Erica's Choice

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Erica's Choice Page 18

by Sami Lee

  The simultaneous activity eventually roused Corey, who pressed his ass backward, drawing a curse from Griff. Momentarily abandoning Erica’s breast, Griff slipped his hand downward until he encountered Corey’s very impressive hard-on. Wrapping his hand around it, Griff rasped into Corey’s ear two words he’d never before dared to utter. “Need you.”

  As though the admission undid him, Corey curled his arm around Griff’s neck and drew him forward for a kiss that seared. Griff thrust his tongue into Corey’s mouth as he thrust his hips against his backside. His cock slipped along the gap between Corey’s ass cheeks, over and over, mimicking the act he wanted so badly to perform.

  Fuck. Want was not a strong-enough word. He ached to stick his dick in Corey’s ass, burned for it. He’d played with that tight hole before, used his fingers or one of Erica’s toys to prime Corey for what Griff wanted. As preparation it would have to suffice. He was going to fuck Corey tonight. He had to fuck him now.

  Breathing heavily, Griff broke away from Corey’s kiss. He found Erica watching them, her dark eyes almost swallowing her face. In the meager moonlight filtering through the blinds Griff thought he saw her smile before she tilted her face and offered her lips to Corey.

  Corey sank into her, lost in the lush invitation of her lips as always. Griff took the opportunity to reach behind him for the bedside drawer. He rolled on the condom then poured a generous amount of lube on his fingers. Turning back to the couple in his bed, he watched them kiss for a moment, their bodies a series of pale curves and angles silvered by the moon as they shifted against each other. He appreciated the sight for what it was—a thing of beauty beyond compare.

  Then he smeared the cool substance all around Corey’s back entrance.

  The slide of Griff’s lubricated fingers in and out of Corey’s ass made Corey’s stomach curl in on itself. His heart pounded harder against his ribs as anticipation gripped him. He was going to do it. Griff was finally going to stop teasing and fuck him.

  Against Erica’s stomach, Corey’s cock twitched. Her kiss drugged him, distracted him so he easily accepted the first nudge of Griff’s cock. His body opened willingly, and Corey thrust his hips backward, silently asking for more.

  Griff drove in farther and Corey couldn’t control the instinctive way his body tightened. Griff paused, his breath hot on Corey’s neck. Tearing his mouth away from Erica’s, Corey said, “I want it, Griff.”

  “I know.” With a barely suppressed groan, Griff advanced farther. “Take me, Cor.”

  The husked demand gave Corey the presence of mind to exhale slowly and focus on relaxing. He wanted to do this for Griff. He needed to do this for himself. With Griff’s barely restrained urgency at his back and Erica’s writhing softness at his front, Corey was on a knife-edge of need. Erica ramped things up when she scratched her nails down his chest, over his abs, then took his thick hard-on in her hand. Corey groaned when she started pumping him, leaving Griff’s hands free to clutch at Corey’s hips, holding him captive for the dogged invasion of his cock.

  Between the two of them Corey could barely move. He couldn’t escape the rush of sensations—not that he wanted to. His breathing grew labored. His ass burned where Griff breached it, but the deft stroking of Erica’s hand, the luxurious gift of her kiss, turned him to jelly. His heart expanded and his body opened, allowing Griff to sink in deep, past the opposition of unused muscles, until he filled Corey completely for the first time.

  From the tone of Griff’s harsh curse and the trembling of his arms, Corey could tell he was using all his strength to hold back from thrusting hard and fast. Corey wanted to tell him to go for it, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to. There was no denying it hurt to have Griff buried so deep, even though it made him feel so damn good at the same time. Especially when Erica kept stroking him, palming his balls, occasionally releasing him to flick her fingernails over his stiff nipples. The urge to come was a hot orb of fire inside him, banked and waiting for a whisper of oxygen so it could explode.

  Griff retreated a little, re-entering with careful determination. Corey groaned into Erica’s mouth, feeling something begin to pulse inside him as Griff repeated the move, over and over. His nuts drew up, tight and hot. Erica used her thumb to swipe the precome from the tip of his dick. She coated his shaft with it, making her hand slide over him more easily. Corey sensed it building inside him, a release like none he’d ever known.

