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  ‘Wake Up! Harley! Allen! Ryan! Come on wake up guys!’ He screams as he pushes himself with his elbow while glancing quickly of the moving objects at the horizon.

  His three friends moan as they fight their inner self to reanimate. Joey was awake but he didn’t seem to either care about Tony or the others around him. He sits on the ground and stares over the horizon with his eyes and mouth wide open.

  I turn to my opposite side in search of my mysterious acquaintance. There he was staring at me, smiling, as if waiting for my departure. And yet I could neither return the same gesture nor understand his motives. He stands at the edge.

  ‘One more thing, whatever sort of pressure you may come under, plea…,’ he pauses as he produces a deep unhealthy cuff.

  Then he carries on, ‘….please do not take the dirty route of dangerous and expensive habit of smoking. My lungs are at its peak of collapsing. The annual cost I’ve inserted into it could have gone into physical activities to boost my fitness and life span.’

  I stare at him puzzle. His health has been deteriorated by smoking. It said that one cigarette being smoke a day depreciate five minutes from a lifespan. Each cigarette smokes it helps mutate the inside of a body. Mutation for the worse leads to cancer. I wonder how much had he been smoking per day, weeks, months and years. My concern was if he needed help and where was he going to hide.

  ‘How are you going to flee from them?’

  ‘Do not worry my young one but inherit the richness of knowledge I’ve shared as you’re the key bearer of our destiny.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘It’s all in the envelope. One last thing, forget about Hailey and do not be afraid to explore new territories of love.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Playing dumb I wanted to confirm the accuracy of his fact.

  ‘You haven’t lost the plot?’

  ‘No, it’s just confirmation of the truth.’


  He walks backward. The edge of the platform crumbles under his weight. As if the wind had upset his balance he went backward. Suddenly, he was falling and at that moment I wanted to scream. Startle by the horrific events I became speechless.

  Nervously I hold one side of the handlebar apprehensively with one hand. I stretch the arm which was free from the bicycle, but it was in vain. Rescue was impossible at this instant. He was too far away. I would not have made it even if I had run to him. Beside at the horizon they got closer. They produce low and weird engine sound as they move across stealthily.

  Frozen and shock I stare at the empty shattered edge of the plateau. There was no time for fear and grief. I knew I had to move on. My new acquaintance would had had understand it. I ran through the path with my bicycle by my side. Once on the main secondary road I stop and see what was behind me.

  My bicycle was naturally facing the original route I came from. I was ready to slip away but the scenery sent gripping fear through my spine. Frozen and immobilize with instil fear I watch them approaching the plateau. Both flying machines were in the shape of those latest futuristic cars pen down by those brilliant engineers in the motor magazines. Hovering vehicles inspired by the dreaming scientist of my time.

  They were no longer science Fiction but vice versa. But who would have believed me?

  The exceptional vehicles had rocket engine at each side instead of the tyres. It produces a combination of yellow and blue flame at its edges. Miles away, distortion of air could be seen at the edge of its burning flames. The Immense heat of its navigational engines changes position as it counteracts the forces of gravity.

  The machines decelerate as it got closer. At its front, sides and back seems to be windowless. Atop in the middle and across, a rectangle beacon flickers blue flash light. At its side there was a dark writing which I have to focus hard to read. Yet unable to decipher the black engrave writing I spots movement closer by.

  Joey grab Tony by his big arms and rest one of it on his shoulders. He distributes Tony’s weight evenly before attempting the lift. He fights his way up as the big boy struggles to stand up as well. They both stare at the flying vehicles which were in view. Joey and Tony slowly pace themselves backward to their friends facing the oncoming event.

  Joey kicks one of them and says, ‘Guys! Wake up! There’s something creepy going on over here!’

  ‘We see it clearly….there was no point of screaming.’ Ryan says.

  Ryan quickly got on his legs and watch over the incoming movements. Allen and Harley sit up while they hold their head. It seems that dizziness had caught on with them.

