Texas Summer

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Texas Summer Page 5

by Hachtel, Leslie

  Arthur’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He caught his breath and grabbed his crotch. “Oh, baby. Whatever you need, I have it or I can get it.”

  She was pleased to have her beliefs confirmed. When a man thought he might get some, he was much easier to sway.

  He lunged for her, but she was faster and scrambled back and sideways, just out of his reach. “Not so fast, Sweet.” She moved to stand behind the chair, her hands resting on the back of it. It was a relief to get some distance from that smell. Did the man never brush his teeth? Or bathe? She breathed through her mouth. So up close and personal, he was even more disgusting than she expected.

  He still had his fingers on his expanding dick. He was massaging it. “Oh, please, baby. First things first. I’m dying here. What do you need? I’ll do anything. Just say the word and then let me do you.”

  “Of course. But first, I need an itsy-bitsy favor, and then you can have anything you want.”

  Sweet stopped rubbing himself for a minute. Maybe he was trying to return the blood supply to his itty-bitty brain.

  “What kind of favor?” he asked, a little hoarsely. Delie knew the blood was slow when it had to climb back uphill. He seemed crazy with need, but he was clearly unwilling to get caught in a snare he couldn’t wriggle out of once his needs were met.

  “I want to scare somebody a little. I want to borrow that hunting knife of yours. Have you still got it?”

  “Why don’t you just go and buy one?” he asked, suspicious.

  “Maybe I don’t want anyone knowing my business. Besides, they might ask why I wanted it, and what could I say?”

  “Why do you want it?” he asked.

  “What do you care?” It sounded harsh, and she quickly regrouped. “I mean, I don’t think I should tell you.”

  “And why not?”

  “Because it doesn’t have anything to do with you. It’s a family thing.”

  “Why should I trust you? You could maybe be trying to get me in trouble.”

  “Now, Arthur, why would I?” she pouted.

  Sweet shrugged and then disappeared into a back room. He reappeared a minute later brandishing a knife with a wicked blade. Delie was filled with delight when she saw it. “Yeah, like that one. I’ll bet it is exactly the same as the other.”

  “The other what?” he asked.

  “The other none of your beeswax.” To change the subject, she reached in and fondled her nipples beneath her bra.

  “Maybe it’s the same one.” He smiled knowingly. “See, I knew it. You’re up to something. I just bet I know what it is too.” Then he twisted the knife in the air and moved toward her. The edge of the steel winked deadly. Delie was fascinated. He stalked her, and just as he drew close and waved the knife in her face, she shrieked in response to the perceived game he played. She backed toward the far wall and was forced to stop when she reached it. Now she was trapped, but rather than be afraid, she was excited.

  He snaked his hand out, and in one quick movement he sliced through one of her bra straps. It fell forward. Another quick stroke and the bra was down, revealing her small breasts. Her nipples were taut with excitement. A vivid drop of blood stood out against the whiteness of her pale skin. Delie touched it with a fingertip and brought it to her mouth.

  His hard-on pushed against his pants. He quickly unzipped his fly to allow his penis room to expand.

  Delie pretended not to notice, but instead decided to sulk. “You cut me,” she whined.

  “I’m gonna do worse than that if you don’t spread those legs of yours again and let me in.”

  “I ain’t afraid of you.”

  “You should be. And you should be scared of this knife. I’ve seen what it can do, and it sure is sharp enough to cut the life out of your sister.”

  Delie looked horrified. She took a step back. “How did you know what I was gonna do with it? Anyway, I ain’t gonna kill her. I just want to scare her some. I have a plan. I might need a little tiny bit more of your help. You know I can make it worth your while.” She licked her lips meaningfully.

  Sweet looked skeptical and sneered in response. Then he smiled again and moved the knife downward. Another quick twist and the garter belt flew open. Delie watched it sadly fall to the dirty floor.

  Now Delie was mad. “I hope you got money.”

