Worth the Trade

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Worth the Trade Page 14

by Kristina Mathews

  “It was one game.” Her voice was calm. Reassuring. “You’ll bounce back.”

  “I should have made that catch.” He was still beating himself up over the momentary lapse of focus.

  “It was a difficult play.” He could feel the tension between them, but he wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to touch him and couldn’t or if she was just saying what she thought he wanted to hear. “You just make it look easy most days.”

  “How can you have such faith in me?” He looked up at her, not caring anymore about hiding his feelings.

  “How can I not?” She smiled at him, looking as proud as if he’d hit for the cycle. She leaned close to whisper in his ear. “Besides, it’s my fault you had an off game. I should have let you known earlier I wouldn’t be coming over last night.”

  The fact that Sully wasn’t the only one left in the locker room was the only thing keeping Marco from pulling her onto his lap.

  “Come with me on this road trip.” He kept his voice low. “Please, Hunter.”

  “I can’t.” She shook her head, regret showing in her eyes. “I have too much work to do here. I can’t take off for a ten day road trip.”

  “Meet me in St. Louis then.” He missed her already. “I kept my apartment there. We’d have plenty of privacy and I could show you around.”

  “You still have a lot of fans there.” Her voice softened, as if she might consider it. “Aren’t you worried about being recognized?”

  “No.” He knew they couldn’t keep their relationship a secret forever, not when he was falling in love with her. “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

  Marco had never been in a relationship with a woman where he’d wanted her along on a road trip. He usually saw his traveling as a much-needed break. A chance to cool things off before they got messy. Not that his relationships had ever been too complicated. Even with Vanessa, he’d never had much more than a friends with benefits kind of thing. And when the benefits ran out, he remained friends with most of the women he’d been involved with.

  Which explained his upcoming meeting with his ex-lover’s cousin who was investigating another ex’s husband. Maybe it was a good thing Hunter couldn’t make it to Miami. She didn’t need to get mixed up in all this, even though she had business ties with Clayton Barry. He just hoped that whatever he found wasn’t going to hurt her, too.

  “You know you don’t need me at every game. Today was just an aberration.” She flashed a playful smile after first checking that no one was close enough to overhear their conversation.

  “Oh, I need you.” Marco took her hands in his. Only Sully was left in the room, and there was no point in trying to put anything past the man. “I need you, but it’s not just about luck. Or sex.”

  She trembled in his grasp.

  “That’s good, because I’m temporarily on the disabled list.” Her voice shook almost as much as her hands. “But the good news is, I’m not pregnant.”

  “So that’s why you didn’t come to me last night?” He was a little disappointed that she didn’t trust him to want to be with her even if sex was off the table, or floor, or bed.

  “I was tired, too.”

  “Hunter. You don’t have to make excuses. If you don’t want to be with me, just say so. I’m a big boy. I can handle the truth.” He did pull her on his lap this time. He stroked her cheek in a gentle caress. “I don’t know what kind of men you’ve gone out with before, but I don’t need to make love to you to…to enjoy spending time with you.”

  He’d almost said he didn’t need to make love to her to love her, but he had a strong sense that she wasn’t ready to hear that.

  “You want to just spend time with me?” She pulled away from his touch, but didn’t get off his lap.

  “Yes. I do. I want you to come to St. Louis with me. I want to take you to my favorite restaurants and show you around. I want to hear about your childhood. Your college years.” He wanted to know more about what drove her. What made her the woman she was.

  “So you are tired of having me in your bed.” She tossed that idea out with a self-deprecating laugh.

  “Not at all.” He kissed her then, in case she was serious. Kissed her with everything he had, letting her know that he still wanted her, wanted her more than ever.

  Hunter gave in to his kiss at first, but she eventually pulled away.

  “Marco, we need to be more careful.” She stood up and tugged at her sweater. The soft fabric clung to her curves. He’d noticed the change in her wardrobe. It seemed to be a reflection of her change in attitude. She’d become more sure of herself and her place with the team. If only she would be as confident about her place in his life.

  “Don’t worry, only Sully is still here, and he already knows about us.”

  “Still, I think maybe we should…” She smoothed her hair, twisting one long strand. “Maybe we should cool things off a bit.”

  “No.” Marco was on his feet. He tilted her chin so he could look her right in the eyes. “No. I don’t want to cool things off, and I don’t think you do either.”

  “How am I supposed to enter negotiations for your next contract if everyone knows we’re sleeping together?” She folded her arms across her chest. “I’m sure it violates some part of the Player’s Association Agreement.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about the union,” Marco spoke softly.

  “Easy for you to say,” Hunter said. “You’re not the only female owner and team president in the league.”

  “No. I’m not a woman.” He squeezed her hands. “But I do know a thing or two about having to be twice as talented and work three times as hard and still be considered inferior.”

  “There’s nothing inferior—” Marco placed a finger over her lips.

  “Believe in yourself,” he told her, “like you believe in me. I know you’ve done more for this team than most people give you credit for. Especially your younger partner.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I pay attention.” Marco didn’t want her to know he’d researched her, even before they started sleeping together. He’d been hoping to find reasons to stay away from her. Instead he’d found a woman he admired and wanted more than any woman he’d ever known. “I know you’ve built this team, piece by piece to be a winner. Each season has brought you closer to your goal. And this year, this team will finally pay off for you.”

