Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior

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Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior Page 9

by Acres, Natalie

  Maria watched Brock, apparently waiting to be coached. Brock sliced his finger across his throat.

  Maria cut the call. “Now what?”

  “Now we wait. You can’t take Dr. Belfonte with you, Maria.”

  “Why not?”

  Donovan and Scott exchanged a look before Scott said, “Hope you weren’t too fond of him, sweetheart. Dr. Belfonte has been transferred to an undisclosed location.”

  Maria leaned over the table, flattening her palms on the flat surface. “I hope you haven’t been looking forward to delivering that news. I was apprised of his whereabouts the second he was moved.”

  “It’s a good thing you weren’t fucking him then. Those last kisses are the ones a man always remembers. And those long good-byes? They can ruin a man for life.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It was right after lunch when Maria marched outside and collapsed on the lounger next to him. “Donovan gets his kicks by playing with people’s lives.”

  “You’re just figuring this out?” Drake cleared his throat, unable to speak as she shrugged away from a long white shirt, apparently one she used as a swimsuit cover-up. When he finally found his voice, he asked, “What’d he do this time?”

  “As if you haven’t already guessed,” she said, offering only a vague explanation. She grabbed the tanning oil from the table between their chairs.

  “Help yourself.”

  “No worries there. I’m sure the authority pays for everything here.” She doused her hands in oil and massaged the substance into her legs before doing the same to her arms. When she tilted the bottle once more, she glanced up at him and paused.

  Drake moistened his lips. His cock twitched and he became all too aware of the way he seemingly responded to her at the most inappropriate times. He tilted his head at her breasts. “If you’re going for those next, I’ll be happy to oil you down.”

  “You men are all the same.”

  “I made no qualms about what I wanted the first day I saw you. Now that I know you’re one of us, I’m all the more intrigued.”

  “I bet so.” She adjusted her chair and leaned back, massaging her heavy chest.

  He pointed at a small patch of skin right above her left boob. “You missed a spot.”

  “Do you guys have some sort of code or something? Is it written in the Underground Unit handbook—one specifically for the men in the Unit—that all women affiliated with the divisions are open game? I mean are we all supposed to act like the Manson family or something?”

  “They were murderers.”

  “Point made.”

  “We aren’t cold-blooded killers,” he said, resenting her implication and standing down when he noticed Scott leering from the terrace door.

  Maria affixed her sunglasses on her tiny nose. Drake threw up his arm and motioned for Scott. “So you and Zelmore have a past?”

  “We damn sure don’t have a future.”

  “That’s good to know.” Drake wondered how Zelmore’s story would differ from Maria’s.

  Rising to his elbows, he watched the still blue waters of the swimming pool before giving Maria his undivided attention. He couldn’t help but daydream then.

  Maria was the epitome of a good fantasy, especially now. Wearing a white swimsuit, her full mounds practically spilled from her top, a skimpy little number designed to cover a woman’s nipples but little else.

  Watching her out of the corner of his eye, he focused on the cute little heart shape at her navel, a piercing Donovan would likely rip out himself if he saw the ornament. Women in the Underground Unit were warned about piercings and jewelry in general. They were told not to wear anything that could be torn from their bodies during an interrogation. Apparently, Maria didn’t listen to Donovan’s orders.

  Drake’s gaze traveled to her crotch. He wondered if Maria listened much to anyone. The v-shape of her pussy lips was visible through the thin swimsuit. Didn’t Donovan have a rule about fraternizing with fellow operatives in an inappropriate manner? Hadn’t he put together a new rulebook after the US-West division trekked off the radar and went overseas to adopt a few children?

  He quickly ran through the women connected to the Underground Unit by duty and love. Considering the personal and professional connections, Drake didn’t give a rat’s ass what Donovan’s rules were now. Rules were made to be broken.

  He wanted to drill Maria with questions. Was she in love with Scott? Was she showing him a little interest just to make Zelmore jealous?

