Falling for You

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Falling for You Page 12

by Heather Thurmeier

  “I laughed because it was safer than my gut reaction.”

  “What do you mean? What’s your gut reaction?” she whispered.

  Evan’s face hovered only a few inches away. He tilted her chin toward him with his free hand and held her there, his mouth nearly touching hers as he spoke.

  “In the barn when you were pressed up against me, and on the trail when you were covered in dirt from falling, and in the interview room when you were throwing pillows at me, and here, now … my gut reaction has always been the overwhelming and undeniable urge to kiss you.”

  “It was only one pillow,” she said breathless, barely able to respond.

  He wants to kiss me? Ohmygod, ohmygod. Enough chitchat — do it.

  Evan squeezed her hand once then let it go. It fell to her side, limp and useless.

  “But I can’t let that happen, Cassy. I can’t kiss you. I won’t. I can’t stay here — not alone with you like this.”

  Cassidy watched, too dumbfounded to respond, as he reached the door in two quick strides, disappearing into the hall. She stood frozen unable to do anything but stare. Wait, why can’t he kiss me?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cassidy hopped on her good foot from the bathroom trying to reach the phone before it stopped ringing. Be Evan, be Evan. She grabbed it on the fourth ring. “Hello,” she said louder than she’d meant to.

  “Hello to you, too,” came Paige’s chipper voice. “Why are you yelling at the phone?”

  “I’m not, sorry. I was in the bathroom when it started ringing and then I had to hop to get it before you hung up. I didn’t mean to yell.”

  “That’s okay. Why were you hopping? Is your foot still bothering you?”

  “It’s not as bad as it was, but I’m trying to rest it before the next challenge tomorrow.”

  Cassidy flopped onto the bed and adjusted the towel wrapped around her. She eyed the cameras in the corners of the room. She didn’t need them getting a peek at any of her girly bits while she talked to Paige.

  “So what’s with the late night phone call? I thought you’d be in bed getting your beauty rest by now.”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I keep thinking about the elimination ceremony. I don’t understand why he doesn’t like me. Am I ugly or not funny enough or something? He can’t possibly have wanted me to stay instead of Zoe. You know him better than anyone else, what do you think it is?”

  She should’ve been there for Paige after the ceremony instead of going straight to her interview. It didn’t matter that America voted for her to stay, Brad had still put her up for the vote.

  “I’m so sorry, Paige. You know Brad is a big huge jerk if he doesn’t like you,” Cassidy continued. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s all him.”

  “If there’s nothing wrong with me, then why did he choose me for the bottom three? There must be something I’m doing wrong.”

  “Honestly, I can’t figure him out. He kissed Zoe in the barn then put her in the bottom two. I have no idea why he’s keeping me around at all. I suck at everything. And he’s already dumped me once. You’ve been great at everything, and you’re funny and smart and so pretty.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think Brad feels that way.” Paige’s voice trembled.

  “He doesn’t deserve you, anyway. Besides, if it’s not meant to be with you and Brad, then that means there’s someone else who’s totally awesome waiting for you.”

  “A lot of good that does me right now.”

  “Maybe seeing this show is how he finds you? You don’t know how all of this will turn out. But you can still enjoy the process while you’re here. It’s not so terrible trying new things and hanging out by the pool on our off days. It’s a hell of a lot better than working. And it’s even better now that Zoe’s gone. It’s going to be like paradise around here.”

  “You’re right. I guess I should try and enjoy it while I can. I’ll probably be gone after the next elimination anyway.”

  “It could just as easily be me who goes home next time.” Cassidy yawned. “I’m sorry, but I’m just so tired.”

  “I need to go, too. Thanks for the chat, I feel a little better now. I should probably try to get some sleep.”

  Cassidy laughed. “I need to rest up, since who the hell knows what I’ll be falling off of in the morning.”

  Paige giggled. “Night, Cassidy.”

  Cassidy hung up the phone, climbed into bed and turned off the light, casting one last glance at the door to Evan’s room. It had been a very interesting and intense day. She could only imagine what tomorrow would bring.

