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  It was so fast that I was trying to understand what was going on. The weapon had literally floated out of agent Wickette’s jurisdiction. My mind had rewind the same image over. There was no doubt of what I had seen. Impossible, I thought.

  ‘Not fast enough my colleague or shall I say Sir.’ Agent Reynold said.

  His partner aimed a long hi-tech and futuristic weapon at me.

  ‘Now, I and my partner shall cordon the interrogation.’ Agent Mcneal said.

  ‘Can you please, stop those nonsense and madness you’re doing, all I desire is to head home.’

  Agent Reynold laugh and sarcastically mimic, ‘can you please, stop those nonsense and madness you’re doing, all I desire is to go home!’ There was a pause and silence. He then carries on, ‘Look at you! You sound pathetic! Do you hear yourself?’

  ‘Are you hearing yourself right at this moment? Sound like a pathetic child.’ I said sardonically.

  ‘Let me remind you that those in control of your fears are always in control of your life. In my hand is the proof of power which I can use to tear your little world apart.’ Agent Reynold said with a smirk on his face.

  I keep quiet as the fear of being robbed of my life kick in.

  Agent Mcneal glance at agent Wickette and me. Then he asks, ‘Is he the one who really led the technological revolution? Is he?! Look at him.’ He points a finger at me to demonstrate his views. Then he carries on, ‘Pathetic and weak individual, who can’t even lead himself out of his own fears.’

  ‘Is he the leader you all aspire to be? The saviour of our kind.... Well I’m sorry to say, that a leader who’s vulnerable to fears is vulnerable to fall.’ Agent Reynold explained.

  ‘In due time, he shall take his rightful place. Succeed he will and there’s no doubt about it. Look around us the revolution had already taken its course. Both of you are just too dumb to see through the lies of the political games. ’ Agent Wickette assured them.

  ‘Where is he? Eh. The coward has gone in hiding,’ agent Reynold made a mock out of his employer’s principle.

  ‘Perhaps dead,’ agent Mcneal said.

  ‘Perhaps he’s recovering his strength strategically in hiding waiting for the right time to rise and bring the corporation to its knees,’ agent Wickette ridicule with a smirk.

  ‘How can a frail and fragile man gather his strength within an old vessel? There’s no sense in this madness.’ Agent Mcneal assured us with deluded opinions of his own as he gaze at me.

  ‘Can somebody explain to me what is going on?’

  ‘Yes, of course we will. After all that’s where you come in,’ agent Mcneal clarified.

  Agent Wickette look at me with a worrying face and says, ‘Seven years ago, on the fourth of July 2065, you disappeared off the edge of this planet and were never found.’

  ‘Shut up! Let’s not forget that I still got the gun aiming at you. Choose your words wisely. The future can’t be controlled. Breaking the time travel act may lead to drastic consequences,’ agent Mcneal justified.

  I was lost and I had to ask, ‘English please.’

  ‘You’re not meant to understand it fully as you don’t deserve the luxury to change and amend our past.’ Agent Reynold confirmed with me.

  ‘For now we can’t kill you as it shall have a knock off effect on our past and future. If we try to fix the ripples of time we’ll end up destroying ourselves. Once we collect enough information that we need we shall make history of you.’ Agent Mcneal said.

  He point and presses the trigger at agent Wickette. Immense impact of volatile air particles throw him off the chair. Like a puppet he ends up bumping his back in the massive glass. His back slide down on the glass and he unconsciously fall into a sitting position. Behind him cracks slowly spread in different direction up to the ceiling. This unexpected move had caught me by surprise. Yet I did not dare to show it.

  ‘Where were we? Oh yes death.’ Agent Mcneal recalled.

  Agent Reynold laugh and says, ‘Funny, normal suspects are sent in a proper interrogation room seal with bricks and a tinted windows with other detectives on the other side. Then I realise that you’re not a normal suspect but an exceptional one. You get a VIP treatment, stress free environment with a beautiful scenery and above all, no pressurise question. Are you following me? My guess is no. Where were you yesterday?’