  Corey protested when Griff pulled out of him abruptly. “Don’t stop,” he groaned, not even caring that he sounded weakened and desperate. He was desperate. He had to know what was on the other side of the blinding heat that had gathered inside him, had to know what it was like to come from the rough motion of Griff fucking his ass.

  “You’re going to come soon, I promise.”

  Griff handed something to Erica. The familiar sound of a condom wrapper being torn open made Corey’s penis ache. When Erica rolled it on he almost lost it because he knew it meant he’d be inside her soon, buried deep. As deep as Griff had just been buried in him.

  Christ, it was too much. He couldn’t handle this much pleasure.

  “I want you inside Erica when I fuck you.”

  Griff’s command made hot anticipation flare through Corey. He rolled Erica onto her back. She opened for him instantly and he drove deep in a smooth stroke. She was tight and hot and so incredibly wet that Corey couldn’t resist plunging in again, and again.

  “Yes, Corey,” Erica moaned. “Use me.”

  Corey did, using the maddening grip of her muscles to take himself to the edge. Griff stopped him before he went over, grasping his hips to still his frantic thrusting. “Wait for me, babe.”

  Griff had never used any kind of endearment with Corey before. The rough tenderness of it made Corey’s heart skip. He was ready, more than ready, to do anything Griff asked of him. He waited, his body suspended over Erica’s as Griff positioned himself. Corey grunted when Griff propelled forward, filling him once more. Too turned on to be hesitant this time, Corey pushed his ass back, inviting the incursion. Erica moved with him, lifting her hips so he didn’t withdraw from her completely. Corey sank back into her and this time Griff moved with him.

  Griff was buried to the hilt while Corey was enveloped in Erica’s slick heat. Corey could never have prepared for the sheer blast of sensation, of emotion. He was fucking and being fucked at the same time.

  The ultimate payoff. Griff’s words of weeks ago reverberated in Corey’s head as Griff began to rock wildly inside him. Corey grabbed Erica’s thigh, holding her wide open. Every time Griff plunged into him, Corey was compelled forward, deep into Erica’s willing body.

  He would never get enough of this. Now that he knew this, there was no way Corey would ever willingly give it up.

  “Erica, baby,” Corey rasped. “I’m going to come.”

  “Yes, oh yes.”

  Her muscles spasmed as though attuned to Corey’s announcement. Her body always responded so easily to his, like they were made to fit together. And now it felt right with Griff too. So right Corey couldn’t hold on another second. With a primal roar he released himself inside Erica, his own exclamation mingling with Griff’s. The knowledge that Griff pumped his seed into Corey’s body even as his own rushed out of him made the climax pulse on and on. Corey had never felt so exhilarated, so replete.

  So owned.

  Griff had claimed him just now, put his indelible stamp on Corey’s body, his heart. This was what it was like to give yourself completely, to let someone else possess you. Corey looked at Erica and understood more fully what it was she offered every time they made love—and loved her for it.

  Corey loved her, the truth was undeniable. He loved them both.

  Griff caressed Corey’s ass as he pulled out carefully. “Are you okay?”

  Corey managed to nod. “Better than okay.”

  Placing a kiss on the base of Corey’s spine, Griff left without another word, presumably to dispose of the protection.
Corey rolled onto his side, bringing Erica with him. He didn’t want to release her just yet. He traced the outline of her face. In the bluish light something glistened, and Corey realized it was a tear rolling its way down Erica’s cheek. “Hey, baby. What’s up?”

  Her voice trembled. “Nothing.”

  Of course there was more to it, but as usual Erica kept her own counsel. He tightened his arms around her. “You can tell me anything.”

  She shook her head. “I should go. Griff likes it better when I don’t stay.”

  “Fuck Griff.” The moment of anger coming so swiftly on the heels of sheer bliss caused pain to lance Corey’s chest. When was Griff’s attitude going to change? Even now, only moments after Corey had granted the man access to his body, Griff had retreated to the bathroom, avoiding any semblance of post-coital closeness.

