Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior

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Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior Page 12

by Acres, Natalie

  “You can’t protect him. You can’t save him. You can’t even protect and save yourself!”

  About that time, the nurse appeared in the doorway. “Mr. Remington?”

  “What is it, Katie?” Drew tore his gaze away from his wife. “Well? Do you need something or not?”

  A slow smile crept across her face. “He’s awake, Mr. Remington, and he’s asking for you.”

  * * * *

  Back in Virginia, Brock was just discovering the magnitude of Sydney’s betrayal. He cocked his head and rubbed his nape as his brothers—Riley, Jett, Luke, and Kevin—waited for his response.

  “Where is she now?” Brock asked.

  “On her way back from Colorado,” Luke said.

  “Alone?” The solitary word fell from his lips like a resounding roar. “You let her travel alone?”

  “We put her on a commercial flight,” Jett said. “We weighed our options. We wanted her out of there as quickly as possible.”

  Luke said, “Brock, if you’re thinking about blaming Drew for this one—”

  “I specifically told him to keep an eye on Sydney because she refused to leave Manny’s side!”

  “Think about that for a minute,” Riley said, forever level-headed when it came to protecting Sydney. “If you couldn’t handle her, if she wouldn’t listen to you where Manny was concerned, then you surely didn’t expect Drew to reason with her.”

  “She lied to me!”

  “How?” Jett asked, crossing his arms. “She told me she tried to call you. When she couldn’t reach you, she called us.”

  “And you thought it was safer to put her on a commercial flight rather than fly out there and get her yourself.”

  “I’m home!” Sydney’s voice resonated through the halls.

  “Thank God.” Brock blew out a hard breath.

  Luke, the pussy-whipped little fucker, ran out of the room. Seconds later, her laughter resounded and Brock spotted him spinning her around and around.

  Kevin was the next in line to greet her. Riley and Jett would soon follow suit.

  “The two of you aren’t knocking over chairs to rush to her side?”

  “Don’t mistake my tolerance for weakness, Brock,” Jett said. “I’m pissed because she pulled rank on Drew.”

  Brock sniffed, resisting the urge to smile as he watched her embrace Kevin. “What’s that?”

  “You heard him,” Riley snapped. “She pulled out the authority’s wife card and played it like a high ace.”

  Brock was having a hard time concealing his pride. He would punish her for her stunt, but he couldn’t help but watch her now and see a different woman, a much more mature woman than the young girl who’d stolen away with his heart so very long ago.

  “You can spank the shit out of that sweet ass, but my guess is, she won’t make any excuses for herself.”

  “You’re probably right,” Brock said, worried all the same. He was unable to tear his eyes away from her as she walked toward him, her arms folded over her chest protectively.

  “You’re spanked,” he said as soon as she entered the kitchen and kissed Jett and Riley. He’d probably paddle her ass a few extra times for going to them first.

  “I’ll take my punishment,” she said gleefully, throwing her arms around his neck and pecking his cheeks with kisses. “And you’ll be glad to give them.”

  “Sydney, don’t downplay what you’ve done.” Brock shot Jett a quick glance. He was engulfed in a conversation with Riley, so he quickly added, “Don’t mistake my tolerance for weakness. I’m still your Master and you’re my domestic slave. And let me remind you, you’re the one who wanted to live as a domestic slave instead of a submissive. You’ll ask for my permission before you do something, not tell me about it after the fact. You could’ve cost Drew his job.”

  Sydney frowned. “If that’s true, then we’ll have the first argument we’ve ever really had, because I just talked to Suzy Remington. Manny is awake.”

  The room quieted.

  “Sydney, are you sure?” Riley asked. “Is he responsive? Is he talking?”

  “Yes!” Sydney jumped up and down with glee, clapping her hands like she used to do as a young woman.

  Brock’s heart melted all over again. The woman in front of him still surprised him every day, but her love for her family and friends blew him away.

