Tattooed On My Soul

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Tattooed On My Soul Page 9

by Lisa DeBells

  “Thanks.” He reached for the phone and held my fingers for a few seconds too long; the electrical current shot up my arm, filling me with liquid fire. I instantly remembered how his hands held me captive a mere twelve hours ago and felt the warmth in my cheeks.

  I pulled my hand back and walked toward the kitchen. I leaned my hands onto the island bench; the cold stone cleared the jumble of feelings churning inside me, I faced away from him. That face could tempt a nun’s nasty back into existence let alone a perfectly unordained one that was begging to be touched.

  “You‘re welcome, bye.” I uttered in a sharp tone, I waited for him to leave. Seconds seemed like hours. My breathing hitched as I heard his approach.

  “You said you called me.” His words, like soft silk torn to shreds trailed down my spine. His body heat indicated that he had followed me and was in fact in close proximity. Close enough that I could smell his woodsy clean fragrance; it was panty dropping. I stayed put.

  “Yes. But you’re here now, so . . .” Ugh you idiot, he’s here for the phone, and you want to jump his bones.

  “So . . . how about you tell me why you called me?” Here goes my celibacy, in all of its pent-up glory. Mitchell Stone was just about to unravel my carefully put together life. I turned back to him, Lord have mercy, he was two steps away. I studied his torso not wanting to look into his gaze again. His broad round shoulders and large chest were well shaped, a sure sign of lifting weights, and the black V-neck T-shirt did wonderful things for his chest. His dark denim jeans held up with a black leather belt hung loosely on his hips. His T-shirt was tucked into one side of his waist, hinting at defined abdominals. His thumbs hooked casually into the loops of his belt.

  I was a sucker for a man that cared for his body. He looked like sex on legs all the way down to his casual Nike kicks. He was quite the fashion plate in all of his laid-back appeal.

  “Look, Mitchell, don’t get all cocky on me, OK, but I called to say . . .” Thank you, but I don’t want your fucking ego taking up the fifty square feet of my apartment. I met his gaze head on and was surprised at what I saw; encouragement in his eyes, patience maybe. His lips quirked up on one side, which deepened the delectable dimple in his cheek. Rugged good looks seemed to be the new flavor I was craving. “Thanks for having my back this morning.”

  He nodded whilst saying, “You were totally fucked up, Eden. I would hate to think that’s what you call a good time because it was irres—”

  I lifted my hand to silence him.“Save it; one lecture a day is about all I can handle. Been there, done that, won’t be doing it again.”

  I walked down the stairs to my sunken lounge room and stood in front of the windows, watching the city lights beneath the glow of the moon. I’d stood here a lot today, trying to find answers.

  “Do you mean the lecture on letting a stranger take you home, or being so drunk you couldn’t walk? The list goes on, really.” He counted his fingers as he went, obviously not taking this lightly. Not that it was any of his actual business. I was starting to fume. I should have sent the cell down tomorrow. This weekend was just one bad decision after another.

  “You can leave now. You got what you came for,” I said.

  “If I knew you better I would say you’re embarrassed.” He took a seat on my lounge spreading his arms wide over the back while I glared at his profile.

  “I don’t remember asking you to sit.” I watched the muscles in his bicep bunch as he ran a hand through his wavy locks.

  “I don’t remember you asking me to look after your drunk ass, either, but I did anyway.”


  “Fuck you, Mitchell Stone,” I spat at him.

  Within seconds he was in my personal space, gripping my biceps with his strong hands and leaning down so that we were at eye level. My blue eyes were on his green, flecked with gold around the edges. They were intense and fierce and pointed daggers at me. I tried to pull my arms out of his grip, but it was a futile attempt; he was much stronger. He pulled back as if I’d burned him and looked down at me from his six-foot and I’m-guessing-five height.His eyes became a little less heated and a lot more concerned. What the fuck was going on here?

  “Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you . . .” The hands that held me captive were now brushing up and down the silk draping my arms.

  “You don’t scare me, Mitchell.” He might be tall and enigmatic, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, not after the care he took last night.

  “I don’t?” His brows knitted together, seductive lips pout and scream for me to kiss them.

