Omega's Home (The Alpha's New Omega - Mpreg Book 1)

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Omega's Home (The Alpha's New Omega - Mpreg Book 1) Page 2

by Adams, Rory

“That would be excellent.” Jackson clasped his hands together. “Shall I send a driver to pick you up?”

  Cameron was dumbfounded by the generous offer.

  “I… uh… sure,” Cameron said, barely getting the words out. “That would be great.”

  Again he felt heat simmering in his cheeks. He just couldn’t seem to compose himself in Jackson’s overwhelming presence. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

  “Not at all.” Jackson led the way down towards the gravel driveway. “And speaking of which, I need to give you a ride to the bus stop.”

  “That’s ok...”

  “I insist.”

  Chapter 4

  The drive home was perhaps the most stressful ride of Cameron’s young life. Firstly, there was the matter of being in close proximity to the most attractive alpha he’d ever met for an extended period of time. Then there was the air conditioning blowing Jackson’s overwhelmingly arousing scent into his nose.

  As if those two things were not enough Jackson also drove a sports car that snarled and zoomed around corners like an angry rollercoaster. Cameron, quiet and gentle as he was, had never liked rollercoasters. The overwhelming speed and lurching dips made him queasy and more than a little frightened. Riding in Jackson’s Sports car was a similar experience.

  Cameron’s hands gripped the leather upholstery like he was clinging to the edge of a cliff. At every sharp turn the force of Jackson’s acceleration pressed him back into his seat. Jackson could obviously see the omega’s fear and relished it. Even when they got into the densely packed city he zoomed away from every stoplight like a rocket and careened around every corner at breakneck speed.

  Somehow, the terror only heightened the arousal Cameron was experiencing. Sweat beaded on his forehead and he found himself breathing hard. By the time Jackson stopped outside his apartment building Cameron felt lightheaded. As he exited the vehicle, thanking the older alpha profusely, he struggled to prevent his excitement from becoming physically visible.

  That night Cameron couldn’t sleep. His meager belongings were already packed into a second hand duffel bag. He tossed and turned, awash in anxiety. When he thought of Jackson’s beefy arms and thick-fingered hands, he trembled with fear. Yet when he pictured the alpha’s crisp blue eyes, chiseled jaw, and broad shoulders he felt a very different sort of anxiety. And his smell. That was beyond imagination, beyond memory. Cameron’s mind couldn’t even capture it.

  When he did finally drift off Cameron dreamed of Jackson pinning him down to the four-posted bed in his new room. In his dream the alpha raked his ivory fangs along Cameron’s neck and his thick, hard, warm cock pressed between the omega’s trembling legs. He quivered with anticipation, his own cock swollen and leaking from the slit.

  Cameron imagined Jackson slipping inside of him, stretching his hole. Jackson’s cock was no doubt so thick that it would hurt. Still, he didn’t care. Cameron wanted his new boss’ seed pumping inside of him. Filling him until he became pregnant.

  In the morning a sleek black town car waited outside Cameron’s building, waiting to take him to his new life. He didn’t hesitate, rushing from his place, reading to begin, no matter how much anxiety it caused him.

  Chapter 5

  The first week of Cameron’s new life put most of his fears to sleep. As he’d said during their initial meeting Jackson was gone on business for several nights. When he was around the alpha was always very polite. His smell still elicited deep instinctual desires in Cameron’s gut, though the omega was learning to get those under control.

  Occasionally, Cameron still felt an urge to run and cower when the powerful alpha strode into a room unexpectedly, but deep down he knew he would never leave. Jackson had given him a roof over his head, food in his stomach, and enough money to fulfill his basic needs. Cameron was exceedingly grateful. He felt he owed Jackson a great debt for giving him the security he so craved.

  Still there were nights when the loneliness returned to Cameron’s chest. It would wrap its icy coils around him and squeezed until he was curled into a ball under his duvet. It felt like there was an aching hole in his ribcage.

