Dark Diamonds (The Jewel Series)

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Dark Diamonds (The Jewel Series) Page 7

by Serena Zane

  Lucy groaned and pushed against his chest. “Garrett, we need to stop. It’s not right. I’m not going to back off the case if this happens. You can’t manipulate me.” She breathed hard and backed away. Her eyes shone like green fire.

  “What do you take me for Montgomery? This is not a game.” He stood up from the bed and immediately sunk back down. His eyes shot dark bullets at her as he grabbed his leg. “Someone could get seriously hurt, or killed.”

  “And you think because I’m a woman that someone’s going to be me.” Lucy angrily got to her feet. “Don’t count on it. You’re the one who got shot, remember? Just put your clothes on, and I’ll meet you at headquarters.” She stormed out of the room.

  Kevin slammed his fist into the bed beside him and swore. What did she take him for? He wondered. Furious, he threw on his shirt. The pain in his leg only served to infuriate him more as he got up to leave. Damn her anyway, if she wants to get herself in trouble who am I to stop her? He heard the front door slam as she left.


  The conference room became crowded as the team slowly filed in one by one. Lucy sat at the table, her briefcase open. She pulled out her notepad as Cindy entered the room. Agitated, Lucy motioned for her friend to come sit by her. Cindy nodded and moved to the seat on her left. The silence in the room palatable, Lucy met her friend’s gaze with a meaningful one of her own.

  “Anything to do with Garrett?” Cindy asked.

  Lucy looked up, surprised at her friend’s perceptiveness. She put the pad on the table and directed her full attention to Cindy. “It’s got everything to do with that snake. He wants me off the case. He thinks it’s too dangerous for me.” She gave a snort. “For me. He’s the one who got shot.”

  “Yeah, he sure is the one that got shot, isn’t he?” Cindy gave her a sideways grin, “He’s just concerned. Everyone is.”

  “Sure, Because Chase is my brother, right? I’m too close to the case? Too personally involved?”

  At Cindy’s nod, Lucy forced herself to count to ten. It wouldn’t do any good to blow up at her best friend.

  “I understand you all feel that way. You must understand I’ll do anything required to find my brother.” She watched Cindy’s reaction. “I promise you I won’t do anything rash.”

  Cindy gave her a doubtful look.

  “Come on. Really. You know me better than anyone. Have I ever done anything too out of line?”

  Cindy’s eyes studied her for a moment. “Well, no. That doesn’t mean you won’t now though. You’ve never been in a situation like this before. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Lucy stiffened. “You sound like Kevin.” The door opened and Killroy entered the room followed by Kevin and Halverson. She leaned over to Cindy and whispered, “You need to trust me.”

  Cindy appeared to let it go. It wasn’t as easy with Kevin, though.

  He sat directly across from her at the long conference table and her body stiffened again when she felt his gaze. The tension in the room remained high as Lucy and Kevin glared at each other from across the conference table.

  She noticed that Killroy watched them both while Cindy prepared a layout of the museum on the computer screen. Lucy tried to calm down and not let her resentment show. Halverson, as usual, sat in the back listening and quiet.

  Killroy leaned forward, his hands resting on the conference table. His gaze moved between her and Kevin. “I’m not sure what’s going on between you two, but we’ve got a job to do, so tamp down whatever it is and let’s get on with things.”

  Lucy looked straight at the director for the first time since Kevin entered the room. It was obvious from the stern look on Killroy’s face he wasn’t too happy with the way the Alpha team interacted with each other.

  “I’m sorry, Killroy. You’re absolutely right. The mission comes first.” Lucy said the last for Kevin’s benefit. She noticed the hardness of his cold as steel eyes and glanced down at her legal pad starting to make circles with her pen. Her hand came up to toy nervously with a strand of hair that loosened from the bun she sported. “So, what’s going to happen?”

  Killroy exchanged a glance with Kevin.

  Lucy stabbed the tip of her pen into the paper in front of her. She would kill Kevin if he said anything. Killroy picked up his agenda and started to fill them in on the plans for the next day.

