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Infected Page 7

by Rolfe, Michael I

  Later he came upon a bloody scene, there were bodies all over the road, most had been shot in the head and by the nature of the injuries Dan knew that a shotgun had been used, a little later he found the man that had “bagged” the Infected. “Shotgun Mans” body was sitting propped up against the rear wheel of a car, the head was missing but Dan could see where it had gone, it was spread over the rear of the vehicle and the crows were having a field day pecking at the grey matter. The crows only flew away once Dan was very close, perhaps they were emboldened by the knowledge they were about to inherit the earth? Dan noted that the crows were unaffected by the infection even though they had been eating the dead, this would be of interest to Doctor Pamela.

  The Pump action shotgun was next to the headless body, having done its job and despatched its former owner, its services were no longer required so was lying forlorn on the ground. Dan picked up the Pump action and checked the load. “No shells left, but let’s see if we can do better than that” he mumbled to himself. He went through the pockets of the headless corpse but did not find any shells there, only slightly disappointed, he turned his attention to the brain and blood splattered car and here he hit the “Mother-lode”. There were boxes and boxes on the rear seat, too many in fact for him to carry. He loaded the pump action, it took five shells, two more that was legally allowed in a pump action shotgun in the UK. This gun had been illegally modified but Dan was not complaining, the previous owner had been punished enough, “Anyway,” thought Dan “there is no point losing your head over it!”

  Dan hoped that he would find other weapons in the car, but other than a sheath knife there were none, however there was plenty of tinned food, Dan filled his pockets with the shotgun shells, so they were readily accessible, then filled a daysack that he found on the passenger seat. He took the rest of the ammunition and hid it behind a hedge in a field, he collected all the food and hid it, and himself, by the ammo whilst he settled down to eat.

  The odd Infected walked by, but Dan kept out of sight until he had eaten his fill. Once he checked that the coast was clear he walked back to the car, using the knife he cut two of the seatbelts out and fashioned them into slings for his sword and his newly acquired shotgun. He was pleased by how things were going, they now had two firearms and considering this was the “Gun free” UK that was quite good! There was plenty of food, and he had reconnoitred a route for the vehicles, but he was concerned by how long Pamela had been on her own, so he turned and headed back.

  Day Five - Lt Colonel Peter Curtis - Porton Down research facility

  Lt Colonel Curtis had set up his communication room next to his office in his HQ, for the first two days there had been routine transmissions from other units, but the radio traffic had slowly dropped off to a point that the only regular “comms” were from his own men. This alone told him that they very likely one of the only operational units left, Curtis was shocked by the speed that the infection had decimated the British Armed Forces, “How the hell was it spreading so fast, and why had his unit remained relatively unaffected?” he wondered. He was still looking for answers and hoping for some better news when he heard that 2 Platoon were returning.

  2 Platoon and the Company Colour Sergeant had been gone for four days, their mission was to requisition / commandeer all items that would be needed to keep Porton Down research facility and the troops protecting it with all supplies necessary for them to remain fully operational.

  The Lt Colonel stepped outside to watch the convoy arrive, flanked by four members of Patrols Platoon that were now his constant shadow. They would not leave his side, when he ordered them to do so they would simply take a few steps back saying “The “Boss” ordered us to be your close protection until he returns.” Their “Boss” was Captain Alan Brown, who commanded Patrols Platoon, he was currently on a mission to bring other scientists into the fold. “You do realise that I outrank Captain Brown?” asked the Lt Colonel “Yes sir!” came the chorused reply from his unrequested bodyguard, but they all remained resolutely in place at his side. With mock exasperation Curtis groaned out loud, and then to avoid his minders seeing the smile on his face, he turned on his heels and was followed by his disobedient “Rottweilers” as he strode toward the main gate to meet the convoy.

  The convoy was larger than he was anticipating, much larger! There were assorted vehicles, from Landrovers to heavy trucks, even tankers full of fuel for their vehicles and helicopters. This convoy was protected by numerous armoured cars spread along its length.