  Cameron hadn’t dreamed about Jackson again, but sometimes he fantasized about the alpha slipping into his room in the dead of night. He longed to be dominated, to submit to the powerful man whose scent filled the entire house.

  Then one morning, as Cameron was going out to fix a broken fence on the edge of the evergreen forest, Jackson suddenly appeared in the hallway in front of him. Cameron jumped, startled. His heart rate skyrocketed as Jackson’s musky aroma tingled through his bones.

  “I’m sorry.” Jackson held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, showing off his perfect hands. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “That’s ok.” Cameron couldn’t help the smile that bubbled to his face. “I didn’t know you were back from your trip.”

  “I got back late last night.”

  “Did you have a good trip?” Cameron hoped the small talk would distract from the squirming in his stomach.

  “I did.” Jackson grinned. His blue eyes smoldered down into Cameron’s. “Though it’s good to be home.” Jackson looked down for a moment, rocking back onto his heels. It looked almost like the alpha was nervous, though Cameron didn’t believe that was even possible.

  “I’m just headed out to fix a collapsed fence segment.” Cameron shuffled his feet awkwardly.

  “Oh. Well thank you for doing that.” Jackson stretched and Cameron listened to the sound of his sculpted shoulders cracking. The alpha fiddled with his shirtsleeves, needlessly adjusting them. “I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight.”

  Cameron’s insides tied themselves in knots. His heart thrilled with a thousand different emotions at once; fear, anxiety, happiness, excitement, dread. The omega's palms began to sweat at the mere idea of eating a meal across from this impressive alpha. What would he think of young Cameron? Surely his thoughts must seem horribly naive in comparison to Jackson’s experience and maturity.

  “I would love that,” Cameron heard himself saying, despite his worries.

  Jackson’s face broke into an enormous grin, like the sun showing its face after a long, cold winter. His blue eyes shone with something that made Cameron’s heart flutter.

  “Great.” The alpha clapped his hands together. “Well I’ve got business to attend to at the moment, but I’ll see you at dinner. I’ve told the kitchen staff to be ready by six o’clock.”

  “See you then.” Cameron tried to keep the tremor out of his voice, but he could tell Jackson still heard it. The alpha fixed him with a burningly sexy smirk, cobalt eyes sweeping up and down his body. Then Jackson turned on heel and strode confidently away without even saying goodbye.

  Cameron stood frozen. His body simply refused to work, still reeling from the force of Jackson’s mischievous grin. Feeling self-conscious Cameron glanced down at his clothes, wondering what exactly the alpha had found so amusing. He was shocked and appalled to notice a faint bulge in the soft fabric of his pants.

  Somehow he’d become so lost in the heady magic of Jackson’s eyes and low, throaty voice that he failed to notice the tightening below his belt. Cameron’s entire body flushed bright red at the knowledge that Jackson had seen his arousal on full display. He cursed his instinctual reaction the scent of such a dominant alpha. Surely Jackson didn’t think of him in that way. Surely that grin of his had been mocking Cameron’s lack of physical control, not an attempt at flirting or seduction.

  Chapter 6

  Cameron was still ripe with embarrassment as he walked into the spacious dining hall. A long, intricately carved table made of honey-colored wood stretched the length of the room. Only the head of the table and the seat immediately to the right of it had been set up.

  Jackson was already seated when Cameron walked in. The omega had worn his best clothes, though that wasn’t saying much. He’d picked out his nicest, cleanest jeans and a button up shirt. As usual Jackso
n was looking immaculate in a tailored suit. Cameron felt woefully plain and undesirable in his presence.

  “Welcome!” Jackson called, his voice booming in the vast, empty space. “Come have a seat.”

  Cameron obeyed, trying not to think about the fiasco earlier. As soon as he was seated a young female beta emerged from the adjoining kitchen, carrying two steaming bowls of soup. She set them down, did a little bow, and hurried out.

  “Clam chowder,” Jackson said as he took a deep inhale. “I hope you like seafood.”

