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What Lies Beneath The Flowerbed

Page 14

by D. M. Thornton

  It must be apparent that I’m tense because Jett slides another shot in front of me, but I push it back toward him, our fingers touching in the process. I pull my hand back quickly and slip it into my lap. “No thank you,” I say under a hushed breath. “May I have that water, please?” I ask, pointing across the table.

  Jett reaches over and grabs the water then holds it out to me. Before I can take the glass, Jett snatches my hand and brings my knuckles to his lips. There’s a spark of static electricity that tickles his bottom lip, making us both jump and burst out in laughter. “Shit. See, I told you there’s a spark between us all right. I know you felt that one,” Jett chuckles.

  I try to remove my hand from his, but he keeps a firm hold on it, intertwining our fingers. I have to make a quick decision on if I should forcefully pry my hand away from his or if I should play the game. I guess you can say I decided that I would go with the flow, and not be a total bitch by trying to claw my way out of his grasp. No, I can manage to get through this unscathed and push my nerves off to the side. I can’t complain really, I’ve been daydreaming of this moment for some time now...ever since Jett Roman walked into my classroom to be exact, but even though I have imagined the feel of him against me, it still doesn’t take away the fact that I’m scared as shit.

  If only I could stop being so obvious in my skittishness, I wouldn’t look like such a fool when Jett closes the gap to nestle his mouth besides my ear. “I like you,” he whispers. I can feel his lips curve up into a smile against my cheek.

  The soft vibrations of his voice send tingles down my spine to the point my shoulders shudder. “Thanks.” Okay, so that wasn’t quite the response I was wanting to give, but I have no control over my actions at the moment. It was either that or take me home and fuck me ‘til my eyes bulge out of their sockets. Needless to say, that would be rather inappropriate being that we are in front of someone that would never let me live it down, and would think nothing of it to remind me every second of every day how she was right that he was the one. Let alone those words would never spill from my mouth unless I was shitfaced drunk and was a totally different person. Do I need to remind you that I don’t do relationships, or sex...or emotions for that matter? No, you’re right, at this point, I’m not reminding you. I’m reminding myself. Jett Roman is making me confused. He’s turning me into someone who feels things. He’s turning me into a human.

  Andi stands from her chair, tugging on Drew’s arm. “Let’s get out of here.” Before they walk away, Andi turns back to me. “Catch you later?”

  I nod, my lips pressed tightly together. I become even more agitated when Andi passes by Jaz, whispers something in her ear, then proceeds to lead Jaz and Cole out of the bar. I get a half-assed wave from Jaz as she exits the bar, where I return to her a middle finger. Those bitches just ditched me to leave with some guys they hardly know, leaving me with the one person on this entire planet that makes my belly flip-flop. Splendid.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me,” Jett states with a grin.

  Well, this is it. This is where I’ll either sink or prove that I am a master of disguise, convincing not only Jett, but myself, that I can carry on some form of normalcy. Pray for me. I think I’m going to need it.

  Chapter 20


  Oh God, the things I’m going to do to this man. He’s drop dead gorgeous. Seriously, he’s just too beautiful and yummy, it’s not fair to other men. I love him, and not just in the stalker, crazy kinda way, but the legit, my tummy flutters with excitement, and my pussy buzzes and drips with arousal kinda way. Son of a bitch, I need him...on top of me, inside me, all over me. Yep, it’s a bit fast, but who gives a flying fuck? He’s it. My saint. My angel. My God and Heavenly Father. There’s no need for church when I can worship him in the bedroom...on the floor, against the wall, on my table. Any way I can have him, I’ll give him the experience of a lifetime.

  Horny toad Jaz busted through the compound door dragging Cole behind her, heading straight to her room where she slammed the door shut. I heard the lock bolt shut and I knew she would be in there for a while, which gives me plenty of time with Drew. There’s a part of me that thinks I need to creep to her room and press my ear up against her door and know, to make sure she doesn’t have a choke-hold put on her. Now, I have a bit more faith in Cole than the cowboy twins, but what kind of friend am I if I don’t at least check to make sure she’s okay? Ah fuck it, she’s a big girl. I think she’s learned her lesson, and if not, that’s her own damn problem. I’ll check on her when I’m done having my way with Drew. Yep, I sure will.