  The first person that strode through the quarantine was the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM). Curtis thought that it was quite possible this was the only man on the planet that the Paratroopers under his command were afraid of. The RSM slammed his feet to attention and saluted the Lt Colonel in a very smart manner, “Good morning Sir!” barked the RSM, the RSM did not look happy, but now that the Lt Colonel thought about it he could not remember a time that he had ever seen him smile. “Good morning RSM” said the Lt Colonel “I am pleasantly surprised to see you here.” The Lt Colonel did not think it was possible for the RSM to look any more menacing than he already did, but somehow, he managed to pull it off, and the Lt Colonel had to use his willpower to stop himself taking an involuntary step backwards. “I think we should talk in private in your office sir.” Replied the RSM. “Yes of course!” said the LT Colonel and pointing towards his bodyguard said, “But before we go, do you think you could persuade my minders here to leave my side?” The Four member of his close protection unit visibly paled as the RSM fixed them with a steely stare and said, “Gentlemen from this point onward, if I find you more than ten feet away from the CO you will have me to deal with.” The team smiled, and Lt Colonel Curtis said with genuine exasperation “This is a bloody conspiracy! Follow me RSM if you please.” and he strode off in the direction of his office flanked by the RSM and four members of Patrols Platoon following, all within ten feet of their “Commanding” Officer.

  As soon as they were in the office, Curtis said “Tell me RSM, what are you doing here, why are you not with the Battalion?” For the first time ever, the Colonel saw another emotion on the RSM face, grief, and although Curtis could not believe what he was seeing the RSM had tears in eyes and remained silent, unable to trust himself to speak. Curtis looked at his bodyguard and said “Out, close the door!” this time they did not hesitate and waited outside.

  Curtis waited, he gave the RSM time to compose himself, after thirty seconds the RSM cleared his throat and said “I have brought all that is left of the Battalion here, I have to tell you sir that you are now the Commanding Officer of 2 Para. You are also in command of the remaining elements of other assorted units that we collected on route here.”

  Curtis was shocked but not totally surprised, he had heard nothing from the Battalion for days and it was a measure of the man that he did not dwell on the loss of the Battalion, there would be time for that later, so he just said, “Did you bring any Military Police with you?” “Yes Sir” replied the RSM, “Send them to me” Ordered Curtis, he continued, “and please get a list of our strength to me within in the hour, and RSM, it is good to see you!”

  The Military Police arrived outside his office within ten minutes, there were four, three corporals and a Sergeant and they were ushered in to his office, “Welcome Gentlemen, I will get straight to it. I want you to interview every man that arrived in the convoy with you, we must discover how the infection starts. It makes no sense that bases adhering to strict quarantine procedures are so rapidly overrun by the infection, so we need to find out how this is happening. Ask everything and anything, do not miss anything out as the smallest detail may be vital. You have my full authority. Questions?” “What are we looking for?” asked the Sergeant “I wish I knew!” lamented Curtis.

  He now had some time while waiting for the RSMs list of his enlarged command, so he left his office and walked towards where his Paratroopers were bunking to see what kind of accommodation they were living in, as usua
l there were two bodyguards to his front and two to the rear, he was starting to wonder if he would ever shake them off?

  As he walked in to the accommodation someone shouted “Attention!” and everyone sprang up and stood rigidly, “Relax Gentlemen, as you were.” he said. The Platoon Sergeant walked up to him smiling “Good morning Sir!” he said. “Everyone happy?” asked Curtis “Oh yes sir! Our personal gear has finally arrived, so the men are in good spirits” said the Sergeant. Curtis smiled but the smile froze on his face as he watched a young Para fall to the ground and start to convulse.

