The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2)

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The Wanted (The Magic of the Jin Series Book 2) Page 7

by Nikki Hunter

  “Okay, okay. Calm down. Let’s get on with re-assigning you.” Nazar’s fingers traced circles over the arm of his seat.

  “I don’t want reassigned. Send me back. I’ve got beef with that demon.”

  Abaddon covered his mouth to hide what Camila was sure was another devilish grin. “That won’t happen. You’re off to help a twelve year old girl named Katie.”


  “You haven't got a choice.”

  “Oh, but I do.” Camila smiled, the energy she held growing stronger.

  White light exploded, sending Nazar and Abaddon out of their seats as they thrust out their own power to guard themselves. The air smelled burnt as Camila turned to run. She cursed as she ran, hating how the fates denied the magic used for coming and going from their home. The jin could only visit the fates when summoned, and they could only leave through the one portal. She knew exactly where the portal was that would take her wherever she asked it, which in turn, would get her to the tear in the portal.

  From there, she was confident that she could use her magic to get her to the queen’s castle. To her mates - No, not her mates. Boyfriends? No. Camila shook her head, disgusted that those feeling were ever forced on her.

  What were they if she wasn’t part of the jin alliance? If their bond had been made up of blind loyalty and the games the fates played?

  Camila shot out her palm and threw her magic against the door in front of her to shatter it. She left it in pieces; perhaps the same way the fates had just left her heart in pieces. The brisk air of the long white corridor clawed at her as she sprinted toward the arching portal. The magic in it shimmered and morphed, like an oversized lava lamp.

  Shouts erupted behind her. Camila could feel a rush of air pushing against her, pulling her back toward the fates and taking her breath with it. Her body screamed at her as she pushed what strength she had into a wind of her own; a wind that propelled her straight through the portal and into the black alleyway.

  Silence could be deafening and, in this case, heartbreaking.

  Camila lurched forward on all fours and loudly heaved up the food in her stomach among the tar and garbage. Pebbles bit into her palms. The evening breeze licked against her sides and stirred the sour air under the incandescent light of the moon pouring over her image.

  Nothing. There was only nothingness.

  Where a strong and thriving mate bond once was, now there was nothing. The guiding power of the jin bond; also gone. Emptiness began to ache inside her. It wasn’t the bitter lashing of the night’s wind against her flesh that sent a series of shivers over her, but rather a loneliness she had never felt.

  Hot tears spilled onto her cheeks as she wiped at her mouth. With shaky legs, she stood. Holding back the emotion that wanted to overtake her, she pushed her feelings, or rather the lack thereof, into the deep pit of anger that still resided.

  I won’t be a pawn in someone else’s game. Perhaps it’s time I start making the rules.

  With a flick of her wrist, she donned the black fighting armor; each emerald stone glistening under the moon. Gritting her teeth, she pushed against the fatigue of using too much magic so fast and, wrapping her arms around her, she stumbled toward the tear. It was much harder to see from this side. Really, she couldn’t see it at all.

  Camila held out her hand, her magic feeling as well. Tingles races over her fingers as she found where the seams of this world mingled with the fae’s. With her heart thudding in her chest, Camila leaped between realms, her boot catching on the fabrics of the universe.

  The hard ground under the foreign sky shining with four suns met Camila stiffly and without welcome. Air wheezed out of her as she flattened. Sprawled against the ground, she rolled to her back.

  Squinting into the hot suns, she mumbled, “Fuck.”

  A shadowed figure eased into her vision. “What ‘ave we got ‘ere?”

  With a moan, Camila reached up and pushed the strangers face away. Her fingers intertwined in a dark, rough beard. “Back off, asshole.”

  “Woah, I heard you ‘er made of fire. Turns out your jus’ another fuckwit.”

  Camila sat up on her elbow and blinked at the man before her. He was taller, with broad muscular shoulders, and clad in a similar armor to what she wore. A long bow was strung over his back and a silver sword swayed at his hips.

  “Do I know you?”

  “No, love, but I know you.”


  The pain was worse. Worse than the calling the queen had on their lives. Worse than the living hell each of them had created. The moments after the mate bond was severed were filled with anger and sorrow.