  He focused his gaze on Lucy as he answered her question, “It’s all laid out. Tomorrow morning, at the time you specified to Conner, an armored car will drive up to the rear entrance of the museum. Since Garrett is relatively out of commission for now, Halverson will act as security guard—”

  “Are you okay with that Halverson?” Lucy interrupted.

  “Sure, nothing will happen to me. I’m going to play a scared security guard and pass out.” He smiled with a cocky grin on his face and pretended to swoon.

  Lucy laughed.

  A low growl came from across the table, and Lucy tamped down the impulse to stick her tongue out at her would-be hero. Lucy was confused. She had no idea why he’d changed so suddenly, and wasn’t sure she wanted to find out. She snapped back to attention when Killroy spoke.

  “Montgomery, if you can control yourself, there’s a briefing you’re interrupting.” The director reprimanded.

  “Sorry, do go on Killroy,” Lucy said, not in the least sorry. She never regretted anything she’d done in her life until her brother went missing. She should have forced his hand and made him accept her help. She hardly knew Halverson. He was new to the Agency. She didn’t want him to handle anything he wasn’t ready for.

  “Montgomery,” Killroy said, and she turned toward him again as he spoke, “you’ll act your part as directed earlier. Take the box with the diamond out of the van and place it next to you on the pavement as you turn to talk to the guard. Things should go well. It appears as though our guy’s buying all the bull we’re feeding him. If that warehouse stunt didn’t cost us, we’ll be fine.” Killroy paced back and forth along the table. His long strides lumbered along in a self-confident swagger which everyone in the Agency knew he’d earned the right to carry.

  Her eyes strayed back to Kevin and he looked up from his planner to ask, “You ever stop to think the guy might be smart enough to figure out Montgomery’s our cover?”

  Lucy choked on her coffee and Cindy patted her on the back. Kevin cast a quick glance at her, but his gaze flicked back to Killroy.

  “Yes. Contrary to popular belief this Agency does know a thing or two about intelligence.” The bemused spark in Killroy’s eye caught Lucy’s attention and she tried her hardest not to laugh. Killroy turned back to Kevin, and his look became serious. “That’s why we’re going to be careful. Tonight Montgomery’s going to plant a tracking device on Conner’s cane. If he does anything we don’t anticipate we will know where to find him.” He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a small bug.

  “What if he doesn’t use his cane that day?” Kevin asked.

  “He will. This is a man of habit. Cindy, bring up Conner’s profile on the screen.”

  Cindy moved the mouse around and clicked on Conner’s file. The profile appeared on the overhead.

  “Good. Now click on his schedule,” Killroy directed. Cindy did as he asked and when the table appeared with Conner’s schedule, no one there could deny that he ever wavered from his routine. Breakfast at eight, followed by a walk around his block to the park down the street at ten, then back to his house for lunch, tea at three, and dinner at seven. “He never varies. That’s the nice thing about this case, if you can call it nice. The guy is predictable.”

  Kevin nodded his acceptance.

  “Montgomery, tonight when you go to Conner’s home, put this on the bottom of his cane.” Killroy handed her the small tracking device.

  “Got it.” Lucy took the gadget and placed it in her purse.

  “Cindy will be tracking Montgomery. So,” he turned to her, “don’t be surprised when we show up on your doors
tep the minute you get home tonight. We want to finish outfitting you for the morning. Garrett, you’re going to be in a van with me waiting for the deal to go down.”

  Kevin started to speak up but Killroy stopped him.

  “No, with that leg of yours you don’t need to be running around too much. Try to get some rest before tomorrow. It will be an early morning and a longer day.”

  “What happens when he gets a hold of the diamond?” Lucy asked. She watched Killroy carefully. It wouldn’t be easy to get Chase out if they injured him. It could get tricky. She didn’t want to blow her cover.

  “We’re going to follow him back to his base of operations. I don’t think he’s working out of his home, as you already discovered, Montgomery. There’s nothing of great interest there, unless you’re into Chinese art?”

