Hot & Nerdy

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Hot & Nerdy Page 26

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “I’m not doing anything crazy. I’m enjoying my spring break. Phin is not a long-term anything. He’s moving on himself soon. Heading to Vegas and who knows where after that.” Layla sighed. “I really needed a vacation. That’s what I’m doing here,” she told Felicity. “Spring break. Our last one. I only wish we were together. I found my fling. You need to go get yours. Then we’ll talk next week and compare notes.”

  “I love how you tell me to just ‘get one,’ as if I’ve ever been able to do that.”

  “You can do it. Channel Charlie. That girl will get you laid faster than anything.”

  Again she was tempted to tell her about Lucas, how she’d gotten laid all on her own, but it made her kind of sad because to her it was more than getting laid. And then she snuck out of his room.

  “Good luck.”

  Felicity laughed. It was her turn to toss out a quote. “Captain, you almost make me believe in luck.”

  “I can’t quote Yoda, but you can quote Spock? I don’t think so.”

  “Give me a call if you need anything.” Felicity settled in the chair and put her feet up on the rail. The sun warmed her skin and she knew she needed to put on sunblock, but for a few minutes, she just wanted to be.

  Chapter 7

  Lucas rolled over and felt nothing. He opened his eyes and saw light creeping past the edge of the curtain, but no Felicity. He turned to the bathroom. Light off, no noise. She was gone. He sat up and noticed her bag was missing. Why would she leave like that? He knew she’d planned to leave last night, but she didn’t say anything. They fell asleep together, and while they didn’t cuddle, they touched all night.

  A rock settled in his stomach.

  She’d said she wanted to pick up guys. Maybe that’s all she wanted was a one-night stand. He scrubbed a hand over his face. He had her number, but how awkward was that? Desperate didn’t look good on him.

  He showered and dressed, and when a knock sounded at his door, his heart thumped in hope. Maybe Felicity had just stepped out for breakfast and came back. He swung the door open, trying to look cool, only to be facing his mother. “Hi, Mom.”

  “I’m glad you’re awake. We’re all heading down to lunch.” She not too subtly looked around the room. “Where’s Felicity?”

  “Out. She wanted to go do some stuff.” Yeah, that sounded convincing.

  “Too bad. I was hoping to talk with her some more. The two of you cut out a little early last night.” She gave him a knowing look.

  “We’re both adults.”

  “I know. Which is why I wasn’t knocking on your door last night after you disappeared.” She reached out for his arm. “Come on. I want to hear more about this girl who stole your attention.”

  He’d hoped to avoid this. He knew he could fool Becky, and even his brother, with his charade with Felicity, but moms were always a different story. They could sniff out a lie a hundred feet away. He allowed her to lead him down the hall as he thought about Felicity. “What do you want to know?”

  “Whatever secrets you want to share.”

  This was something he liked about his mom. She’d prod, but not pressure.

  “She’s pretty amazing.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew them to not only be true, but he also knew that he wouldn’t have to lie. He did know quite a bit about Felicity. “She’s a chemistry major and plans to work for her dad making perfume.”

  “She told me that. I want to hear why you like her.” The elevator doors swooshed open.

  They stepped on and Lucas thought. “She’s really smart. And intense. Like when she’s focused on something, there’s no distracting her.” At least not that he’d been able to find, but it sure would be nice to try. “She’s shy and not very good with people.”

  “What makes you say that? Everyone who spent time with her yesterday made a point of asking me when the next wedding was taking place.”

  Wow. He knew Felicity had felt comfortable, but he wasn’t aware that she’d made such an impact. Not that he should be surprised because she’d been determined.

  His mother’s voice broke into his thoughts. “She will be joining us for dinner, won’t she?”

  He shook his head clear as the doors opened to the lobby. “What dinner?” Panic bit into him. He hadn’t thought any further than the reception.

  “I told you yesterday. We’re having a farewell dinner tomorrow night since the newlyweds are staying the week, but the rest of us are going back.”

  He didn’t remember any such conversation or he would’ve brought it up to Felicity. “Aren’t the newlyweds sick of us? I would think they’d be locked in their hotel room with a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign posted for days.”

  “It was their idea. They want to keep celebrating.”

  “I don’t know, Mom. Felicity’s already been stuck doing family stuff with me. This is her spring break. She wants to have fun.”

  The stone returned to his stomach as he thought of her having fun with other guys.

  “Call her now and ask.”

  He sighed. This was a test. Mom knew something was up. As he followed her to her car, he dialed Felicity’s number. It went to voice mail, so he left a message that he hoped didn’t sound too awkward since his mother was still within earshot. He couldn’t say what he really wanted to, which was frustrating.

  When his mother looked at him expectantly, he shrugged. “She didn’t answer. She’s probably sprawled on the beach somewhere.”

  The image of Felicity in a swimsuit flashed in his head.

  Over the top of the car, his mom shot him a look. “The real question is, why aren’t you with her?”

  He offered another shrug and slid into the car. When she got behind the wheel, he said, “I overslept. Too much drinking and stuff last night.”

  “Hmm-mm.” Yeah, that was a mom sound all right.

