Lust Immortal (Immortal Series Book 1)

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Lust Immortal (Immortal Series Book 1) Page 7

by Kelly, Carrie

  William groaned, his hands gently caressing her head as she worked him deeper into her throat. “Wait, I’m going to-”

  His body trembled and he burst into her mouth, the flood of his seed filling her throat.

  Isabel coughed, involuntarily, and wiped her lips. Looking up at William, his eyes hooded with pleasure, she smiled at him. She had to hide the sadness she felt for this one night- their last few moments together should be full of happiness and not tears.

  William pulled her to her feet and onto the bed, kicking off his clothes as he ravished her mouth with his own. She kissed him back, gripping onto the ribbon that held his dark hair in place and pulling it free. He leaned back only to peel her dress and petticoat from her body, leaving her in only the corset and chemise beneath.

  Her breasts heaved as he lowered his mouth to the mounds of her breasts, kissing them with fervor. His hands trailed under her back, pulling at the corset’s strings in a useless attempt to remove it. Suddenly, he huffed and flipped her onto her stomach with ease, and she landed with a slight “oomph.” The demonstration of his strength filled her groin with heat.

  “Damn it all,” he whispered and ripped the strings free- the sound of fabric breaking filled the air.

  Once loose, he threw the corset to the floor then pulled the chemise over her head. Isabel helped, the moment overtaking her like nothing had before. She needed him inside her, deep inside, if this was their last night together.

  William must have felt the same. His fingers probed into her warmth, rubbing at the wetness between her lips with a tender care she didn’t think him capable of at the moment. One finger slid inside, then two, then three, and he pushed them in and out with an almost painful care.

  Isabel moaned, pressing her hip onto his hand in an effort for him to move faster.

  “You’re ripe tonight, aren’t you, my love,” he whispered and pressed his hips between her spread thighs.

  “Yes. Please, William. I beg of you.” She wanted to say more. To beg him to run away with her- beg him not to marry Abigail, but she knew it was useless. He had to do it in order to stay alive. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she gripped into him, brought him close to her and held on as if he might slip away at any moment.

  He shoved into her with a sudden thrust that brought a gasp of delight from her throat. His mouth closed over her breasts as he throbbed inside, pushing his hardened manhood into her heat with a force he’d never used before. Her fingers dug into the skin on his back and she moaned as loudly as she cared to, each plunge bringing stars laced with passion before her eyes.

  William’s teeth bit both breasts, but hardly drew a drip of blood, as if he just enjoyed entering her flesh. Even when his fangs found her neck, he only took a sip before he slammed into her again and again, the pool of their pleasure growing with each well timed trust. Leaning back, he picked her up and took her onto his lap. She wrapped her legs behind him, and moved her hips in time with his as they worshiped each other’s bodies with lips and hands, each touch and kiss an excitement for the senses.

  “I love you,” he whispered into her ear, placing his hand over the back of her head and cradling it.

  “I love you too,” she said between gasps of breath, the pleasure overflowing.

  He moaned with her, his seed leaking into her warmth as she pulsed around him. The sweat cooled on her skin in the early morning air, and she rested her trembling hands on his back, pressing her forehead to his. He rubbed her back, his own breathing ragged as his member slacked inside of her.

  They sat together like that until the first light of morning shone behind the heavy velvet curtains. Pulling out, William opened the covers and pulled her beside him. Isabel pressed her warmth into his coolness, enjoying the feeling of him seeping between her thighs. At least he knew how much she loved him. She only hoped he understood why she had to leave.

  Before the sunset, Isabel rose and took a quick bath. As she washed William’s scent from her body, she wept a fresh set of tears, then pushed them away as she dressed. This was the only way for them to be happy. If she stayed, they’d only be miserable. Plus, the life of their child depended on it. She had no doubt if the council knew about it they would kill her or the baby.

  She packed the few things she owned, and joined Charles and John in the yard.

