lingerie. Seriously?

  “I think the best thing about starting a relationship,” said Barry—yes, that was actually what he was called—“is finding out if you both have any kind of physical compatibility. The moment I saw the photos your mother sent to mine, I knew we’d hit it right off in that regard. My little present is just a token in anticipation of later tonight. I can picture you in them right now.”

  He smiled what he must have thought was a
sexy smile. He reached over and trailed a finger up Tamira’s wrist. “You know why I’m glad? Meeting this way means we don’t have to do any chasing around the topic. After all, it’s not like we can say we’re strangers anymore. Tell you the truth, I admire modern women just like you who know there’s no need acting coy, and just go with their… urges.”

  “Oh, do they?” Tamira murmured, taking a calm sip of her drink and then toying with the urge to throw the contents of her water glass in his face. Before she could react, the waiter appeared to take her order and to her amazement, Barry simply took it upon himself to order for them both, without even consulting her. She was dazed. Was he just being deliberately obtuse all evening, to sabotage the date?

  Because no way a guy could be this damned intolerable. He might be a pastor’s son, but he seemed like the worst kind of heel, who treated women like objects just to look alpha.

  Thank goodness she wasn’t really in the market for a husband. She was having a baby, and had to sort that whole matter out before even dreaming of drawing anyone else in the picture. Suddenly, her heart ached thinking of Rafe. Where was he now? Had he met someone new? Was he happy, not even getting to see her or be close to her? She missed him so much it hurt. She missed what they had.

  But it hadn’t been enough to keep him around longer than necessary. That bad man.

  Her thoughts left her so emotionally wrecked, she was too numb to care about her date from hell. He’d already assumed she’d fall into bed with him at the shortest possible notice, simply rode over her without a care to her own opinions or input, and just gave off a really smarmy, unlikeable air. If this was what was on offer as husband material, Tamira was better off single for a long while yet.

  “Look, Barry—” she began, setting down her fork and about to tell him off after his recent goof asking her if she’d ever tried a three-way and if she had any hot friends who’d be interested in joining them in the near future. Tamira was just… floored. This guy had to be bipolar. He had this whole air of decorum that he must have used to fool her parents and his, but he was the worst kind of dumbass misogynist who needed a foot shoved right up his—


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