Sullivan, Sandy - Unexpected Lovers [Between the Sheets 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Sullivan, Sandy - Unexpected Lovers [Between the Sheets 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Unexpected Lovers (lit)

  “It’s over now. Don’t fret your pretty little head about it. He’ll get his when this is all said and done,” Brett replied, stroking her hand across the table.

  Their meal arrived, and her mouth watered at the succulent aroma filling her nose. Ordering the Black Angus beef tenderloin with shrimp, Madeira sauce, and duchess potatoes, she couldn’t wait to taste the perfectly flame-broiled meat as it melted in her mouth.

  “Looks good,” Ryan said, eyeing her meal.

  “Doesn’t it though? I love red meat.”

  “Clogs your arteries,” Brett interjected.

  She rolled her eyes before she stuck a small piece in her mouth and sighed. “Such a doctor.” Eying his chicken cordon bleu and then cocking an eyebrow at his food, she said, “I’m sure that’s on your low fat diet there, Doctor Novak.”

  Flashing a devastating smile, he said, “We all have to indulge sometimes.”

  Indulge. A little indulgence never hurt anyone.

  “Mmm…so true,” she murmured while she shifted in the chair. Her pussy throbbed at the thought of indulging in the two yummy men with her.

  Their conversation turned to lighter subjects while they ate. Brett ordered crumble-top apple pie with ice cream for dessert and fed several bites to her across the table with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Staying away from these two is getting increasingly difficult. I need to get this damned divorce filed.

  “Finished, princess?” Ryan asked, stacking his plate on the edge of the table and then reaching for hers.


  They slipped cash into the leather pouch to pay for their dinner, and Ryan helped her to her feet.

  Brett wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her next to him. “My turn to get close.”

  “You two.”

  “What?” he whispered, nuzzling her ear with his nose.

  “Never mind, Brett.”

  The cool air of the coming night hit her face, and she shivered.

  “Cold?” Brett asked.

  “A little.”

  He shrugged out of his suit jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Better?”

  “Yeah, but now you’ll be cold.”

  “I’m fine. It’s not that cool. Besides, if I get cold, I’ll steal Ryan’s jacket.”

  “Wait a damned minute,” Ryan grumbled.

  She laughed and glanced over her shoulder as a frown settled on his mouth. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, she moved closer to him, slipped her arms inside his jacket and around his waist, and stuck her nose near his neck.

  “Mmm…nice,” she whispered, inhaling his cologne.

  “I like this,” he murmured against her hair.

  “Me, too.”


  Stepping back, she said, “Okay. It’s obviously not going to work like this so let’s try something.” She turned and headed toward the wall, sat down, and motioned for them to come closer. “Brett, you sit on my left. Ryan, you sit on my right.”

  Straddling the stone, Brett’s left thigh rode along hers and Ryan’s right one rode against her right. They surrounded her with their warmth as each wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “This is fantastic,” she said, leaning back a little against the arms behind her as the colors of the setting sun played on the rocks beyond.

  Several people nearby gave them odd looks, especially when Ryan started to nibble on her right earlobe and Brett brushed his lips against her neck on the left.


  Both lifted their heads.

  “We’re getting some funny looks.”

  “Does it bother you, Whit?” Ryan asked.

  “A little.”

  “We can always take this home,” Brett suggested.

  She frowned and shook her head slightly. “I can’t do that.”

  “I know, sweetheart. Soon though, huh?” Brett’s voice near her ear sent shivers down her back while Ryan continued to nip at her other ear.

  With her lip captured between her teeth, she sucked in a ragged breath and nodded.

  * * * *

  The sun beat down on Whitney’s face, warming her skin while she sat on the back patio, waiting for her roommates to come home. It had been six weeks since Eric had tried to kill her, and six weeks since she’d come to live with Brett and Ryan, and she was horny as hell. The two of them took it upon themselves to keep her on high idle. With them constantly stroking her arm, kissing her shoulder, brushing their lips against hers before they went off to their own rooms for the night, she was about to go stir crazy with all the sexual tension. The attraction between the three of them had become a plausible, living thing as they shared a household.

