The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5)

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The Black Prince (Shadow Unit Book 5) Page 28

by Tigris Eden

  “Because, despite all those things, to me you are Enri. A man who has kept his word, shown me kindness and have yet to let me down. You did kill Newton and Jacobi, and your morals are up for question. But those things don’t truly define you as a person. It gives me insight to the person you could be, if not handled with care. Like me, Enri, you were dead inside, and now you’re not.”

  “How can you say that? I’m a monster by many standards, if not all of them.”

  “We all have a little monster in us. Yours is just out in the open for all to see. That part of yourself you don’t hide. You say what’s on your mind, even if it’s not the right thing, or the right time. You are not afraid to be cast as the villain in your story. I love that most about you. You need me, and I need you. Everything else is details. Like you said, there’s only us.”

  Enri and Yewa sat hugging in silence. Her front to his back. She was right, but she was also wrong. He didn’t try and hide himself, and he wasn’t dead either. He got off on most of what he did to others. But as of late, those things had changed. He’d been making excuses, or coming up with alternative methods to handle his problems. All because of her. He realized suddenly. The feelings he felt for her were new. Too new. Enri rubbed her arms in a comforting gesture. In response, she kissed the back of his neck and slid her lips back and forth against his skin.

  “Mmmm,” he groaned. “Your lips are magic.”

  Enri squeezed her arms, hoping she’d continue her actions. She did. Yewa kissed his neck, back, and shoulders. She gently placed her lips against the shell of his ear. He wasn’t expecting her next question.

  “What does my blood taste like to you?”

  Turning towards her, he grabbed her gently, twisting her body and situating her to straddle his lap. His cock close was enough to feel the heat of her pussy. Enri gripped the globes of her ass, sliding her forward until the tip of his dick rested at her opening.

  “Pure innocence,” he rumbled against her neck. Her head fell back and he took the action as an invitation to drink. He used the tips of his fangs to glide across the delicate column of her throat while at the same time, guiding her closer, allowing his cock to slide home. Their bodies connected, and his rhythm slow, Enri sank his fangs into her neck. Her orgasm simultaneously to his penetration, brought forth his own release, as the both clung to one another. Enri’s release clung to his nerve endings, prolonging the feeling of ecstasy. His eyes closed involuntarily as he drank from her neck. When he finished, they both let out a long-contented sigh.

  “Get some rest beauty.”

  Enri didn’t pull out. He didn’t want to be apart from her just yet. Instead, he lay back on the bed, taking her with him, not caring his legs would cramp from hanging off the side of the bed. And together, wrapped up in each other’s arms. They slept.

  Yewa was sound asleep. Enri watched her as he thought of the best way to explain just how bad he’d fucked things up for them. She wanted him to say that he loved her, and he did, but it was so much more than that. Love wasn’t the correct terminology. He was devoted, enamored, but obsessive as well. Did that really say love? He did trust her, and that was a first. He didn’t trust anyone. She’d stuck up for him, and she deserved the truth. She deserved to know what he’d done.

  “Yewa.” Enri slid his arm beneath her head so that he could pull her toward him. They were still in bed, wrapped around each other. “Beautiful, wake up.”

  She moaned, burrowing closer to his chest. He’d exhausted her, he knew, but they needed to talk. There was only so much time they had before things got out of hand. Tahl had been clear, he wasn’t going to hold back the Defiant Ones any longer. Tahl had given him some wiggle room. But barely.

  “Come on gorgeous, we need to talk.” Enri tweaked her nose. Her beautiful brown eyes opened slowly to stare back at him. The silver on the outer edges.

  “Yes, Enri. I’m awake now,” Yewa said in a throaty voice that had his cock lengthening. Her eyes widened when she felt him press against her hip. “You’re unbelievable.”

  He grinned. “Of course, I am. But seriously, we do need to talk, and I’d like to keep you here in my arms as we do it.”

  Yawning, Yewa untangled herself just enough to stretch and then settle back into the crook of his arm. She nuzzled his neck before playfully nipping his shoulder.

