Falling for You

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Falling for You Page 10

by Heather Thurmeier

  “That’s funny, Zoe,” Cassidy said, not bothering to open her eyes. “You should, like, be a comedian or something.”

  “Aw, what’s wrong, Cassidy?” Zoe’s voice dripped with artificial concern. “Not feeling well tonight?”

  “I feel fine, Zoe.”

  “All right, honey. If you’re floating down a river called denial, I’m not going to force you to swim to shore. Maybe the hot water will help your bruised ego as well as your ass.”

  Gee, thanks.

  “Don’t let her bother you,” Paige whispered. “She’s jealous because Brad paid you so much attention today.”

  “Yeah, negative attention.”

  “It’s attention nonetheless.” Paige sighed. “And she’s pissed to be stuck in the bottom three with me.”

  “How are you doing?” They hadn’t had much time to talk since the surprise announcement in the barn.

  “Okay. It sucks, but somehow it makes me feel better knowing Zoe’s in the bottom with me.”

  Cassidy grinned. “I couldn’t be happier at the possibility she might actually go home this week.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up. There’s no way America will vote out the girl who causes the most drama. I’ll be going home.”

  “Don’t send yourself out the door yet.”

  “At least I’ll only have to deal with Zoe for a few more days.”

  “I’m too damn sore to deal with her issues tonight.”

  “Are you all right?” Paige’s voice was barely audible above the rumble of the Jacuzzi jets. “I know today was pretty rough on you,”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Nothing a little hot water and a good night’s sleep won’t fix.” Cassidy groaned and turned her head to whisper in Paige’s ear. “Of course, I’m not so sure I can say the same for my ego, but if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll kill you. Well, when I can move again, I’ll kill you.”

  “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”

  Cassidy sank deeper into the water. Any lower and she would need snorkeling gear. She let herself drift in the current created by the water jets while her mind and body relaxed. Around her, the murmur of voices blended together into an incoherent white noise.

  Until she heard something she couldn’t ignore.

  “I don’t know about you girls,” Zoe said, “but I definitely think there are more hot men here than just the bachelor we’re all fighting for.”

  “What are you talking about?” Holly asked. “Brad is super-hot. Like hawt.”

  “Yeah I know, but you can’t honestly say you haven’t noticed the guys following us around, right?” Zoe nodded her head in the general direction of the cameramen surrounding the pool a few feet back.

  “Zoe, you know they can still hear us in here,” Erica whispered.

  Cassidy opened her eyes at the talk of cameramen. What is Zoe up to now?

  “I know they can hear us, moron. That’s the point.” Zoe propped herself up on the edge of the hot tub on her forearms, forcing her breasts to jut out in front of her. “And I’m hoping one particular cameraman likes what he hears … and sees.”

  Cassidy’s jaw dropped into the hot water as she realized Zoe was not only being overtly sexual, again, but this time it was projected directly at Evan. Her Evan.

  Back off bi-otch. Six, seven, eight … Just relax. Keep your mouth shut. This is none of your business.

  “You know we can’t do anything with the crew,” Erica said. “It said so on one of those forms we signed.”

  “I know that,” Zoe huffed, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun while I’m waiting around for the finale, does it? Besides, someone needs to give America something good to watch. You girls certainly aren’t helping the ratings.”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “So you’re going to screw around with the crew to help ratings?”

  “Oh relax, girls. It’s not like I’m going to sleep with him or anything.” Zoe smirked. “Just a little harmless flirting, that’s all. Unless of course, someone else already has her eyes on him?”

  Cassidy locked eyes with Zoe.

  Is she implying there’s something going on with me and Evan? Why would she think that? Just because I want to jump him every time I’m near him doesn’t mean I have a thing for him. I can’t help it if my mind goes to dirty places when he’s around. I’ve never acted on one of those thoughts, so what’s she getting at? It’s not like she can read my mind … Can she? No, idiot, she can’t.