  ‘You there!’ a loud voice from the flying machine says.

  My mind races information of a possible getaway as it felt threaten. Curiosity was my only reason for not being a coward. For me it was a spectacular event. Knowing where they came from was my ultimate goal. Where they of another world, another planet or perhaps the future?

  ‘You there! the citizen with the bicycle! Stay where you are!’ A voice from the flying machine said.

  One of the flying vehicle turn sideways as it approaches the boys. POLICE was engraved at its side. The gang ran towards the path while looking at me with fear and confusion. Behind them, one of the machine land on the plateau. I furiously ride back towards town.

  My mind was racing in different direction. Questions and answers which raise doubts in relation to what I had experienced. My acquaintance who seems to shared my memories and stories. Then the flying machines which lead me to question and test my sanity.

  After all the eyes do not registered lies. The old man was for real and the flying machine was also for real. My ears were also picking up facts about my secret past. There was no reason to question what I had witness. Evidence was all there, either in physical or emotional form. Revealing it to someone who I can trust and not brand me as insane was another step.

  ‘Citizen on the bicycle we order you to stop!’

  It comes from above. I glance up and see the flying machine suspend above. It adjusts its speed to mine. Then it moves back and forth. Wind gust produces by its navigational engines made the branches sways and leaves would fall all over the road. The weird engine sound sent trauma through my body. Scarily I instinctively learn to predict its whereabouts.

  ‘Citizen if you don’t stop we will be force to make you stop!’

  I insert all my energy into pedalling the bicycle. All I could see was the branches which cover the sky above and the light at the end of nature’s magnificent tunnel like scenery. At times the flying machine was in line of my vision above but luckily the trees became my protector.

  ‘Citizen we’re ordering you to stop or there shall be consequences to your action!’

  Ignoring their request was an intentional action. Heading for safety among the crowd in town was my ultimate goal. There was no stopping at the speed I was riding. I ride the sport’s bicycle like a professional cyclist on Tour de France.

  ‘Citizen getting away from us is futile and you shall not succeed!’

  Closer I got to the end of the road the more confident I became. The town was just a few metres away and the weird engine sound of the flying vehicle began to fade. Expose at the light at the junction I made an immediate right turn as I move out of the natural tunnel. Atop I was exposed with no cover.

  Behind me I heard a powerful horn of a heavy engine truck. I ride at the edge of the road, made an emergency stop and a powerful gust inches away upset my balance. I land sideways off the road with the bicycle on top of me.

  ‘Get out of the bloody way you maggot!’ an old driver with long white beard hurled out insults as his truck move on with the same momentum.

  I lay still among the tall grass by the road. I stare at the blue sky for my brief flying encounter. They were nowhere to be found. My mind went into its relaxing mode as I catch my breath and wait for my body to regenerate. Then there was this strange low noise.

  It wasn’t from the similar danger I had encountered earlier. It was the sound of r
attling which sound like a baby’s toy. Except that I knew that it would be impossible for a child to be playing where I was. Stuck in between a back road, a wild field and the back of a small town my sense of consciousness switches on as the rattling rate accelerates.

  I took a peek from the side it came from. I slowly slide my trap leg out from underneath the bicycle while I try to seek for the where about of the predator at the corner of my eye. The rattling was at an alert state. It was hidden among the tall grass from my left side. My heart race as extreme fear rushes through my veins. Quickly I roll to the opposite side away from the rattling sound and run for the road.

  I stand at the edge of the road and see a rattlesnake crossing over near the bicycle. Luck I thought. After it disappeared through the grassy field I ran for the bicycle, head out of the off road and ride away. The fear of being bitten and poison to death was gone.

  Do not be afraid to love my acquaintance had advised. She was the one I thought of, Samantha, and after all, we had something special earlier. I trust her and maybe I could tell her about my adventure.