  “Don’t you have a plane to catch?” Hunter trembled beneath his touch, beneath his praise.

  “Only if you promise to meet me in St. Louis.” Marco leaned his forehead against hers. “I will do my part, but I need you there. I need to know you’re waiting for me after the game.”

  “Marco, I…” She tried to resist, but he wouldn’t let her. He kissed her, just a soft brush of his lips on hers. But he felt her surrender.

  “Promise me,” he whispered. “Please.”

  “I’ll meet you.” She closed her eyes and he pulled her close, breathing her in, taking as much of her as he could carry in his heart.

  * * * *

  Hunter collapsed on the leather sofa provided for player comfort.

  “Oh, Daddy…” she cried out to the heavens. “What have I done?”

  Marco had promised her victory. But what if it wasn’t enough? She could lose everything. Control of her team. Her self-respect. And worst of all, she could lose Marco.

  “Are you okay, Miss Collins?” Sully startled her.

  “Shouldn’t you be on the plane to Miami?” She sat up straight and tall. Thank goodness she hadn’t let herself cry right there in the empty clubhouse.

  “They won’t leave without me.” Sully’s laughter rang through the empty locker room, bringing back so many warm memories of a childhood spent in his clubhouse. “Or their equipment. I was just making sure no one left behind a lucky bat.”

  “It takes a lot more than luck.” Hunter knew how hard the remaining weeks would be. As much as they wanted to win, their opponents wanted it too, even the tea
ms who were already out of contention. They would play for the satisfaction of beating a better team, of possibly ruining their chances at the postseason.

  “You’ve built a fine team here, young lady.” Sully had scared her when she was a little girl. He was a great big Irishman, with a booming voice and no tolerance for disorder in his clubhouse. Mangers and players had come and gone, but Sully had been the one constant all these years. He was here even before her father. And he remained. He would probably last longer than she would. “I think this might be our year.”

  “You say that every season.”

  “Yes. But this year I truly believe it.” He came over and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Your father would be very proud of you. He always was.”

  Would he be proud of her getting involved with one of her players? She had her doubts.

  “He would want you to be happy.”

  “I know he would. And I’ll be happy. As soon as we win this division.” They had to win the division. She had to win the bet against Clayton. And she had to somehow convince her partners to re-sign Marco to a long term contract. He was the future of the Goliaths.

  Even if he couldn’t be her future.

  * * * *

  The Goliaths took the first game in Miami. Barely. They won on Baxter’s home run in the eleventh that broke up a six inning tie. Marco had contributed with an RBI single, a walk, and run scored. His defense was back on track and he felt pretty good about his game overall.

  He had a brief phone conversation with Hunter, but she had been distracted by the last minute details of September call-ups. Instead of twenty-five players, teams could expand their roster up to forty players. This allowed teams to rest the regulars, provide fresh legs in late innings, and give the younger players a chance to make their mark on the big stage.

  He’d been one of those guys. He’d never forget his first big league game. He swore the grass was greener, the chalk lines whiter, and the sky was bluer than any field he’d ever played on. It was almost like stepping into a cathedral, making him feel awed and humbled at the same time.

  He’d arranged a meeting with Antonio Velez, Vanessa’s cousin and a private investigator. They would meet for an early lunch before Marco headed over to the ballpark for that evening’s game.

  Arriving at the restaurant fifteen minutes early, Marco sat at the bar drinking a diet soda and wondering if he was doing the right thing. But he’d given his word, and he really did want to help if he could.

  Finally Antonio showed up and Marco stood, ready to get on with it.

  “Thank you for meeting with me.” Marco shook the other man’s hand.

  “Thank you for the work. It’s an interesting case.” Antonio led Marco to a back room of the restaurant, where they would have plenty of privacy. “Not at all what I expected.”

  “So the son of a bitch isn’t cheating?” Marco was relieved, for Annabelle’s sake.

  “I don’t know if I’d go that far.” Antonio waited for Marco to take a seat before joining him. “But he hasn’t committed adultery, as far as I can tell.”

  “What can you tell me?” Marco was now more curious than ever.

  “How do you know this man?” Antonio held a thick folder on the table in front of him. “He is the husband of someone you care about?”

  “He’s married to an old friend.” Marco was getting a bad feeling about this. Had he poked a hornet’s nest? And would Hunter be the one to get stung? “He’s also one of the owners of the San Francisco Goliaths.”

  “Oh, this is not good.” Antonio shook his head. “You’re playing for the Goliaths, right?”

  “Yes. I was traded to them at the end of July.”

  “You like it there?”

  “Very much. But I’m not too sure of Clayton Barry.” Marco hated to admit his unease. “He seems like a slime-ball, and that’s not just because he tried to start a fight with me once he found out I used to know his wife.”

  “He is a slime-ball.” Antonio fisted his hands. “He’s been coming to Miami a lot the past couple of years. Not for a woman, though, like you thought.”

