Falling for You

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Falling for You Page 19

by Heather Thurmeier

  She sat on the edge of the tub adjusting the water until it was hot enough to soak the tension out of her weary muscles. She grabbed one of the fancy little bottles of bubble bath and poured the last bit of liquid left from it into the water. Hundreds of bubbles came to life, floating across the surface of the water. The delectable scent of chocolate filled the air.

  Cassidy wiped her eyes again to make sure no tears still lingering on the brink before turning to face Evan and the camera. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave so I can take a bath.” She tried her best to make her voice sound strong. “I’m sure America doesn’t need to see that.”

  Evan clicked the record button off and set his camera aside on the counter. He took her in his arms before she could protest. His hands found the mic pack hiding in the small of her back, which he expertly removed and shut off, placing it on the counter next to his camera.

  Cassidy inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his cologne as he wrapped her in his arms. He was strong and gentle and incredibly handsome. How could she ever believe memories of Brad could compare to the reality of Evan? But how could Evan ever catch up to the history she already had with Brad?

  Evan kissed the side of her neck sending a shiver down her back.

  “Evan, be good.”

  “I’m very good. Haven’t I proven that to you enough times yet?”

  “That’s not what I mean.” She hit him playfully on the shoulder, pulling back from him. “I mean you shouldn’t be in here with me. You should be out in the bedroom where the cameras can see you’re not in here with me.”

  “I’ll go in a minute and no one will be any the wiser.” He gazed at her, his eyes serious. “But first I want to know what’s wrong. You were almost crying a few minutes ago.”

  “It’s nothing,” she said. “I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed.”

  “Cassy, if there’s something wrong, please, let me help you.”

  She tried to put on a happy face. “Really, I’m fine.”

  And deeply confused.

  She wasn’t ready to tell Evan she’d been tearing up at the thought of not seeing him every day. He’d probably think she was crazy.

  “I’ll let you keep your secret, but you know you can talk to me if you need to. You’re not in this mess alone.” He paused for a moment before sighing and continuing like it pained him to say the words that came next. “If you’re starting to have feelings for Brad again, you can tell me. I’ll try to understand enough to talk about it.”

  “It’s not that.”

  It’s both of you.

  “It makes me very happy to hear that.” Evan kissed her and her body melted into his. She wanted more than anything to stay in this moment forever and forget about Brad, the show, and everything else around her.

  She kissed him back harder, holding on to the feeling of his lips on hers before pulling away. Would she be able to remember this feeling when she was alone in New York again? When he left her like he had all the other production flings?

  “Can I get in the tub before the water goes cold and the bubbles disappear?” she asked, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I won’t be long if you want to hang out in your room for a bit. I’ll knock on your door when I’m finished.”

  “I’m going to need a cold shower while I wait. It’s torture picturing you in all that hot, soapy water and knowing I can’t join you.”

  Grabbing her butt, he gave it a squeeze before letting her go. “When we finally get finished with this stupid show, I might not let you out of my sight for a long, long time.”

  “I might hold you too that.” She smiled weakly, tears threatening her eyes again. “Now go.” Cassidy pushed Evan out of the bathroom and closed the door before he could see her eyes well up with tears again.

  She undressed and sank into the tub. Hot water washed over her skin, soothing her. She closed her eyes and leaned back against a towel, only then allowing a couple of tears to trickle down her cheek.

  Cassidy didn’t understand why she had this strong of a reaction to the thought of leaving Evan — and to the thought of Brad walking away from her again. When Brad told her he hoped she might still be the girl to spend his life with, it was like she’d gotten back a little piece of herself. It felt great to know at least a part of him still regretted how he’d treated her — regretted how he’d left things.

  And then there was Evan, the man who made her feel something she’d never experienced before — something new, something deeper than lust or desire. A man who made her forget there was a world going on around them when she was in his arms.

