The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5)

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The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5) Page 26

by Tigris Eden

  Off in the distance, something moved toward them, gliding. A figure, monolithic in form. It was walking.

  “What the fuck?” Enri whispered harshly as the form drew closer.

  “You’re going to fucking listen to me now aren’t you, boy?”

  Enri was about to open his mouth, but when he did, no sound came out. The look on his face was horrifying. For the first time, if at all ever, he was scared. Yewa didn’t know how she knew it was a first, but she knew. The voice belonged to Tahl, only what stood—yes, stood—in the middle of the vastness of space, was not a man, but something else. Something more. There were layers to his form and trying to focus on just one form was causing Yewa’s eyes to hurt. She had to stare past him, hoping it would lessen the ache.

  “Beautiful girl. Close your eyes, true Immortals are the only ones who can look upon my face.”

  Even his voice had layers to it. But she wasn’t going to question what he said. She was going to look away.

  “Yewa,” Tahl called, bringing her back to his attention.

  “Yes?” Her voice was a whisper, barely any sound. In the distance, she could hear movement—or was it churning? A whooshing sound that was faint in the background and lulling. If she zeroed in on it, she’d probably fall asleep. But she didn’t want to sleep. She needed to be awake for whatever Tahl had to say.

  “I’ll allow you to tolerate my voice, but only because soon you will become quite familiar with it. Might as well get you used to it now.”

  She didn’t respond. Enri tugged her in front of him. His massive arms covered more than half of her body when he was in this form, all but hid her from Tahl’s view.

  “Enri, you can speak now,” Tahl said.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m the Primordial. Boundless and sempiternal. Simply put, I came before all others, and no other comes before me.”

  Chapter 23

  Tahl was the Primordial.

  How had he missed that?

  They were in the place Enri thought was his realm to heal. But now he could see all the things he’d noticed, but never truly noticed. This place wasn’t heaven, or hell, or the afterlife. This place was home. It was space, it was time, it was light, and darkness. It was a sea of ideas and thoughts given life, and somehow, he’d managed to forget he was a part of the fabric. He was the spark. He’d always known he was something more, but with his memories gone, he’d had no idea. After regaining his memories, Enri was beginning to comprehend the significance of it all. Killing Hades was something he could do with a thought. But with that thought came consequences.

  Tahl was right; everything belonged in a certain order. If he removed Hades, there was no viable replacement. It wasn’t so much that he was irreplaceable, as it was that, he ruled over Tartaros for a purpose. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the job belonged to Hades for a reason.

  If one fell down, they all fell down. But things were already unraveling. Draven connecting with Jesminda. Her killing one of the Elder Angels. Caleb being born, and Eremiel reaching out to Faith. The angel had sent them on a journey that led to the deconstruction of the way things were always meant to be. Erebos even was part of a grander scheme. But even before he got his memory back, the Recommence had already been set into motion. No matter what he did now, or how many lives he tried to put back in order, the ball was no longer in his court. How had it not figured this all out before?

  “Because you’re too far up your ass to put the pieces together,” His long time almost-friend said out loud.

  “Stay out of my head.”

  “Then use your fucking mouth.”

  “You seem to have figured out most of it, but you’re forgetting something,” Tahl said.



  Oh yes, Ophiuchus and his mighty serpent. Not to mention his mighty seed. The Defiant Ones.

  “He’s a non-issue.”

  “No, Enri. He’s not. He’s a very real issue for you. He’s a non-issue for me.”

  “You’re the Primordial. Stop him.”

  “Can’t. I don’t interfere. You know that.”

  “So then why are we having this talk?”

  “You took away the dawn, have thrust the light into complete darkness.”

  He had not taken away the dawn. He’d just moved it.

  “Why does it even matter? It’s dark down there for a few days. Minimal damage was done.”

  “It’s dark everywhere, or haven’t you bothered to look around?” Tahl turned his head and spread his arms out over the vast darkness of space. There was light, but it wasn’t the dawn, which brought in the Sun. Fuck. He had screwed up, but the only way he could bring back the dawn, was to let go of Yewa.


  “What have I done?” he whispered. She was there, in his arms, but wouldn’t be for long. He couldn’t give the dawn back to Aurora. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to—it was because he couldn’t. It was the law of things. the separation of soul from power could not be returned once broken. Dawn dwelled in Yewa. She was the only one that could bring in the dawn now, and to do that, she’d lose her physical form. Only able to take form a few times out of the year, and even still, it would only be for a few hours.

  “You’ve done what you can’t undo. Not even I can change that. She won’t be able to give up the light, at least for two millennia, and even then, she’d have to agree to give up her immortality and become mortal. When that happens, all her long-lived years will be thrust upon her and she’d die in moments.”

  “Enri, who is going to die?” Yewa asked in a whisper.

  Enri bent and kissed the top of Yewa’s head. “Quiet, baby. I’ll explain later.”

  She was at least talking to him now, but she wouldn’t be once she found out what he’d done to her. That’s why Tahl said to love her and return her. Enri didn’t want to. He wanted to keep her here with him and never let go. Fuck the Sun, Darkness could reign for all he cared, just as long as he didn’t have to give her up. She’d already told him she loved him, and how did he repay her? By taking her away from all she knew. The least he could do was give her the time with her brother. Because he could only hold her for so long before Darkness became a problem.

