Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior

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Cowboy Boots and Uncensored Behavior Page 17

by Acres, Natalie

  “You fucking rogue!” Scott grabbed Drake by the back of the neck, threw a right hook, and slung his back against the counter, holding his neck with his forearm. “You think you have it all figured out? Do you?”

  “Fuck you, Zelmore,” Drake grated out. “You should have known what was at stake before you offered Maria up like a gourmet five-course meal!”

  “Is that what you think I did?” He slammed his weight against Drake and Drake didn’t fight him. If anything, he was limp like a rag.

  Blood dripped from his mouth and he whispered, “You dolled her up and pranced her in that club like you were all set for soup and appetizers. Ask yourself this, Zelmore. What happens when we’ve all had dessert and we still haven’t had our fill? Huh? You think we’re just gonna turn the other cheek and let you walk away with the woman we want, too?”

  “What’s going on in here?” Riley yelled.

  The pounding of feet and a gush of air whipped by them as the others joined them. Scott held Drake still tighter.

  “That’s enough, boys!” Riley tried, but failed, to pull Scott off Drake. “Damn it, Zelmore. Let him go.”

  Scott’s vision blurred. He saw a couple of Drakes and he wanted to kill them both.

  Cade appeared then, too. Between Cade and Riley, they somehow managed to pull Scott away. Once there was distance between them, Drake smirked and dabbed his lip. He nodded at Cade and said, “You can guess what that was over.”

  Jett glared at them from a distance. “Sounds like a family matter, if you ask me.” He laughed. “God knows we Donovan brothers have thrown a few punches over a woman.”

  “The woman in question wanted all of you. It’s not exactly the same type of situation here,” Scott said.

  He’d let Davenport and Livingston chew on that one.

  Drake glanced at Jett. “You had it right the first time. It’s a family matter.”

  Scott went for him again. Riley threw his arm against his chest and Drake pointed his finger at Scott. “I gave you the first one. Come at me again and we fight. We both need to save our energy because Maria needs us tonight. If anyone should know about that—you should.”

  Maria entered the kitchen then. “What’s going on?”

  “You’ve stirred enough trouble here to bring about sudden death,” Jett told her. “But I’m not here to judge.”

  Riley pointed at the table. “Can we all take a seat and talk like civilized adults?”

  “Oh but why?” Jett grunted. “They were just starting to learn how to play so well together.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Jett,” Riley said what Scott should’ve.

  Yanking their chairs back, they reluctantly gathered round. Jett and Riley sat at opposite ends of the table. Cade and Drake took their seats opposite Scott and Maria.

  “Before we talk about business, I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.” Jett pointed at Riley. “You can back me up or sit there and nod or shake your head. It doesn’t make a damn difference to me.”

  “If it’s not your business, why not keep your comments to yourself,” Scott suggested.

  “Remember who the authority is before you say something else you might regret,” Jett said.

  “I’m well aware of ‘the authority’ and its trio of players—you, Brock, and Riley. The other two—Luke and Kevin—haven’t been groomed, or should I say ruined, for their positions of crass asses yet.”

  Jett snarled. “Let me rephrase. Personal relationships within the Underground Unit indirectly and directly affect all the operatives within every division and therefore, it is my business.”

  About that time, Ace walked in like he’d been there the whole time. Chomping on an apple, he said, “For the record, I’m not late. I just took a catnap while Team Longhorns fucked and the two of you decided if you were giving them long enough.”

  The tension in the room deteriorated and everyone briefly greeted Ace. After the welcome mat was dusted off, Jett returned to topic. “I’m not in any position to pose as moderator so I won’t.” He addressed Maria, “If I had my druthers, you wouldn’t be going in tonight. Brock and Riley believe you can handle what will be required. Can you, or will the tension between you and the rest of these fellows keep you from doing your job?”

  “You’re putting her in a vulnerable position,” Scott said.

  Cade sucked in a deep breath. “I think it’s a bad idea sending her in first.”