  “Nope.” I couldn’t help but smile at his animated features. His face was so expressive, it beguiled and fascinated me all at once.

  “Last question about your night, then I promise to let it go.” He waited while I debated. I could handle one more. He hooked his thumbs back into his belt loops.


  He nodded again, his unruly hair falling in his face. It was so wrong to have the urge to push that hair back, but I just couldn’t help it. He was so sincere and I really should be grateful that I ended up outside his shop with him taking care that I got home in one piece. I clasped my hands in front of me and bit my bottom lip, waiting for the one question.

  “Who gave you the lecture?” Oh, too easy.

  “My best friend, Ariel.” Pretty much sums it up, question answered. Tick.

  “I thought it may have been your boyfriend.” He eyed me warily.

  “I don’t do the boyfriend thing, too much drama for this little chicken.” I laughed on the last part. Sometimes the weirdest shit popped out of my mouth. This had Mitchell throwing his head back and laughing.

  “Shit woman, you crack me up.” His guffaws had subsided to a smile that lit his eyes from the inside out. The wall was down again. This man was special, different. I was intrigued by him as well as affected in all of my hot spots.

  We were both silent, sussing each other out. Now we had gotten past the awkward part of seeing each other again, I needed to relay to him that I really was grateful.

  “Mitch.” I paused until he knew I was being serious now. “The girl that you looked after last night, she wasn’t really me . . . Well, she was me.” Get your words out properly, woman. I closed my eyes for a second, centering my racing thoughts. “I don’t usually behave that way. I’m sorry that you had to witness it.”

  He went to say something but I lifted my hand up to silence him, otherwise I might never get the chance or have the courage to do so again. “Thank you.”

  He took the time to let the words sink in. His face was unreadable in his silence while I waited for his response.

  “You’re welcome, Eden.” He accepted with a simple nod of his beautiful head.

  I blew out the breath I didn’t know I was holding, and met his serious eyes. The silence didn’t become awkward as I had expected, but merely charged up the tension between us.

  Mitchell ran the back of his fingers down my cheek. It was like igniting a flame; one that had never been lit before. It shot out to every point of my body. His gravelly, throaty voice was soft when he uttered one word. “Beautiful.” As his thumb grazed my bottom lip I swallowed slowly, begging my body not to betray my thoughts of sucking his thumb into my mouth. Problem was I knew how good they were, and I was a greedy girl.

  “Mitchell.” I barely managed a whisper, trying to break the spell he had cast on me.

  “Mmm-hmm.” His eyes looked at my lips like they were his favorite dessert. “Yes Eden, tell me what you want.” His minty breath feathered over my face. I wanted to drink him in, devour him all night long. It had been a long, dry few months, and I wanted Mitchell. Only he would do to break the seal.

  “Would it be wrong to say . . . you?”


  His lips slanted over mine. They were soft and unyeilding. One arm snaked around my waist and pulled me into his hard body, curving me to him like we were two pieces of a puzzle. I wrapped my arms around
his waist and ran my hands up the bumpy muscles of his back. He groaned when I opened my mouth, and let his tongue run over my bottom lip then back into my mouth. I was intoxicated with him. One hand held my face gently, guiding me while he assaulted my mouth deliciously. I pulled back a little, sucking on his bottom lip then tugged on it lightly with my teeth, his groan was guttural.

  He said my name as he pulled back to look into my eyes. “Eden, tell me what you want.” “You.” I pulled his mouth back to mine. I wanted to show him I wasn’t afraid to hold my own. But he pulled away from me again. I searched his eyes; maybe we didn’t want the same thing.

  “Lay you cards out, baby. I want to hear you say it with that sexy voice of yours.” He held my face gently between his palms and looked straight into my fucking soul. I was gone.

  “Just make me forget.”

  He pulled my lips back to his and groaned into my mouth. He lifted me to his waist in one swift move and I obliged by wrapping my naked legs around his waist. My robe had opened in the front, the burning need to feel Mitchell leaving me wanton and uninhibited.

  “I want you too.” He kissed my neck, trailing open-mouthed kisses down my throat. “Well before you threw me out this morning.”