  ‘Well if you say yesterday I wouldn’t know. Dude, am I a fortune teller?’

  Agent Reynold got closer to me. He quickly produces a side kick which unexpectedly comes in contact with my chest. Off guard, the blow throws me off the chair and to a nearby wall. Then he says, ‘I get it, you think that we’re dumb and stupid. Well we’re not to be taken as fools. Rule number one is to respect the gate keepers and note that we’re very professional where our jobs are concern. With our experience, we’ll definitely know when you’re lying.’

  Both agents look at each other and agent Mcneal says, ‘The day you fought the gang and put one of them in hospital. The day before we came for you…..’

  ‘Once again where were you on the 2nd of July, 2012?’ Agent Reynold rudely inquired.

  I try to sit properly on the floor. I was in pain but I had to be wise by coming up with a good answer. Agent Reynold close on me steadily, monitoring and waiting for any physical action from me. My mind rush in possibilities of escaping but I needed to know the capabilities of their weapons.

  I would be doom if I over power them and they react to extreme force. Beside a final unknown resort by them against me may lead to devastated consequences. The fullest capabilities of their futuristic and powerful weapons were unknown. For now I play the game.

  ‘Me and my partner we were there because our investigation tip us to a time travel abnormality.’ Agent Mcneal redress their position in this mindless act.

  Agent Reynold looks at me and asks, ‘do you know what a time travel abnormality is?’

  ‘I never had the chance to ask that question.’

  ‘Well it means that we knew that someone from our time came to visit you but there were holes in our investigation that needed to be filled. Witness like you was the right candidate to start with. All we wanted to know is who came to visit you?’ Agent Mcneal replies with false genteel behaviour.

  ‘Is it an order or a favour?’

  ‘Take it however you want, but in the end we shall get what we came for.’ Agent Reynold replied with cocksure precision.

  Agent Mcneal turn to his partner, then at me and asks, ‘how do you want to leave this world? Pain free or slow death of agony?’

  My enemies were relaxed but mean. Through their eyes I could tell that they were cold characters who wouldn’t hesitate to take my life. I was afraid for my life but I couldn’t afford to drop my guard and allow them to think that I was a weak link. I was not a coward willing to spit it out for the benefits of their criminal purpose.

  ‘Maybe if you start treating me humanly by allowing me to sit on the chair I may consider your proposition.’

  ‘You’re taking the piss. You’re must be thinking that you shall take those fools for a ride before you’ll actually collaborate. Deep down you may have planned not to vomit the truth but we shall make sure you do.’ Agent Reynold curt out and kick me in my belly.

  I took it in like a man and try to refrain from crying out loud. Unbearable pain drives my tears to my chick. I wipe it down as agent Reynold scold me by the neck and hurl me to the wall. He forcefully drives me to my feet.

  He hurls me to the wall again and says, ‘today is your unlucky day. I’m gonna bash your head into the wall if you do not tell us who came to visit you from the future? It’s time for you to stop messing around with us. We’re not playing and we don’t have time to play.’

  Blood drips from one side of my forehead to my eye lash. My nemesis crosses both of his hands transforming it into an X across my neck. He firmly grabs my shirt at my shoulder. He applies more pressure. He lifts and drags me up with my back firmly press against the wall. He trie
s to squeeze a bit of life out of me. Behind him his partner lays the weapon on the table.

  Agent Mcneal walks behind his partner look at me and smile. Then he asks, ‘are you ready to negotiate our terms?’

  The opportunity was either now or never. I quickly lash my forehead towards my nemesis head and caught him off guard that he releases me. He cries out in agony while he back up with both of his hands on his forehead. I instantly catch my breath, elbows him to the ground and run towards his partner.

  ‘I’m gonna kill you Phil!’ Agent Mcneal exhorted under embed wrath.

  Straightaway he runs backwards for the gun.

  I ran as fast as I could, jump on one side of the falling chair and shift to the other side with a side kick to my opponent’s face. His hand tries to get a grip of the table as well as the gun but it proves futile. He flies to the wall and end up falling on the floor. I grab the smallest gun and run through the only door.

