Hot Nights, Dark Desires

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Hot Nights, Dark Desires Page 1

by Eden Bradley


  Title Page


  The Art of Desire

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Shadow Play

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Night Vision

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Authors

  Preview of Forbidden Fruit

  Preview of Seduced by the Storm

  Preview of Hard to Hold

  Also by Eden Bradley, Sydney Croft, and Stephanie Tyler



  We would like to thank our wonderful agent, Roberta Brown—we’re lucky that the three of us share her as an agent, and it’s impossible to thank her enough for being the impetus behind this anthology.

  We would also like to thank our brilliant editor, Shauna Summers, for believing in us and making this project happen. This was a fabulous opportunity to work together.





  “Did you hear me, Sophie? I’m getting my new tattoo today and I want you to come with me.”

  Sophie pulled in a breath, trying to concentrate on her friend’s words over the sharp buzz of desire running through her system. Tattoo. That word, the mere idea, had always had this effect on her. And once more, she hated that she wasn’t ever brave enough to indulge her secret yearning.

  She shifted her weight, the old wood floor of Crystal’s apartment creaking beneath her. “Sorry, Crystal. I was…thinking about something. Why isn’t Boone going with you?”

  “He had a last-minute gig come up, a studio job, so he packed his drumsticks and took off. Anyway, he spent the night last night, and if he came with me he’d want to stay again. If I let him stay too often, he’ll begin to think he owns me. You know how I hate that.”

  Sophie rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “I don’t want to go alone, Sophie; say you’ll come with me.” Crystal turned around on the old, wobbly piano bench that sat in front of her baby grand, where she’d been playing and singing when Sophie had knocked on her door. “Hey, you’re not afraid, are you? I know the whole tattoo thing freaks some people out.”

  “No, I’m not afraid. I mean, I guess I am, but it’s because…”

  Sophie stopped herself. How much to tell? She’d only known Crystal for three months, since she’d moved into the apartment upstairs. She certainly couldn’t tell her new friend that she had such an intense attraction to the idea of tattoos, of being tattooed, that it bordered on obsession. That even thinking about it caused her entire body to surge with an unexplainable, searing lust.

  She looked out through the French doors behind Crystal’s piano, through the paned glass with its peeling white paint, to the small enclosed courtyard with its overgrown greenery, the profusion of flowers whose perfume fought against the smell of mold and decaying plaster in the air.

  This place was like something out of a dingy, perverse dream: old pink stucco that was literally falling down at the corners, every window graced with the intricate black iron-work New Orleans French Quarter architecture was famous for, the wide-plank wood floors countless generations had walked over before her. Sophie had loved the place immediately. And she and Crystal had taken to each other right away, too. But she had to pay attention to what Crystal was saying.

  “Because why, Sophie?” Her friend’s exotic, turquoise eyes were trained on her.

  Sophie shrugged, trying to dispel the knot forming in her stomach. Trying to make this all less important. “I’ve always had a sort of fascination with tattoos,” she admitted. “I’ve always wanted to get one. You have no idea how badly.”

  “Then why don’t you? I don’t get it.”

  “God, Crystal, I can’t!”

  “Why not? You’re a writer, Sophie. It’s not like you have to clock in at an office, wear a suit every day. Or, God forbid, panty hose. And with the stuff you write, all those ghosts and vampires, people probably expect you to be a little eccentric anyway. So, why not?”

  Yes, why not, indeed? She tugged on her dark, waist-length brown hair, twisting a strand around her fingers. Maybe because the rules her strict Italian-Catholic parents had ingrained into her ran far too deep for her to ever completely escape? Maybe because, despite the fact that she’d escaped their house, she could never quite get away from what they’d taught her about who she was, and what she should be.

  She hated that no matter how far she’d run—and she’d spent most of her life since the age of eighteen running, all over the country—they still had a hold on her. She’d never managed to shake the sound of their voices in her head.

  Why can’t you be more like your brother?

  Maybe because her brother, that uptight, sanctimonious snob, was a priest.

  Crystal snapped her fingers in front of Sophie’s face. “Hey, where are you?”

  “Sorry.” Sophie shook her head. “This tattoo thing is…an issue for me. A huge issue, if you want to know the truth.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.” Crystal flipped one of her thick, dark braids over her shoulder and leaned back, resting her elbow on the keys of the piano, and a small clash of chords sounded. “I think you should do it. You obviously want to. And if something is holding you back, then maybe the only way to ever face down that issue is just to go for it.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  Just the idea was sending tremors over her skin, making her warm all over. She could never tell Crystal the real reason why she was so afraid of being tattooed: She was afraid she would love it too much.

  Crystal leaned forward and put a hand on Sophie’s arm. “Look, why don’t you just come with me and see? This artist is a friend of Boone’s. I’ve seen some of his work and he’s really good. It can’t hurt to sit and watch me, right?”