  “It must be bad if you want to keep me close.”

  “Yes, but you don’t look too put out by that.”

  “It’s who you are. I may not like it, but we will find a way to deal.”

  There she went again, surprising the fuck out of him. The words he knew she wanted to hear were on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t say them. He felt so much more. Instead, he kissed her, long and hard, before pulling back and taking a full breath. Sitting up, Enri pulled her up to sit next to him. He placed his arm around her shoulder.

  “You remember what happened to Aurora?”

  “Yes, you gave her that hideous body, but you also stripped her of her duties of bringing in the dawn. Because of it, everything has been cast into darkness.”

  “Do you remember when I said to trust me?”

  Yewa nodded her head slowly.

  “Well, please keep that in the forefront of your mind. When I said the words, I didn’t really mean them, but I’ve come to see the error of my ways. I fucked up, Yewa. I fucked up big time, and I don’t know exactly how I’m going to fix it. I’ve muddled things up to a point that it’s well, become more than just confusion, it’s become—”

  “Chaos,” she finished for him.

  “Yes, exactly that.” He was just going to rip the Band-Aid off. It would sting less. “I put her duties into you. You must bring in the dawn, now. At least until I can figure out a way to give the duties to someone else.”

  She didn’t say anything for long moments. She blinked. Blinked again, and her mouth thinned before she closed her eyes slowly and spoke.

  “I am to live on that planet, without form. Only able to become whole once in a great while?” Her voice was hollow. Sad.

  Enri pulled her into his lap facing him. He threaded his fingers into her hair, making sure she was looking directly at him.

  “You don’t have to stay on that planet. I can build you another place, somewhere nice, warm. Beautiful, just like you are. But you’re right; you won’t be able to take form, at least not for long periods of time. You can appear, like in a temporal form, you can even communicate, but you will be denied the comfort of touch.” Enri let out a string of curses as a single tear formed and slowly trekked its way down the apple of her cheek.

  Yewa placed her head against his shoulder and pulled in a deep breath, her voice a sorrowful whisper, “When will this happen?”

  “Very soon. It can’t stay dark forever. Otherwise, I’d say fuck the light. But I have a feeling my mother would be none too happy. I’m actually surprised I’ve not heard from her or my brother, especially now that they know I have my memories back.”

  Enri lifted her head and placed his forehead against hers before kissing her gently against the lips. “Sundara, I will visit every day. We will be together, even if only to have conversations. I promise I will find a way to reverse this.”

  “I know you will. But it is not me I am concerned about.”

  “It isn’t?”

  “No. I worry for you.” Her eyes were solemn as she watched him. “You crave touch. You may say you don’t need it, or even want it. But you do, in all forms. I’ve given that to you, I’ve been there for you, and now, you’ve taken me away. How can I be there for you when I can’t touch you? Comfort you? Counsel you?”

  “You strange, beautiful creature,” Enri said, pulling her into a crushing hug. He held her long, both of them enjoying the other’s touch. “You think you counsel me?” he asked suddenly, pulling back to watch her face. She tried to duck her head, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Yes. There are times when you want to do things you deem easy, when really they’re ha
rd and come riddled with consequences.”

  Enri arched a brow.

  “Enri, you just admitted it yourself; don’t try and take it back now. Release your ego,” she said, grinning wide.

  “My ego, huh? Well, I won’t disagree with you, there. My ego is quite enormous.”

  “Yes, it takes up too much space.”

  “Does it?” he asked, his hands slowly making their way to her sides. Enri started to tickle Yewa and she gasped before wiggling in his lap, shrieking while trying to get away.

  “Stop, please stop!” she cried.

  “Take back what you said.” Enri playfully pinched her sides, which made her laugh more. She was dragging in huge gulps of air, but he wasn’t going to relent until she took it back. “Take it back Yewa, I can do this all day.”

  “Fine!” She gasped. “I take it back.”

  He stopped, and just like that, her face split into the widest smile. A beautiful, carefree smile.

  “I love your laugh.” Enri admitted.

  “I love you.”

