Shady: Ops Warriors MC

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Shady: Ops Warriors MC Page 14

by Harley McRide

  Freedom shook her head. “Sweetie, you can’t do that to yourself. I mean, if I did all the ‘what if’s’ in my head, I would go crazy.”

  Shady looked at her friends, she knew it was true but it was too raw, to new, and she needed to push it aside and deal with it all later. When Lola got here, they had to deal with her, and Shady was in the mood to get some answers. Regardless of the rest of the shit that's going on. That bitch still was involved in all this shit, and she knew information to help them nail Dom and his father. Because when push came to shove, that was all she needed. To kill those motherfuckers and then she could figure the rest out. They were the ones who put this all in motion—they destroyed her life—they destroyed her entire family. She was going to destroy them, take everything from them before she took their lives.

  Harmony noticed the shift in the attitude Shady was showing. Her friend leaned forward, “Use it.”

  Harmony knew the anger was building inside her. Shady was not a crying, weepy girl who whined about shit.

  Freedom leaned forward, “Everything will sort itself out. Right now we deal with what we have to deal with, the rest will come.”

  “What if it never does?” Shady asked without any emotion. “What if I never get any of the answers I need?”

  “Then we deal with it. But, honey, answers are not going to change a fucking thing. We all learned a long time ago what happened is in the past, we can only deal with what we have in the present,” Harmony said and Shady nodded.

  “It is all up to you, all of this,” Freedom said. “The company your father had has been running by itself for a long time. I am sure you can figure this all out so it will work for you, Shay.”

  “I don’t want to leave here,” she whispered and Harmony and Freedom almost cried. She was so lost, not the same Shady they knew, this had shaken her core, and damn it, it sucked.

  “Honey, you can’t get rid of us that easily,” Harmony said.

  “Do you think the guys are going to think I am too much of a hassle?” Shady asked.

  “Woman,” Harmony said. “It is like you want me to kick your ass. Are you kidding me? Those men think the sun rises and sets with you. They have your back.”

  “I'm not sure I believe that. I mean that is a huge fucking commitment,” Shady said and ran her hand through her long hair and Freedom laughed.

  “Yeah, I am pretty sure that contract was signed, sealed, and delivered last night,” Harmony said dryly and Shady laughed loudly.



  Lola was lying on the bed waiting for a masseuse. They were late, damn it, you couldn’t trust anyone to be on time these days.

  She heard a rustle coming from the door and sighed, finally, after all the shit she had been having to do, her neck was in knots. Lola was planning to leave this shithole of a town soon. All she needed was the last shipment to go out and get her pay. Then she was gone, and everyone here could fuck themselves. Creed and Fork had no clue what they were missing.

  “Hurry up,” she snapped to the man who should already be rubbing her down.

  “Shit, wouldn’t touch you if you paid me too.” She gasped at the spoken words and then looked up.

  She didn’t even have a chance to scream before she felt the pinch in her neck and everything went black.

  “Let’s get her out the back and into the truck. The front desk said they can only stay closed for a few minutes before their next appointments are due to come in,” Slider ordered and the men nodded.

  “Make the call to the girls and let them know we are on our way,” Easy said and Cajun nodded, picked up his cell and dialed Shady.


  “Wake up, bitch,” Shady said and slapped the woman who was tied to the chair in the shed. The same place they had dealt with Trick when she betrayed the club. Lola slowly shook her head, the girls stood and watched as she finally came to, it had been three hours, and they were getting impatient.

  The guys were in the main house with the Savages to plan. They were ready to help them finish this shit. The only problem was the timing. They all agreed while they were waiting, the decision had to be made if they were going to need all their firepower in Mexico.

  The Intel had come in, and the elder Reyes was guarded to the gills. There was no way the Savages alone could take them. So they were going to dismantle their operation one step at a time.

  “Where the hell am I?” Lola muttered.