  • • •

  Evan woke to sunlight streaming in his windows. His tired eyes burned in the bright light.

  All night he’d tried to sleep, but instead he’d tossed and turned. He’d been exhausted after the long day, but when it came to relaxing, he couldn’t seem to stop thinking. Thinking about Cassidy and the kiss he almost hadn’t been able to resist.

  The urge to kiss her had been overwhelming, stronger than any desire he’d experienced before, and it’d been harder than he’d expected to walk out of her room when everything inside him yelled to stay.

  How would he get through yet another competition with so little sleep and so much distraction? How would he possibly get through another day filming Cassidy without violating his work contract or his own personal vow to not get involved with anyone? At the maximum, he had another three weeks of filming left, and that was only if she made it to the finale. He could control himself for a few more weeks, couldn’t he?

  After last night’s close call, and contemplating his every thought and feeling about her throughout the night, it was now completely obvious to him — he didn’t know how, but she made him feel something different — something he needed to explore further. But was he ready for that? Was he ready to risk getting involved with her, knowing the future was anything but predictable? Knowing how klutzy this girl was?

  Dating her would definitely mean dealing with his fears of her getting hurt on a daily basis. And if she really did start to like the adventurous things in life like on the show, how would he cope? How would Carter and Annie cope?

  No reason to worry about that yet.

  They’d both get in a heap of trouble if anything happened while on the show. Susan would make sure of that. Hell, Susan would hand him over to Chip wrapped in a giant bow if she suspected he’d fooled around with Cassidy.

  After the show was over, all bets were off and he wouldn’t have to worry about Susan or the production limitations. Hopefully by then Cassidy would have had her fill of adventuring, too. Then they might actually stand a chance together.

  The clock on the bedside table said it was already half past nine. A few more minutes and Cassidy should be ready to head out to the competition.

  He gathered up his gear and stood in the hall outside her door. He always liked this moment waiting to see Cassidy. He enjoyed letting himself imagine for a few moments what she might be wearing and how amazing she’d look in it.

  Evan glanced at his watch. Quarter to ten already? What’re you doing in there?

  Evan paced as the laughter of the other girls leaving the house drifted upstairs. Cassidy should be with them. What was taking her so long this morning?

  He rapped on the door quietly, not wanting to startle her. A few moments passed but the door didn’t open. “Cassidy? You in there?” He knocked on it harder, then stopped for a minute and waited, listening for noise.

  The lock on the door clicked and it opened a crack.

  “What’s up, Evan?” Cassidy yawned. “Why are you beating up my door? What did it ever do to you?”

  Evan pushed the door open gently. Cassidy wore a tank top with matching lace-trimmed shorts. Her hair stuck up on one side of her head in a mess of tangles, and pillow creases decorated her cheek.

  Damn, Cassy’s hot. She even makes bed head sexy.

  “Cassidy, why aren’t you ready? We have to go.”

  Cassidy rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. She raked her hands through her hair as if trying to tame the craziness. “I can’t believe I slept through my alarm. I need a shower.”

  “Make it a fast one. Everyone’s already leaving for the competition.” Evan paced around the room as Cassidy bolted into the bathroom, cursing loudly. “I’ll run down and get you some breakfast while you’re in the shower, okay?”

  Evan ran down the stairs two at a time and went straight to the breads. The girl needed carbs to get going. He didn’t have time to make anything fancy. Grabbing a couple of chocolate croissants and a bottle of water, he sprinted back to her room, hoping she’d be out of the shower and dressed by now. He could only imagine how long it would take for her to do her hair and makeup. It was already after ten and Chip would be seriously pissed if they arrived too late.

  Evan stood in the hall outside Cassidy’s room and dialed Chip. He picked up on the second ring.

  “Evan, what can I do for you?”

  “Hey, Chip. Cassidy’s had a few rough competitions and I think they finally caught up with her. She sort of slept in.”