  “Agreed,” Drake added.

  Ace took another bite of his apple.

  “Care to weigh in with your opinion?” Jett asked.

  Ace chomped. “I’m waiting for Maria on this one.”

  Maria looked pissed as hell. “Why can’t you view me as a professional?”

  “You might want to rethink that one, doll,” Jett said. “Considering what Kevin watched, I could snap out a comeback that would have you crying your eyes out.”

  “I doubt it, Donovan.”

  “Don’t test him,” Scott said.

  Maria stood. “So you heard about that video. Kevin may have been the only one to watch, but nothing is secret and sacred with the Donovans. I’m sure you’ve already formed your collective and independent opinions, but I’m still the same trained shadow who covered every last one of the Longhorns on their last fifty-eight missions. When they needed backup, explosives, or a diversion, I was that renegade riding in with all the right fireworks.” She glanced down at Scott. “I even covered your ass in Amsterdam when you and Manny were otherwise engaged at a strip club. Think you made it out of that hellhole by coincidence?”

  Maria might have looked pissed but Scott was madder than hell. “You’re telling me you were in Amsterdam?”

  “Yes I was.”

  “On the Code Go mission?”

  “The human trafficking operation?” She paused a beat. “Yes, Scott. That was me breathing down your neck, not the authority.” She focused on Ace. “Ask yourself this, Ace. Would Abby let you hold her back? Would she stay at home and let you go out alone or would she fight beside you?”

  Jett leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head. “Yeah, Ace. I want to hear this. Would Abby stay behind if you asked her?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Would you ask her?” Maria met him dead-on with the question. When Ace didn’t respond, she muttered, “Of course you wouldn’t.”

  Scott said, “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you. This is not a mission for you. You’re way too close to the situation.”

  Her nostrils flared. No questions now. She was pissed.

  Jett pointed at the nearby chair. “We’re almost through with this portion of the conversation. Hang with me a minute.”

  She slowly returned to her seat. Ace hopped on the breakfast bar and said, “Continue, troublemaker. You’re doing a fine job. I just wish my woman and team were here to witness the changing of the guard.”

  “If he doesn’t get to his point, this may be his first and last rodeo,” Riley said.

  “How about a direct order? When you go in tonight, Maria, you’ll have a job to do. And while I won’t insult your feelings for these guys, I will remind you of your duty. When you’re out there with the enemy, your job isn’t to worry about where your lovers are. Your job is to take out the two primary targets, because regardless of what I’d rather see play out, you’ve won Brock’s and Riley’s votes. They think you’re the only one who can get close enough to Marvio and Marianna to put them down.”

  Scott’s cheek twitched and his jaw tightened. He slowly lifted his gaze to Cade who was staring at him with empty eyes.

  “You’re asking her to kill her family?” Drake seemed to need extra clarification.

  Maria jerked.

  On second thought, maybe he wasn’t the one who needed a little clarity.

  Like a voice of experience, Ace said, “Maria, no one would fault you or judge you in the least if you said you couldn’t go through with this.”

  “I’m prepared to do what is ne

  “She’s not telling you the truth,” Cade said, shooting her a sideways glance. “She doesn’t want to go.”

  “Thanks for your concern, Cade, but I’ve got this.”

  “The hell you do!” Cade screamed.

  Scott jerked. He narrowed his gaze on Cade. “Welcome to my world.”

  She blatantly ignored them and addressed Jett, “I’m prepared. Brock expects me to go in and like he said this morning, I have a lot to prove because of my family ties.”

  “You think you’re prepared because Brock insulted you? That snide remark of his was to light a fire under your ass, but that doesn’t mean you’re ready to kill your family, Maria.” Scott turned on the others. “You know this isn’t right!” He looked at Riley. “She’s been shadowing, for God’s sake! She hasn’t fought! She isn’t trained for this!”

  “He’s right,” Drake said. “She isn’t prepared for this. She hasn’t been schooled in death like the rest of us.”