  But today, she had reason to celebrate. The cast had come off and her divorce was final, all in the same day.

  The day Brett and Ryan had brought a visitor home after their dinner at the canyon slipped across her mind.

  One very prominent divorce attorney sat across from her, jotting notes on his legal pad.

  “I don’t understand why you can’t file this when you get home, Mrs. Scott.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “I’m sorry. What would you prefer to be called? That is your married name, is it not?”

  “Yes, Mr. Thompson, it is, but when this divorce is final, I want my maiden name back. Right now, I want nothing more to do with my soon-to-be ex-husband.”

  His gaze shifted to the paperwork in his hands. “Eric Scott? The attorney?”

  “That’s right.” Her eyes narrowed into slits. “Is that a problem?”

  “No. I can see why you want to change your name to what it was if he’s your husband. He’s a dick.”

  A very un-ladylike snort left her mouth. “You could say that.”

  “Why not let your father handle this?”

  “Because I don’t want my father involved. Besides, he’s not a divorce lawyer. He’s a criminal prosecuting attorney.”

  “And a very good one.”

  “Thank you. I’ll tell him you said so after this is all over.”

  “All right, Ms. Morris.” The paperwork was laid aside, and he crossed his arms over his chest as he glanced at Ryan and Brett standing next to her chair. “I’ll file these, but if I file in California, there’s a six-month waiting period.”

  “That’s not acceptable,” she said. “Isn’t there something else we can do?”

  “I can file in Nevada, but you don’t meet the residency requirements, I don’t believe.”

  “What requirements?”

  “You would have to be a resident of the state for the last six weeks.”

  “My father owns a condo in Vegas, will that do?”

  Mr. Thompson rubbed his chin. “Maybe. You need someone to sign an affidavit that you’ve been a resident for the time period requirement. Can you do that?”

  She chewed her lip for a moment while she tried to think of someone. Tipping her head to the side, her lips curved into a small smile when she met the attorney’s gaze again. “Not a problem. I’m sure I can find someone. Eric isn’t the only one who knows people.”

  “We could have your divorced in three days if you can get the affidavit and we can locate him to sign the paperwork. If he contests, it will take a bit longer.”

  “Consider it done,” Brett added.

  Neither of the two men had said a word until now.


  “My mother lives outside of Vegas. She’ll do it.”

  It had still taken weeks to get the divorce finalized. They hadn’t been able to find Eric. The asshole had disappeared. She knew she could have left Flagstaff weeks ago and gone home, but she didn’t want to.

  “This is ridiculous,” she said out loud as her thoughts returned to the present.

  Brett and Ryan respected her decision not to cheat on her husband no matter whether he’d cheated first, but now she wanted—

  She wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted. Brett or Ryan. Both?

; “Talking to yourself again, princess?” Ryan asked when he stepped through the sliding glass doors.

  “You’re home!”

  He bent down and kissed her cheek. The urge to turn her face and capture his lips with hers almost drove her crazy.

  “Miss me?”

  “Would you think terribly of me if I said yes?”

  A wide grin spread across his mouth, showing off his pearly white teeth. “Not in the least. I’m glad you missed me.”

  Okay. He’s a bit too cocky.

  “It’s only because both you and Brett were gone today and I was alone in this big house by myself.”

  His bottom lip stuck out like a pouting child. “Is that all?”

  Laughter bubbled from her lips. “All right, no. I kind of like having you around.”

  “That’s better.”

  Before she knew what he was doing, he bent down again and brushed his lips against hers. Oh yeah. That’s exactly what I want and need.

  “We need to celebrate tonight, so when Brett gets home, we’re going out.”


  “Yep. Your divorce finalized today, right?”

  “Yes.” She stuck her leg out and wiggled her toes. “And the cast is off.”

  “Then you’re a free woman, Whitney Morris.”

