The Secret of the Storm Cloud

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The Secret of the Storm Cloud Page 13

by Sidney Gibson

  ‘Wow’ said Danial. ‘Just think of the devastation if she commanded an army of ghosts who couldn’t be defeated because its soldiers were already dead. If they are dead that is. It’s another explanation of why it’s called the Forgotten Forest of Uncertain Death. I don’t know if Azel’s version is the correct one, but I think we’ll play safe and get out before nightfall. Anyway, discovering that secret has to be another story and we’ve no time now to worry about it now’

  Carrying the stretcher slowed Danial and Phemie down considerably and whilst Silhouette had perceptibly suffered in the inevitable jostling from the uneven twists and turns of the path, he definitely seemed better than he was. They had reached the Three Winds Clearing. Danial hesitated. Which path were they to take? He could not remember which one of the two he and Bilberry had used. The correct one lead them home - the wrong one to unknown dangers and days of wandering lost in uncharted acres of the forest.

  ‘This is the one’ said Danial confidently. ‘C’mon everyone’

  Silhouette barked sharply. Raising his head off the stretcher he looked plaintively at Danial and barked again, twice in quick succession.

  ‘Sorry boy. Have I chosen the wrong one?’

  Another two barks.

  ‘Oh okay then. We’ll use the other path’

  Silhouette’s head flopped back down and he licked Danial s hand.

  ‘Good boy. Well done Silhouette’ said Phemie appreciatively with a sideways glance at Danial. Embarrassed by his mistake he realised it could have been a costly one and felt grateful for Silhouette’s intelligence.

  It was hard work on the slippery trail towards the outer edge of the forest and they had to call upon their last reserves of energy trekking up and down the steep muddy slopes with the stretcher. Night was falling making the path even more difficult to see.

  ‘How much further?’ gasped Phemie.

  ‘Not sure quite’ replied Danial ‘we’ll soon be there’

  As he spoke, Silhouette gave an excited bark. Yes! There in the distance, twinkling in the twilight through the drooping branches of the last remaining trees of the forest were the lights of Bilberry’s house.

  They had made it and whilst Silhouette was safely home, Lower Chantment was still a long way off.


  The inmates of the Evil Supreme Witch’s castle were all asleep as Venefica crept out in the dead of night with her ancient broom to embark on her deadly journey to Lower Chantment. Charged with evil intent she was not to know her destiny, only that she was certain to die at the hand of Anniolate if she should fail in her mission.

  Exasperated in her inability and lack of power to pursue Danial and Phemie through the forest she now plotted to be in Lower Chantment to await their arrival, ready to move in quickly for the kill - or whatever it took to save her own life and satisfy the barmy ranting of Anniolate.

  The cold November wind whipped through the old thin cloak as she wrapped it around her shoulders and sat astride the broom. It had none of the comfort and performance of a Warpsweeper and Venefica faced a long and disagreeable ride across Blackguard Mountains and into Lower Chantment time zone. Once again she intended to evade the Controller of the marker under Urquhart castle, knowing he already had forfeits against her. She had no time to pander to trivial requests such as his. One thing obsessed her; get to Lower Chantment and skulk unseen, lying in wait for her unsuspecting victims to walk into her trap.

  Part Three

  Chapter Fourteen

  Why it rains clear water from a black sky

  Giant Bilberry heard Danial shouting half a mile away and sprinted to meet them with Mrs Bilberry scurrying after him, drying her hands on her spotted apron as she ran.

  ‘We’s real glad to see you all here safe ‘n sound. An aint you done real good bringin this lovely lil lady back to us?’ he boomed with a thrilled beam across his face. ‘We bin lookin out for ages an now here you is’

  He took Danial ’s hand shaking it vigourously. Suddenly he caught sight of Silhouette on the stretcher.

  ‘You’ve found my boy!’ he roared with relief. ‘We’d given him up when he didn’t come back, hadn’t we, Luella? That dere forest is a danged awkward place t’go looking for a missin dog but hey. You got him safe ‘eh?’

  Danial assumed Luella must be Mrs Bilberry’s first name.