  “You can have the knife. You want money too?”

  “I mean my outfit. This stuff costs money.”

  “You look better without it. I have been patient long enough. Feels like years even.”

  With that, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bedroom. He pushed her onto the bed.

  “Spread those legs again while I take off my clothes. I want to look at your pussy.”

  Obediently, Delie opened her legs. She swallowed hard to keep from vomiting. Sweet’s mouth dripped saliva, and his tongue snapped out like a snake’s. His beady eyes bore into her.

  This was going to be as bad as she had imagined, but she needed his help. She had no one else to turn to. Those bitches were going to pay.

  Delie closed her senses and went inward. She was a fairy princess being rescued by a handsome prince. It had always gotten her through before. This time she imagined the knight carried her to the bank on his white stallion and she withdrew money. Lots of money. She threw it into the air and laughed out loud as it surrounded her.

  Finally Sweet was finished. He sat up and pulled on his pants. Delie lifted on her elbows and waited until he looked at her.

  “What?” he sneered.

  “Your turn,” she responded.

  “I just had my turn,” he cackled.

  “That isn’t what I meant, and you know it. Now you have to help me.” Delie tried not to whine.

  “Why should I? I got what I wanted.”

  It took everything in her not to scratch his eyes out. She bit her lower lip. “Don’t you want it again? And again? I can keep you happy for a long time. You could have more every day if you want.”

  Sweet seemed to be pondering this. She wondered why smoke didn’t come out of his ears, he was thinking so hard.

  “Well,” he said finally, “what exactly do you need?”

  “I told you. I want to borrow your knife.”

  “I ain’t stupid, Delie. You wouldn’t put out for just that. You want something more, and we both know it.”

  “OK. I need a witness.”

  “You’re gonna stab somebody, and you want me to watch?” The possibility didn’t seem at all repulsive.

  “No. Nothing like that,” she retorted.

  “Too bad. Sounded like fun.”

  Delie bit her tongue. “I just need you to say you heard something.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like my sisters promising me something.”

  “And just for that I get pussy?”

  “It’s important.”

  “Well, if it’s that important, maybe I should get more than laid.”

  Delie couldn’t resist laughing. “Arthur, getting laid regular for you is more.”

  He seemed to agree.

  “And there might be some money in it for you. Not promising, but it’s possible.”

  “How much money?” he prodded.

  “Don’t get so greedy, or you could talk yourself out of this deal.”

  Arthur shrugged. “Just want to know what the terms are.”

  “Let’s just say I deserve a bigger share of things. And I have a way to get it.”

  “OK. In the meantime, you better try and convince me some more.”

  With that, he pulled off his pants and stroked himself until he was hard. Then he was on her again, and she went to her special, happy place.

  Delie had agreed to meet Sweet in the field near the grotto, where they would work out some details. She had promised to tell him everything, although she had no such intention. She needed an ally, and so far, he was just perfect. A little sex, no matter how revolting for her, and she had managed to wrap him around her little f
inger. He had given her the knife, and she had brought it—just as a little insurance policy. It was tucked into the back waistband of her jeans. It felt cold and strong. Delie smiled at her cleverness concealing it. She knew better than to actually trust anyone.

  The plan was to threaten her sisters and make them give her more of PJ’s money when it was settled. She’d watched enough LMN movies to know that with a sharp enough knife and big enough balls, you could get people to sign anything. If they denied it later, well, not only would she have their signatures but she’d have Sweet as a witness. It might cost her a small share, and she’d have to screw him until it was all done, but it would be worth it. It wasn’t any worse than the other times she’d had sex.