  All during lunch, he prayed for his phone to vibrate in his pocket. He didn’t even care if Felicity agreed to come to dinner; he just wanted to hear her voice, find out why she left so suddenly. Try to talk her into sleeping with him again. The last thought overshadowed all the rest.

  He’d made sure he sat far from Becky, who kept smiling at him from the other end of the table. In order to keep from saying anything, he kept remembering the look on Becky’s face when Felicity had told her about fucking him. No one would’ve guessed a comeback like that from Felicity because she looked so timid.

  After sleeping with her, however, he knew better. She wasn’t timid. She controlled every moment and took what she wanted. He was getting turned on just thinking about her.

  “Where’s your girlfriend, Lucas?” Becky yelled across the table. The woman couldn’t just let him be.

  “She went to the beach.”

  “We should all get together later and go to a club or something.”

  He snorted. He couldn’t picture Felicity in a noisy club surrounded by the pressing bodies of strangers. She didn’t even like to dance. “I think we’re busy.”

  “Come on. You’re not newlyweds hiding out. Have some fun.”

  Fun and Becky didn’t go hand in hand. Not for him and certainly not for Felicity. He pushed away from the table and set his napkin down. He walked over to where Becky sat. Leaning down, he quietly said, “I have zero desire to socialize with you.” He straightened and looked to his mother. “I’ll be waiting outside.”

  He walked out into the heat and humidity. The scorching sun glared, and he looked for a bit of shade to stand in while waiting for his mom. Dinner tomorrow night was a bad idea. But spending more time with Felicity wasn’t. He held his phone in his hand and debated calling again.

  Felicity listened to the message again and tried to figure it out. Lucas’s voice came across the line. “Hey, Felicity. I know you’re off enjoying the beach, but my mom just told me about a dinner tomorrow night that she’d like you to join us for.” She heard him heave a sigh. “I know you’re probably fed up with my family, but I told her I’d ask. She didn’t want
to wait until later.”

  She stared at the screen as the timer ticked its way toward the end of the message. What the heck did that mean? Lucas sounded weird, so unlike his friendly, easygoing voice. He’d said he only needed her to be his date for the wedding. Why would he ask about dinner tomorrow? She mulled over his words again and finally realized that his mom was probably standing right there listening as he made the call. It would certainly explain why he hadn’t mentioned her sneaking out after having sex.

  Leaning back in her chair on the balcony, she stared out at the water. Shade covered most of her body, but the sun beat down on her legs up on the rail. Again, she thought of sunscreen. She should also leave her room like she promised Layla she would. Not that sitting in the sun and thinking about her night of fabulous sex was a horrible way to spend her day.

  She closed her eyes and thought about Lucas and whether he really expected her to call back when her phone vibrated against her chest. Picking the phone up, she squinted at the screen. Lucas. Her chair crashed back down on all four legs and her heart thudded. She stood before hitting the button. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Felicity, it’s Lucas.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I have caller ID.”

  “Sorry. I just wanted to apologize for the message earlier.”

  He still sounded weird. “Is your mother making you call me again?”

  He laughed and she relaxed. “No. I’m glad you could tell she put me up to that call. We went out to lunch and everyone was looking for you. You made quite the impression last night.”

  She closed her eyes with a groan and thought of the many ways she might’ve embarrassed him as she sank back to the chair. Her comment to Becky led the list. Becky had probably already shared her crude remark with everyone just to prove how “unfixable” she was.

  “What was that for? Everyone loved you.”

  Her eyes popped open. “What?”

  “Everyone who spoke to you loved you. They said things like you’re a charming girl.”

  She laughed. And laughed. And then laughed some more until she doubled over. Lucas’s voice murmured in her lap where she’d dropped her phone, bringing her back to reality. She scooped up the phone and placed it against her ear. “I’m here,” she said breathlessly. Grin in place, she took a steadying breath.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Another slow inhale before responding. “I haven’t laughed that hard in forever. Are you serious? Your family loved me?”

  “According to my mom, yeah. That’s why she wants you to come to dinner tomorrow.”

  “I guess I’m a pretty good actress then.” She paused because she knew she never would’ve pulled it off if it hadn’t been for him. “And you’re a miracle worker. No one has ever been able to give me the magic formula for social interaction. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. I don’t know if I would’ve survived the wedding without you.”

  He got quiet suddenly, and her stomach tightened. She stood and braced her elbows on the rail.

  “Why did you leave this morning?”

  She considered hanging up. She could probably get away with it and just ignore him if he called back. But in her mind, she saw his smiling face, and she didn’t want to do that to him.

  “Didn’t you have fun? I thought it was good for you too.”

  Crap. He thought the sex wasn’t good? She swallowed a chuckle. “Just the opposite. It was amazing.”

  “Then why sneak out?”

  “I wasn’t really sneaking.” Liar. “You looked tired, and I didn’t want to wake you. Plus, my commitment to you as your date was officially over.”


  He didn’t sound like he believed her. It was the same sound Charlie and Layla made when they wanted to call her a liar but were trying to be nice.