  A man she didn’t know if she had any future with outside of this house.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Seriously?” Cassidy’s voice came out tighter and squeakier than she’d meant it to. “I can’t believe this is our last challenge.” Everywhere Cassidy looked was nature, nature, and more nature.

  Susan was a bigger bitch than Zoe.

  Dress clothes my ass. Cassidy shifted her weight on her already sore feet — feet that were trapped in three-inch-high torture devices. Of all the days for the medic to approve of me wearing heels again, it just had to be today.

  “Okay, Chip. Now you’ve gone too far even for me.” Zoe wore a distinctly sour expression.

  We’ll actually have something in common. Oh my God, did I really just admit to having something in common with the she-devil? Kill me. Kill me now.

  Spencer and Brad appeared before them.

  “Welcome back,” Spencer said with a TV smile. “You should both be very proud of yourselves. I’m sure Brad picked both of you for good reasons, and I for one, can’t wait to see how this will all play out.”

  Spencer took a moment to scan the area then moved to stand beside a pile of gear. “This is your final challenge and as such, we’ve decided to put you to the ultimate test. This challenge will test your survival skills, your physical ability, and also your emotional stamina.

  “First, you’ll grab your gear and use a map to hike to your campsite. Second, you’ll have to set up your campsite. This will include pitching tents and starting a fire. I hope you brought some matches.” He laughed.

  Cassidy didn’t.

  “Now, I know you didn’t stop at the grocery store on your way here, so in with your gear, you’ll find everything you need to prepare a gourmet outdoor meal.”

  Brad laughed and slapped Spencer on the shoulder like they were best buddies. “Wow. It sounds like I’m in for a good time. I can’t wait to see how these girls handle living outside for a full twenty-four hours.”

  “This challenge will give the girls a chance to really show you who they are and what they’re made of. I should also add you’ll get a private date with each of the girls. This will be your last chance to learn everything you need to know about them to help make your final decision.”

  “Sounds good,” Brad said.

  Spencer grabbed a backpack from the pile of gear and placed it on the ground in front of Cassidy. He did the same for Zoe. Along with their sizable backpacks, there were also tents, bags with dishes, food and cooking utensils, as well as sleeping bags, creating a rather intimidating pile of gear.

  Are we driving to camp?

  Spencer handed Cassidy a paper rolled like a cigar and put a small round object into Zoe’s hand. “That’s the map and compass to help you find your camp. Grab the rest of your gear and good luck. I think you’ll need it.”

  Spencer didn’t linger. Instead, he walked over to the production trailer and disappeared inside.

  The challenge had officially started and they were on their own.

  Cassidy unrolled the map and held it out to get a better look. A highlighted line indicated the hiking paths they needed to use and a campsite number they needed to reach to find their final destination. It didn’t seem quite as complicated as Spencer made it sound.

  “Okay, it looks like we need to go north until we find the tree split in two and then we hang a left onto yellow trail
five. Which way is north?”

  “You’re actually going along with this?” Zoe asked.

  “What do you mean? This is the challenge.”

  “You’re willing to wander into the wilderness to find some stupid campsite? You know, if we both refuse, they’ll have to take us to the campsite some other way.”

  Cassidy studied the map again. She wasn’t thrilled with the idea either, but it didn’t seem like that hard of a hike. “I think we’ll be okay.”

  “Come on, Zoe.” Brad squeezed between them, putting an arm around each of their shoulders. “You’ve always been up for a good time before. Don’t go changing on me now.”

  “I, um. I guess I didn’t realize you’d be joining us on our hike,” Zoe stammered. “Cassidy, read the map already and tell me where to go so I can use the compass.”

  Oh, I’ll tell you where to go.

  Zoe stood with her hand on her hip waiting for Cassidy. Never mind that Cassidy had already told her they needed to go north. Now that Zoe knew Brad was involved, a whole new girl came to play.

  “I said north. Do you know where north is?”