  “I know you do, and I... Well, I can’t survive this world knowing you won’t be in it.”

  Her voice lowered to a whisper as she placed a chaste kiss on his mouth before laying her head against his chest. “Then do what is necessary to ensure we are together.”

  They stayed holding each other for a long while. Enri held Yew awhile he listened to their hearts. He had one. He really did. And it was because of her, it beat. He’d find a way for them to be together in the flesh, but in the meantime, he needed her to spend time with her brother.

  “We need to go and say goodbye to your brother.”

  She didn’t respond, but nodded.

  Enri didn’t love the woman in his arms. No, his feelings were unending, and forever growing. Expanding until it reached the far corners of time.

  “No matter where you go, no matter how long I may be gone, this thing between us is real, Yewa. Your love for me is real. My need for you is real. This feeling we have is real, and I am not only grateful, but awed by the emotions you’ve stirred in me. I don’t say things like this. It’s hard for me to express myself. It’s new. It’s refreshing, and it’s because of you. So, thank you.”

  “Did Lord Chaos just say thank you?” Yewa teased.

  Enri pulled her in for another kiss before patting her on the ass. It was time for them to head out.

  “Alright, smartass get up and get dressed; we’re leaving.”

  “But I want to stay, do that thing you did with my legs up in the air, one more time.”

  Well, she had a point. Why not? He had time for at least three more rounds with her. And he did.

  Each time was better than the last.

  Chapter 25

  “Now we’re not going?” Royce asked, his voice pitched high, because damn. What the fuck? Were they or weren’t they going to the underworld, and who made Enri the boss of the Unit? “Fuck man, where are your balls? I don’t understand the reasoning. We need the cup. Enri wants Hades. What’s changing now?”

  Draven and the others probably thought he’d lost his mind. But Royce couldn’t bring himself to care. He was all about protecting his family, and yeah, he considered Team Stupid part of that family.

  “Enri’s returning with Yewa. He said he’d also clear the air.”

  Royce snorted.

  “Clear the air, how?” Jesminda asked.

  “He didn’t say, Petal. He just said, he would.”

  “Well, that explains everything.” Royce tossed his hands up in the air before bringing them down with a loud slap against his legs. “I mean, if Enri says ‘jump,’ it’s ‘how high?’ If Enri says ‘die,’ we say, ‘for how long?’ If he says ‘move,’ we’re like, ‘yesa massa, I be movin now boss, I says I be movin now’.” He used his best Harpo voice. Because yeah, they’d somehow become the cowardly son of Mister, from The Color Purple.

  “Royce, enough,” Xee said from her spot over in the corner.

  Ann was standing next to her, and Royce was glad, because he wanted to ring the woman’s neck. She hung around for Dravaggio. But the bitch was yet to reveal her reasons why. You just moved to the top of my shit list, sweetheart. Ann was really good at either masking those thoughts, or she had some otherworldly help.

  Ronin was with the Belinda and the twins, and pissed at him because he was adamant about taking on the journey. Confident in his aim to be there for his family, he argued all the reasons why he needed to go. But when he’d returned, two more people had died at the hands of Enri. Dietrich was pissed, but he wasn’t saying much.

  They had to move to another room to have discussions after the Walker’s tirade. He’d gone into destructo mode, breaking everything in his path “So how long are we waiting for the infamous, douche to show?”

  There was a shimmer in the air and Enri appeared with a freshly bedded Yewa. Her face flushed, and her skin glowed with that, “I just had the most amazing sex ever” look. Her eyes were glossy, and Royce would have laughed, but chose to act accordingly.

  “Infamous douche?” Enri asked.

  Yewa placed her hand on Enri’s forearm, as if that would stop Royce from beating the male’s ass for all the trouble he caused.

  “Enri, we are here for a reason,” Yewa said calmly.

  “Yeah, you came just in time; we were just discussing how accommodating we are.” Royce sneered.

  “I wouldn’t call it that. I know I gave Draven very few choices, but as it turns out, Hades will no longer be an issue.”

  “He won’t?” Jesminda asked.