  “I suppose not.” She took in another breath as her pulse fluttered with excitement. Crystal was right; there was no harm in watching. And to be that close to the process, to see it happen…irresistible. “When is your appointment?”

  Crystal glanced at her watch. “In about twenty minutes. The shop is just down on Canal Street, but we should get going. I let Boone take my car, so we’ll have to walk.”

  Her heart skittered in her chest. “Now?”

  “Yes, now.” Crystal laughed as she stood up. “Come on, Sophie. I don’t want to be late.”

  They walked down their little street that was really nothing more than a cobblestone alley, onto Dauphine and turned right, headed toward Canal Street. The air was damp and close around them, but Sophie liked it, enjoyed the feel of it soft on her skin.

  They passed the crumbling buildings, the lovely old architecture a beautiful combination of French, Spanish and Caribbean influences. Sophie loved the look of the French Quarter: the colors, even the decay caused by the constant heaviness of the tropical air. Many of these places were literally falling apart at the seams. Small piles of plaster lay
at the corners of the buildings, the red brick underneath showing through. No one bothered to clean it up. And everywhere vines clung to the walls, climbed the iron balconies, trailed across the tiled roofs, in brilliant shades of green in between the flowers. New Orleans was pure magic to her. Dark magic, to be sure. The first place she’d found that felt like home.

  Crystal took her hand as they walked, humming a tune.

  “Is that a new song?” Sophie asked her.

  “Yeah, Boone and I were working on it late last night. Sex always inspires me.”


  “What?” Crystal turned to her, smiling, a wicked gleam in the tilt of her blue eyes. The sooty black eyeliner she always wore made them stand out against her pale complexion. “What could possibly be more inspirational than sex? That feel of skin against skin, that buildup, and then—”

  “Okay! That’s more than I need to know about your sex life.” Sophie shook her head. “Tell me about the tattoo you want to get.”

  “Well, you’ve seen the little Cheshire cat on my ankle. He’s cute, and I love him, but I wanted something more meaningful this time. So I went to talk to Tristan Batiste—he’s the artist—and he helped me figure out the design. It’ll be two koi fish, arched around each other like a yin-yang symbol, with their fins sort of fanning out. And they’ll be in black and white, which is Tristan’s specialty. I love the idea of the image being all about contrast. It seems symbolic of the yin yang. Opposites, you know?”

  “Yes, light and dark. Balance.”


  Crystal swung their clasped hands as they walked, turning left down Canal Street. They passed colorful cafés, funky used-clothing stores, antiques shops. And everywhere, people lined the sidewalks. It was mostly locals here, the wealthy old New Orleans gentry as well as the more bohemian younger crowd.

  “Here it is.” Crystal stopped in front of a storefront with a blue neon sign in the window that spelled out “Beneath the Skin.” The glass was painted in classic Japanese style: tsunami waves; cranes flying against a backdrop of snowcapped mountains; warrior gods with frightening faces, brandishing swords.

  “Wow. This is beautiful.” Sophie reached out to lay her fingertips against the cool glass. “Did he do all this?”

  “Tristan? Yeah. He owns the shop. Come on, wait until you see what he can do on skin.”

  On skin. Yes…

  Just thinking about it made her shiver with anticipation. She followed Crystal into the shop.

  Inside, the cool air washed over her, raising goose flesh on her skin for a moment before her body adjusted. Music played, a hard-driving rock song. Godsmack, she thought. She looked around curiously. She’d never actually been inside a tattoo parlor before. The first thing she noticed was the enormous carved desk to her right, a beautiful Asian piece. A tall, skinny man with fully tattooed arms stood behind it, bent over an appointment book.

  Crystal approached him. “Hi. I’m here to see Tristan.”

  “Sure. I’ll get him.”

  He came around the desk and disappeared behind a heavy gold velvet curtain. Sophie and Crystal sat on a wooden bench against one wall to wait.

  Sophie’s heart was pounding as though she were the one about to be tattooed. She glanced at Crystal, who was humming her new song again, as calm as though she were there to get a massage.

  “Aren’t you nervous, Crys?”

  “Why should I be? I’ve done this before. It doesn’t really hurt much, you know. God, you’re pale, Sophie.” Crystal laughed, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “Maybe you’ll relax when you see how hot Tristan is.”

  “Hey, Crystal.”

  Sophie looked up to find a man coming through the curtain. He was tall and broad; a football player’s physique outlined by his fitted black T-shirt and worn jeans. His head was nearly shaved, just a layer of dark stubble showing against his skin. Square features, partially covered by a dark, close-cut goatee. But the most striking thing about him was his eyes. They were a dark shade of gray, like smoke. Striking. Intense.

  Sophie blinked, letting her gaze fall to the dragons tattooed in coils of black, red and gold around both arms. The work was exquisite, she saw right away. But that wasn’t the only reason why her entire body was lighting up with need.

  Calm down.

  She had to tear her gaze away, to look instead at the samurai swords that decorated the wall behind the desk. To catch her thready breath.

