Out of Reach

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Out of Reach Page 23

by Kendall Talbot

  “Let’s take your boots off. It’ll be less weight for you, and you can use your feet to grip.”

  A sob caught in her throat but she fought it back. “Okay.”

  Carter reached down for her boot and brought it up to the surface. As he undid the laces, Lily studied the red welts on her hands. Blood oozed from a small flap of skin on her palm, mingled with the water and dribbled off her hand. If she didn’t get up there soon, her hands and inner thighs were going to be shredded to pieces. She glanced around the edges of the pool, looking for somewhere she could at least stand and rest.

  But there wasn’t one.

  When Carter removed the second boot, she clenched her jaw. This was it. She was going to put everything she had into this climb, even if her fingers became bloody scraps of flesh.

  Carter tied the laces of her boots together and looped them around his neck. “Now give me the book.”

  Lily closed her eyes and sighed. She’d hoped he’d forgotten about the journal. It was her final possession, and having it close to her chest had given some clarity to the insane journey she was on. With a dimpling chin, she conceded she was about to watch her father’s lovingly crafted work sink to the bottom of an ancient well. She reached into her shirt and withdrew the leather-bound journal.

  Tears spilled from her eyes as she handed it to Carter. To her amazement, he did something completely unexpected. He undid the top button on his shirt and fed the book down his collar. She could hardly breathe as built-up emotion choked her. “Thank you.”

  “Hey.” He wiped a tear from her cheek. “You can do this.”

  She nodded. “I know.” She drove conviction into her voice. “I know I can.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  My girl. She liked that.

  Lily curled her socked feet around the root and noticed the difference right away. Not only did she have more grip but she felt twenty pounds lighter. With each surge upwards, she grew more positive.

  “That’s it.”

  “I’ve got this,” she said.

  “I know. I know you do, Tiger Lily.”

  Together they climbed, and within minutes they were halfway. Her stinging fingers begged her to stop, but she clenched her jaw and carried on, determined to make this the last time. Something touched her hair, and she was shocked to see it was the overhang at the top. “I made it,” she yelled.

  “I knew you’d do it.” His eyes glistened with joy and something else. Was it pride, or maybe desire?

  She longed to celebrate this moment with a kiss. It was only the fear of falling again that stopped her. Instead, as she hung there, scrutinizing the thick grass and bushes that curled over the edge, she wondered how the hell they’d get over it. “Now what?”

  By the fearful look on Carter’s face, he had no idea either. “I’ll go first. Don’t move.”

  “Okay.” He had no worries there; she’d hang here all night if she had to. She was determined not to fall again.

  Carter unhooked her boots and when he hurled them over the ledge, they landed with a dull thud somewhere out of sight. She clutched the roots, her breath trapped in her throat and her heart thundered in her chest as Carter inched over the threshold. Every muscle in his arms bulged and strained as he pulled himself up the incline. He clawed hand over hand up the final precipice and let out a triumphant roar. He vanished above her and jubilation was quickly overridden with trepidation as she accepted her turn was next.

  Carter popped his head out overhead, grinning. “Hey there, what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Just hanging around.”

  “Right then. Let’s get you up here.”

  Panic riddled into her extremities, making her arms and legs tremble. The last two feet of this climb were going to be the hardest of all. If she fell from here it was guaranteed to hurt.

  She met Carter’s pleading gaze and nodded.

  “You can do this, Lily. Move your feet first, then reach up.”

  With a clamped jaw, she forced her feet to inch upward and she squeezed them around the roots. Secure again, she reached up with her right hand, but the root was wedged into the overhang by her body weight and she couldn’t get purchase.

  “I can’t get my fingers under it.”

  “Grab my wrist.” Carter leaned dangerously out, offering his hand as a lifeline.

  With one almighty thrust upward she latched on to his wrist. But her feet slipped out from under her.

  She screamed.

  He clutched her forearm, fingers digging in like a vise.

  Her heart exploded as she dangled twenty feet in the air.

  Their eyes met. Fear blazed in his. “Grab on!”

  Her heart thumped in her ears.

  “Lily, you can do this.” Carter’s free hand reached for hers.

  A trickle of water rolled down his forehead and caught in his lashes. “Lily. Look at me.”

  She did.

  His eyes drilled into hers. “You can do this.”

  She clenched her jaw and thrust again. Their hands latched together. Using her feet, she clawed inch by inch, up and over. Carter dragged her the rest of the way, and the two of them flopped onto the ground, panting.

  “We did it.” Sheer exhaustion had her chin dimpling.

  His breathing was erratic as he rolled over and crawled toward her. “I knew you would.”

  She curled her fingers around his neck and drew his lips to hers. Their ragged breaths mingled and as she closed her eyes, she allowed her body to take over. His lips parted and their tongues met in a delicious dance. She moaned, arched her back toward him and his hand found her breast. Reaching for his shirt, she fumbled with the buttons to peel the wet fabric from his body and her journal tumbled out with a dull thud.