  “There isn’t anything I can do, is there?” Enri asked Tahl.

  “There is always something, but you won’t like it. I suggest you stick with your original thought, and my suggestion. She will adjust. In time, I’m sure she’ll even come to accept what’s happened, and maybe on those days when she’s able, she’ll seek you out for physical comfort.”

  “What about the cup?”

  “It’s a symbol, and the start of the Unveiling. I can’t tell you not to drink from it, and I can’t tell you to drink. All I can tell you is that even I don’t see anything good coming of it. You’ve moved too many pieces. Confused the original design. Eremiel will have his Unveiling whether you drink from the cup, or not.”

  That’s what the Angel had wanted all along. He wanted the Unveiling to happen. It was his namesake. He didn’t care for humans; they weren’t equipped to deal with the truth of things.

  “You’re going to free them, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” was all Tahl said.


  “Soon, and once I do, those in the club will want to be free as well. Take mortal shape. Possibly seek revenge on the descendants of their betrayers.”

  Those descendants would consist mostly of members of the Units spread out over Earth, as well as some select humans who were a little something more. Like Jorunn. But they were still unaware of their true ancestry.


  “Brace for retribution. You wanted the Throne of Creation. You wanted to be on top. Being on top comes with a price.”

  “Erebos,” was all Enri said.

  “Erebos is your problem Enri, not mine. The two of you will meet, and it will end badly. For both of you, either way.”

  “And st
ill you’ll do nothing to help?” Enri roared. Tahl was supposed to be his friend. Well, almost-friend, but it was close enough.

  “I never once claimed to be a friend. I don’t understand the meaning of the word the way you do. Friendship is something that means nothing to me over time. I’m more concerned with loyalty and obedience. Two things you don’t have. You brought this on yourself. This is your mess.”

  “You’re alright with ushering in the Unveiling?”

  “I’m okay with nothing, but I accept everything. It holds no consequence to me, either way.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it. You created Darkness; you created Light. You can end all of this. Even set things to right, if you wanted to.”

  Tahl looked down on him for long moments before speaking again, “I may have created those things, but the moment I did, they came into their own. Free to do as they please. I was happy in my original existence. I didn’t ask for all of this. But now that I’m here, I choose to remain a non-entity in this part of the game. Consider me the board, merely holding up the pieces and nothing more. You’re the player, Black Prince and it’s your move.”

  They were back in the room. Tahl and his guest were gone. Now, it was just the two of them. Enri still held Yewa in his arms. Truth be told, he was afraid to let her go. Time was running out, and he knew what Tahl said was true. The Unveiling was coming and there was nothing he or anyone could do to stop it. The Sahidic was a false hope for the Unit and it was everything they stood against. They wouldn’t be okay with the Unveiling. Neither would the Agency, or the Red Sun, although that’s what was wanted by the elitist group all along. The organization wanted humans to cower. To run in fear. There was a bigger player on the chessboard, and although Enri had been unable to admit defeat, he knew he’d played himself.

  He was fucked.

  But not as much as everyone else.

  Things were not going to get any easier. He needed to use his time wisely.

  “Are you going to talk to me now?” Enri asked, turning Yewa in his arms and lifting her chin so he could meet her eyes.

  “Are you going to tell me who’s going to die?” she asked hesitantly.

  There was no help for it. Death happened all around. He couldn’t see into the future. He could only move the pieces around. Now, there were too many fucking pieces.

  “I’ll explain, but Tahl is right. You need to be with your brother and his friends. I can’t be with you anymore.”

  Her eyes were bright with tears. If she knew the truth, she’d be screaming the house down. She’d hate him. The one person who’d been there for him, no matter his flaws. He’d tell her—later.

  “I’m all over the place right now, and I know it bothers you when I’m not fully here. But I’m not ashamed of who and what I am.”

  Yewa reached up to cup his face. “I’m not ashamed of you, either.”

  Enri closed his eyes. He pulled in a deep breath before leaning forward and placing his forehead against hers. “You’re going to regret saying that.”

  “Why?” Yewa whispered.

  “Because, I’m a bastard. I’m no good for you, but I’m too selfish to give you up. You’re mine, Yewa. No matter what happens after tonight. I’ll find a way for us to be just what we are.”

  He couldn’t define in words what they were, but he was going to show her. In every way possible. He was going to ensure she’d never forget what it’s like to be fully desired and cared for.

  “You’re none of those things. You are who you are. I don’t need to hear it from anyone else. I know who you are. I know what you are. Despite all of that, I love you. I’m here for you, whenever you need me. Let me be here for you Enri, don’t send me away.”

  Enri pulled her to him, burying his head in her neck and pulling in a deep breath. He needed to inhale as much of her scent as he could. The vulnerability he saw in her called to him, made him want to possess her in ways that were far too extreme. He craved her intimacy. Wanted to drown himself inside of her soul and never be freed.

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “There’s always a choice.