  I come to a halt. I could hear the door close behind me. The room was in white and quite spacious. White martial art’s mats cover the floor. It was neither hard nor soft. Atop at the front of the wall three big flags hang up. Underneath it I could see three katana swords. With elegance it lays in its case and rest on the wall mounted three tier’s sword stand.

  In between the wall mounting sword’s holders and the flags was a black and white photo of a familiar face. Kneeling in the middle of the patriotic scenery was a person with long dark hair. The dark shimmery and beautiful hair rest on the martial artist blue kimono. I could not resist not notice where it ends, lying down on his black Japanese hakama. I wanted to see the face to confirm if it was a man or a woman.

  ‘Please remove your shoes before stepping any further.’ A woman’s voice commanded with offhand contempt.

  Her voice had satisfied my curiosity but it was not enough. I needed to see her face. I stand still with the weapon facing the floor. The white flag with the red rising sun had convinced me to respect her views. A bushido warrior must at least have respect for his opponent. Stupid as it may sound, I remove my shoes and socks as a sign of respect. Then I slowly march towards her.

  ‘Welcome Phil, we’ve been waiting for you,’ she appealed with modesty.

  ‘Who are we?’

  ‘I and My employers,’ she charmingly replied.

  Blunted by the truth I felt lost. She was not a gate keeper though she was in there headquarter. I scan for a way out as I converse, ‘your employers, who are they?’

  ‘The corporation,’

  I intended to keep her busy. I carry on, ‘which Corporation is it?’

  Still facing her front she says, ‘Sorry you’re on a need to know basis only. You have no choice but to give us the information for the missing link. Otherwise we’re going to have to hurt you badly and believe me we won’t stop till we get it.’

  She raises a samurai sword upward with both hands, towards the photo and the flags. She bows to it and rest it in his right hand. I head for her while she stands up using the force from her toes only. It produces a creaking sound. Fascinating, I conceived. Erect with the black sheath in her hand she turn to me.

  She slowly walks anti-clockwise while she keeps eye contact with me. A black ninjutsu boots lays at the front of her exact position that she had been kneeling. She carefully takes cautious steps. I made the same move but in the opposite direction. Her other hand went near the handle of the sword. Only her edges and tips of her fingers reach the handle. They lightly and nervously tap the sword’s handle.

  ‘Are you going to use the gun on me? A young lady with a katana trying to be tough can be overpowered easily. Using the gun on a lady is too extreme. You’ve got the advantage of being born powerful. Unless you’re a boy who can’t even defend his manhood by using a sword…. Why don’t you be a good boy, put the toy away and help yourself by choosing a less harmless one from the wall?’ The katana lady challenged.

  The katana lady was not Japanese. She was a white skinny woman with green eyes. I stare at the clues behind her. Evidence of her past was express by the American and Russian emblem on either side of the Japanese flag. Her lips was painted with red lips stick. I have been told that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. And I could not deny it, as she was a stunner in her own right and an enemy at the same time.

  The challenge was there but it was up to me. I did not want to take her life. I lay the weapon to rest at the back of my jeans and cover the part left out with my t-shirt. We keep eye contact while I stretch one of my hands on an available samurai sword. We carry on in the same slow circular momentum. Glaring at each other, we patiently and cautiously close the gap between us.

  I conquer my fear and thought of my kendo training. The ancient Japanese martial art of sword’s fighting. Except that the sword used for practise are made of wood and split bamboos. With those secure weapons it became safer for the teachers and students to master the art. I meditate on the training with my sensei. Each moves I had made. Conception of my flaw came to life. Reconstruction of how I turned myself invincible and fast made me feel more confident.

  The katana lady says, ‘I had a hard life. I was born and raised in a little town in Russia until I was seven years of age. The corporation gave my dad a chance to work abroad in Japan. Over there I learn the bushido’s way of life and improve my education. I got a scholarship in the prestigious University in the state and when I finish the corporation took me under their wings. I’ve rise through the ranks and as you can see there’s no stopping. There is nothing that I won’t do for the corporation. Some way or another you’re going to have to comply. Who came to visit you from the future?’