  Say something, she’s still staring at you.

  “You can do whatever you want, right girls?” Cassidy said to the other women. “Maybe you’ll even get yourself kicked off the show.”

  “They can’t kick me out for saying hello and being polite.”

  I can kick you.

  Cassidy tried to act unconcerned as Zoe hopped out of the hot tub and dried herself off with a towel like she was starring in a beer commercial. Then, she sauntered over to Evan using her towel to dry her hair instead of wrapping it around her body.

  Cassidy couldn’t hear what Zoe said to Evan over the noise of the Jacuzzi, but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t stand watching Zoe flirt with him. She shifted uncomfortably, suddenly feeling like she was overheating. She stood up quickly and perched on the edge of the Jacuzzi with her legs still in the water.

  “You okay?” Paige asked.

  “Yeah, just really hot. I think I’ve been in the Jacuzzi too long already. I’m not used to this kind of heat.” Cassidy wiped a towel across her face, sneaking a glance in Evan and Zoe’s direction. His camera was still directed at Cassidy, but his eyes were on Zoe.

  Just then, Zoe laughed, throwing her head back dramatically and grabbing onto Evan’s shoulder in an effort to control herself.

  Nine, ten … Counting isn’t helping.

  “You know what, Paige,” she said loud enough for the cameramen to hear. “I think this heat has gone straight to my head. I’m going to bed.” Cassidy climbed out of the tub and wrapped a towel around herself, then walked toward the house without so much as a glance at Evan.

  She didn’t need to see if he followed her or not. A moment later, she heard his familiar footsteps fall into place behind her. Hell, she could be blind and deaf and she’d still know he was behind her — like she could sense him on the most primal level.

  You might have your sights on Evan, Zoe, but as long as I’m here, his attention will always be on me.

  Cassidy smiled at the image of Evan walking away from Zoe in mid-flirt. Evan was her cameraman, and nothing Zoe said or did could change that.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Evan held her arm while she limped up them slowly. The strength in his hand sent a shiver of electricity down her spine. When they reached the top, he dropped his hand without a word, leaving a tingle on her skin. His touch did more to warm her than the twenty minutes she’d spent cooking in the Jacuzzi.

  As she reached the door to her room, she turned to say a quick goodnight to Evan, only to find he’d put his camera down and now stared at her with his thumbs hooked in the front pockets of his jeans.

  Hot. Damn. Seriously, he should be in front of the camera, not behind it.

  “What was that cat fight about back there?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Cassidy glanced away, not meeting his gaze.

  “Really? ’Cause I was worried you and Zoe were about to start mud wrestling in the flower beds.” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Not that I would’ve minded seeing that.”

  “Zoe was just being Zoe, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her tonight.” Cassidy lounged against the door to her room, trying to act indifferent.

  What was that all about? He’s not my boyfriend so why was I staking my claim out there by the pool?

  Because he’s not Zoe’s boyfriend, either, and he’s not going to be if I have anything to say about it.

  “So you were fine with all that stuff she said about hitting on the cameramen?”

  “You heard tha
t, huh?”


  “Like I said earlier, she’s free to do whatever she wants. It’s her life.” Cassidy held her head high and faced Evan straight on. She wouldn’t let him see it bothered her when Zoe made it clear she had her eyes on Evan specifically.

  Because of the show, Evan got to know every move Cassidy made and when she made it. He didn’t need to know what she was thinking every moment, too.

  “So it didn’t bother you when she came over and flirted with me in what can barely be called a bikini?”

  “Nope. Did you have a nice chat?”

  “Well, we didn’t really get to talk much since I had to follow you back up here.”

  Cassidy crossed her arms. Did he really want to talk to Zoe? Had forcing him to follow her into the house been a hardship for him?

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize I interrupted your good time. Next time, I’ll cook in the Jacuzzi until I’m sure you’re finished socializing.”