  “To be honest I’ve never really had it,” Cameron admitted. He stirred the thick, cream-colored liquid, sniffing hesitantly.

  “Never?” Jackson seemed taken aback. “Why?”

  “It’s expensive,” Cameron replied, averting his eyes. He’d never discussed his dismal financial past with Jackson before. However, being that Cameron was an omega, Jackson likely guessed. “My mom never thought nice food was worth spending money on.”

  Jackson seemed to sense that he’d hit on a sensitive subject. He pressed his lips together into a thin line.

  “Well now’s as good a time as any to find out if you’ve got a taste for it.”

  Cameron sipped at a spoonful of the chowder. It tasted creamy with a hint of something salty and rubbery that he supposed was the clams. The taste surprised him, but he found that he liked it.

  “It’s good.” Jackson beamed. “That’s good to hear. I’m a fan of seafood myself.” For a little while they ate in silence apart from slurping and scraping spoons. “So your parents were frugal people?” Cameron swallowed his mouthful before answering.

  “My dad left when I was really young, so my mom pretty much raised me by herself,” he explained, hoping Jackson didn’t pity him. “We never had very much, but she tried her best. At least we always had each other.”

  Jackson nodded thoughtfully.

  “It seems so strange to me to live in a two person family. I had six brothers and sisters. Seems like I never had a moment to myself growing up.”

  “Well, it wasn’t always just me and my mom. She had boyfriends around most of the time.” Cameron shuddered, remembering his mother’s alpha boyfriend’s eyes flickering with rage. He pressed a hand to his side where the bruises had faded to sickly yellow. “Do you miss living with your siblings?”

  Something dark flashed over Jackson’s face. It wasn’t anger or sadness, but something deeper and more terrible than either, something that cut to the soul.

  “More than I can say,” Jackson said quietly. His voice ached with loss. Cameron was afraid to ask more, but at the same time he longed to know what went on behind those fierce blue eyes.

  The serving girl reappeared at that moment. She cleared away the remnants of their soup and replaced it with roast duck and rice. Though the meat still sizzled and popped with grease Cameron ignored it. He stared at Jackson’s face, trying to decipher his expression, until the girl was gone again.

  “Did something happen to them?” Cameron whispered.

  “Yes.” Jackson wasn’t looking at him anymore. He stared at the far wall, eyes going hazy as if remembering something ancient. “They’re all gone now; either dead or spread to the winds where I’ll never see or hear from them again. But even before that none of them wanted anything to do with me.”

  “Why?” Cameron’s voice shook, but he found himself unable to stop asking.

  Jackson remained silent for a long time; so long that Cameron thought he wasn’t going to answer. When at last he did his voice came out hushed and haunted.

  “My little brother, Jamie, and I always used to go hunting together. On one trip there was an accident and he died.” Jackson cleared his throat. Cameron thought he saw a tear quivering in his eye. “I told everyone over and over again that it was an accident, but they never believed me. They thought it was my fault.”

  He inhaled hard, likely covering up his angst. Still, Cameron could see how terrible the memory was for him. If that happened to Cameron, he didn’t know if he’d be strong enough to move on like Jackson has.

  “I’m sorry,” Cameron said, almost silent. He wasn’t sure if Jackson heard him or not.

  “I know it must seem strange that an alpha my age isn’t mated yet,” Jackson continued, now seeming much more composed. His eyes had regained their hard shimmer. “But since what happened with Jamie I haven’t felt equipped to deal with the needs of anyone but myself. I wouldn’t trust myself to take care of someone else after what happened.”

  Cameron’s heart clenched in sympathy. He felt an absurd urge to wrap his arms around Jackson’s hulking shoulders.

  “That’s not fair,” he said, surprised at the conviction in his voice. “Just because some bad thing happened years ago doesn’t mean it was your fault or that you don’t deserve to be happy.”