  Tabby stood looking tired with a basket of food over her arm. “You’ll need this,” she said. “It’s a long ride to Boston.”

  Isabel nodded without asking why they’d be traveling to Boston, and climbed onto a horse behind John.

  As they set off into the night, she glanced back at the house, hoping William would run out and stop her, call of his wedding and marry her on the spot. But the house stayed dark and quiet as stars slowly lit up the sky.

  Part Two

  William knew something was amiss as soon as he woke. Isabel never got up without waking him. Then he found the note on his dresser scrawled in Charles’ spindly writing. It read:

  “I’ve taken Isabel west. She carries your baby, dear brother. Who will you choose? The council or the woman you profess to love?”

  William read it three times. Charles had whisked Isabel out of harm’s way. He should be grateful. Ever since his meeting the day before with Mr. and Mrs. Moorish he’d feared for her safety if she remained. Now he had nothing to worry about. He’d explain Charles absence and keep the council content while he wallowed in misery for the rest of eternity with the pretty Ms. Perch.

  No. He couldn’t do it. Ever since the announcement he’d tried to think of a way out of the marriage without upsetting the council, but he now understood there wasn’t one. Charles had seen what he hadn’t and taken the initiative, the cunning bastard! William had to choose between the council’s wrath and his love for Isabel. And in her belly grew their child. She’d have to raise a dhampire on her own- their child would never know its father if William was a coward and stayed behind. He’d chosen to touch her, to love her, now he had to do what was right to keep her.

  He lit a candle and burned the note to ash before he dressed and hurried out of his room. Tabitha was lighting fires around the house when William found her.

  “How long ago did Charles leave?”

  “About an hour or two. He’s headed to Boston with John and Isabel for a wedding gift.”

  William nodded. That meant they’d have a good head start. “Listen to me, Tabitha. Pack up your things and be on your way. You’re dismissed.”

  The blonde woman looked close to tears as she stood up. “I beg your pardon, Master, but what have I done wrong?”

  “Nothing! You’ve been a wonderful servant, but I no longer need your services. I’ll give you a severance and a good reference. You can find new work in no time, I’m sure. But you’ll have to leave Philadelphia at once. Do you understand me?”

  Tabitha nodded, her eyes wide. “I won’t ask what’s wrong, Master William. But I want to know if I’ll be safe.”

  “Yes. The council won’t go after a servant I set loose. Pack your things, and I’ll get the money and a letter.”

  Tabitha hurried out of the room, and William went back to his own. He threw his sturdiest clothes into a pack, leaving behind the silk britches and waistcoats- the badge of opulence he’d carried for years. He counted out twenty pieces of eight for Tabitha and wrote a very flattering letter for her service.

  Tabitha waited for him in the kitchen, the look of worry evident on her face when he walked in.

  He handed her the money and the letter. “Wait until the fires burn out before you leave. Catch the first cart heading in whatever direction you desire and you should have no problems. I’m only sorry John didn’t stay to travel with you.”

  “I’ll be fine, Master William. I’ve got a few friends who could do for a change in scenery.”

  William nodded and saddled his horse. Of course, Charles had taken the mare and gelding as they made a better traveling pair. He must have left the stallion on purpose. It would gi
ve William the boost he needed to catch up to them.

  He waved at Tabitha as he rode out of the yard and down the dirt street. At this time of night the only ones about were vampires and other foul creatures, plus the few unlucky drunks who stayed at the tavern too late. He decided to walk the horse out of the city to avoid suspicion from any on looking vampires that caught a glimpse of him. He rode past opulent mansion after mansion, all the windows aglow for the vampires who resided inside. Just as he neared the road to turn off into farmland, he heard a familiar voice call his name.

  “William? What are you doing out here?”

  William pulled his horse to a halt and glanced down at Mr. Moorish. If the man weren’t the head of the Vampire Council William would have ripped his heart out then and there for the delay. “An errand, I’m afraid.”