  Evan smirked. “I never said I wanted to talk to Zoe and you certainly didn’t interrupt anything. You’re jumping to conclusions.” Evan leaned closer, causing Cassidy’s heart to feel as if she’d just finished running a marathon.

  “I wouldn’t want you to cook too long. You’re hot enough already.” Evan reached past Cassidy and opened her door behind her. “You should get some rest. After the day you had, I’m sure you need it.” He hovered over her, smiling.

  Cassidy took a deep steadying breath. He was so close. She caught the slightest scent of his cologne mixed with sweat after the grueling day of filming. It smelled like a long night of fulfilled desires — wrapped in chocolate. His lips were right there — only inches from her. If she tilted her head slightly …

  She ignored her own dirty thoughts. “Don’t even start with me about what happened with that stupid horse. You might think it was hilarious, but I don’t.”

  “Who said anything about the horse? I just thought you might be tired after a long day. Do you need anything for your foot before I go?”

  Cassidy struggled with another deep breath.

  Just you. You could rub it or something …

  “No. I’m good. Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She limped back a couple of paces into her room and closed the door, leaving Evan standing in the hall.

  What was going on with her? She couldn’t seem to breathe the same air as Evan without imagining what it would be like to feel his lips on hers. Those beautiful, soft-looking lips.

  She needed to get a grip before her imagination ran away with her. The last thing she needed right now was to get involved with the hunky cameraman. She’d signed her life away with those contracts for the show and she didn’t want to think about what would happen if she got caught making out with Evan. Not that she’d mind making out with him, but that was a whole other issue. Wanting was not the same as doing and she had to remember to keep it that way.

  • • •

  The night was still and quiet, a welcome change from the chaos of the day. Evan leaned back in his chair and took another gulp of his ice-cold beer. Cassidy was in her room sleeping while he sat out on the back patio, relishing the calm of the night.

  If he closed his eyes, he could almost convince himself he was on the front porch of his cabin, away from the drama of a house full of girls. God, he missed the cabin. He ran through his mental list of things still needing fixing before winter. Hopefully he’d have the time and the money to complete them after filming was done.

  “These hours are harder than I expected.” Jake groaned, rubbing the back of his neck, interrupting Evan’s reverie. “I think I might be getting too old for this.”

  “I hear you.” Evan put his feet up on an empty chair. “These challenge days are brutal.”

  Evan and Jake had been friends for a long time. They’d met during a Miss America Pageant. Neither knew what the hell they were doing or how they’d gotten hired for such a high profile gig. In the end, they’d become good buddies.

  Over the years they’d gotten into plenty of trouble together. Many mornings he’d woken up with a hangover after a late night with Jake. Those days were behind them now that they were older and Jake had a wife and kids.

  Evan had been ready to settle down and start a family too, until Carter lost Melissa in a rock climbing accident and everything Evan thought he wanted changed. He often wondered if falling in love was worth it if it could be snatched away at any moment.

  Then he met Cassidy. She complicated everything.

  She was smart, feisty, funny, and everything he hoped for in a girl to settle down with.

  But she was also here for the adventure.

  That was a sore spot he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get over even if there was a way for them to be together. Being adventurous had killed Melissa. And really, was an adrenaline rush worth risking your family’s happiness?

  Nope. Which is exactly why he’d given up flying around the world to film. His niece and brother needed him here and that was more important than any paycheck.

  “How’s your girl Cassidy working out for you?”

  “She’s fine. Who’s your girl?”

  “Erica,” Jake said. “She’s alright. But it seems like every time I turn around she’s trying to talk to me. It doesn’t matter how many times I explain she’s not supposed to talk to me, she does anyway. Seriously, Chip’s gonna be up my ass soon about all the footage she’s ruining.”

  “That’s sucks, man. Cassidy was like that the first day or so, but she seems to have the hang of it now.”

  “Erica’s also friends with that Zoe chick, so half the time I end up having to listen to her bitch, too.” Jake rubbed his forehead like he had a headache.