  No one said a word. No one moved a muscle.

  Jett and Riley swapped stares. Jett seemed to sway their way, but it wasn’t any use. The Donovans were there to back up big brother’s call. Maria was the only one who could change the course of actions set to unfold.

  “Damn you, Donovans.” Scott dragged his hand down the length of his face. “She’s handled destruction at a distance, but she’s never known the devastation of scrubbing blood off hands that just won’t come clean.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Cade helped the Donovans and Ace pack down the SUVs with weaponry. When they were finished, he went down to the stables, looking for Maria. He found Scott.

  “Going for a ride?”

  “I don’t ride anything unless it has two legs and goes by the name Maria,” Scott said, never cracking a smile.

  “Too bad.” Cade reached inside one of the stalls and stroked his favorite mare, Sassy. “Horses, like women, are beautiful creatures. Like children, you can teach them right from wrong, train them a certain way, but in the end, they act like women more than the young.” He grinned. “They have a mind of their own and regardless of the punishment they’ll face, their strong will always wins. It’s their nature, man.”

  “Did you come all the way out here to educate me on women, horses, or children, because I’m not really sure if you have a point?”

  “My point is—before Maria even knew you were on this mission, she’d already been briefed about this operation. She could’ve pulled out at anytime. I spoke to Donovan myself and he forwarded the intelligence on the entire mission—pre-ops and everything. The authority gave her ample opportunity to change her mind.” He frowned. “Fact is, Scott, if she pulled out now, we’d all be fucked because Donovans would still go in. There’s too much at stake and it goes way beyond Marianna’s threat to release a damn sex tape.

  “Do you honestly think Donovans care if the whole world watches us fuck our woman?” Cade added the last part to test the waters. When Scott didn’t tackle him or throw a punch, he added, “They don’t give a shit. Hell, we’re all exhibitionists. That’s not what this is about and you know it. Brock just doesn’t want a ruthless thug making demands.”

  “Do you know what the demands are?” Scott asked.

  “Marianna will turn on Marvio tonight and expect an escort out of the country.”

  “She could get one.”

  Following him, Cade said, “She will get one if she takes Maria as hostage and she probably knows as much after watching the three of us with her. We played right into her hand in the worst possible way.”

  “Just so we’re on the same page—if Marianna takes Maria as hostage, you’re willing to let her walk?”


  “All right then,” Scott said, seemingly satisfied with Cade’s response. “There’s something else we need to consider, too.”

  “What’s that?”

  “There may be other players.”

  “Who are you thinking?”

  Scott winced. “Something hasn’t fit since the beginning. I believe we have several players coming at us at one time.”

  “Who are you thinking?”

  “Esparza’s organization comes to mind,” Scott replied.

  “Any particular reason why?”

  “Remingtons would’ve been here, but they’re not. My money says Brock knows we’re up against more than a Texas gang. He just doesn’t have anything to go on yet. He’s relying on his gut and right now his belly is too full of what-ifs. At this point, if he mentions his suspicions, he sounds more like a paranoid lover than the authority.”

  “Do these threats have the earmark of the Esparza organization?”

  “You’d better believe it. I think they’re behind the attacks on the US-West division because that particular division assisted in bringing down the ring leader, Gomez Gustavo Esparza.” Scott frowned. “This mission won’t go down like Brock thinks.”

  “Maybe not. Then again, maybe it will be like taking candy from a baby.”

  “Did you fail to notice the baby in question?” Scott grunted. “Marvio gives me chills and I don’t spook.”

  “If you’re spooked, Zelmore, it’s because Maria is on this operation. It’s not because you’re afraid of her Ope’d-out brother. Hell, I’m more leery of her sister. She isn’t popping opiates and shooting heroin. She could be deadly because she’ll fight with a clear mind.”

  “Are you basing your decision on your eye?”

