Lust Immortal (Immortal Series Book 1)

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Lust Immortal (Immortal Series Book 1) Page 3

by Kelly, Carrie

  Her entrance wept for him, and he obliged by slipping a long finger inside. Her hips responded in kind, moving in rhythm with each lick, each thrust. The thought of bringing her to her peak then and there arose to him, but he fought against it. His own need ached, and the look of longing in her eyes told him the truth. She wanted it as badly as he did.

  Sitting up, William moved over her body, positioning his length over her as he lowered his mouth to her neck. “Look at you,” he said as he lifted her arms above her head and held her wrists steady.


  The desperation in her voice fed his desire. “Yes, Isabel.”

  Slowly, he pushed his throbbing manhood inside as he lowered his fangs into her flesh. It took all his control not to drink without abandon. Instead, he held still and let her adjust to his size. Gently, he moved himself in and out until her breathing steadied and the trembling of her body gave way to pleasure and not the pain of newness. She moaned as he drank. The taste of her blood, like that of chocolate and raspberries when he was alive, filled his mouth, as her warmth gripped onto him.

  He didn’t take much, drinking her into senselessness would do no good for the situation. Licking the wound, he pulled back and admired her face, twisted in the pleasure he provided. William kissed her without abandon, the warmth of her blood filling him so they burned against each other in a pool of fiery passion. Releasing her wrists, she wrapped her arms around his back, digging nails into the smooth flesh. Yes. She had the right idea. They needed to be closer! William pulled her into him, lifting her up as he thrust into her deeper and faster, her body scorching through his skin and into his very veins.

  William stared into her eyes as she reached the peak of her pleasure, her mouth opening into an almost perfect “o” as she moaned and clenched onto him. His apex came a moment later, the fervor of the moment bursting free inside of her, taking over his body like it never had before. The perfume of their sweat mingled together as he collapsed on top of her.

  As the pleasure dulled to contentment, William panted, trying to catch his breath, as Isabel trembled and gasped under him. His black hair tumbled over his shoulders, the ribbon no doubt coming loose in the intensity of the moment, and she pushed it out of his face.

  Yes, he loved her just as she loved him- perhaps more. But what did that mean for them? How could they be together and not be in danger of the council?

  “I want to stay,” she said, “but if you think this was a mistake, I’ll go.”

  William buried his face in her hair and gripped onto her slender shoulders. “No mistake. I do want you to stay with me.”

  “I will,” she said, her breath brushing his ear.

  Her heart pounded inside her fragile human body and against his chest. With each beat William knew what he had to do. He’d protect her from them- from everyone- no matter what.

  Chapter Three

  Isabel woke with a strong arm wrapped around her. The last rays of sunlight peeked through the heavy curtains, and she knew it was time to rise. She might not be an indentured servant any longer, but she was still a servant nonetheless. Tabby would be up and cleaning already, unless Charles drank too much of her blood again. No- Charles still hadn’t been home last night when they’d gone to sleep and that was nearly dawn. Wherever he was, he’d be staying until the sun set and he could move about the world freely.

  William’s body had cooled during the night, although he’d taken a small sip right after they’d made love to warm him up. Isabel smiled at his sleeping form, his mouth slightly open and the flutter of his eyelashes as he dreamed. The past few months had been better than any dream she could imagine. He was her lover and her friend- how could their situation improve?

  Ducking out of his grasp, Isabel sat up in bed, but William’s hand caught her wrist, his thumb rubbing across the smooth skin in circles. “Leaving so soon?”

  “I have chores. Tabby will be swamped if I don’t get up.”

  “The house is clean enough,” William said and sat up, taking Isabel in his arms.

  Isabel moaned as his hands cupped her breasts, one touch of his cool fingers bringing her nipples to attention. The twinge of excitement rushed between her legs, wetting her desire. His hands traveled lower, caressing the skin of her stomach and the smooth curve of her hips and thighs. When he touched her like that, there was nothing she could do to deny him- and she had no inclination to. She’d longed for William for all those years and she finally had him. What more could she want?