  Before he could react, he felt himself being dragged backwards by two of his bodyguard and as he was thrown out of the door he saw the other two open fire on the convulsing para. “Let me be back in” he shouted at his bodyguard but one of them said so forcibly “Stay fucking there!”, that Curtis knew there was no arguing with this man, and both the Paras kept their weapons trained on the door. They stayed like that for thirty seconds before one of their comrades shouted from behind the door, “CLEAR!”

  Curtis pushed past his bodyguard and burst in to the room and shouted “Attention!” every man in the room stood rigidly still.

  The RSM arrived and Curtis shouted at him “RSM, I want everyone, and I mean everyone, from Privates to Officers and all the civilian staff working in the facility to stand to attention where they are, no-one is to move, and no-one is to touch anything. You keep them all at attention until I say otherwise. Then send the MPs (Military Police) to me.” “Yes sir!” said the RSM and pointed towards the bodyguards saying, “You four stay with the CO”, then left to carry out his orders.

  Military Police arrived, and Curtis told them what he had seen “You will interview everyone in this room, starting with the men nearest to him” he said pointing at the young gunshot Para lying on the floor, “you will touch nothing, and I mean, nothing. Am I understood?” “Yes Sir, touch nothing Sir.” Said the Sergeant in charge of the MPs. “Report to me as soon as you have something.” said Curtis and he strode out of the door.

  Curtis and the RSM prowled around the grounds making sure that no one moved, after an hour Curtis returned to the accommodation block, the body had not been moved and was surrounded by a pool of its own infected blood. Curtis looked away from the corpse and said to the Sergeant MP “What have you got for me?”

  The MP said “The victim’s name was Private Rose M, he had been in this Platoon for a year, he was due to be transferred, apparently, he was not a good fit with the other men. We have established that the victim showed no sign of infection before he collapsed in convolutions, in fact he had been in good spirits, because his personal gear had turned up with the convoy that we arrived on. The last person he spoke to was the man in the bunk next door, a Private Clarke. Clarke said that Rose was bragging about how he had “Nicked” a smartphone and was in the process of showing it off when you walked into the room sir.” Curtis looked down at the body and then at the dead soldier’s belongings, amongst which, on a chair was a smartphone. “Thank you, Sergeant, would you and your men please go and fetch Professor Thompson from the facility and escort him here?”

  The Professor arrived, and Curtis told him what he knew, then pointed out the dead soldier’s belongings, “You need to examine all of this gear, starting with that smartphone, I think we may had found the trigger for the initial infection, and Oliver, take great care, but be quick as my whole force is impotent. I cannot let them move until I am sure that we have found the cause.”

  It took a further two hours for the Professors team to confirm that the smartphone was indeed the source of the infection. Curtis then ordered the MPs to carefully go through the personal items of every man, to remove all electronic gadgets from smartphones, tablets, laptops and watches, labelling each item with the owner’s name. All this took time, but slowly the troops were returned to their duties. The professor’s team analysed the devices over several days, finding several them, all manufactured by the same corporation that were constructed to administer a serum via a minute hypodermic needle. On further analysis, it was found that the devices were programmed to dispense the serum containing the infection at two specific times, 03:00 on the morning of the day of the initial outbreak, others were set for 10:30. At these times the hypodermic needle would be ejected from its housing and infect anyone holding or subsequently picking up the device. Any device turned on after this time would immediate trigger and infect the holder. The infected people would then attack and infect any person in sight who in turn would infect the next, the infection would then spread exponentially. It was a perfect weapon designed for single purpose, its objective being to cause mankind to tear itself apart.

  So, it was now confirmed to Lt Colonel Peter Curtis than this was a deliberate attack on the nation, in fact on the world, but who had initiated the attack, who was the enemy and when would they press home their advantage?

  Day Eight Patrols Platoon Commander Captain Alan Brown

  Captain Alan Browns teams had spent days flying across the country in helicopters trying to locate the remaining scientists on the list that he had been given. It had been a thankless job, most of his targets were missing and would never be found, so when they did find one alive and well, it gave a real boost to the team’s morale. They were flying back to Porton Down, and this trip was one of the rare successes, they had on board the last of scientists on their list. This one was, thankfully, found safe and sound if a little malnourished and dehydrated.