  Two hundred metres across the alley where Phil was, Samantha run from the traffic light to the street where she lives. She was a few metres from her home. The fanatic athlete decreases her speed for a final cool down before she stops.

  Ahead a green and black sport’s bike advances at a crawling pace. The biker was dress in a similar clothing and helmet colour which match with the bike. The rider’s identity was hidden under the tint visor of the helmet. Samantha spots it as she starts to stroll.

  The biker slows the bike the moment he gets closer to her. It moves towards her. Uncomfortable was how she felt. She was wearing a tight, black legging and an illuminative top yellow jacket. The phobia of strangers staring at her body seems to have made her felt uneasy.

  Perhaps he was a psycho as she knew that they come in any forms nowadays. The news and her mother had educated her wisely. The bike comes into a halt and the biker rest one leg on the pavement near her. Samantha quickly removes her earpiece which was attached to a small mp3 hardware attached by her waist. Alertness was her main aim.

  ‘Hi,’ a male voice says as he removes his helmet.

  She did not response but come to a halt instead. She nervously remains two arms distance as she didn’t want to be a victim of a snatcher. First she notices the familiar outline of the chin, cheek, mouth and nose as the helmet slowly slides upward. Then the familiar face she had met this morning.

  ‘Hi,’ Samantha said.

  ‘I’m Michael.’

  ‘Yes, I know.’ She said joyfully.

  ‘May I ask how do you know my name?’

  ‘At the turf…..’

  ‘Oh…, the athletic competition….’


  Michael stares at her deep in her eyes and said, ‘you’re pretty.’

  Samantha smile, ‘Thanks.’

  Michael could not resist the temptation of not staring at her. Making her aware that he meant business and that he was in search of a companionship. She happens to be his match.

  For Samantha the message was clear but it was up to her. She had felt it by Michael’s seductive behaviour. Shy was how she feels the more Michael stares deep in her soul.

  ‘You’re embarrassing me.’

  ‘No need to. You should be proud of your natural beauty, especially when a man shows appreciation for it.’

  ‘That’s a little too flattering.’

  Michael got off his bike while he kicks down the bike’s stand with his boots. Still keeping the eye contact with her admirer he says, ‘Doesn’t I speak of the truth?’

  Samantha felt lost in seduction. Speechless and paralyse by her words she stand still. She had run out of words. Michael made a short step towards her.

  Then he says, ‘It would be my pleasure to take you out. Would you like that?’

  ‘Are you trying to take me for a date?’

  ‘A sort of….’

  ‘Ok, I got to think about it though.’


  She was still on my mind and I could not let her go. The feelings I had for her were unexplainable. I had been lonely for too long. I thought about her companionship and how wonderful it would be to share our feelings for each other. Every relation has a starting point. Ours was at an infant stage.

  I scan the road on either side for oncoming traffic before I went across. Then I found myself back through the alley where I fought the gang. Claustrophobe feelings of the enclosed area send brutal memories of the attack. I ride out of the alley at a racing speed and come to a halt at the traffic light.

  At the other side a few metres away I could see her. Except that there was somebody else talking to her. He was well dress but I couldn’t tell who it was. Riding away was an alternative but I wanted to know if she would like to go out with me.

  Amber and green, then the traffic light displays green light. I step off the bicycle and walk across with it. On the other side of the road I take my time. Nobody notices me as I walk into stealthy and silent mode. She tries to walk away.

  ‘Samantha,’ Michael said.

  She turns around and replies joyfully, ‘Michael.’

  ‘We should definitely go out together.’

  ‘Why should I?’

  He slowly moves towards her, hold her hands softly, stares deeply in her eyes and says, ‘Because I like you. You’re simply irresistible like chocolate.’

  ‘Am I?’ she responds softly.

  Michael slowly moves closer to her while both of them stares into each other’s eyes as if they were lovers. Suddenly they both kiss each other with a passion of love. They hold each other’s hands tightly as they share their feelings for each other.