  Turning to face him, she pressed her mouth to his. The shock of his kisses never seemed to wear off. His soft lips met hers with the perfect amount of pressure, mouth opening to invite her tongue inside. She rubbed her hands against the firmness of his chest, the slow beating of his heart pounded against her hand as he gripped onto her bottom. She wondered, not for the first time, how he never seemed to age yet his heart still beat. Vampires were strange, no doubt. Perhaps their hearts just beat too slowly to age properly.

  Climbing on top of his lap, she smiled at the erect member and pulled down the sheets.

  “Isabel,” William breathed, his fingers trailing up her back and into the mass of brown hair. His own dark hair hung straight and messy over his alabaster shoulders, making him look even paler than normal.

  In most cases, Isabel preferred a decent amount of foreplay, but she didn’t want Tabby to do all the morning chores without her. She climbed on top of him, mounting his manhood and easing herself over it. Her warmth welcomed him in.

  William’s fingers dug into the skin of her hips, his thickness throbbing inside of her as she slowly rode him. His eyes met hers, and she knew how much he cared for her- how he would do everything in his power to protect her from the others of his kind. Just a few months before she’d been willing to give him up and seek a life of her own, but now that seemed utterly impossible. Her heart belonged to him and his belonged to her. Even if they were never officially married, their souls already spoke the vows of eternal love.

  Leaning forward, William took her breast in his mouth, suckling on the nipple with just the tip of this teeth and tongue. The prick of fang into the flesh of her breast sent a brush of delight across her body as he sipped. She moaned and moved her hips faster as he thrust into her, each plunge sending shockwaves of heat over her flesh and through her veins. Her breath was little more than ragged gasps, and he brought his mouth to hers and kissed it as the throes of passion embraced them both. Digging her fingers into the flesh on his back, Isabel moaned into his mouth.

  Then, as William often did, he bit her neck. The pinch of the fangs sunk into her skin, but the momentary pain faded away and enhanced the pleasure of her diminishing orgasm. He never took much, and he still drank from other humans, although Isabel didn’t know whom, but the idea that he would finally bite her- if only to take a drink- filled her heart with gratification.

  His body warmed as he withdrew his fangs and licked her neck and breast, and she rested her head on his strong shoulder for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his pleasure contracting inside her.

  “Can vampire’s have children,” she asked and ran a finger through the hair on his shoulders.

  To her surprise, William laughed. “Yes, only I’ve heard it’s difficult for vampire women to conceive, though not impossible.” He said nothing about human women.

  Isabel nodded and climbed off his warm lap. “I do need to get to work. Tabby won’t be happy with me,” she said and hurried to slip on her chemise and robe. Her clothes were still in her little room in the servant’s quarters, but no one but Tabby and John would be up and about. While most humans still rose at dawn and went about their business during the day, humans who lived in the care of vampires had to adhere to a nocturnal schedule. Over the last ten years Isabel had grown used to it, but at times she longed to spend a day in the warm sunshine, or avoid needing a candle or lantern for every chore she performed. Not to mention that the price the household spent on tallow and wax was obscene!
  Hurrying toward the other end of the house, she smelled breakfast cooking in the kitchen- the familiar scent of fresh baked bread filled the air and made Isabel’s stomach grumble. She’d been hungrier of late, and the growing knot in her belly told her why. Plus, she’d skipped her last two cycles and now she knew for certain what the cause was. A child. She was going to have a child with William- but would he be delighted or not? She’d have to tell him soon and find out.

  After dressing, she rushed to the kitchen and found a slice of bread, butter and jam waiting for her as Tabby cleaned up.

  “Good evening,” the blond woman said with a sly smile. “You were late getting up. Again.”

  Isabel spread the butter on her bread and watched it melt. “I overslept.”

  Tabby laughed, her pretty face mirthful as she shook her head. “I’m sure you did. Although, I don’t remember seeing you go to your room last night.” Her blonde hair was tied into a bun at the base of her neck, and the lack of sunlight made her look as pale as a vampire.