  ‘You’re going to have to fight your way for the truth?’

  She stares at me with a moody face while holding the sword’s handle firmly with both hands. She raises the sword up and says, ‘I had anticipated it.’

  The katana lady charges at me. I quickly remove the sheath and charge on him with the blade of my sword pointing backwards. I flick the sword skywards and block her blade. I quickly turn into a three sixty degree angle and flick it to her belly. She reacts by putting her sword in a vertical position and blocking it.

  Immediately she runs to me with her sword still in the same position. The frictions spark off in between the two blades. I try to quickly back off but she was too fast and she produces a flying kick to my stomach. I flow off the ground and fall on my back.

  The mat breaks my fall. But I and my sword depart our separate ways. She rolls the handle the opposite way allowing the blade of her sword to face downward. With no delay she moves stealthily ready to drive the blade through my mortal body.

  A few feet away from me I could see my sword. I roll to it and greedily grab it. With an apace combination she drives the blade to a near miss. It struck and went through the mat. I stand still and wait for her to make her next move. With speedy belligerent tone she dislodges the blade from the ground. It was not long before the lady katana flickers her sword furiously in various and complicate directions. I try to cope with her hasten moves by blocking them.

  My attention was taken by the noise of the door. My opponent uses my weakness and capitalise on it. Unfortunately one went unnoticed. By misjudging the rapid flows of her sword fighting the tip of her blade slices through my t-shirt and miss my flesh by an inch.

  The door storms open and the two gate keepers were in. The katana lady was closer, meaner and shouts out as she drives the blade on my head. I raise my sword horizontally towards my head.

  Under extreme force her sword promptly rest on mine. There was a pause as we glare into each other’s eyes. I could feel her blade slowly pushing mine down. Her coerce effort drives me to one knee. She applies more force and her blade slides downward bringing her closer. I elbow her by her side and quickly stand up by pushing her blade away from me. Then I react by kicking her in the same place and slice across her waist.

  I miss, I thought as she quickly step away from the blade.

  Without war
ning I got hit in the side expose to the gate keepers. A powerful and unknown force had over powered me. The lady katana lost her balance to the effect of the nearby forces and got thrown backwards. She land on one knee with her sword driven and cutting through the mat. Once more I lost my sword. I end up with my back on the mat viewing illusionary image.

  Dizzy with partial deafness I strive to understand my distort surroundings. I close and open my eyes. I try to focus at the blurry image ahead. I try to make sense out of it. Suddenly the blurry image dissipates and I see the katana lady in the same position. Her long hair covers her face. One of her hands was stretch to the sword.

  ‘You morons could have killed me!’ she screamed to both agents.

  ‘Collateral damage that’s all.’ Agent Mcneal calmly insisted.

  ‘Yes, just a freaky accident….’ Agent Reynold back-up his partner before being interrupted.

  She rise up with the help of her sword and says, ‘Seize him you morons!’

  Confuse In fear I steadily crawl backwards. The gun in my back made it quite uncomfortable. The consciousness and awareness of the weapon brought a sense of fearlessness. I got to my knees and stand up while the two gate keepers rushes for me. Dizzily, I waggle backwards and remove the gun from my back. I point and aim it at the two agents.

  Both men come to a stop and agent Reynold shout, ‘he’s got a gun!’

  The agents point their weapon at me as well. The katana lady remains in between us and away from the line of fire. She slowly walks back and forth.

  ‘Phil, Phil…. it looks as if you’ve already got the picture painted. Well I would like to paint one especially for you. This is how it’s going to roll, sorry and so sad to say that you’re not going to live to see the future. One way or another you are going to have to give us what we want. To be fair you’re new to this world and you won’t be able to survive in a world you’re not use with the technology. You’ll be a sitting duck and frankly it’s a suicide act.’ She convinced.

  Agent Mcneal stares without blinking and says, ‘Why don’t you be a good boy and put the gun down before you end up hurting yourself.’


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