  “Mmm… a free woman to do as I please.” Including going to bed with whomever I want. Intriguing thought.

  * * * *

  Brad Paisley’s voice met her ears when they pushed through the entrance of the biggest cowboy bar in Flagstaff. She’d come to realize over her time with the cousins that their tastes in music varied, but only from one end of the country genre to the other. They did listen to classic rock sometimes, but she considered most of that to be country anyway.

  “Get us a table, Brett. We’ll be right back,” Ryan said, grabbing her hand and tugging her toward the dance floor.

  A giggle left her lips. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re gonna two-step, princess.”

  “Ever heard of asking?”

  He stopped and frowned. “You don’t want to dance with me?”

  “I didn’t say that, Ryan. I just didn’t hear you ask. That’s all. A woman likes to be asked to dance.”

  “Fine.” He quickly changed directions, found an empty chair, pushed her down into it and held out his hand. “Will you dance with me, Whit?”

  Tapping her finger against her lips, she gave him a flirtatious glance and said, “I don’t know. I mean I’m here with these two absolutely gorgeous guys, and I don’t think…” A squeak burst from her lips when he leaned over her and tipped the chair back onto two legs with his hand.

  “Gorgeous, huh?” he whispered. His lips hovered so close, all she had to do was lean a miniscule little bit toward him and she could feel the tempting fullness of his.

  “Well, yes,” she murmured. “And they both seem to be very possessive with me. I haven’t been able to have hardly any fun in several weeks.”

  One hand skimmed down her arm, raising goose bumps along the surface in its wake. “Oh princess, we’re going to have fun all right.”


  “Dance with me and we’ll get this party started.”

  “How could I possibly refuse such a gallant request?”

  Picking up her hand, he tugged her out of the chair and slipped his arm around her waist. “Good. I didn’t want to have to throw you over my shoulder and drag you out there.” A moment later, they started scooting across the floor. She noticed the other dancers weren’t dancing quite as close, so she tried to wiggle herself a little farther from him, but he wasn’t about to let her go.

  “Uh-uh. I want to hold you,” he whispered in her ear as he plastered her against his chest. His warm palm flattened against the small of her back, holding her close.


  Warm breath ruffled the air near her ear and a shiver rolled down her back.


  “Maybe you shouldn’t hold me so close.”


  “We’re getting some strange looks.”

  “I don’t care. Do you?”

  “I wouldn’t except that a lot of the looks are from other women, shooting daggers at me.”

  “They’re jealous. You’re the prettiest woman in here.”

  “It’s probably more like they are exes of yours and Brett’s. I’ll probably get jumped if I go to the bathroom alone.”

  “Then I’ll go with you and protect you.”

  “You will not!”

  The song changed, but Ryan didn’t let her go, only continued to sway to the music, never caring that the song playing had a fast beat.

  “Mind if I cut in?” Brett asked, stepping up behind Ryan.

  “Of course I mind, but since she’s here with both of us, I guess I’ll let you dance with her, too.”

  “Aren’t you the benevolent one there, Ryan?”

  “Don’t push your luck, Brett, or I’ll take her home and leave you here.”

  “You two stop it.” She rolled her eyes and stepped into Brett’s embrace, while his warm hands settled on her hips. “I swear, if I didn’t know you two like to share, I’d swear I’m being pulled in different directions like a bone.”

  “Sharing is one thing, sweetheart, but we would both like some alone time with you, especially now that you are a free woman,” Brett said, looking deep into her eyes.

  “Interesting thought.”

  “Neither of us will push you, Whitney. Whether you want me or Ryan or both, it will be your choice.”

  “I know,” she whispered. His lips brushed against her cheek before he pulled her closer.

  They spent the rest of the night dancing, drinking, and laughing. She didn’t think she’d had so much fun in one night in her life, but it was time to go home, and she shivered in anticipation. Sitting between the two of them in the cab of Ryan’s truck, her nerves were wound tight. Earlier in the night, she’d come to the conclusion that she wanted both men at the same time. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quite sure how to make it happen. Yes, she knew sharing wasn’t an issue with them, but never having been with two men at once, she didn’t know how to proceed.