  “Of course I know where north is.” Zoe stared at the compass, first spinning in one direction, then the other. “Great, they gave us a broken compass. Now what are we supposed to do?”

  Zoe held a simple compass with the four coordinates clearly marked and a needle spinning in the middle. Cassidy had never used a compass before, but how hard could it be, right?

  “What part isn’t working?” she asked.

  “Well, when I spin, the little dial thingy spins, too. The little arrow is pointing to the N over there, but when I turn toward the N, then the arrow points a different way. Are we supposed to follow the N or the arrow?” Zoe handed the compass to Cassidy. “I give up. You figure it out.”

  Cassidy held the compass flat in her hand. I couldn’t be that hard to figure it out. She tried to recall all the things she’d ever heard about using a compass, which wasn’t much.

  “Never eat shredded wheat,” she mumbled.

  “What are you whispering about?”

  “Nothing.” Cassidy noticed the arrow in the middle had one red end and it was currently pointing at the E.

  That must mean something.

  She turned and the red end of the arrow stayed where it was, while the directional letters spun beneath it.

  “A compass always points north, right?” She turned a little further until the red end of the arrow pointed directly in front of her and the N was underneath the arrow. “So, this must be north?”

  She glanced at Evan hoping for confirmation before they set off on their hike. He gave a quick nod and crooked smile.

  “You better be sure about this, Cassidy. If you get us lost in the wild, I will eat you to save myself,” Zoe said.

  “That’s disgusting. No one’s eating anyone. Besides, it’s a TV show. Are you really stupid enough to think they’d let two contestants, the hunky guy, and a few cameramen all wander off into the woods to get lost and never be heard from again?”

  “You still think I’m hunky. I knew it.” Brad snickered like she’d admitted wanting to do dirty things with him.

  “You — you know what I meant.” That sounded pathetic, even to her.

  Great. Now he’ll think I want to kiss him again. Do I?

  “I know exactly what you’re saying, or not saying since you seem to enjoy playing that way.” Brad winked and puckered his lips in a kissing face, teasing her.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Cassidy hoped they’d start moving before she said anything else to accidentally encourage Brad. Cassidy hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders, grabbed another bag of gear, and a toolbox. She laughed as Zoe lifted her backpack and almost fell over under its weight.

  Brad looped the rest of the bags onto his shoulders like a pack mule. Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead before he’d taken a single step.

  The group headed out on the trail with Cassidy leading the way. She held the compass in front of her to make sure the arrow always pointed at the N. She took careful steps on her wobbly heels over the uneven ground. This wouldn’t help Evan not worry about her hurting herself again.

  After what seemed like eternity, they finally came to the tree she’d seen on the map. They turned left and followed the trail marked with yellow painted rings on nearby trees and stakes with the number five etched into them spaced every few hundred feet.

  A few stakes later, a placard with the number twenty-three painted in bright blue appeared along the trailside.

  “This is it.” She dropped her gear to the ground and collapsed onto a seat at the picnic table, instantly kicking off her shoes and rubbing her feet. “Thank God it wasn’t any further. I’m not sure how much more I could have carried those packs.”

  “You’re telling me.” Zoe sauntered into camp, filing her nails. “These shoes were not made for this kind of abuse.”

  “Finally.” Brad staggered into the camp. He dropped Zoe’s backpack to the ground as well as all the other things. “You’re carrying your own bag on the way back, Zoe.”

  “No, I’m not.” She flopped down on the other side of the picnic bench and lay down across it like she was sun tanning at the beach.

  “Can you move over so I can sit, too?” he asked, standing beside the table.

  Zoe didn’t respond.

  Cassidy sighed and slid down the bench to make room for Brad. He sat directly beside her, leaving little space between them. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him.

  “Thanks, babe. You gonna make room for me in your tent, too?”

  Cassidy blushed. “I don’t know. I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. We’re on TV, remember? America might jump to the wrong conclusions.”

