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What Lies Beneath The Flowerbed

Page 10

by D. M. Thornton

  Fuck me. These guys are going to tear me in two.

  I return my attention back to Jesse, and before I take him into my mouth, I lift my eyes up and give him a smirk. He smiles back and nods, motioning for me to begin. The moment the head of his cock hits the back of my throat, Dirk slams into me from behind, forcing a painful but intensely pleasurable spark between my legs. It only takes a few pumps before Dirk’s hips and my mouth are working in synchronized harmony. My ass is in the air while Dirk rocks back on his heels as he pulls out, at the same time I apply a firm suck on the way up Jesse’s shaft...popping his head out of my mouth like he’s a lollipop. When Dirk pushes up onto his tiptoes, pushing back in, I wrap my lips around Jesse’s cock and follow the trail of his shaft down to the base then swallow.

  I’m in my own little heaven, absorbing the sounds and smells that are filling my room. I almost don’t catch my favorite sex song, “Let’s Get It On” when it fires up over the dock speakers, but can you blame me? I’m more focused on the way Dirk’s balls are slapping against me, hitting my clit with each thrust forward, and the way our juices slosh and squish together, or how the way my lips smack and my throat gurgles with each long stroke of Jesse’s cock. The mingling of our sweat and the cum flowing from our bodies makes my room smell like a bouquet of raw and animalistic sex. The combination of euphoria my body is experiencing has me on the brink of explosion, and if Dirk continues to pound into me with abandon while I fuck Jesse with my mouth, it’s a sure bet that I’ll have an orgasm that will make me lose consciousness.

  Jesse’s breathing is heavy and ragged. He’s close. His hands dive into my hair and he holds my head as he spurts his cum into my mouth. I swallow as much as I can, but Dirk drives into me so hard that I come, exploding into a million pieces of brilliant bright light. An orgasm that leaves me seeing stars and ringing in my ears. My mouth flops open and I cry out, spilling Jesse’s jizz down my chin. When Dirk removes himself from my aching pussy, I stand and wipe my chin with my fingers, then suck my fingers into my mouth for a final taste.

  “Fuckin’ shit, that’s hot,” Jesse grunts. He begins to fist his cock. “I need to fuck that pussy now.”

  Dirk spins me around with a devilish grin. “Kneel,” he orders.

  Jesse lays down on the floor and jerks his fist up and down his shaft, stroking his cock until he’s hard and ready to go. Facing his feet, I lower myself down onto his solid erection as Dirk stands straddling his brother’s legs so I’m eye level with his own fully erect shaft. I waste no time slipping him into my sore mouth. My tender lips fold around him, tasting myself on the delicate skin. I get into rhythm working my hips and my mouth at the same tempo, swirling and rocking my hips so I can grind onto Jesse’s cock as my mouth fucks Dirk in deep, long pulls.

  I’m tellin’ ya, I have the endurance of a horse. I work out daily—hiking, running, biking. But right now, no amount of cardio could have prepared me for this back-to-back fuck session. This sexathon gives a whole new meaning to the Energizer Bunny effect. They just keep going and going and going, and I’m trying to keep up. If it wasn’t for Jesse jerking my hips so I could ride him thoroughly, and Dirk clawing the sides of my head so he could drag my mouth along his cock, I’d probably be a wet, limp noodle right about now. But, fuck, it’s so damn good I will myself to keep pumping my hips and relaxing my jaw so it doesn’t lock up. My body is starting to seize, tensing and releasing as my pending orgasm grows, but then Dirk’s hands fall from the sides of my head to around my throat.

  There’s not much I won’t do, but I’m not one to get off on sexual asphyxia. I guess you could say that’s a hard limit for me. With weak arms, I swat at Dirk’s hands trying to loosen the grip he has around my neck, but he doesn’t let go.

  “Let the fuck go,” I squeak, forcing as much air from my lungs as I can expel.

  But all he does is tighten his grip.