  “Not this time.”

  At least not yet, but if there was a way to undo what he did, he’d find it.

  She tried to step back and Enri wouldn’t allow it. Instead, he lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the couch. He kept her in his arms as he sat down, and positioned her so she straddled his waist.

  “I hate that I treated this like it wasn’t something. But I’m telling you right now, this thing between us, it’s come to mean everything,” he whispered against her lips. “Everything, Yewa.”

  She didn’t respond, but he could see the warmth in her eyes. He’d finally said something right. Something that pleased her.

  “Say something,” Enri said, nibbling on her lower lip.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “Whatever needs to be said.”

  Her arms went to his shoulders and she kissed his eyes before kissing his cheeks and moving down to the underside of his jaw, where she lingered with each touch of her mouth. Against his chin she whispered, “Even after everything, you still won’t say it, will you?”

  “Say what?”

  “That you love me. Are you afraid of the words?”

  He would have been angry, but he couldn’t bring himself to be mad at her. She was right. But the word itself held no weight; it was so much more than love. What Enri felt was overwhelming, it hurt. It wasn’t something that was instant, or even planned. His sole purpose was to use her and then toss her away, but somehow, along the way he’d opened his heart. He’d opened his soul, and maybe subconsciously where the darkest part of his true intentions lived, he’d come to rely on her. He couldn’t say she made him want to be a better person, because that was bullshit. What she did make him was stronger. Her acceptance was his strength. He was going to take everything from her, and try to give her much more in return. She’d given freely of her love, and all he’d done since the beginning was take.

  “I can’t say something I don’t mean. I can only show you, there are no words to describe the need I have for you. This feeling is more than love, its all-encompassing,” he rasped against her lips. “The urge to kill in your name and to protect you always is what I feel. I’m not afraid to admit I’d decimate all in my path to get to you.”

  Enri fisted a handful of her hair in his hands, the strands soft to the touch. He knew he was being rough as he positioned her so they were staring into each other’s eyes. Her gaze widened as she glanced at him, and he knew what she saw.


  The real him. There were no barriers, no bullshit. No lies. Just him.

  “I see you.”

  And she did. The real him.

  “No more talking,” he said against her forehead as he stood, still holding her in his arms. Her legs wound around his waist as he held her up by her ass and marched them into the other room. He knew Tahl and the woman were no longer around. He wasn’t going to give her only a piece of him, either. She was going to get everything and so much more.

  “Even if this may not be our last time, I’m going to treat it as if it is. We’ll talk, and then I need to take you back to Dietrich and the others. I’ve already told them to expect me. We no longer require Hades.”

  “But it’s what you wanted.”

  Yeah it was, but it wasn’t what he needed. Enri needed everyone prepped for the shit storm headed their way. He didn’t know how Yewa would react once she realized what he’d done. Dietrich would try and have his head. Good thing, you can’t die.

  There was that.

  “Right now, what I want is you, Yewa. I want to be inside you, mark you, imprint myself so deep, that I’m all you’ll see, all you’ll want, and maybe when this is over, you’ll forgive me. But I can’t care about any of that right now. I’m selfish. I’m going to take what time we have left to ingrain myself into your skin.”

  His words were hushed as he
spoke to her. But his eyes, they were clouded with something primal. Her body responded to his words, leaving her boneless. They were in a room lit by candles. In the middle of the marble floor was a sunken area where a circular bed fit perfectly. Cream sheets and blood-red pillows were situated in a perfectly placed and undisturbed manner.

  Enri stepped forward, and Yewa slowly unwrapped herself from his body. She stood before him in the clothes Jorunn had loaned her—a pair of sweats and an oversized tee shirt that hung off one shoulder. Enri’s eyes undressed her slowly from head to toe, making her shiver uncontrollably as butterflies wound their way up from the pit of her stomach, finally settling in her chest.

  “Are you with me?”

  “I am,” was all he said before raising a hand and threading his fingers through her hair. “I like your hair loose like this. Always, when you come to me, wear it like this.”

  She’d go to him in any way he fancied if it meant she got to have him. Enri moved his hand to the hem of her shirt, and he lifted it, kissing her sides and her belly, exposing her skin to the air. Her nipples hardened from the chill and from the wetness of his mouth. With them, the climate was ever-changing. If he touched her, she became hot, if he licked the swell of her breasts, she shivered as if she were cold. But as his hands glided up her sides and around her shoulders, she felt conflicting temperatures; stuck in between two pleasurable sensations that had her body shaking. Her legs trembled, and Enri gifted her with a rare smile as he dropped to his knees to remove her shoes and sweats.

  He lingered, kissing her thighs and her calves. He raised one foot, and she had to balance herself, using his shoulders so she wouldn’t fall forward as he kissed her instep. Gaze cast down at him, she watched. Enri peered up, his eyes a bright blue that spoke of his intent as she glimpsed the beast from within.

  He fingered the golden anklet she wore on her left foot and spoke against her leg as he licked and nipped at her flesh, “I love when you wear these bands. The gold looks amazing against your flesh. It brings out the reds and browns in your skin tone and lights you up from within.”


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