  I pulled back to look at him again. His eyes had an effect on me, like I knew he could read me without really saying anything. He smirked, mischief apparent in his gaze, and his hands squeezed my butt that was supported by his strong arms.

  “Do you always get what you want?” I was happy to play hard to get, but right now I wanted Mitchell and I wasn’t too proud to tell him that. Cue the sexy smirk. If I wasn’t already panty-less, I soon would have been.

  “Mostly.” He leaned his face back into mine and kissed the tip of my nose. “I wanted you this morning, and I didn’t get you.”

  Suddenly it all made sense. “Did you leave your phone on purpose?” I pulled back. Mitchell looked up at me.

  “Honestly . . . yes. I wanted to make sure you came good.”

  “Only for that reason?” I persevered with the questioning. His answer would determine if my battery-operated boyfriend finished off the craving between my thighs.

  “Shit, seriously?”

  I had the feeling he didn’t get called out much.

  “Yes, Mitchell, I’m serious. Why did you want to come back? Was it just for a quick fuck, because I’m fine with that; I need your honesty. Because I have trust issues, thanks to the Y chromosome, something you possess, so if you want tonight to end with me beneath you, spill.”

  He took a deep breath and moved the few steps toward my lounge, sitting with me astride him. Why did I feel like he saw straight into my soul when he was looking at me?

  “Kiss me again then I’ll tell you.”

  “Nice try but you don’t get to make deals here.”

  We sat at an impasse. Me not willing to take this any further unless he was honest, and Mitchell, I surmised, may never have been second-guessed before, because he was so panty-droppingly good-looking with his fair hair and dark-reckless persona. It was just a ticket to opening legs.

  “Can’t we rewind three minutes and go back to you wanting me?” He grabbed my butt, pulling me onto his erection. I gasped at his hardness while desire filled me. “And me wanting to make you scream my name until dawn.”

  He ground my hips into him, rubbing me on my sweetest spot and causing little flashes of lightning to spiral through me. “You know we would be sensational together . . . don’t you?”

  He drew me in with his soft words and the hardness of his length, seducing me with both at the same time while his hands traveled to the sash of my robe which he twirled around his fingers. “You kissed me, and I felt more than just a compulsion to blow it.” He pulled my face within inches of his. Could I trust him? Stupid question, not trusting him wasn’t even an option. “I didn’t come back for this.” He motioned between us. “But I’m not complaining. I just wanted to see you again.”

  “You surprise me.” I was totally not expecting an answer at all.

  “How so?”

  “Not what I was expecting, but I’m pleasantly shocked. I’m happy to let you ravish me now.”

  I chewed on my bottom lip. “You’re fond of that lip beautiful? I am too. Come here.” He used his thumb to disengage my teeth, I kissed the pad of this thumb, his eyes never leaving my lips as I drew it into my mouth and sucked on it, hard. “Fuck . . . me.” I enjoyed watching his breathing speed up, he unwound the towel from my head and used both hands to run his fingers through my wavy tangle of hair.

  I made use of Mitchell’s mouth and kissed him again, with all of my pent-up feelings. This was fun and sexy. Tomorrow I would think about what life lesson to slot this escapade into, because right now I was praying that this was going to be the most mind-blowing sex of my life.

  Chapter Ten


  I was lucky I hadn’t blown my load already, because looking up at Eden’s pouting lips and come-fuck-me eyes framed by her gold hair? God help me, she looked like an angel with a halo dipped in fire, a body that was made to use for sinful acts of pleasure. All I could think of was how good it would feel when I was finally inside her. Was she my stellar?

  This wasn’t how I had expected tonight to pan out at all, not that I was complaining. I’d take this slow¸ because Eden wasn’t like the usual chicks that threw their willing bodies at me. No this chick kissed me then threw me out of her house. This shit was a first for me, I found it surprisingly refreshing.

  Eden’s sultry voice tugged straight down to my insides and shook me, as if I had been sleeping for eternity and she was the kiss of life that I needed to feel again. Her brow marred briefly. Fuck, she was gorgeous sitting astride me, with just a thin layer of material keeping me from her nakedness. I pulled her face to mine. I needed to kiss her to confirm she was real.