  “Or the right ones if you ask nicely. Besides, it’ll be great for ratings.”

  Cassidy glanced at the bags in a heap on the ground. It had to be nearly lunch by how loud her stomach growled and it could easily take all afternoon to figure out how to set up one tent, let alone four tents. “We should get started on those tents soon. I don’t want to sleep out with the animals tonight.” And I’m not sharing.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” Brad said.

  “Great. Um, thanks.”

  Cassidy unzipped a tent bag and pulled out a sheet of instructions, studying it. She knelt in the dirt carefully tucking her skirt under her legs so she wouldn’t accidentally give America a peek at anything too interesting while she attempted to erect the tent. She had zero experience pitching a tent since every camping trip with her parents involved a cabin, a bed, and indoor plumbing.

  “Hey, Zoe. Do you want to work together to pitch our tents?” Cassidy hoped for an extra set of hands, but wasn’t sure she wanted them to be attached to Brad.

  “No, I don’t plan on pitching a tent.”

  “Okay, so you’re sleeping with the bugs tonight? Because you’re not sharing my tent.”

  “I wasn’t planning on sharing with you.” Zoe arched her eyebrows at Brad.

  Brad grinned at Zoe and turned to face Cassidy. “Oh, this just got a lot more interesting. Are you going to let her stake her claim on me like that?”

  Crap. What’s the right response?

  “I said I was setting up a tent to sleep in. I never once said I’d be sleeping alone.”

  Oh, good one.

  “My, my, my. The gloves come off,” Brad teased. “No need to fight over me, ladies. There’s plenty of Brad for everyone to enjoy.”

  There wasn’t that much, if I remember correctly.

  Cassidy pulled hollow poles attached with some kind of stretchy string out of the bag and compared them to the set of instructions on the ground. Where are you when I need you, Keira? I bet you’ll laugh like crazy when you see this on TV.

  It took Cassidy a few minutes to lay the tent out on the ground with long crisscrossing poles on top and clipped to the fabric. Now, she had to raise all four sides at once to make
it dome-shaped like the picture showed. Grabbing the poles, she glanced at Evan for encouragement. His head nodded slightly, and he offered her a crooked smile. They were almost in position when one slipped out of her hand and fell back onto the tent, bringing the other pole and Cassidy with it. A muffled chuckle came for the direction of Evan’s camera. She straightened her skirt, determined to prove to herself and everyone else that she could pitch a stupid tent.

  A while later, Cassidy stood with sweat streaming down her face and a wide grin stretching across her face. She gazed at the tent she’d erected. It was a little misshapen, but it was up. Hopefully it was secure.

  She grabbed a bottle of water from one of the bags they’d carried. She chugged half the bottle in only a few gulps, then tilted her head back and poured the rest of the water onto her face, cooling her off and washing away the sticky sweat and dirt. It meant she’d have to steal a couple of minutes away in her tent to retouch her makeup, but at least she’d be clean.

  “That’s reminds me of a shower we took once,” Brad said.

  Cassidy’s mind skipped back to the showers they’d taken on mornings after Brad had spent the night at her apartment. She always ended up late for work those mornings. The memory made her smile — until she glanced up to find Evan staring at her. Oops.

  Cassidy rummaged through a bag until she found a stash of granola bars. She chose one covered in chocolate — exactly what she needed to recharge. She took a seat at the picnic table to eat and rest while she watched Brad help Zoe with her tent.

  A few minutes later, Zoe joined her at the picnic table while Brad tossed sleeping bags and pillows into each of the tents. Zoe had done a good job at playing damsel in distress, which meant Brad had basically erected her entire tent himself.

  “I think we’re all set for tonight.” He sat at the table. “Now, I don’t want you girls fighting over me too much. You’re both welcome to share my tent.”

  “So what’s next on the list for this fun challenge?” Cassidy didn’t want to say anything that would either incriminate her or encourage him.


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