  “Hell,” Harmony responded and Lola snapped her head up to look at them. Shady saw when she realized who had her. The fear was palatable in the room. Good, the bitch needed to squirm.

  “The fuck?” Lola yelled and struggled against the ropes that were holding her to the chair in the middle of the room. Bob and Nike were standing on one side, just staring at the woman. Treat and Rain were at the table behind them, organizing the tools the guys brought back with them that they requested.

  Shady, Harmony, and Freedom stood right in front of Lola, she had been helping those assholes from the beginning. When Freedom was taken and tortured, when they tried to kill Harmony, and worst of all, helping the fuckers who hurt Shady when she was little, helping them set up shop and making them money.

  “Time to pay the piper, bitch. You should have known going against the club was going to lead to this,” Shady growled.

  “Fuck you,” Lola spit out and Harmony smiled.

  “Yeah, I was hoping you were going to be a cunt.”

  Freedom shook her head. “Me too, do you remember what happened to me? You are going to think that was fucking easy compared to what we are going to do to you.”

  Lola rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  Shady snorted and nodded to Treat who was holding up the clippers. “Shave it.”

  Lola screamed with rage when she saw the first of her long tresses fall to the ground. Yeah, this was going to be fun, Shady thought and leaned over and whispered into Lola’s ear while the girls took care of her.

  “Bitch, you should have never fucked with us.”

  “Screw you,” Lola screamed and struggled against the restraints. “If you think hurting me is going to get you the information you need, you can just fuck off right now. I would rather face you than them if they get betrayed.”

  “Cunt, you have no idea how wrong you are,” Shady snarled and then laughed. “And if you think you are going to get the chance to face them again, you are even a dumber cunt than we thought.

  The buzzing of the razor shut off as the last of Lola's hair feathered to the ground. Harmony stepped beside the woman who seemed unfazed as she glared with hate-filled eyes at the Bitches.

  “We should totally save her head when we are done. You know, as a good luck charm,” Harmony said rubbing the now bald head of the woman. “You know, like those Budda statues you rub the stomach for good luck.”

  Freedom snorted, “Yeah, well I don’t think her head is gonna hold much good luck.”

  “Still, it would be cool,” Harmony grumbled and Shady shook her head, then looked down at Lola who was sitting still, finally catching on to what was happening.

  “Bitch, are you finally grasping your situation?” Shady snapped at Lola who lifted her dead eyes to the women.

  “Yeah,” Lola said without expression. “Do your worst, I will never give you a fucking thing. I hope you rot in hell.”

  “Well, aren’t you a ray of sunshine,” Freedom laughed and then shook her head.

  “You will when the pain gets bad enough,” Harmony snarled into the woman's face. “They all do, and trust me, honey, you are nothing special.”

  “Damn, girl,” Rain called from across the room. “You have some good one liners. I mean seriously, if this was a movie, everyone would be like ‘ohhhhhhh’.”

  Freedom laughed. “I know, we practiced them in the mirror. Everyone kept telling me I wasn’t mean enough so Harmony and I went over the lines.”

  Shady rolled her eyes and looked at the girls, “Can we move this alon

  “Oh right,” Nike said and handed Harmony and Freedom a hammer. “Get to work, I have a date later with Kink.”

  Shady watched as Freedom swung first and hit Lola’s knuckles that were gripping the chair arm. Damn, the crunch of the bones breaking was disgusting. Harmony swung next, and hit her other hand. Lola screamed out in pain and none of the woman even flinched. They had talked about this, they would deal with their shit later.

  Shady leaned against the wall as they worked their way up her arms. Their plan was to leave her with no bone unbroken, unless she talked, then they would kill her quick.

  Bob and Nike each lit a cigarette behind Lola, then took a long drag and blew on the end, making the embers smolder. When they walked up to Lola, each took their cigarette and touched the lit end to her scalp, watching the fire as the skin bubbled instantly into a blister. Lola screamed again and began to cuss at them, calling them names in order, trying to piss them off.