  But then Crystal was standing up, pulling Sophie with her. “Hi, Tristan. This is my friend Sophie Fiore. She’s going to sit with me today.”

  “No problem. Hey there, Sophie.”

  Deep voice, with a beautiful accent; a little of the South mixed in with that exotic European inflection so many people in New Orleans spoke with. And oh, God, he was holding his hand out to her. She couldn’t very well refuse to take it. His fingers wrapped around hers, warm and strong. Her knees went weak.

  Pull yourself together!

  But he was still hanging on to her hand, making it hard to think. And he was looking at her, a small smile on his strong mouth. Too beautiful, this man. She tried to smile back, to behave normally.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Tristan.”

  “Very,” he murmured, staring at her a moment too long. Then, “Let’s get started.”

  He released her hand and she had to pull in a deep breath of the air-conditioned air to cool her system, to clear her head. She felt as though she’d just been slammed in the chest by a wall of heat.

  And pure desire.

  Was it this man? Was it being here, in this place? Was it the sheer ecstasy and fright of being so close to her most secret and powerful fantasy?

  But she had to follow Crystal through the curtain, which Tristan held aside for them. As she passed, she caught a faint whiff of his scent, something dark and fresh at the same time. Like the deepest part of a forest.

  God, she must be losing her mind.

  Behind the curtain were six workstations; some with leather chairs, some with long padded tables, all of the furniture covered in black, making a strong contrast to the red-painted walls. Two of the stations were in use. To her left, a short, stocky woman with a shock of spiky white-blond hair was bent over a man lying on one of the tables, a humming tattoo gun in one gloved hand, a white cloth in the other. To her right, the tall man they’d first seen out front was talking with a female client, showing her drawings of what Sophie assumed were tattoo designs.

  Her pulse was racing.

  Tristan led them to the largest workstation, one that spanned the width of the back of the room. There was another padded table, and one of the big chairs. It reminded her of a dentist’s chair, everything adjustable. And, she noticed, everything was spotlessly clean.

  “Climb on up, Crystal.” Tristan patted the table and Crystal sat down on the edge while he pulled out a drawer in a metal cabinet built into one wall. “I have your design here. Take one last look and make sure it’s right.”

  Crystal took a translucent piece of paper from him, smiled, then passed it to Sophie. “It’s perfect. What do you think?”

  Sophie nodded, and handed the paper back to her friend. “Yes, it’s beautiful.” But she’d hardly glanced at it. She was too shaken up inside. Trying too hard not to look at Tristan.

  “Sophie, why don’t you take a seat here?” Tristan laid a hand on the back of the big chair.

  Too good, to sit in that chair. Too close to her fantasy. She trembled a little as she slipped into the seat.

  Crystal was unbuttoning her army green cargo pants and pulling her white tank top up around her waist, settling onto her stomach on the table. Tristan leaned over her, wiped the skin at the small of her back with a white cloth. Sophie watched as he took the transfer paper and laid it at the base of Crystal’s spine, then smoothed his hand over it. Then he carefully pulled the paper away, leaving an imprint of the design on Crystal’s skin.

  All Sophie could think was, It’s going
to start now.

  Her heart was hammering harder and harder as she watched Tristan pull on a pair of latex gloves, check his equipment. The intensity of his expression as he bent over her friend, the tattoo gun buzzing in his big hand, was almost too much for her, but she couldn’t look away. And when he touched the needle to Crystal’s skin, Sophie jumped inside as though it were her own. Shock filtered through her in waves. And lust stabbed through her like a lovely, hot knife.


  She never knew she would respond this way to simply watching this. She shifted in her seat, trying to ease the ache that had started between her thighs.

  It only got worse—or better, depending on how one looked at it—as she watched Tristan work. The muscles in his forearms flexed as he worked the ink into Crystal’s flesh, and Sophie saw the dusky golden tone of his skin beneath his tattoos.

  She took the opportunity to really look at him, letting her gaze wander over his features. He truly did have an incredible face. Beautiful, yet thoroughly male at the same time. An aquiline nose, a strong jaw. And his voice was deep and husky, rolling over her like whiskey each time he spoke.

  “I’m done with the outline, Crystal. Now for the shading. How are you doing?”

  “I’m a little sore, but it’s fine.”

  “We’ll take a break for a minute.” Tristan looked at Sophie, his gun poised. “And what about you?”

  His dark gray gaze on her was too intense, too piercing. She didn’t know what to say.

  Crystal spoke up. “Sophie’s always wanted to get a tattoo.”

  “Really?” His brows raised a fraction of an inch, making his eyes seem even more penetrating.

  “Yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper. She swallowed, hard.

  “Do you know what you’d want, Sophie? What sort of design?”

  She nodded. This was something she’d thought about for years. “I like…the Kanji symbol for create.”

  “She’s a writer,” Crystal interjected. “She’s just sold her first book. She’ll be published soon.”


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