  “Luckily, Cassidy hates Zoe so I don’t have to spend much time around her.”

  “I don’t know about that. You haven’t forgotten the whole Jacuzzi scene already, have you?”

  “I wish I could.” Evan shook his head. “Zoe’s going to get my ass fired if she tries that shit again.”

  “That girl is trouble.”

  “I don’t plan on getting mixed up with her,” Evan said. “Maybe if I ignore her long enough, she’ll go bug her cameraman and leave me the hell alone.”

  “What about Cassidy? You plan on messing around with her?”

  “No. Where’d you get that idea?”

  “I see the way you guys look at each other when you think no one else is watching. It seems like there might be something more there.” Jake shrugged.

  “Sure, I’ll admit Cassidy’s a cute girl, and if the situation was different I’d probably be interested in her. But I’m not about to lose my job over her.”

  Or follow in Carter’s footsteps.

  “Sorry, man. I wasn’t trying to accuse you of anything with Cassidy. It’s just that I’ve seen you with a bunch of girlfriends, many of them on-set, but I’ve never seen you look at any of them the way you look at her.”

  “It’s all right. I just don’t want rumors starting when there’s nothing going on. Those other girls were always crew. This is different; Cassidy’s on the show. Off limits.” Evan brushed off Jake’s accusations and peered into the perfectly clear sky. Stars twinkled and speckled the night like confetti.

  Probably going to be sunny tomorrow. That means more bikinis … never thought I’d dread women in bikinis.

  Evan took the last swig of beer and groaned as he rolled forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “I’m beat. I’m going to call it a night and hit the sack.”

  “All right, dude. See ya tomorrow.”

  Evan wandered back into the house, stopping in the kitchen to throw his bottle into the recycling. Susan was in the kitchen fixing what looked like a massive midnight craving.

  “You’re up pretty late. I don’t usually see you wandering at this hour,” she said over her shoulder as she stacked a few more layers onto an already huge plate of food.

  “I needed to unwind with a beer. A rare taste of my old freedom before this crazy sch
edule started.” Evan yawned and stretched his stiff muscles. “But now I’m beat so I’m off to get a few hours of shut-eye before I have to do this all over again tomorrow.”

  “Night, Evan. Tell Cassidy I say goodnight, too.”

  Evan froze. What the hell?

  “It’s almost one in the morning. Why would you think I’d see Cassidy again tonight?”

  Susan continued with her food, not looking up at him. “No reason. Well, just that I have eyes and happened to notice how you looked at her in the stable when she was injured.”

  “I was concerned because I’m her cameraman. I don’t know what you think you saw, but you’re wrong … as usual,” he muttered that last part. God, why did Susan have to be on this production team?

  “Oh, really?” she laughed, pointing her fork at him. “Wrong like the last time we worked together and you ended up in bed with the model? Or wrong like the time before that when I caught you with the craft services girl? Or maybe the time before that when it was me you were with in the editing suite?”


  “I know you’re still bitter that what we had didn’t last, but I’m not fooling around with Cassidy.”

  “Not yet,” she scoffed.

  “Drop it and mind your own damn business.” Evan practically growled the words. Susan could piss him off like no one else — precisely the reason they hadn’t dated long.

  “No, you drop it with Cassidy. This is your one warning, then I get involved.”

  “If you’re too jealous to do your job objectively, then quit, but leave me and Cassidy and our working relationship out of it.”

  Evan didn’t wait for her reply before leaving the kitchen. What the hell was with people around here? Was he giving off some kind of “I’m screwing Cassidy” vibe? He did find her unbelievably attractive. Sure, they’d done a little harmless flirting with each other here and there. And yes, once or twice he’d had to restrain himself from doing something he shouldn’t — like kiss her — but those things had always happened in private.

  Regardless, he’d be more careful about how he acted around her from now on. He couldn’t have people starting rumors about him and Cassidy being more than cameraman and contestant.


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