  “Right,” Lucy confirmed dryly.

  “We also turned up nothing concrete when we did the search last night. I suspect there’s an office somewhere he uses to contact the group.” Killroy met her gaze steadily.

  “They must’ve paid him a great deal of money if he’s willing to forego our arrangement.” Kevin played with the corner of his planner.

  “It’s not for certain, Garrett. Everything here is mere speculation until we can come up with concrete proof.”

  “What are we waiting around here for, then?” Kevin asked sarcastically. “We mustn’t keep Montgomery’s date waiting.” He rose from the chair and she watched as he grimaced in pain, his walk stiff as he moved out of the room. Cindy and Halverson followed, giving Lucy sidelong glances before they left.

  Lucy started to rise.

  “I need to talk with you for a minute, Montgomery.” Killroy’s voice held a serious tone she’d heard only when she got in trouble. “I need to know what’s going on between you and Garrett. We can’t afford to jeopardize this mission any further.” He walked around to face her, and looked into her eyes.

  She knew he could read her unease, but hopefully he couldn’t be sure if it was from the strain of the mission, or the tension between her and Kevin while he’d observed during the meeting.

  “Nothing’s going on between us, Killroy. Garrett’s just concerned I’m going to do something stupid. He tried to convince me to get off the case this morning.” She remembered the feel of Kevin’s lips on hers and tugged at the collar of her shirt, feeling overheated. Undercover training worked in more than one circumstance. She just hoped it worked on Killroy.

  “Are you going to do something Lucy?” He waited. She turned three shades of red as Killroy looked at her. His eyes assessed her as though trying to find out what went on in her brain.

  Lucy kept her expression as hard to read as a foreign newspaper for an American. They’d trained her well. “I’d never do anything to hurt the mission. This is the most important case of my life and I’m not going to let my brother down.” Her jaw came up in stubborn resistance.

  “You know he may not even be alive, Montgomery. We’re after the criminals who did this, not because Chase is out there, but because we’re being paid to stop the thefts.”

  Lucy’s eyes narrowed. “He’s out there Killroy, and he’s still alive. If something went wrong—if he died—I’d know.”

  “Be careful. No mistakes allowed. Lay off Garrett—he’s just concerned.”

  “Yeah, I’ll just bet he is. I’ll see you tonight.” Lucy scooped up her leather briefcase and marched out the door with a determined stride.


  Somewhere not far from headquarters a phone rang. A groggy voice picked up, “Hello?”

  “It’s me. They’ll show at your apartment tonight. The girl will be there to plant a tracker on the bottom of your cane,” the voice whispered, as though it might be overheard.

  “Thanks for the tip.” Conner smiled and a sense of anticipation passed over him.

  “Remember our deal.”

  The smile faded from Conner’s face. “Sure. I’ll remember. You’ll get what’s coming to you.” He laid down the phone and let out a small chuckle, and the grin returned to his face as he thought of the payoff. He rose from the bed where he’d taken a nap and started to get ready for the presence of the lovely young agent in his home.


  Lucy stood at the base of Conner’s apartment building. She shivered as another cold wind whipped through her parka. Kevin’s right. Things are getting more dangerous, she thought. Glancing at the black letters on the side of the building, she searched out Conner’s apartment number. She found his name and pushed the buzzer, stood back, and waited for him to answer.

  “Yes? Who is it?” Conner’s asked through the intercom.

  “It’s Valerie. Can I come up?”

  There was a pause.

  “Sure.” He sounded pleasantly surprised. “Just give me a minute. I’ll come down and meet you.” The buzzer sounded and she pushed through the front doors. Lucy tried not to jump as the entrance door slammed shut behind her.

  Conner’s face wore a sly grin as he stepped through the silver metal doors of the elevator. As he approached, Lucy noted the cane he balanced on. Somehow he managed to match his suit to the luxurious ivory in the design etched into the ebony. Her gaze rested on his icy blue eyes and Lucy couldn’t help the eerie tingle that started at her neck and made its way down her back.