  “He’ll make it, Brock.” Riley walked over and slapped his back. “See there. Everything will be all right now.”

  Brock’s gaze met Jett’s and he could still see the stark disapproval lingering there. Manny was alive and his recovery was wonderful news, but it wouldn’t bring back Phillip. It wouldn’t save David. And one man understood that better than anyone. His brother realized he’d made grave errors on the Dallas operation.

  And Jett would hold him accountable.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Drake and Cade entered room 104 one at a time. Perhaps it was Marvio’s unexpected appearance there at Dim the Lights or maybe it was the fact that they had been ambushed in a seedy warehouse, a place very similar to Dim the Lights, if one judged a book only by its cover.

  The interior looked like any other high-end fetish club. Dim the Lights sported over seventy-five semi-private booths with red leather seats, lowered tables with matching square stools for those who liked to lounge close to the playmats, and several bars with two or three busy bartenders working each one.

  High above the bar area, nine or ten swinging cages allowed exhibitionists the opportunity to perform for their partners as much as the crowd below them. Three dance floors provided room to move along with added levels of comfort. One was secured by high black walls and a low ceiling so if a patron wanted to dance without watching others go down on a stranger or familiar partner, they could move around without distractions. On an off night, the club was packed. When the place was hopping, the crowds gathered down the street and around the corner.

  Tonight, even rooms like these—private suites—were booked. And only those with clout and money were permitted to use them.

  “So here we are,” Drake said.

  “I take it you’ve never been beyond the bar area.”

  “Never had a woman I’d want to take beyond the front door if you want to know the truth, especially since the price for these rooms runs close to five thousand a night.”

  “That’s for nonmembers. A hundred grand buys you all the nights you want three hundred and sixty-five days a year.”

  “I know you didn’t come by that information because you paid the price.”

  “I’m too tight.” Cade had the money and before he hooked up with Lisa, he’d thought about paying that price. There hadn’t been a need. She’d filled a void and when they went out on the town, she was more of a cage-girl. She liked to be seen and he liked to show her off.

  He grinned to himself then. At least he could still smile at the thought of her. He then nearly doubled over as he recalled their last moments together.

  “What are you grinning about?” Drake asked, eying the spanking bench in one of the room’s corners.

  “Just a passing memory.”

  “If it’s a passing memory, it must’ve been inspired by Lisa.”

  “How do you know I wasn’t thinking about Maria?”

  “She’s not a passing thought.”

  Cade clucked. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He picked up the remote control and flipped on the large flat screen television. The picture split into thirty-five images. He selected the one he wanted enlarged and locked in “OK” before he turned to Drake. “And there’s my reason.”

  Drake moved closer to the 152-inch plasma picture. “What are we looking at?”

  “Where we were seated,” Cade replied.

  “If you knew there were curtains we could close, why didn’t you pull the magic string while you and I were still up there to enjoy the private show?”

  “I’m asking myself that very question.” Cade snarled at the image, cursing the dra
wn curtain and the man who wanted Maria for his own. He couldn’t blame Scott there. If she’d truly been his before, why would he share her now?

  Before he could analyze Scott and Maria further, Drake’s phone rang. He glanced at his small device. “702 number. Don’t recognize it.”

  “It’s Nevada. If I’m not mistaken…Las Vegas.”

  “Drew Remington,” they both said in unison.

  Drake punched the speaker button option. “This is Drake Davenport.”

  “Is this one of the sorry assholes who gave me up for dead?” Manny’s raspy voice filled the line.

  “Fuck yeah!” Cade hollered, jerking his arm back and forth in a winning gesture. “How are you, kid?”

  “Is that Cade?”

  “Yeah, brother, it’s him.” Drake’s eyes watered. “Good to hear your voice. How ya feeling?”

  “Fuckin’ swell.” Manny laughed then. “Swollen, beaten, but I’m alive, man. When I look at the alternative, I gotta say, I’ve never been better. How are you guys holdin’ up? Remington said you took a pretty bad beating or two.”