  She pulled at the sides of her bikini top and shifted her shoulders. The little she-devil was probably aware of her former lover standing behind them, glaring at them as if he were ready to make a public claim. Naturally, he’d probably do just that before Drake dared to ask for a simple date—maybe dinner and a movie.

  Dinner and a movie? He snickered to himself before he leaned back. His cock throbbed in his board shorts and he imagined tangling the sheets with Maria.

  Damn her.

  “So what’s to know about you and Zelmore?”

  “Not much.” She hiked up her knee and gently moved it from left to right. Her leg fell to one side and then another and the only thing he could think about was positioning himself right between those sculpted legs and shapely thighs.

  “You’re bad, Maria,” he rasped.

  She laughed then curved her arm over her head. “I would kill for a fruity drink right now.”

  About that time, the patio door opened and closed. Drake turned his head and bit back a curse word or two. “Apparently somebody was under the impression you might bend over for one, too.”

  She let her eyewear slip down her nose. Waggling her brows, she said, “An operative is always aware of her surroundings.” Then the little vixen stared at his crotch and made an incredible noise that sounded like a cross between an exasperated moan and a sex sigh.

  “Fucking tease,” he grumbled.

  “You wanted it.”

  “Baby, I still want it,” he rasped. “And that may not change until you give me what I need.”

  She jiggled her shoulders, bit her forefinger and acted like she might entertain a possibility or two.

  “We’re off until Friday,” Cade announced, setting the cocktail on the table. Wearing swim trunks as orange as the umbrella in her drink, he stood over them acting as if he were waiting on a gratuity.

  “So you decided to make a fashion statement and assume the position of pool boy?” Drake asked.

  “Where did you find those god-awful shorts?” Maria sat straight up.

  “Is that any way to talk to a man who mixes up a mean martini?”

  “Depends. Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?”

  “Not at all.”

  “He’s after your heart,” Drake drawled, laughing at the ridiculous suggestion.

  “I’m after something other than her heart,” Cade teased.

  Maria removed her sunglasses and took a sip of her drink. “Not bad.” Her gaze smoothed over Cade as evenly as she’d spread the tanning oil only moments before.

  “It’s Tuesday.” Drake cut that tension bullshit right in two. “What the hell are we supposed to do until Friday?”

  Cade’s one-eyed gaze dripped over her like honey then and the little vixen never moved a muscle. “Yeah, we could definitely get her drunk and take advantage of her.”

  “And that would be your first mistake, boys.” Scott joined them. “Because Maria is anything but easy prey.”

  Drake grunted. “Easy prey or not, she sure is a pretty mark.”

  * * * *

  Scott hadn’t expected a warm welcome from Maria but he was a little dumbfounded to find Drake and Cade standoffish. They’d worked well together in the past, but he had the feeling they weren’t glad to be working with him now.

  He didn’t have to guess three times to figure out why. He’d watched the way they’d quietly studied Maria, the way they seemingly kept their distance while trying to gauge the connecti
on he and Maria had once shared.

  Tossing his towel to the chair, he said, “All right, team, let’s just have it out right now. I’m here to work. I’m not here to interfere.”

  “That’s pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say?” Cade snarled. “Did it ever occur to you to call us and tell us Manny was alive?”

  “No.” Scott balked at that. “Why would it? I didn’t know Donovan hadn’t told you the truth.”

  “Defensive much?” Maria left her chair and headed to the water.

  Drake’s mouth dropped as she sashayed over to the edge of the pool. “Holy sweet Lord.”

  Cade glared at Drake. “Now I see why you couldn’t wrap your head around the idea that she was working for the enemy.”

  Scott stood there with his mouth hung open. Damn woman still made him horny as hell and it was worse now than it had ever been before because she pretended to detest the sight of him.

  Maria slipped away from the concrete wall and plunged into the water. She hobbled around, wrapping her arms around her middle. Those full breasts bounced and his cock twitched all the more.

  “Cold?” he asked, waiting for arms to fall at her sides.

