Logan and Cecile

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Logan and Cecile Page 5

by Ryleigh Rhodes


  I woke up, hugging the edge of the bed with Logan curled up against my back. Glancing at the clock, it was ten minutes before my alarm was set to go off. If Logan was sticking around I'd either need a bigger bed or to become a more aggressive sleeper. Having four inches of mattress was a no go! Not only did I lose ten precious minutes of sleep, I was hung-over. I took a minute to watch him sleep. His face was soft and he had some crazy bed hair going on. As I lugged my butt to the bathroom and started my morning ritual, my thoughts fled to the events of the previous evening.

  As soon as we got in my apartment last night, I tossed my fabulous Lucky Brand tall boots in the corner instead of my closet and opened a bottle of wine. That was one thing I missed about New York. I wasn't a shopaholic by any means, but I missed the variety of stores. I couldn't buy much as a broke college student, but I managed to secure a lot of nice shoes. Being a chef I knew my shoe size wouldn't change, although I couldn't guarantee that about my waist. Playing it safe, I bought shoes.

  Rent was a helluva lot cheaper in Montana than New York. I was renting a small one bedroom with a kitchen-living-dining room combo. An apartment this size would have cost me two to three times as much in New York or Boston. I didn't miss the high cost of living and pollution of the big city. Every spare penny I had went to advertising and expanding the business. Business being my livelihood, I cut expenses where I could.

  Settling into my well used couch. I consumed a big glass of wine. We watched football while Logan massaged my feet. If that wasn't panty dropping action, I didn’t know what would be. During a commercial, I broke the silence.

  "She thought Annie and I were lesbians because we temporarily swore off boy’s junior year." I laughed quietly, taking a big sip of wine before speaking again. "Do you think she'll ever change?" I ask, on a sigh.

  Mom was bad, but Dad never said boo to her. That made him equally guilty in my book.

  "Probably not. Do what makes you happy. If she accepts it or not is not your problem. It's hers."

  "That sounds like something your mom would say to me ... I miss her."

  He stopped massaging my foot, pulling me onto his lap. I wasn't a tiny girl, and the fact Logan could manhandle me like I'm was a ragdoll, I had to say was a turn-on.

  "She told me that after one of my fights with Dad. I miss her too. Miss them both," he said, kissing my hair.

  My couch was old and small. Logan was a big boy around six-foot-four, and needed room to sprawl out. I stood and went to the kitchen to refill my wine glass then settled on the floor by Logan's feet.

  Before I knew what hit me I had passed out, I was tipsy leaning towards being drunk, and let's face it, football can sometimes be boring. Not as boring as watching golf on TV.

  Next thing I heard was loud stomping which ended up being Nathan and Tyler arriving. Nathan was buzzed leaving Tyler to drive him and my pie plates back to me.

  "I need beer," Nathan said and plopped down to watch football. "That bacon apple pie was the shit."

  I giggled. That small compliment about my experimental pie lifted my spirits. "There's a six pack in the fridge. What time is it?" I asked as Tyler sat next to Nathan. I was still on the floor.

  "It's after nine. We're crashing here," Nathan said before popping the top to the beer Logan had just handed him. Logan also gave one to Tyler. Generally, I didn't care if Ty came over and had a beer or two as long as he didn't drive anywhere. What else were older cousins good for, right? But having three house guests in my small apartment would be interesting.

  "I have baker’s hours. I'll be up early, and I'm not giving up my bed. Let me get some blankets."

  Somehow I managed to roll over and stand up in one smooth movement which gracefully ended with me face planting into the wall. I was a clumsy, clumsy drunk. Logan was at my side instantly grabbing my elbow to steady me.

  Nathan laughed at me, mumbling 'klutz' under his breath.

  "I'll help you," Logan offered.

  Walking to my closet, I pulled it open. I didn't own enough pillows to have this many people sleep over. They'd just have to make due. I started to reach for the extra blankets, but Logan stopped me by reaching above me, grabbing them himself.

  Turning around I faced him. Hooking my thumbs on his belt loops, I leaned in, staring up at him. He was a sexy beast. I'm not good at flirting or trying to be sexy. Hoping he would kiss me, I continued to stare.