  ‘Safe but not so sound I’m afraid’ joined in Phemie, and went on to tell the Bilberry’s what had happened. Luella hastily spread out a nice thick blanket in front of the fire for Silhouette to lie on. He could rest and recover from his ordeal, especially with help from the huge bowl of diced chicken put in front of him. Phemie knelt down and stroked his head while he ate.

  ‘Well now’ said Giant Bilberry ‘yo two got eatin to do as well. Come on an sit you self down. Help yourselves. Dere’s pies, chips, meat, burgers, pickles, sausages, loadsa salad stuff - Luella likes to nosh that - but I’d rather have somethin more fillin, yeah?’ he laughed. ‘Eat as much as yo can. There’s a busy time ahead.

  Neither Danial nor Phemie realised how hungry they were and the Bilberry’s looked on in pleasure as they attacked the mountain of food piled on the table.

  ‘Mmm’ said Phemie through her last mouthful. ‘Thank you very much. That was lovely.’

  Luella beamed in satisfaction. ‘That’s fine my dear. Sure you couldn’t manage a bit more? What about you your royal highness?’

  Phemie started. She’d not heard Danial referred to as your royal highness before and it reminded her of who he really was.

  ‘No thank you’ he replied. ‘I’m really full thanks. It’s good of you to take all this trouble’

  ‘No trouble at all. It’s a pleasure’ said Luella with a little curtsey.

  Danial smiled ‘I don’t want to break up the party, but we have to get back to Lower Chantment. Where has Miss Azel left the Warpsweeper?’

  The Bilberry’s looked aprehensive. ‘Well, yes she did sorta leave it’ said Giant Bilberry.

  ‘What do you mean, sorta?’

  ‘Well, she went away on it and it sorta came back without her’ said Luella. ‘We wondered if she was all right, know what I mean?’

  ‘Ah ha!’ cried Danial ‘That’s how she‘s done it eh?’

  ‘Done what?’ asked Phemie.

  ‘Sent the Warpsweeper back by itself. She wouldn’t tell me how she aimed to return to Lower Chantment, but now I understand. She flew it there and sent it back using its auto return device. Where is it now?’ he queried.

  Bilberry shuffled about a bit.

  ‘Well, y’see, that’s the trouble. When it came back it were all shiny like, but then it turned into an ole fashioned wooden handled sweeper soon as I touched it, see’ said Giant Bilberry. ‘So I dunno how you’re gonna get back home. It weren’t my fault it broke, honest’

  Danial laughingly slapped Bilberry’s back. ‘Don’t worry. You haven’t broken anything my friend. It’s put itself into stand-by and hibernate mode. Just take me to it. Everything’s OK, you’ll see’


  Bilberry had put the broom in a shed out the back. It looked old and nothing like the device Phemie expected to see after having it described by Danial. It seemed there was no way it could possibly fly anywhere, let alone across the time and distance zones to Lower Chantment.

  She watched as Danial took hold of the handle and picked it up. Nothing happened. A spasm of panic and look of uncertainty flashed across her face.

  ‘Don’t worry’ he breezed, shaking the broom ‘It’ll come to life in a minute’

  They all stared at it. A minute passed; and another minute; still no life from the broom.

  ‘Did Azel leave any instructions at all?’ asked Danial trying to sound unconcerned.

  ‘No’ replied Bilberry bluntly.

re must be something to do’ said Phemie on tenterhooks fearing she might be marooned in Fargon, never to see Lower Chantment again.

  ‘Mmm’ said Danial. ‘What was it Azel did? Ah; now I remember’

  He stood back from the broom gracefully holding out his hand as if inviting a girl to dance.

  With a soft rushing sound the broom glowed brightly, growing and morphing into full mission mode. The Warpsweeper hovered imperiously, gleaming in the light of the shed just as Danial had first seen it at the palace.

  ‘About time too’ it said crossly in its metallic voice, grumpy as ever. ‘My sensors have been observing you but chose not to convert until correctly invited’

  It paused, as if anticipating an apology for being shaken.

  ‘I am programmed to transport two passengers. Time vault is set to present time and max speed is requested. Relevant passengers will oblige by embarking immediately.

  ‘Programmed?’ exclaimed Danial. ‘But I was supposed to fly you!’