  I point to the couch and tell Drew to sit, then saunter up to him and straddle his legs, but do not sit on his lap. Instead, I lean forward, resting my palms on the back of the couch so his face is level with the crease of my breasts. Bless the person who created low, sheer, cleavage-showing tops.

  I dip my head and bring my lips close enough to his ear that they’re touching his earlobe. I refrain from sucking his lobe into my mouth and taking a bite...I must have patience...which is hard for me, by the way. “The things I’m going to do to you. Give me ten minutes, then come find me,” I whisper.

  Drew’s chest rises and falls in short, quick breaths that puff out of his partially opened mouth, tickling my skin. He groans. “I can hardly wait.”

  As I make my way down the hall, I stop by Gray’s room and shut her door. Her room is the only room that doesn’t look like an actual room, but a butcher shop. It might raise some eyebrows if Drew or Cole were to find their way into her space, so I do what I can to keep this part of the house hidden. I turn off all the lights, illuminating the compound with the soft, white glow of some candles, then strip naked in my room.

  Sure, I’m taking a risk leaving all my tools out in the open. My table is lined with my tongue-tearer, an array of knives, and my spoon, but I’ve at least kept some of my medieval torture devices, like my execution chair, covered with a blanket in the dark corner. I’m hoping I can keep Drew busy enough that he won’t be looking around the room, but solely at me.

  There’s a rustle out in the hall, so I flip on my Pandora to some Rage Against the Machine and let the rap metal be Drew’s guide. He finds his way into my room where I’m propped up against my table...naked. He scans the area of the darkened space and releases a shaky breath on a nervous laugh when his eyes land on me. “Fuck me.”

  “I plan to,” I respond dryly. I reach behind me and pick up one of the knives that is displayed on the tray on my table. I spin it between my fingers, watching the light from the candles reflect off the steel, which flickers across Drew’s face. Each pass of light makes his green eyes sparkle like a set of magnificent emeralds. Eyes that make me weak in the knees and my pulse throb in my veins. Showing a knife to anyone would probably have their brows furrowed with worry, but not my man Drew. He actually looks intrigued...turned on even. I bring the blade of the knife up to my mouth and dart out my tongue, licking the flat part of the blade. Drew doesn’t take his eyes off of me. He’s fascinated by the way I’m playing with the knife, watching it carefully as I drag the blade, ever so lightly, up my inner thigh, stopping at the sensitive, pulsating sweet spot between my legs. “These beauts have been through a lot,” I drawl. Bringing the tip of the blade up to the underside of my forearm, I add just enough pressure to scratch my skin, trailing a thin line of blood along my arm. I let the knife slip from my hand, the clink of the metal echoing around the room when it hits the floor. My arm falls to my side, and I expel a freeing breath as I direct my eyes down to the streak of red that’s dripping down my wrist to the inside of my palm.

  Quite honestly, I’m surprised Drew hasn’t run from the compound screaming like a wild banshee. By this point, most guys would be begging for mercy, not staring at me like they’d just won the Nobel fucking Peace Prize. Damn, this stud is a keeper. We’re staring at each other, our eyes smoldering as we keep the connection. I nibble at my bottom lip, then with a swift wave of my
hand, I swipe the tools clear off my table, sending everything flying to the floor with a piercing crash. Still, Drew remains fixated on me. Not even the deafening sound makes him shudder.

  I bring my bloody hand up in front of my face and crook my finger, come-hithering Drew, inviting him to come closer. He takes careful steps forward until his chest touches my finger. “It appears I have met my match,” I say, my voice low and sultry. I rest my palm against his rigid abs, feeling the ripples of each defined muscle. My core is aching with want. I’ve never wanted anyone more than Drew. Perhaps it’s his eyes, they pull me in to their depths of endless beauty, intoxicating me with the intense green pools until I’m dizzy. “I’m all yours. Take me...damaged and all, or grab one of those knives and kill me now so the distance of you doesn’t suffocate me to death.”

  Without a word, Drew bends down, swipes a knife off the floor, and holds it up between us. Shitballs, he might actually kill me after all. Well, maybe I jumped the gun a wee bit. Okay, so not everyone moves as quick as I do, and yes, I may be a tad dramatic, but I really thought we had something sparking between us. It’s the first time in Drew’s presence that I’m feeling apprehensive about what’s about to happen. I’m not so sure anymore that this will end well. And here I thought we’d have some mind-blowing sex. Sex so amazing that it would seal the deal on the attraction that I swear was just there. Yep, I spooked him. Fuck! I just can’t control myself sometimes.