  Delie had spent her whole life bearing the brunt of the misery her sisters couldn’t or wouldn’t. She was the child who got all the scraps. Kennedy—well, everyone was always making a fuss over Kennedy, and she wasn’t even legitimate. They all felt sorry for her and her stupid mama. Well, what about Delie’s mama? Didn’t anybody care what her mama had to suffer? Because Ruby told her often enough. Delie had to spend hours listening to her mother go on and on about what a bitch Martha was and how she was always trying to steal PJ from her, as if he was actually worth a shit. And Dolores, well, she got her own way all the time, no matter what. She was Freddie’s favorite. In fact, Delie wondered if Freddie married her mama just to get closer to Dolores.

  The worst part, though, was that Delie had to do all that stuff with Freddie. Most times, Dolores watched. Which made Freddie even happier. He hurt her and stuck things up inside her over and over and laughed when she screamed or cried out. Where was Ruby during all this? Too busy out with her friends or spending Freddie’s little bit of money, which ended in screaming fights between them. Or drunk. Too drunk to know or care.

  Sometimes Dolores would hold her down or cover her mouth while Freddie did those terrible things to her girl parts. Or they’d dress her up in outfits and then strip them off her while Freddie touched himself until it spit white stuff on her. Of course, now that she was grown, she understood what they’d been doing, but when she was so young, the confusion and the guilt had made it so much worse.

  Now she was grown. No one would take advantage of her again. Now was her chance to get even.

  It seemed to her as a little strange that Sweet didn’t want to meet her at his house, but he explained it wouldn’t do to have someone see them together. That made sense. If he was going to be her witness, it would have to look as if it wasn’t premeditated. Besides, he had said he liked to have sex “ah natural” in the grass. If she wanted his help, she had to do things his way. She was willing to go along with that until she had them all where she wanted them.

  There was a rustling of leaves as a shadow emerged from the trees. The night was dark since the moon kept disappearing behind the clouds, so Delie had to squint to see who was there. When the moon slid out for a moment, she was shocked to see her sister grinning at her from beneath a nearby tree.

  “What are you doing here?” Delie tried to sound casual.

  “I might ask you the same thing.”

  “Ummm, I have a date,” Delie said.

  “What a coincidence. So do I.”

  “Oh.” Delie reached behind her and clasped her fingers over the handle of the knife. It felt good. Reassuring.

  “So I understand you have plans.”

  “Huh?” Delie was confused. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, a little bird told me you want to take my money.”

  This was entirely unexpected. How could her sister know about this? That bastard Sweet must have said something. Where was he? Unless he set her up. Maybe her sister made him a better offer. Everyone always liked her sister better. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Delie was scrambling now.

  “Oh, Delie, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I know you’re dumb, but don’t be completely stupid. You’re busted. You wanted to cheat me out of what’s mine just so you could have more. Now does that sound right? I mean, what kind of a person would want to steal from their own sister?”

  “I didn’t do anything.” Delie’s voice was rising as if she sensed a threat. She would get even with Sweet for this. “I wasn’t going to cheat anyone.”

  “That’s not what I heard. Unfortunately, now you’ll have to pay the price. You see, no one takes what’s mine. No one.”

  Delie stepped away as the hair on the back of her neck rose. She was breathing fast, and sweat was dripping down her sides and between her breasts. “I didn’t mean it. I wouldn’t really hurt you. I don’t care what Arthur told you. It isn’t true.”

  “Now why would you think I was talking to Sweet? Why would he lie to me if I did?”

  “I just guessed, is all. He and I have kinda been dating.”

  “Dating? Is that what you call it?”

  “Please, I didn’t mean anything bad. I was just…showing off. I was afraid he might like you better. Everyone always likes you better. So maybe I said some stuff to…impress him. I had to do something.”

  Her sister laughed out loud. “It’s a little too late to talk your way out of it. After all, I always find out everything. No one has any secrets in this town. Except me.” She smiled menacingly. “OK, you can come out and get her, Tiger,” she called to someone.