  “It’s a bit chilly.” About that time, she ducked under the surface and swam to the deep end.

  Scott grunted. “Damn.”

  Cade laughed. “Guess you were hoping she’d stick around and play in the shallow end so we could all take a wild guess about the temperature. Huh, Zelmore?”

  “You boys have a lot to learn,” he said, marching to the pool. “I don’t wait for much.”

  Before he heard their responses, he dove in, leaving a splash behind him. Not surprisingly, Drake left his chair, too. Seconds later, he and Cade entered the pool.

  Maria, forever the tease, swam to the side, hoisted herself up, and hurried to her chair. Scott shook his head. “Now you boys see why I don’t put a price on chance.”

  Chapter Twelve

  They spent the afternoon by the pool, acting as if they didn’t have a care in the world. At one point, Maria fell asleep and Cade told her to flip over or she’d be two-toned. She vaguely remembered a few stifled grunts and a comment about her ass, one she was certain Cade had made and Scott had condoned.

  Around seven-thirty, they started grumbling about dinner. Maria suggested they order a pizza and offered to pick it up so no one would deliver to their Parker, Texas compound.

  After a brief discussion about what they wanted on their pizza, Maria went inside, placed the order, changed, and headed for the carport. To her surprise, Cade was waiting for her.

  “I know my way around town.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Cade said, tossing the keys to his truck.

  She caught them with one hand and dangled her own set from her fingers. “I’d rather drive my own. Thanks, though.”

  “You’re not going alone. We’re a team.”

  “I’ve been shadowing this bunch alone, Cade. I can manage delivering pizza back to the ranch. I won’t be gone longer than ten or fifteen minutes. If I run into trouble, I’ll let you know.” She’d enjoy the drive into town. It would give her a chance to clear her head.

  “On second thought,” Cade said, pausing long enough to snatch both sets of keys from her hands. “I’ll drive. You can ride.”

  She smiled as sweetly as she could. “In that case, I’ll wait here.”

  She’d just turned to go when Cade grabbed her by her wrist, slung her against the SUV parked next to her sports car and slammed his palm against her head. “I’ve watched you prance around here all day. You’ve gone out of your way to make every man here drool after you and now you want to play with me?”

  “I’m not playing with anyone. I just see no reason for a posse to drive into town to fetch dinner.”

  Cade narrowed his gaze. “You know what. That’s an excellent idea.” He reached inside his front pocket and retrieved his cell phone from his jeans. He pressed a button and said, “Change of plans. We’re eating there. You and Scott lock up. We’ll wait on you.”

  A second later, he slid his phone back in his pocket. “Now then, what’d you say we put aside attitudes and see if we can all get along?”

  Maria swiped her bottom lip and inched closer. Now only a kiss away from Cade’s lips, she whispered, “Is this how you’d like to kick things off, cowboy?”

  Cade cupped her neck and jerked her to him. “No way, baby. Teasing isn’t what I do best”—his lips brushed against hers—“When a woman has my interest, I like to get right down to business, throw off the saddle, and just ride bareback all night long.”

  “Ah now, Cade. You’re making me blush.”

  “The only cheeks I want to see painted pink are zipped up in denim.” He studied her mouth intently before he lowered his lips to hers and took the kiss she wanted, the one she’d definitely initiated.

  She even let him control and guide their moment until he cupped the back of her head and deepened the kiss. She stilled against him before she gave him a gentle push, aware of the burning gaze behind them. Even though she put some space between them, she couldn’t dismiss the ramifications of such a kiss. Her body had responded and left her sex clenching in need and weeping for pleasure.

  “That was nice,” he whispered, twirling a lock of her hair around his finger.

  A second later, Scott slapped Cade on the back and said, “I’ll let you have that one, but it won’t go any further until I say so.”

  Cade cursed under his breath and Maria caught a glimpse of his straining erection. The men entered the vehicle and slammed their respective doors.