  Maybe it’s panic, or quite possibly an exciting thrill that I wasn’t expecting, but a warm sensation tingles down my spine as my vision grows blurry and my orgasm bursts out of my body in nothing more than a wheezy, stifled breath. I begin to thrash on Jesse’s lap, jerking and flailing my tired body, trying to break free. But the lack of oxygen has me spiraling into a terrifying darkness. The last thing I feel is Jesse digging his fingers into my skin, using me as a handle bar for his own twitching release, but then I’m overtaken by a burst of light that quickly fades into a black haze until there’s nothing left but a dark and calm silence.

  Chapter 15


  By this point, I think you have a pretty good idea that our torture is not just offered to criminals, but also to each other. And tonight is no different as Andi and I sit here with our cheeks pressed against Jaz’s door, listening like two perverts to the slapping of bodies and the grunts and groans of three voices. I can’t say that I’m at all turned on, but Andi’s next to me panting and clawing at the door, wanting so desperately to get in on the action. I nudge her in the side with my elbow. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I whisper loudly. “You’re like a cat in heat. Calm yourself down.”

  Andi’s wicked grin spreads across her flushed face. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall right now. It’s not fair that she’s in there with two sexpots while I’m out here with my cheek squished to the door. The least you could do is grab me a towel so I can wipe up my drool. Shit, can’t I just take a peek?”

  I’m about to snap a, “No,” but then there’s an exchange of muffled words that don’t seep through the door clearly, so I strain my ear to listen carefully. For the past hour there has been numerous moans and cries of pleasure, but this new sound of a strangled choke and a hollow thump has my heart racing and the hairs on my arms rising in attention. Something’s wrong. Andi hears it, too. If her head could be pressed further into the door, it would be through it, and her brows are furrowed as she stares back at me. I nod my head, acknowledging what she is thinking.

  “What the fuck was that?” she says, her tone tight with worry.

  “I dunno, but we need to get in there. Fuck, Jaz keeps the spare Thiopental injections in her room. I’m all out. What else can we use?” I sit back and rub my temples with my fingertips, trying to force an idea into my brain. Without the syringe full of sleepy medicine, we are no match for these twin brothers that could be the sons of Paul Bunyan.

  Andi shoots up and runs down the hall, disappearing into her room and returning a moment later with a whip. My head tilts to the side, not sure what plan she has conjured up in her li’l brain. Whatever it is, her face is glowing with evil excitement, and I know that tonight will be a night where I break my own rule...times two.

  Andi has her hand on the knob, but before she pushes through, she glances at me. “Follow my lead. When this door opens and we’re inside, whatever state Jaz is in, grab the Thiopental first. Slide me one on the sly and whichever guy you’re closest to, take ‘em down.”

  Funny, I’m always the one with a well thought out plan. My brain only works when it’s categorizing and organizing spreadsheets of To-Dos in my head. I know the exact order in which things are to be done and how to do them with little to no mistakes. I thrive on perfection and strive only to do the best every single second of every single day. That is how my lifestyle can go unnoticed. I’m a goddman robot. But for some reason, the thought of one of my best friends hurt and needing help has me frozen in fear. I’m legit scared. And I’m never scared...remember? It’s easy for me to remain detached, I’m a pro at feeling absolutely nothing, but if I have even a smidgen of emotion in this stone-cold glob of a body, it’s that of loyalty to my friends who have not only accepted me wholeheartedly, but have joined in my efforts of wiping the universe—okay, well maybe just Kansas—of all the rapist, molesters, women beaters, and murderous assholes. When Andi and Jaz could have turned me in, they have followed suit, adding their own strengths and expertise in my bloody world of doom. I’ll do anything and everything for these biatches...without a second’s he

  With a nod of my head letting Andi know that I’m ready, she bursts through the door like a tornado, causing a big ol’ commotion. I immediately notice Jaz crumpled on the floor, unresponsive. I have to force myself to head straight for her nightstand, ignoring the need to run to her aide. Both men spin toward us, their faces in shock with our entrance, but no concern whatsoever for their naked bodies displayed for us to see. I’m thankful Andi is able to contain herself, though I did see her shiver when they both turned around. Hell, even my eyes popped out of their sockets seeing how ginormous their dicks are. Holy shit, I’ve never seen anything like it. Andi doesn’t miss a beat; she strolls in with a loud and boisterous, “Good evening, boys. We wanted in on the action. Ready to play?” She’s smacking her hand with the leather straps of the whip, talking to them in a sultry voice.