  “Makes a man tougher.” Cade fiddled with his patch. “Wiser.”

  “That’s for sure,” Manny said, his voice already weaker. “Listen, guys. I gotta take care of some things out here, but once I’m up to it, I’ll be back. Tell David I’ll see him on the other side of tomorrow.”

  Their celebration came to an abrupt halt. “Manny, what are you talking about? Didn’t Remington tell you?”

  “About Phillip?” He coughed. “Yeah, I know about Phillip. I just can’t…we’ll talk about him later. Have you guys seen David yet or is the authority keeping his location on the DL?”

  About that time, a hard knock fell upon the door. Cade glanced at the television and noticed the previously closed curtain circling their table upstairs had been pushed aside and no one occupied the booth. Strolling to the door, he peeped out then opened the door to Scott and Maria.

  “You guys still with me?”

  “Manny, is that you?” Scott rushed Drake and took the phone from his hand. “How you doin’, man?”

  “I got a bone to pick with you.”

  Scott laughed. “Let’s hear it.”

  “You remember that time you were shot here in Vegas and I promised you a nurse or two if you’d stay in the hospital another day?”

  “Yeah.” He glanced at Maria and she arched a brow.

  “Wait I forgot—hi, Maria—anyway…”

  “Hello, Manny,” Maria said, smiling. “You were saying?”

  “These meds are killing me. I can’t focus to save my life.”

  Scott laughed. “It’s all right. She already knows about the nurse story. She was there when your strippers showed up.”

  Manny’s chuckle was dry and broken. Then, the line went silent.

  “You still there, buddy?” Drake asked.

  “Where are my damn nurses, Zelmore?”

  They all laughed.

  “Isn’t Suzy taking good care of you?” Scott asked.

  “Uh, yeah, but she ain’t giving this boy a bedside dance if you know what I mean. Hell, I even had to listen to Suzy and Drew fuck an hour or so ago. Remington had the nerve to tell me they were celebrating my recovery.” A beat later, he added, “If I’d known that, I’d stayed out for another couple of hours just to make the whipped bastard suffer a little longer.”

  “We’ll get you some nurses ordered,” Scott said.

  “’Preciate it,” Manny said, the enthusiasm fading again. “And order a few for David, too…wherever he is.”

  Scott’s face paled. Cade tried to read him but came up empty handed.

  “He’s alive, man. I don’t know what Donovan is trying to pull, but he’s alive.”

  “I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” Drake said. “Get some rest, Manny.”

  “Send me something pretty to dream about. Later, buds.”

  The line went dead and Drake closed his phone. Cade picked up the remote and stalked Maria and Scott. Drake hung back.

  Scott put his hands up, his palms forward. “I don’t know anything about David. I swear it.”


  “I’m a shadow, or was…” her voice trailed. “Come on now, guys. Do you really think Donovan would give me that kind of intelligence when he knows we’re working side-by-side now?”

  Drake said, “David was like a brother.”

  “I know.” She frowned. “When I shadowed you, I watched all of you. If anyone knows how close the Longhorn division operatives are, I do.”

  “Then you think about that before you answer,” Drake said, balling his fists. “Where is he, Maria?”

  “I don’t know. I swear it.” Maria said gently. “Drake, when I first met you face to face, I saw your grief. I watched you carry the burden of guilt. You thought it was your fault Phillip died. You wanted to blame Manny’s assumed death and David’s death on yourself, too.” She shook her head vehemently. “If I could’ve eased your pain or shed some light on what happened to David, I would’ve. I couldn’t then and I can’t now.”

  Scott searched her eyes then addressed them. “She doesn’t know anything.”

  “And how would you know?” Cade asked. “You haven’t seen her in what…two years?”

  “She’s telling the truth.”

  Drake turned on Cade then. “Did you see a body?”