  “What the hell was that?” she muttered, thinking seriously about turning tail and running for the house. Then again, running really wasn’t her style. She didn’t hide at the first sign of trouble. Oh no, she took a challenge by the horns and wrestled it to the ground.

  Ignoring the scorching heat on her lips, not to mention in another region, she opened the passenger door. Once buckled in, she said, “At least you guys are gentlemen. I hate riding in the back.”

  Scott leaned over her shoulder and whispered at her ear, “Best I remember, you like the front for a variety of reasons.”

  The sexy rasp in his voice made her insides quake. Had Scott missed the part where Cade had just kissed her? No, he’d watched. He’d even commented on their kiss!

  Maybe he’d moved past his temporary jealousy. Perhaps he had come to terms with their past and remembered he had been the one who threw away their chance at love all for the greater love of his stupid pride.

  Daring to steal a glance at Cade, she noticed how relaxed he seemed. Resting his wrist on the steering wheel, he asked, “Where to?”

  “Downtown.” Scott didn’t miss a beat. “I haven’t been out in a while. Folks up North and out West seem to believe Las Vegas and New York are the cities that never sleep. Dallas is where it’s at if a man wants to find a good time.”

  “You didn’t used to feel that way,” Maria pointed out. “And we ordered pizza.”

  “From a disposable track phone,” Drake reminded her. “I’m with Scott. Let’s hit the town.”

  She glanced down at her khaki shorts and plain red tank top. She wasn’t exactly dressed for the club scene. “Let me go change then I’m game.”

  “No,” Cade said, shoving the gearshift forward and laying his foot to the pedal. “I’ve got a better idea. We’ll stop and shop along the way.”

  * * * *

  An hour later, they wheeled into a large parking lot and what looked like an abandoned building. “Where are we?”

  Scott smirked. “Don’t play innocent with them, Maria. They know you and I have a past. They’d naturally assume you’d frequented Fetish Flares.”

  She turned around and narrowed her eyes. “I’m wishing you’d shut the fuck up right about now.”

  “Do you have child safety locks on this thing, Cade?” Scott asked, never averting his gaze. He studied Maria with an intensity that made her remember the lust
they’d shared, the kind of passion women read about in romances and men often dismissed as pure make-believe.

  “Sure do.”

  “Use them.”

  The locks clicked in place as soon as Cade parked. He made a show out of pushing the safety button, a surefire guarantee no one would leave the vehicle until Cade allowed it.

  “What are you doing, Scott?”

  “I’m in the mood to tell a story.”

  “Don’t do this.”

  “You have my attention.” Drake scratched his eyebrow. “This ought to be good.”

  “It is,” Scott said. “But more than anything else it’s necessary.”

  She jerked the lever on the door just to be sure she couldn’t escape. When she confirmed the door was locked, she turned all the way around in her seat, pushing her back against the door. “Okay, let’s do this thing. You want them to know I fucked you? I think they’ve gathered that much.”

  “Oh yeah,” Cade drawled, giving her a heated look. “I got that much.”

  “She was my submissive,” Scott proudly told them, and there was no mistaking the fact. He was indeed proud. Those dark eyes sparkled like black diamonds. “We were in a committed relationship.”

  “Really?” Cade sounded surprised.

  “Tell him, Maria.”

  “You’ve said enough for both of us,” she bit out, crossing her arms over her breasts. “And committed relationship?” She laughed. “That’s hilarious. Meeting up at a different hotel every week for hours upon hours of raunchy sex isn’t any kind of commitment I’d acknowledge as a woman.”

  “I’d acknowledge it as a man,” Drake said.

  “See there?” Scott smiled. “Week after week.” He bit his bottom lip and a guttural growl left his lips, carnal and forceful enough to make her insides quiver. “How long did our little affair go on, Maria?”

  “A while.”

  “A while, she says.” Drake laughed. “Her version of the story is shorter than yours, I take it.”

  “Wasn’t it about a year and a half?”

  Maria thinned her lips. “What is your point, Zelmore?”


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