  But then Drew tugs back the sleeve of his shirt, exposing his forearm, and before I can blink, he presses the knife against his skin and drags the blade up, causing blood to seep from the wound and drip to his elbow. He drops the knife, then grabs my injured arm, lifting it up, and places his cut over mine, connecting us in a more profound way than just sex. Cringe all you want, I’d slather his blood all over me and bathe in the crimson red juice of his veins. Morbid? Yes, I am. Get over it.

  My body trembles and I fall into him, reaching up on my tiptoes to place my lips on his. There’s no point in dragging this out. I’m not one to take my time. I tug at his shirt, yanking it up and pulling it over his head, then tossing it to the floor. I gasp, taking in his beauty while trailing my fingertips along the tattoos on both his arms. I’m a sucker for tattoos, especially when they decorate the bulging biceps of a gorgeous man. I outline the skull on his left arm with my finger before gliding it lightly across his collarbone, down his bare chest to his nipple, where I trace the taut bud and give it a firm pinch. Drew rocks back on his heels as he sucks in a sharp breath. His head falls back as he moans.

  I take a step forward, closing the gap between us, and latch on to his nipple with my teeth, sucking and licking him before he pushes me backward. When my ass hits the edge of the table, I’m hoisted up, and I cry out when my bare skin meets the cold surface. Drew pushes my legs apart and steps between them, dipping his finger between the wet lips of my pussy. My muscles contract around him as he begins to slowly pulse his finger in and out, in and out, before slipping his finger free, dragging it up my slit to the tight bud of my clit. The pad of his thumb takes over, massaging my clit in even circles before bringing his thumb up to his mouth and licking his finger clean.

  “Fuck, you taste good,” he growls.

  Drew falls to his knees, dipping his head between my legs, but I press my knees together, pinning his head between my thighs. His eyes glance up at me, pleading with me to let him take a taste, but I shake my head. “I would love nothing more than to feel the warmth of your tongue along my pussy, eating me out like it’s your last supper, but I, I need your cock. I need it right now.”

  Resting back on my hands, I relax my legs, freeing Drew’s head from my thighs, but before he stands, he takes a long, slow lick of my pussy, drawing a moan from my lips and a jolt from my legs.

  Dirty bird.

  He stands with a proud smile, and with swift work of his belt, pushes his jeans down just enough to expose his glistening, engorged cock. I swallow the saliva that’s building up in the back of my throat, resisting the urge to sink to the floor so I can take him into my mouth. Scooting to the very edge of the table, I bring my heels up to rest on the table, baring all of myself to him.

  Drew’s smile is a familiar that matches my own sinister grin. He’s watching the arousal seep from my pussy. I know because I can feel it drip down my crack, and his eyes are burning like coals on an open flame. He fists his cock, pumping his shaft a few times before swiping the bead of pre-cum off the tip and wiping it across my bottom lip. My tongue darts out, licking his cream free from my lip. I moan, enjoying the salty taste.

  I dip two fingers into my pussy then hold my hand out, slipping them into Drew’s mouth when he takes his spot back between my legs. He drives his solid cock into me while sucking on my fingers, each thrust into me synching with the pull of his mouth. He opens his mouth, releasing my fingers so I can grip my ankles, bracing and keeping myself wide as he pummels into me. These are the moments I’m happy I’ve been getting my ass kicked while doing CrossFit. I’m much more limber and flexible, but that doesn’t mean my back can continue to take the jolts of Drew’s hips as he rams his cock, repeatedly, into my throbbing core.

  Drew’s large hands palm my breasts while his thumbs flick and caress my nipples. His hands creep up my chest to my neck. There’s a sudden rush of panic in my belly as he grips my neck and lightly squeezes. I’m too invested at the moment to stop him...and I don’t want to. But I also don’t want to end up like Jaz and be half dead on the floor. I bring my hands up so they can rest on his forearms, but he relaxes his hold and skims his palms along my shoulders, gripping them and pushing me back until I’m lying flat on the table. He holds on tight to my hips, yanking me into each powerful thrust. Our bodies slap together, and the clanking of his belt hits the table, creating an array of noises that blend in with the music of Nine Inch Nails. Drew’s tempo matches the beat, fast and pounding.