  Isabel took a bite of her bread and a sip of milk. It did no good to keep the truth from Tabby- she was too nosy for her own good- but she didn’t want to confirm it for fear of someone spreading the news. While Isabel didn’t know exactly what the Vampire Council might do, William was frightened of them. Best not to push it.

  “I can’t really say,” she said and frowned at her food. She really wanted, more than anything, to get some advice from the other woman. Tabby was only a few years older than Isabel, but at least she might know what to do in her situation.

  “Of course you can’t. Well, I hope he’s going to marry you- whoever the lucky fellow is.”

  Isabel nodded and finished her breakfast, knowing that would never come to pass.

  William appeared from his room as she started her first chore of the night, mopping the great flagstone floor at the entrance of the house. Even with rugs in place the floor still got far dirtier than any other besides that of the kitchen. He smiled at her as he passed, his hair neatly combed and tied back. He wore the brown linen britches and jacket she’d made for him several years ago. If he was dressed such she knew he had no errands to run that night- at least not errands that involved other vampires.

  “Is Charles back yet?”

  “Not that I know of, but the sun only set an hour ago. He could still be on the road or otherwise engaged,” she said. Charles rarely seemed to spend the night at home, although he was usually back by sunrise. Whoever he’d met obviously made it worth his while to spend the whole day with them. Unless- no. Nothing bad could have happened to him. That was unthinkable! She’d known Charles just as long as she’d known William, and he’d been far friendlier to her than the elusive older brother. Although she’d never asked, she often wondered how the two were related. William’s strong features and dark hair looked nothing like Charles plain brown hair and even features- made more attractive by his power no doubt.

  “Alert me as soon as he gets in, please,” he said, his voice neutral, but Isabel saw a spark of concern in his eyes and in the twitch of his mouth.

  “Is something wrong, Master?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Isabel! Call me William. And no, I just need to talk to Charles about something.”

  She nodded, and brought her mop across the gray stones just as he walked down the hall. As she thought about it, she realized the younger brother hadn’t bitten her once since her first night with William- and no other vampire had either. That was due to the lack of guests they’d had, which wasn’t uncommon. William wasn’t much of an entertainer, especially when he only had three servants to do all the labor for him. Most of the other vampires in Philadelphia had dozens of servants, one for nearly every job in their household, but William and Charles weren’t like the other vampires at all even though they lived in a home far too big for two single men.

  Voices from the courtyard shook Isabel from her thoughts, and she moved her bucket just as the door opened.

  “Floor’s wet, sir,” she said as Charles stepped inside, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Moorish and Mistress Abigail Perch.

  “Of course,” Charles said, his suit from the night before slightly rumpled as though he’d slept in it. “I was on my way home and look who I ran into. We’ll be in the sitting room. Fetch William at once!”

  Isabel nodded, keeping her eyes downcast as the vampires moved past. Both ladies were lovely, the sort of unearthly beauty all vampires possessed. Although Mrs. Moorish’s hair was stark white, her face was as youthful as a schoolgirl’s. Her fine silk gown rustled as she moved down the hall. Mistress Perch was even more beautiful. Her pale blonde curls were piled onto her head like a crown, and the paleness of her skin made her look like she was made of porcelain. Her cotton gown, dyed indigo, brought out the vibrancy of her blue eyes. They were much brighter and lovelier than Isabel’s own pale blue eyes.

  Mr. Moorish, however, did not hold the same appeal as the others. Like his wife, his hair was also white, although he looked to be in his late thirties. Hooded eyes and a thin mouth made him look unpleasant, even though Isabel knew she should find him attractive. His lips twisted into a smile as she glanced at him, and she quickly looked away. How would William keep them from biting her? He’d explained it was seen as an insult to keep servants from other vampires, and she accepted that. However, he’d also said he’d not allow anyone else to lay a fang in her again. It seemed unlikely he’d be able to keep that promise.