  Smiles replace their concerned expressions, and they both chime together an excited, “Hell yeah!”

  As casually as I can, I step around the brothers, who are enthralled by Andi spinning her whip around in her hand, before she lightly flicks out her wrist, hitting one of the brothers in the chest, then repeating the movement to the other. They both groan, but it’s not from pain...not yet anyway.

  I quietly slip my hand into the drawer of Jaz’s nightstand and pull out two syringes. I walk back over to Andi and stand as close to her side as I can and place one of the needles in the hand that is behind her back. We both take a step toward the brothers and when we’re mere inches from their bare chests, we both lash out, striking them in the necks with the needles, then step back as their bodies fall to the floor with a loud thud.

  I drop the syringe and run to Jaz, jabbing at her neck in search of a pulse. Thank fucking’s faint, but it’s still there. I sigh and slap at her face with my palm as I call out her name. “Jaz. Wake up, brat.”

  It takes a few smacks, but her eyes flutter open and her weak voice asks, “Am I dead?”

  I roll my eyes on a snort. “Not quite. You’re lucky I don’t kill you myself. What the fuck happened?” I take her arm and help her sit, pushing her damp hair out of her face.

  “I have no fucking clue. One minute I’m riding Jesse like a Harley and blowing Dirk, and then that bastard has his hands around my neck choking me out. Shit, I’m kinky, but I’m not into death defying sex play.”

  I climb to my feet first and hold out my hand, which Jaz takes. Her legs wobble as she stands, but she catches my arms and almost knocks us both over. Her eyes lift to mine, boring into me, challenging me to poke fun, but I keep least for the time being. “Get yourself cleaned up while Andi and I figure out how we’re going to move these bastards into my room.”

  “Just give me a second and I’ll help,” Jaz responds, heading toward her bathroom.

  I shake my head, my brows crinkled and curious. “Oh, yeah right. You can barely fucking stand. You’re one big blob of Jell-O, how the heck are you going to lift these fuckers?”

  Jaz shrugs with a sway of her head, like she doesn’t feel what I can blatantly see. She’s no use. Not only has her body been thoroughly banged and orifices assaulted, but her brain is slowly being reintroduced to normal blood flow. I glance down at Jaz’s legs, following the stream of cum dripping down her inner thigh. Okay, so maybe I inhaled an over the top gasp, and maybe it’s really none of my business, but when it comes to my friends, I don’t have a damn filter. That’s how it’s supposed to be, right? Keep it PC in public, but let loose with the ones that matter.

  “What the flying fuck?” I snap. “You didn’t use a condom? You let those fuckers come inside you! Have you lost your ever-loving mind?” I’m not sure where I get off screaming at Jaz, but I’m not of sound mind as I have just walked in on my friend who laid unconscious on the floor after being choked by one of the two assholes she got tangled up with. So sue me. I actually fucking care about this knucklehead, and her judgment right now gives me the right to lecture her like I’m her mother. The way I see it, she’s making this my business by bringing these hicks into my house. Besides, someone has to be her right mind, ‘cause Lord knows she doesn’t have one of her own right now. Ten months of celibacy has obviously decreased the amount of brain cells in her pea-sized brain.

  Jaz looks down at the stream of cum trailing down her thigh then slowly lifts her eyes to mine. “What? I got caught up in the moment. It was the last thing I was thinking of once I had a dick in my mouth.” She tries to smile, but when she sees my reaction, her lips fall in a straight line.

  I really didn’t think my eyes could get any bigger, but they are huge and bulging. My elbow is being grabbed and I’m being pulled back, but I snatch my arm away from Andi and throw my hands up in the air, letting them land on my head. My fingers tangle in my hair and yank at the strands as I awkwardly laugh. “You didn’t really just say that, did you? Are you fucking fourteen? The next thing you’re going to say to me is that you can’t get pregnant if he pulls out, or that you can’t get a STD if he comes in your mouth. Don’t be fucking stupid right now!”