  He grunts as I claw my fingernails down his arms. “Fuck,” he curses through clenched teeth. Snatching my hands, he pins them above my head and rails me until I’m screaming out his name. “Drew! Holy. Fucking. Shit!” My cries come out in quick spurts of breathy air as my orgasm takes hold of my body. “I’m. I’m. I’m coming!” I pant. My belly contracts and explodes into a burst of intense pleasure that has me spinning out of control. I can’t brace myself to ride out the dizzy spell with Drew holding my hands captive, so I close my eyes, hoping that my when I reopen them, the room has stopped spinning.

  Just as I open my eyes, my hands are freed and Drew’s lips are devouring mine in a hungry kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, keeping our mouths connected as he pumps his hips in a frenzy until he groans. With one final sharp thrust, Drew jerks back, breaking our kiss and our bodies and stands rigid, releasing his orgasm on my inner thigh.

  We’re both heaving and gasping for breath, and for a split second, there’s a look of confusion on Drew’s face. There’s the sound of scraping metal next to my ear then Drew lifts his hand, holding my spoon in front of his face. He glances down at me, a smirk playing on his lips. “A spoon?”

  Propping myself up on my elbows, I smile back at him. “Yes. That’s my favorite spoon.”

  He spins the spoon in his hand, and he skims the floor of all my knives and tools before asking, “You’re a kinky one, aren’t you?”

  I chuckle to myself.

  He has no idea.

  I shrug my shoulders. “Like I said. I’ve met my match.”

  He dips his head in a subtle nod. “That you have.”

  Chapter 21


  For crying out loud, who can concentrate with that goddamn racket going on next door? Between the screeching music and the crashing of Lord only knows what, Cole and I are staring more at the wall than each other. Of course, we do find some humor in the noises that are coming from beyond, but laughter will only get us so far. It sure as shit ain’t going to get us twisted into our own pretzel, now will it? I swipe at my phone
until I find my Pandora and tap on The Weekend, then toss my phone onto the nightstand. I’ll make every attempt to drown out the screams of Andi’s so-called music with my idea of “let’s get it on” music. There’s no better way to get into the mood than with some sexy music that gets the juices flowing and spillin’ from the lower regions.

  I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous. I mean, let’s face it, I got so amped up last time with the Paul Bunyan twins I nearly lost my head. Not this time. Nope, today I’m keeping my cool and going about this slowly and cautiously. But fuck, Cole is looking mighty fine sitting at the end of my bed. Climbing up on his lap seems like a good plan. Maybe pushing him down on the bed and smothering his face with my pussy is an even better one.

  As I walk around the bed, I graze my hand along Cole’s shoulder and stop in front of him. There’s something comforting about him. Underneath his muscled, tattooed exterior, he’s actually kind of a softy. And I don’t mean he’s a flaming pansy either. On the contrary. He’s all man...tough, ripped, and sexy as hell, and his dick boings at the sight of the female specimen. How do I know? Well, let’s just say that I’ve sat close enough to him, on two separate occasions, to have felt his ginormous cock poking my hand through his jeans. And yes, I had my hand close enough to feel it. What? I can’t resist a large, bulging package, especially when it’s right in hand’s reach. So what if my hand traveled up his thigh as we sat at the bar and talked? Not once did he shoo me away. In fact, he placed his big palm over mine and brought my hand even closer to the point that he was helping me massage what was hiding in his pants.

  And now here he is, sitting on my bed and waiting patiently for me to straddle his lap. And he’ll continue to wait, giving me the space I need to take my time. You know, there are times where people are brought into your life and it’s not always clear as to why, but it’s as if you have known them forever. That’s how it was with Gray and Andi, and now with Cole. The moment I saw him walk into the bar, and then again just clicked, we click. Conversation comes easy and doesn’t seem forced, and when he looks at me, like he’s doing now...all insides explode into a tiny million, mushy pieces. He’s not pushy, he’s attentive, and he looks at me like he actually gives two shits as to what I’m saying. He’s the whole fucking package, and I’m about to unwrap it.


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