  “It’s great to see you. I hoped you would stop by. Come on up and I’ll fix you a drink. No offense, but you seem like you need it.” Conner took in her appearance and shook his head. She really needs to take it a bit easier on herself, he thought as he watched her walk to the elevator.

  “It’s been another rough day. A guy at work hassled me to give up the exhibit and let some more capable employee handle the job, but I gave him what for.” She smiled at Conner, and he grinned back at her. “I could use the drink though, some Bailey’s Cream? I love that stuff.”

  “Yes, I’ll pour some for you as soon as we get up to the apartment.”

  “That’d be nice. Thank you. I’ll start the fire if there’s not one going already. Your apartment is a wonderful place to relax.” They got out of the elevator and moved to his door.

  Conner opened it with a flourish. “Your castle, Madam.”

  Lucy beamed at his joke and preceded him into the room.

  “Thank you.” She watched him enter, and looked closely at the cane he carried in his left hand.

  Predictable, right, Lucy thought. How would she ever get him far enough away from that damn cane to get the device on it?

  Maybe if I distract him as we sit by the fire, she thought and a plan began to form in her head.

  Lucy glanced up at Conner when he brought her a beautiful crystal tumbler with Bailey’s inside.

  “Won’t you sit by me?” She patted the space next to her and scooted closer to the fire.

  “I would love to.” He placed the cane next to him as he sat, leaning it against the couch’s arm. Lucy grinned as she noticed the end she needed lay on her side of the floor. She leaned toward him as she spoke, letting her voice get lower.

  “Chuck, you’re just what I needed tonight. I liked being with you so much last night. I’d hoped you wouldn’t mind my coming by this evening.”

  “No, not at all. I’m glad you came by.” Lucy repressed a shudder as Conner raised a hand to brush her hair back from her shoulder. She would need to plant the bug rather fast. Lucy smiled; happy she thought to put the bug under her sleeve.

  “Would you rub my shoulders?” She asked huskily. “My muscles are so tense from work I just knew you would help me relax.”

  When she smiled at him Lucy lowered her lashes giving him a coy look.

  Conner sucked in a breath.

  Lucy found it hard to believe that he didn’t suspect she was nothing other than what she said. But her appearance of guileless innocence and beauty the Agency helped her to create would fool any man. She supposed that was the real reason why they chose her for the assignment.

  “It’d be my pleasure
Valerie,” he said. Her smile broadened and she scooted around to present her back to him. Slipping her dress coat down her arms, she hid the bug in her palm, and took off the jacket. Conner started to massage her shoulders.

  “May I look at your cane? It’s so beautiful.”

  “Sure. I’ve had it for years. I got it in Italy one year. I thought it would serve me nicely.” He only paid half attention to what she did as his hands ran over her bared shoulders. Lucy could tell by his glazed expression mirrored in the fireplace screen. The glass reflected him perfectly. Lucy examined the tip of the cane with rapt attention.

  “Mmmm, Chuck, that feels wonderful. Where did you learn to give a massage?” Lucy asked in a husky voice. “You’ve got great hands.” She really enjoyed the massage, and it was easy to get the tracker in the cane—too easy. Men were gullible, but she found it hard to believe he didn’t notice.

  “Just picked it up here and there. I’m glad you like it.”

  His tone grated on her nerves, but she tried to ignore it.

  “I had a good time with you last night. I know we just met Valerie, but I feel as though I know you.” He stopped his hands. “If I went on a vacation soon, would you like to go with me?”

  Lucy paused in her thought process and stilled. This wasn’t in the plan, but it might help them catch their main man. She turned and looked into Conner’s eyes. She couldn’t help but see a pair of deep silver orbs staring back at her. She blinked and Conner’s blue eyes came back into focus.

  “Chuck, you surprise me. Of course, I’d love to go on a vacation with you. But I don’t think I would be able to arrange one for another several weeks.” She let the disappointment at the time-lapse show in her eyes.

  Conner smiled at her and leaned close. “I’m sure we can arrange something.” He placed a hand behind her head, pulled her to him, and kissed her.


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