  Delie was confused. She heard a rustling in the trees and footsteps and swung her head from side to side. The moon had disappeared again, and Delie squinted into the darkness, desperate to see who was there. She could hear someone breathing in excited gasps. She wanted to run, but she wasn’t sure what direction. The water was to the left, the field off to the right. If she ran fast enough, she might make it to safety. Or she could dive into the water and escape on the other side. She hesitated a moment too long with her indecision.

  Delie was grabbed in a powerful grip from behind. She struggled to reach the knife in her pants, but her assailant got to it faster. Too late, she realized she had stepped into a fatal trap. Before she could react, or beg for mercy, the first blow caught her below the left shoulder blade. The pain was excruciating. A second blow hit her in the right kidney. A third and a fourth rained down. They kept coming until blood spurted out from every angle. Over and over, the knife plunged in and out, but by now, Delie was only dimly aware. She sank to the earth and came to rest.

  Laughter filled the quiet.

  “Come on. Don’t be a chicken.” A boy’s voice.

  “I told you. I don’t have a suit.” A girl.

  “Who cares? There’s no one here to see—but me.” A leer was in that voice.

  Delie tried to speak, to cry out. It is so cold. What month is it anyway? Why is it so cold?

  She could hear scuffling and giggles. Help me.

  “Seriously. It isn’t like I haven’t seen it before.” The boy again.

  “You haven’t seen mine,” she teased.

  “It’s so dark tonight, I couldn’t see if I wanted to.”

  “And do you want to?” Really teasing this time.

  Help me. Can’t you see me? I’m right here.

  There was a splash. “It feels really good.” The boy.

  Delie could see the girl’s feet. She was standing so close. Why can’t you see me? I need help. I’m hurt. So hurt. Again. But this time, I can’t move. I can’t feel anything. Except cold.

  Delie could hear them talking quietly. Then a playful scream. Splashing. Then moaning. Were they having sex? Didn’t they know she could hear them?

  Delie opened her eyes. Had she been asleep? She tried to turn her head, but it wouldn’t move. She listened hard. They were still here. Her only chance. They had to find her. She opened her mouth, and a gurgle emerged. What is happening? Why would her sister do this to her? Why would Sweet? Sure, they might be mad, but she wouldn’t have hurt them. Not really. It was a game. She just wanted a little bigger piece of the pie. Was that so terrible? Did they have to punish her like this? Leave her alone in the trees to
die? Am I going to die? Why can’t I move?

  Silently, she shrieked her frustration.

  Wait. They’re getting up. They’re moving away. No, no. Don’t leave.

  The footsteps stopped and reversed. Thank God.

  “Where are you going?” The boy.

  “I left my sweater. My mother will kill me if I lose it. And then how will I explain where I lost it. You know we’re not supposed to be here.”

  “Great. Now we’re going to be late. Your father’s going to kill me for keeping you out so late.”

  “Don’t worry. He already hates you.”

  “Very funny.”

  “But I like you.” The girl, flirting.

  “I can tell. That is, if what we just did is any proof.”

  “Shut up. And you’d better not tell anybody.”

  “I won’t.” The boy was so lying. Delie knew boys always lied.

  “I don’t see it.” The girl’s frustration was mounting.

  Over here. Look over here. Find me.

  “Did you drop it in the field?”

  “Maybe. I just have to find it.”

  “Look over there.”

  Scuffling. Moving the twigs and leaves. Coming closer.

  Delie didn’t feel the kick as the girl stumbled on her sprawled body. The clouds parted, and a shaft of moonbeam illuminated the ground.

  The girl’s scream of terror split the night. Delie didn’t hear it.


  Kennedy’s house was cozier than the outside would lead one to believe. The furniture was worn and bore the marks of age and use, but it was comfortable looking. Martha was ensconced on the old sofa, covered by a comforter. She was small, but a strength in her eyes belied her appearance. She had been a truly stunning beauty once, and age had barely touched her loveliness. Now she looked like a comely woman who just seemed very tired. Her skin was still smooth, her figure slim.


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