  “So what’s he up to?”

  “Performance enhancing drugs.” Antonio leaned forward. “Steroids, HGH, testosterone, if it’s on the banned substance list, he’s into it.”

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “There’s a company called FITNatural, that sells itself as a total fitness and nutrition solution.” Antonio opened the folder, spreading flyers, brochures, and a stack of printouts on the table. “They promote personalized nutritional programs, such as paleo, gluten-free, or vegan diets and then suggest certain supplements. Some are legitimate, such as adding calcium to those on a dairy-free diet, and protein powders for vegetarians. But then they have a whole regiment of additional supplements, which are of course illegal. Not to mention dangerous.”

  “And Barry’s involved?” Marco was steamed. “You have proof?”

  “He’s definitely involved.” Antonio pulled out another file. “As for the proof, that’s where it gets murky. He’s backing them financially. That, I know I can prove. But as far as how much he’s involved with the PEDs?” The other man threw his hands up, as if to admit it could go either way.

  “The thing that gets me…” He leaned forward, confidentially. “They prey on our guys. You know, the Latinos. Guys who maybe don’t speak such good English. Or maybe it’s just that where they come from, the risk is worth too much to pass up. You know, even half a season’s salary will provide for their whole family back home. Of the two dozen names on this client list, over three-fourths of them are Spanish names.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Marco took a deep breath, trying to control his anger for his fellow ballplayers, Latinos, and most of all Hunter. “You say you can prove his financial ties, but nothing more?”

  “Yes. I have proof he’s an investor, and I’ll find out how much he knows.” Antonio cracked his knuckles, as if he wanted to hurt the man.

  “No.” Marco leaned back against the chair. “This might be better. We know he’s involved in a company that is bad for baseball. But we don’t have any proof of criminal activity, is that correct?”

  “Right.” Antonio nodded toward the waitress approaching with their drinks. She took their lunch order and retreated, leaving them alone again. “But I can get more, I just need a little time. And some additional resources.”

  “Sure. Whatever you need. But hold off for a bit.” Marco was formulating a plan. “I wonder if he’d be willing to make a deal. If he would sell his share of the team…”

  Marco shook his head. Frustration welled up, ready to overtake him. He could think of only one time he’d felt this much anger toward one man. The day his father dared show his face at the Texas ballpark when Marco made his first start. Just because his family’s company owned the naming rights to the stadium, didn’t give him the right to claim Marco.

  There was too much money in this game. It tainted it. Money took something good and pure and turned it into something else.

  “Is there any way to protect his partners from all this?” Marco was scared for Hunter. He knew how much the team meant to her. “His baseball partners. The team.”

  “So this partner? A woman?” Antonio didn’t quite answer his question.

  Marco nodded.

  “A special woman?”

  “I can’t let her get hurt by this,” Marco said.

  “And you’re sure she’s not also involved?”


  “If she’s not involved, she’s got nothing to worry about.” Antonio almost sounded convincing. “So what are you going to do?”

  “Whatever it takes.” Marco needed to decide how far he was willing to go to stop Clayton Barry. And to protect Hunter, the Goliaths, and Annabelle. If he confronted the man, it could cost Marco his career. If Barry wasn’t guilty, he could easily have him blackballed from baseball. But if he was guilty, he could ruin Hunter. And everything she’d worked

  Chapter 14

  Marco was the first player to arrive in the visitors’ clubhouse. He took advantage of the peace and quiet to get his head right for the game. He let go of all his outside distractions: the failures of his last game, adjusting to a new city, a new time zone, a new bed. He wouldn’t think about his meeting with Antonio. He couldn’t think about what he’d learned. Or how he was going to tell Annabelle that her husband was a scoundrel, but not the kind she’d suspected.

  He wasn’t even going to worry about his next stop. Packing the few things he’d left behind in St. Louis. Facing the apartment he’d thought might finally be home for a while. And he certainly wasn’t going to worry about whether or not Hunter would join him there. She’d said she would, but he couldn’t be too sure about anything anymore.

  No. He couldn’t think about the possibility of losing her.

  Time to start his pregame routine. He needed to forget about everything that happened or would happen off the field.

  “You’re here bright and early.” A man’s voice pierced Marco’s concentration. A man he had very little respect for. Clayton Barry. “What? No late nights with the local ladies?”

  “No late nights. No ladies.”

  “You’re saving yourself for someone special?” The contempt in the other man’s voice was unmistakable.

  Marco busied himself with getting ready for the game. What this man was paying him for.

  “You know she’s using you.” Barry propped a well-polished shoe on the bench next to him. “To win a bet.”

  When Marco didn’t acknowledge his comments, Barry continued.

  “See, she bet me that you could help the Goliaths win the National League.” He chuckled, like it was some sucker bet. “That’s why she’s sleeping with you.”

  He must have thought Marco should be insulted. A beautiful woman wanted to have sex with him, and she had enough faith in his on-field abilities that she’d put money on him. He should just go jump in the Atlantic right now.

  “So how much did she bet?” Marco couldn’t help but be curious. “Must have been a lot, for her to stoop so low as to fall into my bed.”


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