  ‘Were you’ said the Warpsweeper sniffily ‘Sorry about that I’m sure, but I’ve been programmed and that’s that. Sorry.’

  The sarcastic voice didn’t sound sorry at all, and knowing the technical complexity of Warpsweepers Danial did not want to start fiddling. As if reading his mind the Warpsweeper went on.

  ‘Any interference with programming will result in lock out stand-by and hibernate mode. Get on board immediately.’

  Phemie took Danial ’s hand. ‘We’d better do as we’re told. You first.’

  ‘Quite right, young lady’ said the Warpsweeper smugly ‘Do as you’re told’

  ‘Goodbye, Bilberry. Goodbye Luella. Thanks for everything’ said Danial.

  A yelp, little more than a squeak prompted Phemie to turn and see Silhouette standing in the open doorway. He had struggled to his feet to say goodbye and she rushed over, knelt down and caressed his head.

  ‘Good boy, Silhouette. Good boy’ she said. ‘You get well soon and look after Bilberry and Luella. We’ll be back to see you one day’

  Silhouette licked her hand for the last time before she joined Danial on the Warpsweeper.

  ‘Are you holding on tight?’ said the broom.

  ‘Yes’ said Danial.

  ‘And have you fastened your seat belts?’

  ‘Yes, yes’ said Danial impatiently.

  ‘You’ve not left a passenger behind?’

  ‘No, I’ve not left a passenger behind’

  ‘And it’s to Lower Chantment....’

  ‘Just go’ said Phemie.

  ‘Um, oh all right then’ said the Warpsweeper wanting to have the last word.

  The Bilberry’s stepped back as the broom crashed into launch mode. In nano seconds they were gone, becoming a barely visible glint of silver streaking across the night sky.


  Convinced the Evil Supreme Witch would dispatch Venefica to Lower Chantment with instructions to inflict vengeance upon Danial and re-capture Phemie, Azel prepared herself for serious confrontation. QW had put Danial ’s safety in her care and she must protect him. He had no chance of winning if he tried to fight the full force of Venefica’s evil magic on his own. And being the first to return to the village gave Azel the opportunity to plan for a surprise, pre-emptive attack.

  Concealed within the magic cloak’s shadow, her face hidden in the blackness of its hood, Azel settled herself by the stone wall surrounding Venefica’s empty cottage and waited. She didn’t have to wait long. The QWERT insignia embroidered on the cloak began to vibrate, warning of an approaching evil influence and softly rousing her from a state of semi-trance.

  In the distant sky a dark shape materialised in the grizzly drizzle now covering Lower Chantment. It pushed aside the low clouds and with clumsy undulations, scraped over bare branches of a few trees and landed.

  Venefica had arrived.

  Azel observed quietly as she dismounted her broom, bent and old in a ragged grease-stained cloak and looking decidedly done-in after her journey from Fargon. Taking the sack of belongings from her shoulder she dumped it on the ground with a weary sigh. She made a pathetic sight and Azel almost felt sorry for her. Venefica had not always been evil and there was still time for her to change her ways. She decided to offer her the chance.

  Icily, and with demanding authority Azel spoke from the shadows. ‘Venefica! I stand between you and termination of your powers. I give you prospect to redeem yourself. Renounce the evil that is Anniolate and you will be given fair trial for your wrong-doings. What say you?’

  Startled, Venefica sprang back, eyes wide open and hissing like a cornered Black Panther. ‘Who is this? Who speaks to me?’

  Azel stepped forward into the light. ‘It is I’

  ‘Goodwill! Is it you? You are here? Presuming to offer me fair trial? Have you really any idea to whom you’re talking?’ she sneered.

  The voice sounded familiar. Azel couldn’t place it. It didn’t sound right and it was certainly not Venefica’s. She hesitated, losing her advantage of a surprise attack. The pathetic, bent figure suddenly sounded dangerous. It crouched to the ground throwing out an arm, its hand with claw shaped fingers pointing directly at Azel. Before she could take evasive action the hand detached itself from the arm and flew murderously towards her, its fingers flailing at her neck, chisel like nails tearing the collar of her cloak into shreds of deep sapphire blue material. Azel staggered, clutching at the amputated hand as it writhed in a frenzy trying to seize her throat.