  Desire clamped my hands at her hips. Why did I feel like this moment would be ripped away from me too soon? I anchored her hips to my own, as if this would keep her from disappearing. Eden was like a beacon in stormy seas; the light that kept a ship on course, and fuck me if I wasn't in need of being saved. Her trusting eyes had me sucking in a deep breath, I needed to be balls-deep inside her. I didn't know how to convey my feelings, because I’d never had this happen before.

  I picked her up, resisting the urge to carry her caveman-style over my shoulder. Instead, I kept her crushed to my body and walked the distance to her room. Fuck yes to the sensor lights, they lit the darkened bedroom just enough to find the bed as my knees met the edge of the mattress.

  Eden chuckled. . "I could have walked, you know."

  "Then you wouldn't have something to tease me about later." Whoa, later?

  "I could tease you right now."

  I leaned down, placing her on top of the quilt and blankets. Her blonde hair fanned about her like a halo, and my chest rippled inside, something I couldn’t comprehend right now. All I wanted was to feel her legs wrapped around my waist and her nails scarring hungrily at my back as I pumped into her. I needed her breathless, panting and begging for me.

  “You already have, beautiful. The only thing on my mind right now is peeling this off.”

  The moonlight shone into the bedroom brightening the image of Eden beneath me as she worked her hands into the knot of her sash. She didn’t take her eyes off of me, so trusting and beautiful. I opened the front of her nightgown revealing her sun-kissed skin, inch by blissful inch, until it fell open at her sides.

  Her breasts sat full and perky on her chest. They were the perfect size, not too small, but big enough to fill my hand. I reached down and thumbed both pink nipples. Eden’s breathing got a little faster. She reached her arms up to me, beckoning me to come closer. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip seductively, mezmerising me to do as she commanded.

  “Take your shirt off . . . I want to see you.” She murmured so sweetly. “Want to see your tattoos.”

  Her sweet voice made me carry out her wish. Mus
t obey. I pulled my T-shirt over the back of my head. Her breath hitched in her throat. I linked my fingers in her outstretched hands and let her pull me down to her. I supported her head in one hand, and splayed the other over her taut belly while I ravished her. Eden pushed her tongue into my mouth. Fuck she wanted me too, and I needed her with me all the way.

  I kissed my way down her neck until I reached her tits, which were the best I had ever seen. I teased her nipples; one I tweaked with my thumb, the other I tasted, watching her let go and give in. Then a thought hit me. “Fuck.” I pulled away and looked into Eden’s lust-hazed eyes.


  “I don’t have a condom.” I didn’t plan on this happening. What a fucking idiot. Eden sat up, her face registering what I just said. I prayed that she had some great news for me. Like Don’t worry baby, I have one, boom, she’d save the day.

  “Stop looking at me like the dog just ate your homework.” She smiles playfully at me.

  “Tell me you have one.” I groan and suck my way down her neck.

  “Maybe, stay here.” Eden pushes me away.

  I lay back on the bed and waited for her to walk to the bathroom and back again. The strain against the zipper of my jeans was a punish. I looked up at the silhouette of Eden leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom. Pretty sure she was checking me out, I sat up and leaned back on my hands.

  “Don’t keep me hanging here, beautiful.”

  Her slow, devious, grin told me all I needed; she had the goods. She held the foil-wrapped package between her fingers, I wanted to fist-pump the air, but refrained. “Get over here woman.”

  She walked lazily to me, covering herself as she stood in front of me.

  “Don’t ever hide yourself from me.” I leaned forward and pushed her hair back off her breasts then took a nipple in my mouth, sucking on it. Eden’s head lolled back as she moaned in her sexy way that had my dick twitching.

  I pulled her back onto the bed and stood to unbuckle my belt. Dropping my jeans and CK briefs to the floor, I shucked my feet out of them quickly, and rolled the condom on. Crushing Eden’s body to mine, skin on skin felt amazing. Her arms wound and connected at my back as did her long lithe legs, mooring me to her.


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