  Jackson fixed him with an intense stare then. At first Cameron thought maybe the alpha was mad and braced himself for an attack. Then the older male softened and offered him a weak smile.

  “Thank you, Cameron.” For the first time since they sat for dinner, Jackson glanced down at his plate. “This looks delicious. Let’s eat.”

  Chapter 7

  Cameron couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten so much. After the dark moments discussing their paths Jackson and Cameron had branched into more cheerful subjects. They talked about their likes and dislikes, what they wanted from life, and even happy memories.

  After the dessert was cleared away the two males sat in comfortable silence. Cameron was pointedly avoiding eye contact with Jackson, but he could feel the alpha’s eyes on him. Eventually he couldn’t stop himself from turning to look at Jackson.

  Cameron’s head went hazy at the burning desire he saw in the alpha’s deep blue eyes. Pheromones poured off Jackson, sizzling in Cameron’s nostrils. Warmth rushed through his body and settled somewhere below his belly button.

  Jackson stood up, shoving his chair backwards. He advanced on Cameron, chest heaving. The omega felt an overwhelming need to submit, to be dominated. It was more than just his submissive instincts; he wanted Jackson to be the one to take him. He wanted Jackson to shove him down and have his way with him. Cameron imagined the feel of the alpha inside him and moaned out loud.

  “Are you a virgin?” Jackson demanded hoarsely.

  Cameron nodded, unable to speak.

  “Get on your knees,” Jackson snarled. He bared his sharp, gleaming teeth. A deep rumble thundered from his chest.

  Cameron obeyed. His heart roared with excitement. He wanted this more than anything; he wanted Jackson more than anything. He’d had an insatiable desire to be dominated by this alpha since the moment he met him.

  Now Jackson was unzipping the pants of his perfectly fitted suit. Cameron watched, spellbound. The alpha pulled out his cock. Just like the rest of him it was large, thick, and absolutely perfect. Cameron squirmed at the thought of Jackson penetrating him. His mouth watered.

  “You’re going to suck my cock, boy,” Jackson told him fiercely. His eyes looked nearly black in the dim light. “And you better hope that I like it.”

  Cameron nodded. He shuffled forwards, eyes fixed on the alpha’s swollen shaft. As he inched closer the cock grew stiff and hard. It swelled to at least ten inches.

  Eagerly the young omega took Jackson’s manhood between his lips. He wanted to please the alpha, wanted to thank him for all that he had given him. And more than that he wanted Jackson to want him. He wanted Jackson to fuck him. His tight hole puckered and quivered with crippling desire.

  Jackson moaned as Cameron’s tongue stroked the turgid head of his cock. Cameron wasn’t sure what he was doing. He tasted the smooth length of Jackson’s shaft, relishing in the salty taste of his flesh. Jackson thrust forward, jamming his cock deeper into the young omega’s throat. Cameron’s eyes rolled back in his head.

  He began sucking, and Jackson snarled with pleasure. His face contorted, eyes shut and forehead twitching. Cameron was intoxicated watching Jackson seiz
e with pleasure. The alpha thrust harder into his wet, willing mouth, and Cameron loved every second of it. Cameron fervently licked every inch of Jackson’s manhood, savoring it.

  Soon Jackson’s enormous hands clamped down on the back of a chair, anchoring himself. His thrusts became more desperate, more heated.

  With a colossal roar Jackson came into Cameron’s mouth. He shuddered violently, one hand moving to tangle itself in the omega’s thick, honey- colored hair. Cameron nearly choked on the forceful flood of cum, but he resolved to swallow it all. He gulped down Jackson’s warm load, obedient and eager.

  When Jackson finally pulled his wet cock from between Cameron’s lips there was something like awe in his eyes. Cameron was sure that Jackson would finally fuck him then. He hoped the alpha would bend him over the exquisite hardwood table and thrust into his hole just the way he’d thrust into his mouth. Cameron’s own member began to swell and harden at the thought of it. He remained kneeling on the ground, averting his eyes in a gesture of humble submission.


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