  She hurried toward William’s study, but he emerged as soon as she neared the door, a frown on his face. “Charles has arrived. He and his guests are in the sitting room.”

  William nodded, the look in his eyes one of barely concealed anger. “Send in Tabitha and John.”

  He was going to try and stretch two servants among five vampires? That wouldn’t do! “Master, is that wise?”

  He ran his finger down her cheek, but didn’t say another word as he walked away.

  Isabel frowned as she hurried to the kitchen to inform Tabby. The blonde was on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor when Isabel stepped in. “Guests. Master William wants you and John in the sitting room.”

  Tabby looked down at the water soaking through her skirt and wiped her hands on her apron. “Did he say anything about appearances?”

  “It’s Mr. and Mrs. Moorish.”

  “Oh hell!” Tabby said as she stood and leaned out of the kitchen door to the yard. “John. We’re needed!”

  The shirtless and sweaty form of a man in his mid-twenties emerged from the stables. His finely muscled chest was covered in a thin layer of hair and his skin was skill golden although he rarely saw the sun. Looking at him, Isabel saw why women found John attractive. His eyes were bright and large, and his mouth looked like it held a smile, even when it didn’t. He’d tied his brown hair back with a piece of twine to keep it out of the way. “Where?”

  “Sitting room,” Tabby said, and John nodded and sighed.

  “I’ll get cleaned up.”

  Vampire masters insisted their servants were clean at all times, which meant they had to bathe more than once a week. Isabel guessed it was the enhanced sense of smell that called for such care.

  She went back to mopping the entryway and watched as a freshly scrubbed John and Tabby, in a dry dress, entered the room. While Isabel didn’t like being in the presence of other vampires something about the situation struck her as odd. Charles looked almost nervous about the whole thing. And Charles was never nervous. That just didn’t happen. Unless the council knew about them! Had Charles accidently told? Isabel moved her mop and bucket closer to the door and tried to hear what they talked about inside. Even when she mopped as slowly as possible, she only heard the mumble of voices. What was she supposed to do?

  Suddenly, the door swung open and William stood there, a frown creasing his perfect brow. “Why don’t you come in, Isabel,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Setting down her mop, Isabel stepped inside and stood next to
the other servants. All five vampires were seated comfortably on the leather couch and chairs. A fire roared in the hearth and lit candles hung in sconces and sat in candelabras all over the room. Even in that much light, shadows danced across the walls and floor. Every vampire’s eyes in the room looked aglow.

  “It’s such a shame you haven’t been around in months, William. We worked out a perfect arrangement.”

  “What sort of arrangement, Mr. Moorish,” William asked, his eyes on the older man with a fierce intensity.

  “Why, Ms. Perch, of course. You are both young, Ms. Perch is hardly eighty and you are just turning sixty-one, is it? The perfect time to marry and settle down. She has a lovely estate with a house full of servants for you to enjoy, you do remember don’t you?”

  Isabel kept her face neutral, but her heart raced and she felt close to screaming. Why hadn’t she thought of this before? Even if she and William couldn’t get married that didn’t keep him from marrying another vampire. What would they do? Continue their love affair under his new wife’s nose? Looking at Abigail, her keen eyes and sharp scent, that would be nearly impossible.

  “Ms. Perch? Does she agree to this arrangement?” William asked, his voice steady.

  “Of course I do, Mr. Davenport. How could I not?”

  William seemed to stare at her for a long time, and Isabel fought to keep her tears at bay. Their happiness had been so brief, so fleeting. What would she do now that she had his child growing inside her? If he married Abigail, telling him would be useless. It would just complicate matters more than need be.

  Then, she noticed Charles eyes on her, an intense look she’d never seen the younger brother give anyone. Unfortunately, Mr. Moorish also stared at her, his dark eyes eager.

  “This isn’t up for consideration, William,” Mrs. Moorish said and laughed, like a glass tinkling. “You’ll be married by the end of the month. Charles can keep this house while you move to Ms. Perch’s home. It’s not far, if you’ll remember. I’m sure Charles will retain the servants as well.”


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