  Chip sighed. “We only have the facility for a few hours and we need her here before we can start filming.”

  “I know. She’s getting ready now. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”

  “We can’t have one girl holding up production like this. Light a fire under that girl’s ass and get here.” Chip hung up the phone without waiting for a response from Evan.

  Not good.

  Evan cracked open Cassidy’s door and called inside. “Can I come back in?”

  “Yeah, I’m trying to finish my hair,” she called from inside the bathroom.

  Evan walked into the bathroom. “Here. Chocolate croissants.”

  Cassidy grabbed one and took a bite, chewed quickly, and took another. “Thanks,” she said with her mouth full. “These are my favorite.”

  She looked great, as always. He was amazed she could look this good in fifteen minutes when it would take other women hours to accomplish the same effect. She had true natural beauty.

  Cassidy pulled out a complicated, multi-strand necklace. She fumbled with it, trying to arrange the strands so they would hang perfectly around her neck. “Can you do this up for me?”

  Evan tried to hold the two little clasps between his large fingers. He reached around Cassidy’s shoulders as she leaned in toward him and draped the necklace across the front of her throat. She tilted her head to the side so he could see the clasp of the necklace behind her neck.

  Cassidy’s hair was still wet from the shower, but she’d pulled it back and rolled it up into a clip. The loose ends cascaded in waves to her shoulders.

  As he leaned in to get a better angle on the necklace, the scent of strawberry shampoo greeted him. He hesitated with the clasps, taking a moment to inhale deeply, enjoying the intoxicating, damn it — arousing — smell.

  Evan slid the clasp together then laid the necklace carefully on her neck. Her skin was silky beneath his fingers as he traced the slope of her neck. His hand lingered on her neck as his thumb kneaded the warm untouched skin behind her ear.

  Cassidy pulled back slightly, her eyes questioning him. He held his hand on the back of her neck, staring into those green eyes. The same eyes that had visited his dreams night after night for weeks. The urge he’d become so familiar with nagged at him again, begged him to take action.

  Just one little kiss. There are no cameras in the bathroom to catch us …

  He pulled Cassidy’s face to his, inching her lips closer. His breath grew heavy and deep as he paused, trying to fight the urge pounding deep in his chest. When he knew he couldn’t resist any longer, he brought his lips to hers, barely touching them, like a whisper on a breath.

  Her lips were warmer and softer than he’d imagined in his best dream. His mouth lingered on hers, savoring the moment, finally giving in to the longing burning inside.

  Cassidy responded against him, her mouth moving eagerly. She slid her hands up his chest and gripped his shirt in a fist, pulling him closer. Her lips parted, inviting him in.

  With that, his final wall of resistance crumbled. The raw emotions of the last few weeks rushed forward like floodwaters over a broken dam. Wrapping his free arm around her waist, he pulled her body tight to his. He pressed his hand against the small of her back trying to get her even closer. He panicked for a moment when he felt her mic pack. Thank God they hadn’t started filming yet or else she’d have turned it on by now.

  We’re good. Pay attention to the hot girl.

  A small groan escaped his lips as he explored her mouth with his tongue. Time became instantly irrelevant. All that mattered was the touch and taste of Cassidy.

  Chocolate and mint …

  Their breath grew ragged. His hand tangled in her hair as he tilted her head to the side. His mouth left hers and traveled down the side of her neck leaving a trail of kisses behind.

  “Evan,” she whispered. “Evan, we … we have to stop.”

  His lips pressed to hers again, silencing her protest. He didn’t want to leave now, maybe not ever. This felt so right, so good.

  Evan’s pocket vibrated. Sighing, he pulled his mouth from hers and reached into his pocket with one hand while holding Cassidy close with the other, not ready to let her go. The caller display flashed onto the little screen.

  Ah, shit.

  “Hey, Chip,” he said clearing his throat, trying to sound normal.

  “Where are you guys? We’re almost ready to get started.”

  “We’re leaving the house now. We’ll be there soon.”