  Kade stood outside the castle, far away from the emotions of the others. Scents of wild berries that were growing amongst the brush filled the air. His own heart ached, wishing for the familiar scent of honeysuckle and the dark hair of hers he was just getting used to.

  He feared for Yehven the most. How much heartbreak can you live through in one lifetime? Yehven had fallen to his knees mid-sentence when the bond broke. Since that moment, his eyes remained lifeless, only staring blankly ahead.

  They knew she was out there somewhere. But would she ever get back to them? Kym had come running into their room, blood coating her hands. Her cries still echoed in Kade’s head.

  Through her sobs, she stared down at the crimson that coated her fingertips, explaining how two men dress in Queen Katrice’s emblem attacked them. Kym has only gotten away because Camila was too stubborn to not try and fight them off.

  She didn’t know anything of battle. She should have run away. Anger simmered inside Kade as he ran his fingers over his face.

  A light snow fell over the courtyard. Stiffly, he kicked at the grass with a frown. Kym was going to take them to the other queen. With Queen Noryn on their side or not, they would parley with Queen Katrice’s guards. They would find the men who took Camila away from them.

  A slight shuffle behind Kade drew his attention. He watched as Zayn walked out toward him, jaw strung tight. Kade nodded at his friend, then turned back to gaze at the landscape as it collected snow.

  “Too much for you in there?” Zayn whispered into the early morning light.

  The emotions. Each one had their own mixture of them. They were so strong that they overwhelmed him. Kade couldn’t sort out his own emotions from theirs. Not only did he have to feel the loss, he had to feel it four more times. The feelings were strangling him. Camila’s absence was like a noose that was only getting tighter around his throat.

  “I, uh, just wish I could turn it off sometimes. You know?”

  “Mmm.” Zayn hummed, pulling a cigarette from his pocket. “Snagged these buggers from Bekket’s place.”

  “Since when do you smoke?”

  “Eh, I used to. Quit. Now I figure it’s a good time to start again.” Small clouds of smoke began to bloom and rise before them as Zayn lit the cigarette.

  Together they stood as the cold grass below them was covered with the crisp white of winter. Kade shuffled and tugged the wool jacket he had grabbed tighter around himself.

  “You know, we are gonna get her back,” Zayn stated plainly around puffs.

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that one bit.”

  “Do you trust her? Kym?”

  Kade turned toward Zayn. “Do you?”

  “Not a single fucking ounce.”

  Deleted Scene:

  He looked the same, almost. The same brown hair that never stayed in place, and even the same cocky smile, but his whole body was larger… as if he had been well fed. That must have been nice.

  Char stirred behind her in unease. His dress clothes snagged gently against her teal dress. He never liked this idea, but she had to see, had to know.

  Lance looked so happy amongst the crowd, playing his part well. The thought built a strange feeling inside her chest. She swallowed hard, trying to push down the tears that threatened to reveal her and the anger that wanted to roar across this party.

sp; Her eyes widened as he took up a dance with a strange woman. She was gorgeous yet she seemed unpleased. Had he found himself a lover even in his banishment? Lance didn’t seem bothered by the woman’s annoyance. He always did enjoy a challenge.

  Slowly, she closed her eyes, turning away from the scene. Char’s strong hands cupped her cheeks brushing his thumb along the pointed bone structure of her face. He gently pushed away her short chestnut hair that had fallen forward over her bronze skin. “We need to go. This isn’t safe.”

  Safe. He was right. Safe would have been staying at the camp. Safe would have been being curled up with her weapons inside her tent and falling asleep at that very moment.

  She lifted her caramel eyes to meet the piercing blue of his with a nod. “Let’s go.”

  Look for book three, The Taken, coming soon!

  Also by Nikki Hunter

  The Royal Harem Series

  The Hundred Year Curse

  The Curse of the Sea

  The Legend of the Cursed Princess

  The Magic of the Jin Series

  The Needed

  Coming Soon by Nikki Hunter

  Day of Ruin

  About Nikki Hunter

  Nikki Hunter is a mom and wife, but also a Friends nerd. When she’s not writing she spends her time binge watching Seven Brides for Seven Brothers while making her husband crazy.




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