  Revealed at last, she explored his torso, feeling every muscle with her greedy fingers. His nipples were rigid pebbles that she twirled her fingers around. Their kiss grew heated and Carter rolled her over so she was on top. In a flash she pulled her shirt off, unclipped her bra and flung it aside.

  With her eyes trained on his, Lily leaned forward, offering herself, and he obliged by sucking her breast into his mouth. Her wet hair fell forward, cascading about her face. When he moaned his approval across her hardened nipple, her insides clenched. The delicious sensation was something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Too long. She rolled her hips, grinding over the growing bulge in his shorts.

  With a groan, Carter pushed on her shoulders, sitting her upright. “No, Lily.” He gasped.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “This . . . this isn’t right.”

  With a cheeky grin, she glided her hips over his groin. “Feels right to me.”

  He shook his head. “No, it’s not. You’re half my age.”

  Lily feigned shock. “You’re fifty-two?”

  He rolled his eyes. “No, I’m not, but it’s still not right.”

  Lily covered her breasts with her arm and pushed off him. “Bloody hell.” She got to her feet, picked up her bra, shirt, and boots by the laces, and stormed away.

  “Where’re you going?”

  “Away from you.”

  Chapter 20

  Lily’s wet socks squelched underfoot as she stomped over the vegetation-cluttered jungle floor. Trees as high as skyscrapers towered above her, letting in little light. Her breasts wobbled with each angry step and without breaking stride, she fished her bra from her handful of belongings and put it on.

  She kept up her pace, pushing through giant leaves and tangles of vines that created living bridges between one tree and the next. Her mind slammed to her last boyfriend. He’d been adorable, the perfect catch, up until the moment they’d slept together, that is. From that moment on, she was no longer the object of his desire. He considered her conquered,
and had moved swiftly on to his next target. That’d been nearly two years ago, but the wounds to her heart were deep.

  “Lily, wait. I’m sorry.” Carter’s voice filtered through the foliage.

  A giant spider web, the size of a suitcase, blocked her path. It was perfectly constructed, symmetrical in every aspect and woven with intricate detail. Fortunately, the spider wasn’t home. She dropped to her knees and crawled beneath the web, and as she popped up on the other side, she actually hoped Carter didn’t see it until it was too late.

  “You don’t understand.” Carter was still a distance away.

  “Damn right I don’t,” she yelled into the dense bushes.

  “Shit.” Based on Carter’s high-pitched cry, she assumed he’d reached the web. “Fucking hell, Lily, will you stop?”

  Ignoring him, she put her shirt on and proceeded to do up the buttons. A rock underfoot jabbed her instep, but wincing at the pain, she carried on. Branches in her path were shoved aside and instantly bounced back after she pushed through. A monkey’s screech had her looking to the trees in time to see it swing across several branches, following her trek through the jungle.

  “Lily!” Carter’s fingers wrapped around her bicep, halting her.

  She spun to him and saw the fire in his eyes. “What?” Her jaw ached from clamping.

  “Will you just stop?”

  She put her hands on her hips and tried not to stare at the tangled spider web caught in his beard. “Okay. I’ve stopped. Now what?”

  He sighed and tilted his head to the side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to”—he paused as if searching for the right word—“hurt you.”

  “Yeah, well I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.”

  He reached for her arm, and she snatched it away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, it’s just—”

  “Just what?” she yelled. “You feel like a dirty old man.”

  “Lily, calm down.”

  She spun on her heel and strode away. “Don’t tell me to fucking calm down!” She charged through the jungle, pushing past one plant after the next. Spiky bushes cut her arms and spindly branches whipped back, creating welts along her forearms. She didn’t know where she was going, and she didn’t care. It didn’t matter anyway.

  They were lost.

  Her feet suffered from her furious pace, and her injured ankle throbbed like crazy. It wasn’t long before she had no choice but to slow down.

  A fallen log across her path was a blessing. She sat on it and unhooked her shoes from her neck. With the heavy boots on her lap, she alternated glances from the direction she came, looking for Carter, to the knot in her laces that she tried to undo.

  She was tugging her left boot on when he appeared from behind the vegetation. His face was flushed, sweat dribbled from his temples, and his heavy breathing showed his exertion.

  He eased up to her, sat on the log at her side, and cleared his throat. “Can we at least talk about it?”

  She yanked her laces, pulling them tight. “What’s there to talk about? You’re obviously not interested.”

  “Oh, Lily, is that what you think? I’m so interested it scares the hell out of me.” He fell to his knees and wriggled between her legs. “I’ve never met a woman like you.” He put his hands on her waist. “I love you.” His hazel eyes, the color of the churning sea during a storm, pierced hers.

  Tears stung; her chin dimpled but she fought the tempest, certain he had more to say. She swallowed. “But . . .”

  He closed his eyes and sighed. “But . . . there’s so many buts.”

  She held her palms open. “So give them to me.”

  “We’re in a crazy situation that’s exposing raw emotions. What you’re feeling may not be real.” He paused, maybe anticipating her reaction, but she remained deadpan, waiting for him to continue.

  “I’m old, a has-been. I have nothing to offer—hell, I don’t even have a permanent address. My only asset is my camera, and now that’s ruined.”