  Normally, I wasn't this bold. It was the wine. I wasn't trashed like last weekend so I'd actually remember the deed. Plus, I was curious how Logan rated. If anything, I’d have the hot image of him staring back at me seared into my brain.

  His head slanted and his free hand came to my neck pulling me even more towards him. He kissed me softly. I ran my hands up his chest, knocking the blankets out of his arm. With his arm now free he wrapped it around my waist pulling me closer, and the kiss intensified.

  He was warm. I linked my hands behind his neck and leaned into him. It was a serious kiss, and he was a superb kisser. He let a moan slip, and I felt it vibrate through my body, down to my special place.

  Logan pulled back suddenly, sucking in a deep breath while looking at the ceiling.

  "Are we gonna have a re-do of last weekend?" I quietly asked.

  "Not tonight."

  I didn’t know why, but his response pissed me off.

  "What? ... Why not?" Unlatching my fingers from behind his neck I pulled my arms down taking a step away from him waiting for an explanation. What I hoped, would be a damn good explanation.

  "First, you're drunk, not makin' that mistake again. Second, you have guests. Your brother and I are friends, and I want to keep it that way. I'd prefer he not hear us going at it before I tell him we're together. Third, you're a moaner."

  I stayed silent while I processed this information. I had to admit, he had at least one valid point. My brother, by being there, was unknowingly acting as a cock block. Or was it a pussy block?


  Who said we're together?

  "We are not together." I said this more to make a point. Was I curious about what it could be like with Logan? Heck yeah. Was I in a hurry to label whatever our relationship is? No.

  His eyes swept across my face, and I noticed his jaw got hard. "You want my dick in you, we are together. End of story," he growled.

  Possessive much?

  "We're getting to know each other again," I argued.

  "And we can do that without fucking," he taunted. I understood why he was uneasy. If we played this the wrong way, Nathan would be the one who gets hurt.

  But I was not going to be blackmailed or maneuvered with sex, or the promise of sex. Probably really great sex, if the kiss we just shared was any indicator. Regardless, I was not going to beg him for sex. Sure I was horny, but I was not desperate.

  I let my anger take over. "Whatever. Go watch football."

  Picking up the blankets, he muttering something that sounded like 'damn it' and left my small walk-in closet.

  I changed into my favorite sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I had worked a lot of overtime this past week. I didn’t have the energy to taunt Logan with sexy pajamas. Not to mention, I didn't want to do so with my brother in the apartment. I fought the urge to slam my door closed. There was only one bathroom in my apartment and that was in my bedroom. Unless I wanted the boys to chance being ticketed for public urination, I’d need to leave them access to the bathroom. Flicking off the lights, I crawled into bed and within minutes I was asleep.

  I woke to the bed dipping, an arm wrapping around my waist pulling me tightly into a warm, firm body. Logan, and he was shirtless with those abs in easy reach.


  "Babe. You still pissed?" he whispered near my ear.

  "No. But I'm exhausted, need sleep." That wasn’t a lie. We'd been slammed at the bakery for Thanksgiving. If Thanksgiving was a sign of how happy our customers were, then we'd be equally busy over the holidays. Family drama, wine, my mind
and body needed a full night’s rest to reboot. Top it all off, I was a girl who loved her sleep.

  "I know you do. One more question though."

  "What?" I asked, semi-annoyed.

  "Montana Club or The Keeps for our date?" His fingers brushed my hair behind my ear.

  Seriously? He woke me up to ask my restaurant preference. Who the hell did that? This man did not know how precious sleep was to me.

  Both restaurants made a mean steak. I loved a good steak. In general, I loved good food. I preferred great food over receiving flowers. At this point in time, I could care less about restaurant choices and more about sleep.

  "Either ... sleep, now."

  Kissing my neck, he mumbled something inaudible, and I drifted back to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Wine and Dine

  I was slipping on my black high-heeled tall boots, when I heard the knock at my door. Logan was early, and I was running late. Taking my time going to the door¸ I finally opened it to see Logan in a blazer, fitted shirt, nice jeans sporting a belt and huge belt buckle, and boots.