  “Drake, don’t do this to yourself.” Scott inched forward, acting as if he were trying to reason with a distraught operative, a man clearly losing a grip.

  “Did you see David’s body?” he asked Cade again, enunciating every syllable.

  “There was enough evidence to suggest he died there at that warehouse.”

  “Says who? The authority?” He balked at that. “Pardon me for cursing the very ground the Donovan men tread across but I wouldn’t believe a word they told me concerning the warehouse ordeal.”

  “He’s dead. Manny is confused. Brock assured me before he left that he didn’t know Manny had survived until Scott and Drew touched base with him. He didn’t lie about Manny. There’s no reason to lie about David.”

  “Did you or did you not see David’s body?” Drake’s anger spun into a fit of pure rage.


  He turned on Scott. “What say you?”

  “As far as I know, he took blunt trauma to the head, had over twenty stab wounds, and one fatal gunshot to the heart.”

  “And where did you get this information?”

  The room fell deathly quiet once more.

  “Where did you hear that?” Drake’s elevated voice rebounded with growing strength. “Tell me, damn you!”

  “Jett Donovan. And Brock backed up the story.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Calls were placed. Answers were given, none of which put Drake at ease. By the time he finished questioning the Donovans and talking to the Remingtons as well, he was exhausted and angry. He couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than a good night’s sleep.

  “Where’d Maria go?” On second thought, sleep could wait.

  “She’s taking a hot shower. She’ll be out in a minute.”

  “A shower,” Drake muttered, processing. “Any particular reason why?”

  “You mean you haven’t noticed the way he and Maria have been looking at one another like they shared some naughty little secret?”

  Drake dragged his fingers through his hair. “I haven’t been paying attention.”

  “Start talking, Zelmore,” Cade said, relaxing on the bed with his ankles crossed. He tucked his hands behind his head and added, “Ten to one says she sucked your cock dry behind that closed curtain.”

  Scott’s lips twitched. “There’s an idea. Maybe I should join her in the shower.”

  “Maybe I should,” Cade suggested. “What would you think about that?”

  “Are you prodding for information?”

  “As much as I can without outright asking.”

  Drake sat across from S
cott. He crossed one leg over the other and hit him with a direct stare along with a question to match. “Did you fuck her?”

  “Would it matter to either of you if I did?”

  “I think the question here is did you and afterward, did you make up your mind you were keeping her to yourself or are you willing to share her?”

  “That’s what I always liked about you, Drake. You shoot straight from the hip.”

  Drake dropped his clasped hands between parted legs. “If that’s what you admire about me, then what’s the verdict?”

  “She’s my woman, boys.” Scott dragged his thumb and fingers around his mouth and added, “But if she wants you, too, I won’t stand in her way.”

  His eyes lit up the room as soon as she entered the suite wearing only a towel. All heads turned to Maria.

  “What are you boys talking about?”

  “I don’t see any boys here in this room,” Cade teased, stretching his legs tighter so his frontal area gained her attention.

  When the little vixen stared, Drake moistened his lips. Whether Scott wanted to share her or not probably didn’t matter here. Maria looked like she’d already reached her own decision. “I asked Scott if he would share you with me.”

  “And I’m not interested in watching from the sidelines,” Cade said, his gaze traveling from Maria to Scott. “So, Zelmore, if the answer is no, you need to tell your woman to put her clothes on and we need to get out of here.”

  Maria crooked her finger back and forth at Scott and he went to her then. She took him by the hand and led him away without answering. Seconds later the bathroom door closed behind them.

  “That went well,” Cade said.

  “Wait and see. When they emerge, Scott will do all the talking.”

  “And what will he say exactly?” Cade laughed. “That woman there doesn’t need a man to speak for her.”

  “She’s already made up her mind to sleep with us. She just wants Scott’s approval.”

  “Are you sure it’s his approval Maria seeks? I think she needs his permission.”


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