  “You fucking whores. Do you think this is really gonna work? Even if you kill me, you will still be pathetic cunts,” Lola spit out and the women looked up in surprise. They were shocked she could still talk.

  Shady shook her head at the girls when she saw the anger on their faces. She walked closer and then leaned over, gripping Lola’s broken hand and smiling when she screamed.

  “Yeah, I really think this is gonna work. You know why? Because soon you will be in so much pain you won't know what you're saying,” Shady whispered.

  She grabbed the front of Lola shirt and ripped it right down the front.

  “What?” Lola giggled hysterically. “You gonna fuck me now? Shoulda known you swung that way too, the way you straddle that bike like a man. Didn't know the Warriors let their women strap one on and fuck them in the ass," Lola kept giggling, never looking at the eyes of her captors, missing the fire that blazed from each Bitches' eyes. She'd no sooner finished her statement when her head was knocked to the side, blood trickling down from her lip from the violent blow Freedom landed to her face.

  Shady smiled, stood, and grabbed Bob’s cigarette, after taking a long drag, blowing it into Lola’s face, then she leaned over, blowing the tip as she held it close to the woman's nipple.

  “You know,” Shady said softly, “when I was younger, Dom used to do this to me, said it was supposed to feel good, almost orgasmic, but damn, there was nothing more painful. And for being orgasmic—no—then again, nothing Dom did would bring a woman to the heighten sense of sexual bliss.”

  Lola whimpered and then screamed loudly as Shady rested the fire end to the tip of her nipple. She did it slow, not just putting the glowing tip of the cigarette directly on the skin, but just close enough to make the skin begin to redden and a bubble begin to rise. Lola screamed as wave after wave of pain began to rack through her. Shady was relentless, the woman had to grab Lola to keep her from moving too much.

  “Huh,” Harmony said and looked at Freedom, “I wouldn't have thought of that one.”

  “Yeah, we should make a book of torture for future reference,” Bob muttered and the women nodded, each self-consciously rubbing a hand across their shirt covered breasts.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Five hours later, the Bitches roamed back into the main clubhouse room and went directly for the bar. All of the men watched them, as they didn’t say a word, they just grabbed a bottle of Tequila and went to a table.

  Slider leaned over to Cajun and whispered, “Should we go and ask?”

  Cajun was staring at Shady’s face for a sign, any sign she was about to break down. There was nothing, no emotion giving away a thing. “Not sure if it is a good idea quite yet. Let them work it out together first. They wanted to be a part of the club, they have to know shit like this can happen.”

  Creed and Fork approached the guys' table, sat down with them, and stared. Without speaking, they agreed to wait and see what the girls did. They would only intervene if it looked like they were struggling with their assignment.

  The last time the Bitches had to do something like this, they had been shaken. Trick was one of their own and she betrayed them. Lola was not, so there was a difference. The guys hoped they would be able to get them the answers they needed.


  Shady stared at the drink in front of her and then picked it up and slammed the contents down her throat. She felt the burn, closed her eyes, and relished in the feeling. Damn, Lola was a fucking bitch, and a tough one at that. They had all been surprised at how long it took to break her even a little. They weren’t done but they were making headway.

  All of the shit they had been doing to Lola fucked with their heads as well. When Lola passed out, they decided they needed a break as well. They left the woman tied to the chair, bleeding, and passed out with vomit all over her. It wasn’t pleasant, but none of the Bitches had paid attention, they were focused on their mission, the club needed answers. They would get them, no matter what the cost to their sanity.

  The bottle was passed around and finally, Bob was the one who spoke first, “Shit, I can’t get the smell out of my nose.”

  The others agreed. Finally, they began to talk about what they needed to find out before they ended Lola’s pitiful existence. They were clinical, it was the only way they knew how to deal with it. Later, they would deal with the fallout.