  “No, he’s my issue, and I plan on meeting him face on, but we have another problem.”

  “Another problem? You come to us and tell us, to get your help to gain the Sahidic we need to bring you Hades, and now you tell us, it’s no longer on the table?” Draven rumbled.

  Enri looked to Draven, and Royce hoped like hell his friend was growing a big pair of wolf balls.

  “Eremiel has led you all on a wild goose chase. The Sahidic does exist, and I will drink from the cup, but understand, what you’re trying to stop will happen anyway. Now it’s about damage control.”

  “Damage control?” Was the dickhead serious?

  “What kind of damage control? My sole responsibility is the team.” Draven folded his hands across the table, his green gaze penetrating. He wanted answers.

  Good. It’s about fucking time.

  “We’ll talk about that in just a bit, but first, I need to address the situation with Yewa.”

  “What fucking situation?” Dietrich asked. His voice was calm. Too calm, and although the brother was righteous in his own way when it came to meting out justice, he’d just lost two friends, and his sister was mated to Enri the Fallen douche. Today sucks ass. Things were about to get interesting. Royce stood from his chair, and made his way over to the Walker, because he was probably the only one that could contain him. Hopefully.

  “Dietrich, your sister has been changed.”

  “Changed how?”

  “She is now Goddess of the Dawn.”

  “Come again? What?” Dietrich barked.

  Yewa stepped forward, the hand she had on Enri’s arm dropped and she walked to stand in front of Enri, as if she could lessen whatever blow was about to be delivered.

  “I will now be the one to bring about the dawn. Aurora no longer has that duty. It has fallen to me.”

  Royce took that moment to interrupt. “So, she’ll be the one to usher in the light.”

  “Yes, exactly. And because the task has been bestowed upon me, this will be the last time I have a chance to spend with Omari for a long while.”

  Enri placed his arms protectively around Yewa when her brother stepped toward the couple, pure malice in his eyes.

  “What. The. Fuck. Does. That. Even. Mean?”

  “It means your sister, like all deities, can only be in her true form for so long. It is my fault this has happened. I did this to her, and I vow I will find a way to fix it.
But that is the least of our problems.”

  “Least of our problems? Are you for real? How can it get any worse than that?” Xee asked.

  “The Defiant Ones, no longer sleep. Tahl will not keep them at bay.”

  “Who the fuck is Tahl?” Xee questioned. Her lips thinned as she ran her fingers through her chestnut brown hair.

  Yeah, Royce wanted to know the same thing. He couldn’t read Enri’s mind. The Fallen was somehow blocking him.

  “I’m not a Fallen. I thought Yewa explained this all to you?”

  She didn’t explain shit to him. All she talked about where the different deities being one in the same, and that Enri was Chaos. Chaos could be a Fallen. Although Cleo had called him Apophis. He was a Celestial, one of the ruling houses of twelve.

  “Well if you’re not a Fallen…Wait. Did you just invade my mind?”

  Enri nodded in Royce’s direction, which had everyone in the room looking to the Fallen.

  “We don’t have time for explanations, once the Defiant Ones rise, they will be gunning for not only you, but all those that have wronged them in the past. They want revenge. They want you all to suffer.”

  “And this is our problem why?” Draven growled.

  “It’s your problem because they see all of you as imperfect. They were once part of my Council of Creation.”

  “Council of Creation?” Xee asked. “Isn’t that part of the Throne of Creation? Only Chaos sits at that throne, and from what I’ve uncovered in my reading, Chaos is no longer with us. His father, Erebos, holds the throne.”

  “My father holds the throne, temporarily. I was usurped. Cast down and my memories taken. I believed Hades was my father, when he’s been nothing but my jailor.”

  “What he’s trying to say,” Yewa spoke up then, “is that he is Chaos.”

  Well, that wasn’t shit a person heard every day. They were in the presence of the true creator, a Celestial. Apophis. The one who’d once held the spark. Which meant, if that were true, then the story of Amara was true as well, and Cleo wasn’t as bat shit crazy as he’d originally thought.


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