  ‘Ah ha, I have you Goodwill’ screamed Venefica ‘what now of the Grand Sorcerer and her fancy friends, eh. What now?’ she mocked.

  Finally Azel recognised the voice. Anniolate. It was that of Anniolate. Venefica had become possessed by the Evil Supreme Witch and had effectively become one body occupied by two minds. Coolly, Azel grasped the hand, wrenching it from her neck and pitching it back to the stump of Venefica’s arm. It attached itself magically, without a mark. That was impressive even for me reflected Azel. But she should not have hesitated. In a blur of speed Venefica had picked up her broom and hurled it like a javelin. It missed its main target but managed to pin Azel’s sleeve to the tree. Wrenching her arm free and with a shout like a Karate black belt, Azel smashed the edge of her hand hard upon the brooms hollow handle, snapping it in two with a bone breaking crack. Glutinous green phlegm oozed from both pieces. Maggots, cockroaches, and flies squirmed in the mess as it leached across the ground. This broom would fly no more.

  Venefica shrieked in exasperated anger. Her quick reactions and speed had caught Azel off guard, but the vicious attacks had failed and she trembled with fury. It was now the turn of a grand sorcerer empowered by the Queen Witches Executive for Removal of Trouble to go on the offensive. Venefica knew the devastating consequences only too well.

  Unhurriedly Azel rose into the air, arms out-stretched, wand glowing red and charged with the power of QWERT. It pointed at Venefica’s heart.

  She spoke slowly, deliberately and with authority.

  ‘You had your chance Venefica- or shall I say Anniolate? Now is time for your powers to be treminated. It is forbidden under the doctrine of QWERT to exterminate low lives such as you, though I am tempted. I shall therefore ensure your remaining presence in the world will be seen as harmless. Yes, that is what you shall become - harmless but present for all to see. Farewell’

  The wand jerked spasm like. A jet of incandescent, vaporised substance shot to Venefica’s body. She stood frozen, unmoving except wide eyes darting side to side in fear of her impending doom. The vapour enveloped her, wrapping around, inside her, erupting from ears, nose, and mouth. It became impossible to distinguish any kind of human-like form as Venefica morphed relentlessly and agonisingly into a shapeless, floating white puffiness of mist. She was turning into a cloud.

  Azel watched with satisf
action as the cloud gently drifted skywards. It seemed alive, changing shape as Venefica frantically tried to punch free like someone trapped in a white pillowslip. The distorted screeching of Venefica coupled with Anniolate’s infuriated screaming sounded bizarre, like an out of synch stereo playing heavy metal.

  ‘You’ve not heard the last of me Goodwill!’ screamed Anniolate’s voice. ‘You presume to triumph over the greatness of my evil power? You shall regret this day Goodwill. You shall regret it forever’

  ‘Maybe, maybe not’ replied Azel calmly, ‘but from this time forward you’ll forever float as a cloud, innocent and incapable of evil. The wind will change your form many times over, but people looking to the sky may sometimes recognise your figure or your face’

  ‘That’s what you think’ said Anniolate, her voice startlingly clear and overwhelming the wretched whinging of Venefica. ‘All very poetic I’m sure, but now Goodwill, now is the day of your reckoning with me’

  Growing relentlessly the cloud began to spread threateningly across the sky. From the depths of its billowing shapes Anniolate’s ravings reverberated around the village.

  ‘So, you attempt to meddle with me, eh Goodwill?’ she continued ‘Then watch. Learn from your superior. First, know that Venefica is expendable, but I on the other hand am not. I have decided to decline your stupid little cloud spell. I’m dumping her. She can amuse herself by meting out my simple strategy for ruination of this pathetic village. Do you understand Goodwill? Ruination. This is of your doing. The good people of Lower Chantment’ she sneered, ‘will not thank you for provoking my retribution’

  Venefica didn’t have a clue the Evil Supreme Witch considered her expendable and wailed in desperation. ‘Oh no Mistress, no, no, no you can’t dump me just like that. Please don’t leave me here on my own. What will become of me?’

  ‘Become of you? I don’t care. You were warned not to fail me again and what’s been your response, eh? Failure, that’s what. Abject, contemptible failure. I have no further use for you’


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