  “She ordered her men to carve it out. I remember that much.” He popped his neck, uncomfortable with the discussion. “But I’m still breathing, brother. She might have taken my eye, but she didn’t take the heart and soul of this operative.”

  “You didn’t come out here for small talk one hour before we roll out. What’s the game plan?”

  “Drake and I have no intentions of letting Maria take those kills. They aren’t hers to own.”

  “Good. We’re in agreement then,” Scott said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  “For now. And I hope it can stay that way when this is all over.”

  “I plan to marry her.”

  “That’s fine.” Cade snickered. “Hell, I may marry her, too, after this is finished.”

  Scott stared straight ahead.

  “Maybe,” Cade muttered, not at all prepared to go that far yet anyway. Sometimes topics weren’t worth the fight when there were other pressing issues at hand.

  “Did you pay much attention to the authority’s plan?”

  “Hung on their every word,” Scott said.

  “In one ear and out the other, huh?”

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  “All right then. Let’s get with Drake and do this thing.” Cade reached for Scott’s hand and they shook, slapped backs, and all that nonsense. “Good luck out there tonight, Zelmore.”

  “Luck is for pussies, Livingston. Keep your eye on the prize and you won’t leave your fate to chance.”

  * * * *

  “Are you about ready?” Ace asked, sticking his head in her room.

  She hurriedly tugged her shirt down over the weapons she was wearing. “Give me just a second.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He’d almost made a clean break, when she called out, “Ace?”

  “Yeah, Maria?”

  “Would you do me a favor?”

  “If I can.”

  “Would you keep Scott out of here? I don’t want to deal with him until we’re already well on our way—”

  “Too late, baby,” Scott said, shooting Ace a stern glare. “And I hope to God you weren’t seconds away from agreeing with her.”

  Ace made an art out of avoiding eye contact before he shut the door and left them.

  “Maria, don’t do this.”

  “You’re not talking me out of it, Scott. You heard the authority. I’m the only one who can get close enough to Marvio and Marianna.”

  “Jett seems to think otherwise and that’s one Donovan doub
t I’m taking to heart. He’s the Donovan who’s fought in his share of operations.”

  “Well he’s wrong to side with you if that’s what he’s done.”

  “He isn’t siding with anyone. He’s looking at the intelligence and making an informed decision.”

  “Just because Marianna walked inside her suite like an unopened package hand-delivered to our doorstep, don’t think you can do the same when you knock on their door tonight.”

  “That probably goes for sisters, too, Maria.” Scott thinned his lips and stared at her stomach. “Are you expecting?”

  She glared at him with empty eyes. He was such an inconsiderate asshole at the most inappropriate times. “Why would you say that?”

  “You look like you’re about to deliver a switchblade, three grenades, and a handgun—forty-five if my eyes aren’t deceiving me.”

  She gulped.

  “Thought so.” He inched closer and gently lifted her shirt. “Dear God, Maria.”

  “I’m doing my job.”

  “By walking in like a detonated bomb?” He stalked the door and swung it open. “Cade! Get in here!”

  Cade rushed the room like he’d been summoned to fight then grabbed hold of the door jam and swung forward, coming to a halt mid-swing. “The authority didn’t coach you on padding down?”

  “She’s been in the shadows, remember.”

  “How could I forget?” Cade shook his head and entered cautiously. “Scott, they’re waiting for you. I’ll take care of this.”

  He snarled. “I’ll watch.”

  “Have it your way.” Cade retrieved his pocketknife and sliced the white tape fastened to her weapons. Frowning at her handiwork, he removed each of the five weapons and explosives and set them on a nearby table. “This is gonna hurt.” He grabbed hold of the tape and ripped it at one time.

  Her ear-piercing scream resounded.

  Scott leaned over her shoulder. “If you think that hurt, wait until Marvio gets a hold of you, Maria. You won’t last five minutes under his interrogation. I’ve seen the pictures of what he does to his enemies and believe me, his handiwork isn’t pretty.”

  “Scott, we’re on the clock now. Let me do my job.”


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