  “Fuck you!” Jaz barks.

  “No thanks, you probably have chlamydia right now!”

  Andi steps in before I can dig a deeper hole, tossing her hands out to the sides as if her palms are the shields that will hold back our sharp tongues. “That’s enough, you two. You,” she says to Jaz, “go get cleaned up. And you,” she points a finger at me, “let’s get these fucktards on a table.”

  I storm off, and in my fit of rage, grab the ankles of one of the brothers and begin pulling him out into the hallway. I manage to get to the door of my room before my arms feel like they’re going to fall off and there’s sweat dripping down my forehead. I’m so fucking pissed off and determined, I don’t stop. I fight back the trembling in my arms and the ache in my lower back and proceed to drag his sorry ass all the way to the base of my table, dropping his feet with a thump on the floor. And because I can’t seem to control my anger, I kick his lifeless body right in the ribs. “Fucker,” I mutter under my breath.

  Andi’s behind me with her arms latched under the other brother’s armpits. “Where you want him?”

  I point next to his twin and walk over to my cabinet, pulling out my tools and lining them up on my covered tray. There’s a deafening thwack behind me, and when I glance over my shoulder, Andi’s towering over the guy, bent at the waist and punching him in the face. I have a split second to decide if I should stop her or if I should ignore it. I choose the latter. I mean, I did kick the other prick in the ribs.

  See, with my thought process and my OCD tendencies, I always think in and outside of the box, because you never know when there might be a kink thrown into the chain. Like tonight, for instance, we have two abnormally large men that might carry about two-hundred-sixty pounds of solid muscle on their six-foot-six frames. Even Jaz doesn’t have enough oomph to lift these guys, especially now in her royally fucked and choked condition. So, instead, I push my table up against the far wall and grab the chains that I’ve been eager to try out. I take an arm and a leg of one of the brothers, I think Jesse, and yank him to the center of the room, over the drain, and stretch his arms and legs, laying them over the steel hooks in the floor. I have different sizes in chains, so I find the right size that allows no slack by digging into the flesh and chain his wrists and ankles to the hooks. We’ll see how this works since the chains don’t pin his chest and legs down, he’ll have some wiggle room to twist his torso, but then again, a flailing body might be a fun little challenge. Because I only have one set of fasteners on the floor and two men, I have to give twin number two another dose of Thiopental so he doesn’t wake up and try to kill me for killing his brother. Yep, this night is looking like it might be exciting after all.

  We’ve already established that I get my jollies off by taking my victim’s last breath, but there’s no enjoyment in the game if they’re asleep. Seriously, what’s the fun in watching the life drain from their face if they don’t even know what’s going on?
I grab the small tube of ammonia inhalant, kneel beside Mr. Cowboy, and wave the smelling salt underneath his nostrils. His eyes break open and twitch around in their sockets before focusing on my face. His brows pull together, confused as to why he’s chained to the floor, but then a small smile starts to crawl across his face. This asswipe actually thinks he’s going to continue the sex party.

  “You won’t be smiling after I’m done with you.” My voice drops to a hoarse whisper. “Do you seriously think that you’d get the chance to fuck me after trying to kill my friend?”

  Whatever idea he had dancing around in his head has exited through the gaping holes in his ears. His expression is genuinely scared. “We, we weren’t trying to kill her. I promise. No, no, it’s supposed to make the orgasm more intense. I-I-I swear,” he stutters.

  I release a loud, patronizing laugh. “Asphyxiating someone is not going to make an orgasm more intense. What do they feed you cowboys out in South Dakota? Cow shit? I mean, if that was even slightly true, your brother would have let go before she lost consciousness. Take her just to the brink then release her to bounce back just as the orgasm hit, but that wasn’t the case, now was it? It was likely a good solid minute before we broke through that door, and Jaz was dumped on the floor like fucking roadkill. No, dumbass, I believe you were taking advantage of my sex deprived friend. And when you and your idiot brother didn’t need to do a single lick of convincing for her to leave with you both for a romp between your nuts, you thought she would be an easy target. You just didn’t add in the possibility of a little kink thrown in the chain.”


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