  Shady glanced and saw the guys staring at them intently but she ignored their gaze, they had agreed when they took their break none of them would talk to the guys until they had all the information they could get.

  There were several reasons for this but the main one was they agreed when they were done, they needed a shower and time to process. The guys were going to be full of questions they couldn’t answer yet. This was a test for all of them. Before even going into the shed, they had voted. Once this was over, they would take another vote to see if they were all still committed to being a chapter in the club.

  “Who is going to deal with the questioning? She seems to have taken an aversion to speaking to me?” Harmony said and they all looked at her and grinned a little.

  Yes, Lola had decided since Harmony was the one who ‘got Creed and Fork’ that she was the root of all her problems. For the first hour, they had listened to Lola whine about the plans she had made when she thought she would be the leaders' old lady. Then Harmony came in and fucked up her life. It had been laughable to think that Creed and Fork would ever pick Lola for an old lady. Damn, she had fucked practically everyone in the club trying to get the leaders' attention. It hadn’t worked.

  After Lola had spewed that shit for a while, they finally got down to some information they could use. Lola began telling them who had ordered Freedom to be kidnapped. Even though they thought it was the Diablos, they discovered that Reyes was the Diablos, he had been the one to start the gang years ago. They discovered Shady was here a few years ago and set this whole thing in motion. All to fuck with Shady and the Warriors. He apparently planned to destroy the Warriors because they'd taken in Shady and helped her.

  “I got it,” Treat said and they looked at her.

  “What?” Freedom said and looked at them in surprise. It was what they were all feeling, because truthfully, Treat was the sweetest one of them all. She was the only one who had felt guilty when they had to deal with Trick last year. It had been hard on all of them, but knowing Lola had somehow had a hand in it all, just pissed them off.

  “Lola said she had talked Trick into helping them. I mean, I know she was an adult and could make her own decisions. She got herself into that mess, and I know it. But damn, we were best friends and she totally fucked up. I still wanted to help her even though I knew she was going down a dark road.”

  The girls were silent, then finally Shady said, “Okay, you can take point. We need to know specifics about Dom and his father if she knows anything. Right now, I would guess she does know a few things but more than likely they didn’t trust her with anything big. Maybe we can at least get a date on the shipment.”

p; The girls talked quietly to each other, none of the men stepped up and asked what was going on. It was tense in the house, but they all knew it was the Warriors or them right now, and the Warriors were not going to fucking lose.


  Two hours later, Shady and Harmony were standing outside the shed smoking a cigarette. Both of them were grim, the intensity of the questioning had gotten downright nasty. Freedom and Nike were making a few phone calls to verify some of her information. They needed to make sure what she was telling them was true before they finished.

  “Never thought I would ever be bloodthirsty, but listening to that bitch and all the shit they had planned. Seriously, they fuckin' deserve to die,” Harmony said coldly.

  “When I was younger, I always dreamed of a man running in and saving me from my life. It was my father, you know. And when he never came I knew fairy tales are just that, a dream. I met the Warriors, and for the most part, they flew above the radar with the law, but they also know what has to be done and they do it. I learned that people respect them even if they do bad shit, mostly because the people they do bad shit to are worse than anything most normal people could imagine,” Shady said quietly.

  “Yeah, I get that,” Harmony said and took a drag from her cigarette.

  They heard a scream come from the shed and they both took a deep breath. “We need to finish this,” Shady said firmly and Harmony nodded.


  An hour later, the Bitches walked out of the shed with a paper full of notes and a recording for backup along with a brain full of evil. Not for what they did, more for what they had to hear. Bob had been the one to end it, but all of them would have done it if she hadn’t. The final piece of information was given and it made them all sick.

  The evil bitch had shown them right up to the end why they were doing what they were doing. Hearing the plans for the children they had kidnapped over the last month and held hostage, was disgusting. She had shown no remorse for her part in the scheme and had only cared about the money they offered her.


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