  Whew. I took my time admiring him.

  After I looked him up and down, I managed to unravel my tongue and invited him in.

  "Sorry, I'm running late. It was hectic at work," I mentioned as Logan walked through the door and I shut it behind him. And he smelled amazing.

  "I can wait. There's no rush."

  I couldn't help it, I smiled. I was feeling a bit nervous. "Feel free to watch TV. I shouldn't be much longer," I said, retreating to my bedroom. I put the final touches on my makeup. My eyes were smokey, first time I tried this look, and I impressed myself. I wore my hair up at work. Because of this, I chose to leave my long hair down, but curled it into soft waves. Double checking myself in the mirror, I adjusted my sweater dress outfit. Releasing a sigh, I met Logan in the living room.

  Grabbing my purse, I made sure I had my keys and phone before I told him, "I'm ready."

  Logan switched the TV off, helping me with my coat, and waited while I locked up my apartment. He also helped me into his truck, not that I needed it, but it felt nice. Once I was buckled in, he started the truck. We headed across town towards the restaurant.

  At The Keep, we sat at an intimate table for two by a large window overlooking the golf course. Logan ordered a bottle of wine, while I looked over the menu. Normally, I ate what was recommended or on special unless it was something that I didn't find appealing like pufferfish, liver, or bugs. No way in hell would I eat bugs, ever.

  Logan ordered a T-bone, and I ordered filet mignon, and we split an appetizer of bacon wrapped scallops.

  "Did you get to hang out with Nathan before he left?" Logan asked, as the wine arrived. There was a low hum in the restaurant, patrons talking along with soft background music.

  "Yeah. Saturday night we went to the Iron Horse over on Higgins. Nathan talked Randy into closing the bar down. Annie stopped by for about an hour then took off. I was DD, but we had fun. I was kinda surprised you weren't out with them. Would have been a real trip down memory lane."

  Randy and Annie had been a part of our group, at least since high school. Randy always stood behind Logan and Nathan terrorizing my dates, which were few and far between. It was normal for Annie to witness these shenanigans. With our past history there were not many secrets in our group. The testosterone duo adopted Annie after the freshman year homecoming incident. Annie experienced firsthand walking a mile in my shoes. She bitched about it, but she knew they pulled the crap they did, because they cared.

  The food arrived, we ate. It was good, really good.

  "Nathan and I talked Friday, while you were at work. I probably wouldn't have made it anyways. I played catch up fixing fences all day Saturday."

  There was no "catching up" with fixing fences. It was time consuming, and out in the weather all day it was also physically draining. Fencing was a constant issue with a ranch the size Logan owned. Cows getting out or downed trees would tear up the always aging fence. If you didn't stay on top of it you'd have livestock all over the place.

  "Really? He didn't mention anything."

  "He said his piece," Logan said, shrugging like it didn't mean anything.

  I had no idea what that meant or what to say about Nathan saying his piece. Looking out the window, I decided to play it safe and talk about work.

  "I have to go in to work tomorrow. Jenna's baby shower is Saturday. Aunt Cathy tracked me down, so I have to squeeze in decorating an extra cake at some point."

  "Are you going to the shower?"

  "Cathy talked Annie into lending her the party room. Apparently more people are attending than they planned so they need more room. They're already getting free cake, the party room, and Annie and I are throwing in a box of diapers. She's covering for me so I can jet outta there after I set up the cake. You know, in case Mom decides to show."

  Knowing my mother, she would show just to try to make me uncomfortable or attempt to force my hand by guilt tripping me into forgiving her. I was still angry and nowhere near ready to forgive and forget.

  "Sticking to it, I see."

  Without even realizing it I rolled my eyes.

  "Of course, I'm sticking to my guns. Why shouldn't I?" My tone was a little angrier than I had intended it to be, but I didn’t understand why he couldn't see my point of view.

  "I didn't say you should give in. She's going to start harassing you and become a pain in the ass at some point."

  He was right, she probably would. Which would drive me to another level of crazy.

  "Will you folks be having desert tonight?" the waiter asked. I hadn’t even noticed him approach the table.