  “Well, hurry the hell up.” Chip hung up on Evan for the second time.

  Evan tucked his phone back into his front pocket and hooked his arms together behind Cassidy’s back. She peered up at him, her eyes heavy-lidded.

  “That was Chip. We have to go.” He raised his eyebrows and grinned at her. “I think we might be in trouble.”

  “In more ways than one, it seems.” Cassidy motioned to his arms wrapped around her.

  “This is trouble, but only if we tell him.” Evan leaned forward, his lips hovering above hers. “I don’t plan on telling him about this.”

  His lips claimed hers again. She mumbled something quietly. He ignored her and kissed her harder, deeper than before. After one final peck on the lips, he stepped back. The expression on her face was a reflection of his desire.

  “Telling would be bad,” Cassidy muttered.

  “We have to go.”

  Evan walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his camera gear. Cassidy followed behind him with her purse and slipped into her shoes. He held the door open for her as she grabbed the last chocolate croissant. Watching her take a bite as she passed in front of him made the taste of Cassidy’s mouth flood his mind again.

  “I never knew chocolate could taste so damned good,” he whispered in her ear as she passed through the doorway.

  Closing the door behind him, he mentally tried to force the last few minutes out of his mind. He had to focus on work or Chip would know something had happened. No one could find out. So much for not getting involved with Cassidy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As they walked into the crowded room, Cassidy stole a quick glance at Evan. He appeared calm and completely at ease — and sexy. So. Damned. Sexy.

  She tried to mirror his expression, worried if she didn’t the others would take one look at her and know what had happened between them. They hurried to join the group standing in front of a giant clear tube-like structure in the middle of the room. Everyone seemed to be eyeing it with trepidation.

  What the hell is that thing?

  Cassidy had no idea where they were. She’d been so focused on not thinking about Evan and that absolutely-mind-blowingly-amazing kiss, she hadn’t paid a moment’s attention to where they were actually driving. Now she wished she’d seen the sign on their way into the building.

>   She hadn’t paid any attention to where they’d been kissing, either. Thank God they’d kissed in her bathroom, away from the spying cameras in her bedroom. A chill ran down her back at the thought of how close she’d come to making a serious mistake with Evan, like kissing him in full view of the cameras in her room where Chip would surely find out. Chip could not find out.

  Chip rushed over to greet them with a scowl on his face. “What the hell took you guys so long?”

  “Sorry, Chip,” Evan apologized before Cassidy had a chance to respond. “I knew Cassidy was pretty tired because of her injuries. I should have checked on her earlier to make sure she was awake.”

  “Damn right you should have. She’s your responsibility. Your mistake cost us forty-five minutes of filming time.”

  “I won’t let it happen again.”

  “See that you don’t, or I’ll find Cassidy a new cameraman.” Chip walked away, leaving them staring after him. Evan’s jaw tightened in silent response.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Cassidy whispered. “It’s my fault we’re late, not yours.”

  “It’s fine, Cassy. Don’t worry about it,” he whispered back. “I’ve worked for Chip before. He’s not going to fire me. One time I showed up ready to film with the stomach flu so he can cut me a little slack for being late once. Join the other girls and blend in before we get in more trouble.”

  Cassidy’s heart did a little flip at hearing Evan call her Cassy. It was funny how only yesterday she found it really annoying when he called her that, but now it made her feel sort of giddy. Normally she hated nicknames. But she liked the way a nickname sounded coming from Evan. She knew she would like it even more if he were groaning her nickname in bed, but she couldn’t entertain that dream right now.

  “Now that we’re finally all here, let’s get started.” Chip stared at Cassidy to make his point crystal clear, as if any doubt lingered in anyone’s mind who he referred to. “We’re moving quicker than usual today since our time here is limited.”

  Chip motioned to a door on the left and everyone turned to stare. Brad strolled out in a dark blue jumpsuit accompanied by two other men in matching suits. They strode forward with an air of confidence and joined Spencer in front of the ladies.


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