  And Erica was trying to do the same thing. This time Corey couldn’t bring himself to let her. He tightened his grip on Erica and slanted his mouth over hers until she moaned a little and wriggled against him. “Stay,” Corey whispered against her lips.

  Corey took the way her body melted as agreement. A moment later the bed shifted as Griff slipped back in with them, and Corey realized this was what he wanted most, all three of them together. Always.

  The one thing Griff refused to give him.

  As Erica buried her face in the curve of Corey’s neck, Corey glanced over and found Griff watching him. The pained expression on the other man’s face made Corey’s heart seize. He looked so lost, so forlorn. Corey repeated the same request he’d made of Erica, but this time he was asking for more than just the next few hours. “Stay.”

  In answer Griff leaned over and kissed Corey, a rough, deep kiss that took Corey’s breath and made him hope that maybe, just maybe, Griff was starting to change his mind about walking away.

  Chapter Fourteen

  By December the heat of early Brisbane summer made its presence known. Only one day of school remained, and the imminent Christmas break lifted the students’ spirits, making Erica’s job a lot more enjoyable than it had been around exam time. Her steps tripped down the hallway only a minute after the last bell of the day sounded. Students rushed all around her, parting for her like river rapids parting around a boulder.

  As she passed Pam Spencer’s classroom, she gave her friend a wave. Pam held up two fingers, and Erica leaned on a row of lockers as she waited for the other woman to come out.

  Pam emerged bouncing from the classroom, singing “Friday on my Mind”. “Only one more day of this, Erica, then six glorious weeks of holidays. I for one can’t wait.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Summer plans?”

  Erica shrugged noncommittally, but she couldn’t stop a smile from tickling her lips.

  Pam grinned. “Spending every possible minute with Corey I bet. I still can’t believe you managed to nab one of Ashton Heights’s most lusted-after bachelors. You do know you’ve become somewhat of a legend around here.”

  Erica wondered what kind of legend she would become if the rest of the staff knew she’d not only nabbed Mr. July, but Mr. October from four years ago as well. Would the astonished questions and moans of envy turn nasty? Would everyone think her a brazen slut?

  Did she even care if they did?

  Not really. The only person whose opinion mattered to Erica was Pam. Pam, who went on terrible date after terrible date, who had nothing but misfortune with men. What would she think of Erica taking two such fine specimens out of the availability pool?

  Temporarily, of course.

  Erica hadn’t gotten up the courage to tell Pam the truth. Her friend fully supported her decision to have the mastectomy, and had pledged to be there to help her through surgery and recovery. Erica couldn’t bear the thought of going through the procedure alone, and if Pam found out what Erica had really been up to these last two months, she might be disgusted or angry or both. As Griff didn’t make surprise appearances at the school the way Corey did, Erica had never had to explain his involvement in her life.

  “I suppose you’re busy tonight, as well,” Pam prompted. “My little sister’s in town and we were thinking of hitting a couple of clubs.”

  Corey and Griff were both working the day shift. Tonight it would be all three of them once more, and Erica’s body already pulsed with the knowledge. “Booked, I’m afraid.”

  “Seriously, Erica. That man is going to ask you to marry him one of these days.”

  Erica’s heart fluttered for a moment then sank as heavily as an iron anvil. “You know that’s not going to happen.”

  Pam sighed. “You still haven’t told him, have you?”

  Just as she hadn’t revealed everything to Pam, she hadn’t detailed her medical issues to Corey or Griff. If she had a doctor’s appointment, she told them she was with Pam. If she was with Griff when Pam knew Corey was working, she made up some other excuse to fob off Pam’s invitations to the movies or out dancing.

  What a lying sneak she’d become, all so she didn’t have to give up the deliciously decadent sex she’d been indulging in for the past couple of months. Make that a lying selfish sneak.

  “Once I tell him, it’ll be over.” The notion tightened her chest. She’d known it all along but somehow Corey had still burrowed into her heart, creating his own space that she doubted would ever be occupied by anyone else.