  Though I was close enough to be notice none of them seems to care of my arrival. Samantha’s eyes were shut but Michael was not and he could see me. He pretends that I wasn’t there and crack on while I stares mute in disbelief.

  Tears of pain wanted to roll down but I take it in. My eyes were watery beyond my control. A shame was how I felt. I didn’t know what to do or how to react. Afraid of being rejected again was another aspect of fear.

  ‘Are you still going to stand there and watch us?’ Michael asked in a sarcastic tone.

  Samantha quickly stands slightly away from Michael and says, ‘Phil, I didn’t know you were in the neighbourhood?’

  I remain quiet as I try to control the strong emotion of betrayed. Deep down within my guts I feel low and down. The sadness automatically drives my tears down.

  ‘Are you deaf she’s taken,’ Michael said.

  ‘Don’t have to talk to him like that!’ Samantha responds.

  ‘Sorry for bothering both of you….and I insist… may as well carry on what you were doing,’ I deprecates.

  Michael smile, stare at her and says ‘Shall we?’

  ‘You’re very cruel!’ She replied.

  ‘Just a survivor,’ Michael said.

  ‘I’m sorry Phil, I didn’t mean to heart you but I shall make it up to you.’ She said with regrets.

  ‘No you don’t have to,’ I replied.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

  ‘Never mind him he’s a loser,’ Michael said.

  ‘Shut up!’ she screams at Michael.

  ‘Alright! Chill, girl!’ Michael responded.

  ‘How do you repair a broken heart which was already yours?’ I replied by questioning her integrity.

  ‘We’ve just known each other for just a day and beside we’re both young. But I like you. I’m sorry and please forgive me,’ she apologised.

  I walk in between both of them while I try to control my feelings for her. Hurt was for sure. Anger was all I had for Michael. Keeping calm and walking away was my ultimate goal to prevail.

  ‘Phil we need to talk.’ She said.

  ‘No we don’t.’

  ‘Why wasting your time? Can’t you see that he’s not your type,’ Michael said.

  ‘What do you know about
my type?’ She asked arrogantly.

  ‘Both of you do not match but both of us do!’ Michael arrogantly responded.

  ‘Phil, please don’t you walk away,’ she begs.

  I walk at the same pace. Slow with my head down and tears rolling down my chicks. I couldn’t turn back. I didn’t have the strength to face both of them, especially her.

  ‘Let it be. Come here and let us finish what we started.’ Michael said.

  ‘You’re heartless.’ Samantha said as I heard her walks in and slams the door of her house.

  ‘Phil! Don’t bother to come back as she’s not your match!’ Michael screamed.

  I wipe the tears with my hand, turn around and ask, ‘What do you mean by match?’

  ‘Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and you’ll realise that it has been staring at you in the face for the past seventeen years.’

  ‘Why don’t you get straight to the point?

  ‘You know the dirty, muddy, coffee like texture of water that comes off an eighteenth century cannon? Well sorry to say it but I’m afraid that’s you.’

  ‘No you’re not. You don’t have to pretend you feel sorry for your arrogance and racist comments.’

  ‘It’s just an expression that can truly describe you.’

  ‘Sure, a racist one, I never expected it from you and after all I thought you were a friend.’

  ‘Sorry for disappointing you but that’s the way it is. Life can be a bitch at times.’

  ‘Life is not a bitch it’s just that people like you that make it bitchy for others.’

  ‘Hold on my friend.’

  I move towards him and says ‘don’t you dare call me friend because you’re not worthy of that word.’

  ‘Listen, your kind needs to know that there’s a line drawn, where you shouldn’t cross.’

  ‘I’m all ears.’

  ‘You should be. Your kind has taken too much. You seek for equality we give it to you then for the same opportunity and this was also granted. Now you want our women. Then what’s next our God given country?’


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