  “I guess I need to hold up my end of the bargain then.”


  “You asked me to help you pick up guys. I’ll meet you at your hotel at seven. We’ll have dinner and our first lesson.”

  “But—” Her phone bleeped at her to signify he’d hung up. She plopped back into her chair. What was that about? He had to know that she didn’t really expect him to teach her how to pick up guys, especially after last night. Even she wasn’t so dense to think that was a good idea.

  At six forty-five, Felicity was still standing in a towel looking over her choices for clothes for the evening. Lucas hadn’t said where they would be going, and she had no idea how to dress. Damn. This wasn’t a date. It didn’t matter what she wore. They were having dinner, and Lucas was going to teach her, to try to fix her, which according to Becky, he was quite good at. She doubted she would learn enough to pick up a guy tonight.

  And after last night, she wasn’t sure if another guy would measure up. She pulled on a skirt that Layla had given her and paired it with a tank top. As she tried to remember where she’d tossed her sandals, she briefly worried that she’d forgotten them in Lucas’s room. A knock sounded at her door, and she was still thinking about the sandals when she opened the door to Lucas’s smiling face.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I know I’m a few minutes early, but I did say seven.”

  “But how did you know what room?” She stepped back from the door to allow him in.

  He followed and closed the door behind him, and she was suddenly aware of how big he was as he stood in front of her. “I was with you when you checked in.”

  “Oh, yeah.” When he stood so close, her brain went a little foggy. She tried to ignore the fact that her bed was only a foot away. This man did delicious things to her hormones.

  “Ready to go?”

  She scratched her head. “Almost. I can’t seem to find my sandals.” She turned away to dig under the pile of clothes she’d discarded. “You didn’t say where we’re going. Am I dressed okay?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah. It’s fine.”

  She looked at him over her shoulder, but he’d turned away to help look for her shoes.

  “These what you’re looking for?” he asked.

  She turned around. Her sandals dangled from his fingers. “Yes, thank you.”

  Moving closer, she held out her hand to take them, but he simply said, “Allow me.”

  He knelt in front of her and slid the first sandal on her foot. She had to use his shoulder for balance because feeling his hot breath on her leg was turning her on. His palm caressed her calf as he settled the shoe in place before he curved his arm around her leg to clasp the buckle.

  His touch was sensual without being sexual, and she closed her eyes to absorb the sensation. He repeated the action with her other foot, and when he stood, he was much too close for comfort. She wanted to grab him and kiss him like she had last night. He stared into her eyes, and she thought for a moment he might kiss her.

  But he cleared his throat and said, “Ready for dinner?”

  Words fled so she nodded. When he turned his back to leave, she wished more than anything that she could read and understand people, especially Lucas and what he was thinking.

  Before they arrived at the elevator, he asked, “Is it okay for us to take your car? I took a cab here.”

  She hadn’t thought about that when he proposed meeting her. She probably should’ve offered to pick him up. Not that he’d given her much choice. “I’ve got the keys in my purse.”

  “Can I drive?”

  She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you insinuating something about my driving skills?”

  He smiled that smile that did wonderful things to her stomach. “Of course not. I prefer to drive.”

  “You just like to be in charge.”

  His smile faded. “Yes, I do.”

  His words caused a shiver to race down her spine. She remembered the way he’d taken over during sex, not giving her a choice in their pleasure. He leaned against the rail in the elevator the same way he had last night. If she didn’t know better, she’d thi
nk he was doing it on purpose to torment her.

  “So what exactly do you hope I can teach you?”

  She waited until they were through the lobby and walking toward the parking lot. The night air hadn’t cooled significantly, but a nice breeze blew over her skin. “I want to learn how to pick up a guy.”

  Leading the way to her car, she pressed the fob to unlock the doors and then handed Lucas the keys.

  “What makes you think you need help?”

  “Because I can’t do it.”

  “You picked me up just fine last night.”

  She laughed, glad to have the easy nature between them again. “You picked me up on the plane and begged me to be your date. I simply offered to screw you. It’s not the same.”

  He began to cough like he’d choked on something. “Trust me, that method will work on just about any man.”

  She slapped his arm. “Don’t make me sound like a slut.”

  His forehead wrinkled. “It’s not complex like figuring out a relationship. You’re attempting to pick up guys while on spring break, which means it won’t ever go any farther than here.”

  “This is my trial run. If I mess up, no one will know because this is all temporary. But I can take my skills back home with me.” After she spoke, his words sank in. Relationships created here wouldn’t go anywhere else. She supposed that answered any questions she might’ve had about their relationship. “I’m not good in the long term, so I’m focusing on the short term.”

  Lucas drove the short distance to a restaurant, and when he parked, he rushed around to her side of the car, nearly running into her as she stepped out.

  “I would’ve gotten the door for you.”

  “I’m capable of opening a door. I do it all the time.”

  “When you’re with a guy, if he wants to be a gentleman, let him.”

  “Is that supposed to be my first rule or something?”

  He swung an arm out to prompt her to move. “Not a rule, really. A suggestion. And it wouldn’t be the first because it only works once you’ve snagged a guy.”


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