  Working at a bakery, I eat a lot of dessert. You know, checking quality control and all that. At least that's what I told myself to justify eating that much sugar. I was already stuffed and didn’t need the extra calories at this point.

  "No, thanks."

  Logan paid, then led me through the door to his truck and we headed towards my apartment.


  All that food and wine on top of a full days' work, I was beyond tired. Logan parked next to my car. My door opened, as I undid my seatbelt. Taking his hand, I exited the truck. He unlocked my apartment door, waited for me to pass through then followed me inside.

  I stared at him as I took my jacket off, hanging it in the closet by the door. His arms crossed at his chest, as we kept staring.

  "You want to come over Saturday, avoid your mom at my place?"

  I liked the idea of having an escape plan. Or in this case, an avoidance plan. She knew where I lived, so there was no denying the chance that she might stop by. I doubted she would. She'd rather have an audience to cause a scene.

  "Does that mean you're gonna cook?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. I loved cooking, but I knew my schedule was full, and I'd rather plop down with a beer in front of the TV with delivered Chinese food.

  "I could cook. It'll be something simple," he offered.

  "Okay. I can bring dessert and stop and get something from Redbox," I suggested but with a hint of a questioning tone.

  "Yeah?" he asked, stepping so close to me I could feel the heat radiating off of him, his hands going to my hips. Annie would be ecstatic at this development. I wouldn't call myself simple, but I kept a schedule and my life held very little excitement. Logan held a similar schedule. Early mornings, late nights, there was always something he could be doing. But, I didn’t want him to see me as a boring, but safe option.

  "Yeah," I replied.

  He kissed me. It was electric, sending a slow wave down my body. I kissed him back sliding my tongue into his mouth. Running my fingers up his arms, I linked them behind his neck. Hot, ripped, Logan Adams, kissing me.

  He pulled back causing our lips to disengage. What the—I liked where the kissing was leading, until he stopped. I couldn't hide my disappointment, and I didn't try.

  "I want this, but it's late and we both have a full day tomorro

  I made myself keep eye contact. It was barely nine thirty pm, but I had to wake up at four, and I guessed, Logan planned on driving home.

  "Don't pout. I'm not starting this when we're both exhausted."

  To be honest, and I hated to admit Logan was right, but I wanted to be fully rested, prepared, energized to go several rounds. And tonight wasn’t that night. I still wouldn't mind spending some time flirting around second base, then passing out.

  "Are you driving home or you wanna stay here?" I asked, biting my lip.


  Logan had a conflicted look on his face. Finally, I broke the silence. "Look, I'm getting up at four. I agree about waiting. So you wanna stay or go? Either way I need to get my ass in bed."

  I stared into his blue eyes. Usually I possessed patience, but not now. Not after being wined and dined, and tempted with hot sex while being sleep deprived. My bitchy no nonsense side was shining through.

  He took a step towards the door and locked the deadbolt, shrugging out of his blazer.

  There was my answer. I turned and headed towards my bedroom. Once there I removed my boots tucking them in my closet. I grabbed some plain Jane PJ pants, a t-shirt, and headed to my bathroom. I changed, washed my makeup off, and moisturized my face and hands. After I brushed my teeth, I went check on Logan and offer up the bathroom.

  I found him staring out my bedroom window. He'd taken off his dress shirt and was now sporting a wife beater type shirt. He'd also removed his belt, boots, and socks, and was standing barefoot by the window. I felt heat surge down in my belly. I could ogle him forever. He was beautiful.

  "Bathrooms yours if you need it. Um—I might have some sweatpants that will fit you," I offered going back into my closet. I found some black and gold Bruins sweatpants that belonged to my ex in Boston, Dave.

  Dave and I had an amicable breakup. He lived and breathed the Bruins, Patriots, and Celtics, basically anything that represented Boston. He was a fourth generation cop, who had no plans on ever leaving Beantown.

  The pants somehow found their home with me. Don't get me wrong. Being fleece they are super comfy, but I wasn't sure about letting my possibly-maybe-boyfriend wear my ex's sweatpants. Just seemed like a line that shouldn't be crossed, amicable breakup or not.


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