  “Maybe you’re underestimating him.”

  Pam didn’t understand. Corey was completely enamored with her breasts. He couldn’t get enough of looking at them, fondling them or kissing them. Erica relished every moment of his attention, appreciating her body as she never had before. It was unbelievable what the simple act of taking off a blouse could do for a man’s arousal levels—and for a woman’s sexual confidence. Griff, as he’d once said, was more an ass man but Corey was definitely one individual who loved boobs. How was he going to react when she told him she was going to get rid of hers?

  “I will tell him—when I have to.”

  “And in the meantime?”

  “I’m enjoying a hot fling while it lasts. Gosh, Pam, I’ve never had one before.” Erica knew her expression must have turned dreamy. “Am I wrong to take what I can for now?”

  “I don’t know, Erica. Maybe.”

  They stepped out into the car park, where the sun beat down on the black asphalt, raising the air temperature by several degrees. But it was the conversation as much as the humid atmosphere that made Erica’s blood heat.

  She turned to face Pam. “I thought you were happy for me.”

  “I am. But what about Corey? He seems like a terrific guy and you’re just using him.”

  Pam’s accusation sucked the breath from Erica’s lungs. “He’s using me too.”

  The statement didn’t ring true. She’d bet Corey Wachawski had never used another human being for his own selfish ends in his life.

  Gently, Pam queried, “Have you considered the possibility he’s in love with you?”

  “You don’t understand.” Corey wasn’t in love with her, he was in love with Griff. “The thing I have with Corey…it’s never been heading toward some picture-perfect happy ever after. He knows that. And I won’t let myself believe in something that can’t happen.”

  “Why can’t it happen? You should tell Corey the truth and it might have a chance.”

  “He’s not the only one I’ve been sleeping with,” Erica blurted. “There’s someone else too, and Corey knows.”

  Pam stepped back, agape. “Someone else?”

  “A friend of his. More than a friend, actually. Corey has a male lover and they…share me.”

  The silence was as palpable as the summer humidity. Pam stared at her for so long Erica wondered if the other woman had gone into shock. At length Pam rasped, “Whoa.”

  Erica pushed out a sigh. The truth was out now, for better or worse. “Do you think I’m disgusting?”

  Pam merely repeated, “Whoa.”

  There goes my one source of si
sterly solidarity. “I get it, it’s weird. But you understand what I mean. Corey and I are not going down any traditional paths here, no marriage proposals, no nothing. I’m just a novelty to him and Griff.”

  “Okay.” Pam blinked. “If you say so.”

  “If I don’t see you tomorrow, have a good holiday, Pam,” Erica said sadly.

  When she made to leave, Pam touched Erica’s arm. “I don’t think you’re disgusting. I think I might be jealous though.”

  Relief made Erica laugh a little too loud. “I know it takes some getting used to.”

  “I bet.” Pam eyed her steadily, concern in her eyes. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Erica.”

  So do I.

  Erica walked in the direction of the train station but ended up veering across the street instead, not yet interested in going home. Corey and Griff wouldn’t be finished work for a while, then they would have to shower and change. It would be hours before she saw them.

  A little desperate, aren’t you, Erica?

  Pathetic or not, Erica was desperate to see them. It was as though her body had become addicted to the release only they could give her. Even playing with her toys—or the new ones Griff had bought her—didn’t hold the appeal it once had. On her own it wasn’t nearly as much fun.

  When her meandering steps brought her within blocks of the Ashton Heights firehouse, Erica admitted the truth. Her wanderings hadn’t been aimless at all. Getting an idea, Erica ducked into a bakery around the corner from the station and bought a tray of pastries.

  The fire-station doors were open and water ran out from inside, wetting the pavement. Erica stepped gingerly over the shallow rivers in her black pumps, passing the front of a huge fire engine which gleamed damp and shiny in the slanted afternoon sun. At the driver’s side of the vehicle, a man stood hosing off the massive wheels. He had blonde curly hair that brushed hard shoulders encased in a tight black T-shirt.


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