  The helicopter door gunner drew Captain Brown’s attention to a man running along the road below them and being pursued by forty plus Infected, the man ran down an alleyway and the Infected followed like a pack hunting dogs.

  Toward the end of the narrow passageway the man stopped, turned and stood his ground letting the Infected come on. Captain Brown ordered the pilot to hover above the unfolding scene. From their vantage point in the helicopter they could see the man was armed with a gun of some description and as he started to fire at the Infected they could tell, by the way the weapon was loaded, that it was a pump action shotgun. The bodies of the Infected started to pile up in the narrow alleyway in front of the man, this created an obstacle that only one Infected could get over at a time. At one stage the man even walked forward towards the fallen Infected and thus decreased the range making the shotgun even more deadly, that took real balls! Then he stopped engaging the enemy, just turned and walked away. Each time an Infected ran up behind him he stopped, turned and fired into its heart, then continued on his way.

  Captain Brown was just about to order the Door Gunner to intervene when he saw the man hang the shotgun from a sling and then draw a sword. Each time an individual Infected ran up behind him the man would cut it down and then walk on, again and again he killed the Infected and Captain Brown heard the Door Gunner shout “This guy is a stone-cold killer!” Brown could not agree more. “Shit, now he is going to get it!” shouted the Door Gunner, from their elevated position they could see that a single Infected was approaching unseen towards the man. The man turned the corner and came face to face with the Infected.

  Captain Brown could not believe what he was seeing, the Infected was face to face with the man, but neither the man nor the Infected attacked, they just seemed to look at each other for a few seconds then the Infected just walked away. The pilot distracted Brown by informing him than they were getting low on fuel and they needed to move on, but Brown wanted to talk to that man, he looked back down but he had disappeared. “Sir. We really need to go!” said the pilot. Brown knew that he should not risk the life of the scientist by landing, in any event they were out of time they would have to go. “Okay. Return to base” said Brown.

  They flew on to Porton Down, over a landscape littered with burnt out buildings, roads jammed with cars and streets clogged with rotting bodies. Occasionally they saw the wreckage of a derailed train or devastation caused by downed aircraft, whilst almost everywhere there was the infected roaming, hunting, killing and multiplying.

  Porton Down was also expanding, having grown into a full military base. There was a newly constructed landing site for the helicopters and the base was so secure that even a mouse would have to show ID and go through quarantine before getting past the guards. Every person, regardless of rank or standing, was searched. All electronic devices and or anything that may carry the infection was assessed by a team before it was permitted into the base.

  Captain Browns chopper touched down on the landing pad and once they cleared quarantine he led the new scientist into the facility and introduced him to Professor Thompson. This was the last scientist on Browns list and he was looking forward to resting his men before being re-tasked. “Professor, could I have a word?” asked Captain Brown “Certainly” responded the Professor. “Earlier today as we were returning to base, I saw something that maybe of interest to you.” Brown went on to describe how he had seen the man on the ground cutting down the infected and finished off by saying “He came face to face with an Infected, but it did not attack him, it just walked away. I assume that is significant?” The Professor thought for a moment and then said, “It may well be, but you said that he was chased by a number of other Infected?” “Yes sir, he was, but they all attacked in the heat of battle as it were, and mainly from the rear and he engaged them without an introduction, so to speak!”

  The Professor thought at length and then said “This may or may not be significant, but we are still no closer to finding a way of stopping this pandemic, any lead no matter how tenuous, is worth pursuing. Find this man and bring him here Captain. I will clear the mission with Lt Colonel Curtis.” Brown said “I thought you may request that. I must say, this man is dangerous, “a stone-cold killer” my door gunner called him, and from what I witnessed I must agree. So, my question to you Professor is, do you want him alive?” “Yes” said the Professor “most certainly, he will be of little use to me dead!”


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