  Once they reached the house, she dropped her purse on the countertop and rubbed her arms to calm the goose bumps flittering across her skin. Damn. I don’t think I’ve been this excited in a long time.

  “I had a lot of fun tonight, guys.”

  “I did too, Whit, but I’m going to bid you goodnight,” Brett said and then brushed his lips against hers quickly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  What the fuck?

  “Me too, princess. It was fun. See you tomorrow,” Ryan added and kissed her too.

  Moments later, she stood alone in the dark living room listening to their respective doors close.

  She shook her head and grumbled under her breath as she headed for her bedroom. Once her clothes were piled on the chair by the window, she slid beneath the cool sheets and lay on her back watching the moonlight bounce off the ceiling. After they’d spent the last several hours celebrating her divorce with dancing and alcohol, she felt on fire.

  Her pussy throbbed painfully with need. When she closed her eyes, her imagination went wild with visions of Ryan’s hazel eyes sparkling with lust and Brett’s brown ones raking over her with appreciation. This is fucking crazy!

  Tossing her arm across her eyes, she groaned. I don’t even have my vibrator to take care of my raging libido. She wiggled in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing seemed to be working. Kissing both of them goodnight had made matters worse. Now she was horny and unsatisfied.

  A light tap sounded at the door, and she struggled into a sitting position against the headboard.

  “Come in.”

  One sliver of light splayed across the carpet from the hall beyond.

  “Having trouble going to sleep?” Brett stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

“Yeah. How’d you guess?”

  “I can hear the bed creaking with every move you make.”

  She captured her bottom lip between her teeth. The scent of soap and man tickled her senses, lighting the fire in her blood further. The wet curl against his neck made her fingers itch to touch. Shit! This is all I needed.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you up.”

  A rakish smile graced his full lips.

  “You didn’t. Anything I can do to help?”

  You bet there is. Eat me, fuck me… “Mmm…” Her shoulders lifted in a shrug.

  “Is your leg hurting?”


  “Then what seems to be the trouble?” Warm fingers brushed against her arm, sending goose bumps along her flesh, and she had to fight the urge to shiver under his touch. He scooted closer. “You can tell me.” The devilish smile appeared again. “I’m a doctor.”

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with what a doctor can take care of.”

  “Really. How about a man?” Brown eyes twinkled in the moonlight filtering through the filmy curtains on the window, and she had a feeling he knew exactly what her problem entailed.

  Nipples puckered into hard little nubs, drawing his attention to her chest.

  “I’m horny as hell, Brett. You two did nothing to help matters tonight. You know that.”

  A soft chuckle left his mouth, and his oh-so-kissable lips lifted in a smile.

  “Sounds like a bit of a problem.” One finger trailed over her lips, across her cheek and then down her neck, rasping against her skin deliciously.

  Shifting a little to her left and arching her back, she knew her behavior bordered on wanton, but she didn’t care. She wanted his hands on her.

  “Tell me what you want, Whit,” he murmured.

  “Touch me.”



  After he moved next to her on the bed, his fingers drifted across her puckered nipple, and she fought the moan on the tip of her tongue. His mouth brushed softly against hers taking the time to coax the response he wanted from her.

  His lips were different than Ryan’s—fuller, firmer, but just as intoxicating. They drifted over her mouth, his tongue caressing her lips lightly. A moan surfaced on her lips only to be swallowed when his tongue dove inside her mouth. Their tongues entwined, stroking each other, firing the desire in her blood to boiling temperatures. Fingers slipped down her flat belly, under the elastic of her underwear, through the curls between her thighs, and glanced across her clit. Her hips lifted, eliciting a chuckle from his lips as they drifted across her cheek. Within moments, he had her silky panties off her legs and tossed them across the room.


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