  “Very well. Someone spotted Charles headed that direction earlier tonight.”

  William smiled, hoping it didn’t look as forced as it felt. “Yes. I’m actually meeting him. We are working out the servant situation with one of the farms in the valley. Shouldn’t take long.”

  “Good. He’ll need more servants if he wants to entertain.”

  “Of course,” William said and squeezed the horses’ reins. He rode away without looking back at the ancient vampire, but his back prickled like someone spied on him.

  Once out of town, he urged the stallion into a gallop. Isabel’s scent was lost among that of trees and dirt and the blood of forest animals and livestock, but he knew he should be on them soon enough. As he rode he silently chastised himself for the situation. It was his fault Isabel ran away. He’d done nothing to get out of the arrangement and left her with no choice! How could he blame her for the chance at a new life? If she’d had a man she was to marry, what would he do? Stand by and watch her? No. It would be too painful.

  It took several hours to ride through the valley of farmland and out into the true depths of the forest. By then the road was little more than a rutted track and his horse was forced to walk else it might come up lame. The sky was lightening ever so slightly, and William knew he had to find shelter before the brightness of day left him as helpless as a newborn child. It wasn’t that vampires couldn’t stand the sunlight, but it drained most of their powers away- their strength and their speed were diminished to almost nothing. It also had a soporific effect that made it difficult to stay awake. Some ancient vampires could handle walking about during the day, but William was too young to risk it.

  As he picked his way down the path, he smelled the strong stink of wolf behind him. No doubt they were shape changers- one of the only creatures with enough strength to take down a lone vampire. He hoped none attacked Charles and Isabel. What had that fool been thinking taking her out into the wild like that?

  The beasts kept their distance, and William pretended he hadn’t noticed them and journeyed forward. He’d need to find Charles before the sun rose or the wolves would tear him apart in his sleep!

  Dawn lightened the sky by the time Isabel’s scent overtook William. He urged the horse into the woods and came upon a small hut made of timber. The mare and gelding were tied to a tree by a little creek and both looked as weary as his stallion.

  Climbing off, he led his horse to the water and secured it before running to the door. It swung open as he reached for the handle, and Isabel stared at him- a leather canteen hanging limp in her hands.

  “William?” she said as if she were seeing a ghost.

  “Yes. A million times yes,” he said and took her in his arms. He felt as if he hadn’t seen her in a year when it had really been less than a day. She gripped onto him like she had the night before, burying her face in his neck.

  Charles and John stepped out. The stable hand looked shocked, but Charles merely smiled at him.

  “However did you find us so quickly, dear brother?”

  “You know how,” William said and smiled back.

  After a moment, Isabel slipped out of his arms and walked down to the stream to fill the canteen and John followed her, removing the saddlebags from the horses.

  Good. He needed to speak with Charles in private. “They followed me here. We need to get rid of them before the sun comes up lest we’ll be helpless.”

  Charles frowned and looked into the shadows of the woods. “Perhaps they’ll go now that I’ve joined you.”

  William stared at him. “You know these beasts will not back down once they spot a meal. I’m not putting Isabel’s life in danger on a whim!” he snarled.

  The snap of a branch drew William’s attention to the horses. He moved, but not before the wolf, twice the size of a normal beast, leapt from the bushes and launched straight at Isabel’s crouched form. He watched as her head moved toward the sound and caught sight of the animal, jaws opened wide, lounging for her.

  A moment later, Isabel was sprawled on the ground, her dress wet and muddy, with John on top. The wolf clung to his arm. Without thought, William jumped forward, pulled the creature off John and threw it against a tree. It made a satisfying snap of bones, but he knew that wouldn’t be enough to kill it.

  The horses neighed, pulling at their tethers, but William only had eyes for the wolf that tried to attack Isabel. “You will pay for what you did,” he whispered as the animal got to its feet.

  The sky was lighter now, the last stars fading in the predawn blue.