  “But you said you love me.”

  “I do. You’re confident, funny, determined, interesting . . . stunning.” He blinked up at her. “Do I need to go on?”

  “Yes.” She clamped her jaw.

  He chuckled. “You’re resourceful, smart . . . really smart, brave, and you have amazing boobies.”

  She burst out laughing. “Boobies? Who says boobies?”

  “I love your laugh too.”

  She sighed as the shattered pieces of her heart molded back together. “Carter, we have something special going on here. Why do you fight it?”

  “I fight it for your sake.”

  She melted at his answer. “I’m a big girl. Let me make my own decisions.”

  He came up from his knees, curled his hand around her neck, and kissed her. It was a sweet kiss—tender on her lips, brutal on her heart. It was a kiss that had her trembling from the inside out. When he pulled back, he reached for her hands and weaved his fingers into hers. He let out a shaky breath. “I love you, Liliana.”

  She cocked her head. “Oh, why’d you have to ruin a perfect moment?”

  He glanced around at the surrounding bushes. “We’re soaking wet, covered in injuries, starving, exhausted, and not to mention lost in the middle of a friggin’ jungle, and you think this is perfect?”

  She nodded. “Yep.”

  He stood, pulled her to her feet, and when they wrapped their arms around each other, she listened to the echo of his pounding heart. “You’re a fascinating woman.”

  In his arms she felt safe. The world melted away and as she squeezed his wet body, she didn’t want the moment to end. “You know I don’t even know your surname.”

  “It’s Logan.”

  She eased back and held her hand forward. “It’s lovely to meet you, Carter Logan.”

  He placed his palm to hers. “Likewise, Lily Bennett.”

  “Good boy. Now, are you going to tell me your age?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Guess.”

  Huffing, she turned to sit back on the log. “Forget it.” She grabbed her other boot from the ground and tugged it on.

  “Come on. It’s a game.” Carter sat beside her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Not playing.” She yanked her laces tight and tied a knot.

  “It’ll be fun. Go on, guess.”

  “Okay, sixty-four.”

  He tutted. “That’s not a guess.”

  “Was too.”

  Lily took a giant stride up onto the log, sat on it and slipped down the other side. “See ya.”

  “Wait, come on.” She heard him push through the bushes behind her.

  She forged farther into the jungle, where every section was a repeat of the previous one. Her already sore feet stung in more places than she wanted to admit. Soon the pain was too much, and wincing with each footfall, she glanced around, searching for an area to rest.

  It was at least another five excruciating minutes before an ideal location presented itself. The area was no bigger than her ten-seat dining table back at home on the farm. She eased to the ground and lay back. Every muscle in her body fought against her. The trees above swirled as if caught in a blender, and when the spinning continued even after she closed her eyes, she couldn’t decide if it was starvation or exhaustion causing it. Probably both.

  Carter crawled in beside her and let out a loud moan.

  “How are those knees of yours, old man?”

  He chuckled. “Not as bad as the blisters. I reckon they’re as big as New York City.”

  “Mine too. It’s the wet socks.”

  “Yeah. That’s what I figured.”

  She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry I got us into this mess.”

  Carter rested his hand on her forearm. “What’re you talking about? It�
�s not your fault.”

  “Yes it is. If I hadn’t forced us to check out that cave, then none of this would’ve happened.”

  “Oh yeah. That is your fault.”

  She laughed and propped up on her elbow to look at him. “Are you always this incorrigible, Grandpa?”

  “Oooh, nasty.” He eased up onto his elbow too. A cute smile curled at his lips and he brushed a loose hair off her chin and tucked it behind her ear. “It’s not your fault. We could never have predicted those guys rocking up right then.”

  “I know. I just feel bad.”

  “Well, don’t. We’ve only survived this long because of you. If it were up to me, we would’ve died back there with Otomi.”

  With everything that’d happened, she’d forgotten all about Otomi and his unfortunate family who would never see him again. Or Pompa. That silly bird had meant so much to Otomi that he’d included the rooster in his dying wishes. But they’d failed him. Lily made a silent promise that if they made it out of the stupid jungle, she’d compensate Otomi’s wife somehow. She sighed. “Poor Otomi.”

  He cupped her cheek. “I agree. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure he’s buried with his father.”

  “We have to escape this jungle first.”

  “That’s where you come in. You need to get those survival skills firing and find us some food.”

  She studied Carter, seeing both strength and tenderness despite the chaos. His free spirit was a refreshing change from the stiff suits she worked with every day. And his lovely expressive eyes were almost capable of telling stories on their own. If she didn’t make it home, she was grateful to be sharing her final days with such an incredible man. She mentally slapped herself at the depressing attitude. They were going to make it, both of them. She’d make sure of it.

  “Hey, speaking of firing.” She tugged at the Velcro flap on her pants pocket, reached in and pulled out her lighter. “Look what I still have.”

  His eyes lit up. “Holy shit. You’re amazing.”

  “You can thank my wacky family for this survival tip.”

  “I think I’m in love with your family.”


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