  “Stop this!” Charles cried.

  William paid no attention. All he saw were the beast’s glowing yellow eyes and the sharp teeth. The scent of John’s blood filled his nose, reminding William he had yet to eat that day.

  Suddenly, claws dug into his back, ripping through his shirt to the flesh beneath. William leaned forward and flipped the animal off him- this one was smaller and slighter, probably an omega. He sunk his teeth into its neck and sucked the blood through an unpleasant mouthful of fur.

  Hands gripped his shoulders and pulled him back, ripping his fangs from the wolf in front of him. The animal limped away, its tail between its legs as it crouched next to the larger animal.

  “What the hell are you doing, Charles?” William said, the warmth of the blood dripping down his chin. His whole body shook and the only thing he wanted was to kill the wolves that almost stole his future from him.

  “Let them go,” Charles said calmly, his hands digging into William’s shoulders. “We’re safe now. They won’t come after us again.”

  As if they understood him, both wolves disappeared into the brush just as the first rays of sunlight lit up the sky.

  William wiped his chin and willed himself to calm down. Glancing at the stream, he saw Isabel was safe. She rinsed off John’s arm as if a wolf hadn’t just tried to eat her. Then she wrapped a cloth around it, and John winced.

  “What are we going to do with him? You know what’s going to happen,” William whispered to his brother. In the depth of his heart he thanked John for jumping in the way- if he hadn’t the same fate might have befallen Isabel.

  “I’ll take him somewhere. Don’t worry,” Charles said and picked up the saddlebags John had dropped. “Let’s get inside.”

  Isabel didn’t say much as they filed in, though her eyes looked weary as she climbed next to William on the dirty straw pallet. It was nothing compared to the comfort of his feather mattress and silk quilt- but Isabel was worth more than any material possession he could imagine.

  “You came for me,” she whispered into his hair.

  “Of course. I’m never going to let you go again. I promise,” he said and kissed her passionately before they both fell to sleep.

  When they woke the next evening, John had the telltale signs of fever. Without so much as a word, Charles helped him outside and onto the mare.

  “Are you taking him to a doctor?” Isabel asked, concern rich in her voice as she packed their saddlebags.

  “Something like that,” Charles said and climbed onto the gelding. “Until we meet again,” he said and road away.

  Isabel’s eyes fille
d with worry, but William kissed her head and helped her on the stallion. “We need to keep moving, my love,” he said and climbed behind her.

  They came upon a fort a few days later and the men there offered them a room just as dawn broke over the low mountains. Isabel had been quiet through most of their journey, and William didn’t know what to make of it. She was happy he’d followed her, wasn’t she?

  When he awoke the next evening, Isabel stood naked in the room, a cloth in her hand as she washed off dirt and sweat from her skin in a small basin of water. Her hair was piled on top of her head, and the bulge in her belly had started to show, just slightly when she turned to the side.

  Blood rushed between William’s legs as he watched her rub the cloth over her breasts and stomach, hardening his manhood. “I want to marry you, Isabel.”

  She looked up at him, the dim light of the candle sent shadows crawling across her face. “When we reach Baton Rouge?”

  He nodded. They’d chosen the town in the Louisiana territory because it was too small to house a vampire council.

  She picked up a small towel and wiped the dampness from her skin before crawling onto the bed. William reached up and pulled at the pin holding her hair in place and smiled as the waves of chestnut fell over her shoulders. It had only been a few days since they’d last made love, but it felt an eternity.

  “If we’re to be married, I want to be a vampire like you, William,” she said and ran a slender finger down his cheek.

  He stared at her, the warmth of her skin soaking into his, feeding the growing need in his groin. “You want me to turn you?”

  She nodded, her mouth set and her pale blue eyes serious. “We need to be equals, don’t we? I’ll grow old and die and you won’t. Plus, if I’m a vampire then a council won’t have any problem with us being married.”


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