The Sheriff's Bride: Country Brides & Cowboy Boots (Cobble Creek Romance Book 1)

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The Sheriff's Bride: Country Brides & Cowboy Boots (Cobble Creek Romance Book 1) Page 19

by Kimberly Krey

  Trent sighed. “You in that dress. And those boots. Our first kiss as man and wife …”

  “Yeah,” Jessie agreed. “That’s one of mine too.”

  He grinned. “And I liked our photo shoot with the photographer.”

  “You did?” Jessie asked, surprised.

  “I had no idea she was going to tell us to kiss so many times.”

  Jessie giggled. “That might have been my fault. I told her I wanted plenty of kissing photos to choose from.”

  He raised his brows. “Good idea. Why didn’t I think of that?” Trent pulled onto the long, twisty drive. “Glad all this snow is keeping Nate in business. I really think he’s on to something by keeping busy all year round.”

  “Yeah,” Jessie agreed.

  The cabin home glowed with a display all its own, the flickering light posts making it look like a painting or even a fairy tale, one she hadn’t dared dream.

  Jessie released a paced breath through pursed lips. Her nerves were really picking up now. If she were to hold a hand out, it would be jittering like the antenna on the drive home.

  Trent shut the car off, flung off his seat belt, and turned toward her. He gave her a mischievous-looking grin while sliding closer.

  Jessie gave him a curious smile in return, the flutter of her heart beginning to spike.

  With slow but steady moves, Trent brushed a small wisp of hair behind her shoulder, brought his warm lips to her earlobe, and trailed kisses down the side of her neck. Her nerves took flight faster than if they’d seen a ghost. Jessie’s eyes flitted shut, a sigh passed through her lips, and suddenly Trent backed away.

  “I’ll come around and help you out,” he said, looking pleased with himself.

  Jessie dug through the layers of her dress to find the seat belt lever, pressing it just as Trent opened her door. He took a moment to loosen his necktie further and to unfasten the top button. Heaven help her; he was unreal!

  The thought repeated as he reached in and scooped her up like she was no heavier than a sack of flour. Jessie placed a hand on his chest, the muscles stretching and flexing beneath her palm as he moved. She felt his heartbeat too—strong and steady—and marveled at the way it sped up once he stepped over the threshold.

  It was as if he’d practiced it a hundred times. Carrying her effortlessly to the master bedroom, lowering her beside the dresser, and gazing at her in the low light.

  Jessie reached out, took hold of Trent’s loosened tie, and pulled him into her, hoping to pick up where they’d left off.

  Trent obeyed the command, wrapping his solid hands around her. And then his kiss was hers. He wasn’t one to go halfway on anything; she’d learned that from the start. What she hadn’t known—until now—was that he’d been holding back in that department. His kisses had always been enough to sweep Jessie off her feet, but never had they been laced with such … seduction. It was a good thing Trent hadn’t unleashed this talent before today. The persuasive pull of his lips, the building cadence of his kiss, lured her into an entirely new spell.

  Jessie gave into each sensation, caught up in a moment she once feared would never come. She and Trent had made it through their difficulties, putting those events in their rightful place—the past.

  Jessie tipped back slightly, just enough to look over Trent’s face in the low light. “I am so in love with you,” she said, meeting his kiss once more.

  Trent returned the sentiment in a fervent whisper against her lips.

  Several of Jessie’s loved ones had told her—at one time or another—that love was worth the risks it posed. Finally, Jessie could wholeheartedly agree. In the future, she’d be the one sharing those very words. The best part was, this was only the beginning. The start of the rest of their lives. And with Trent by her side … what a life it would be!


  “When are we going to do s’mores?” Callie bounced up and down as she waited for an answer. Her curls did a similar dance, adding life to the smile that rarely left her face.

  Trent watched as Jess gave her a grin. “We’ve got to eat dinner first, silly.”

  “No, you’re silly,” the little girl insisted.

  “No,” piped up Mackie. “Uncle Trent is the silly one.”

  Trent chuckled, loving the sound of that. Sure, he might not be the kid’s real uncle, but he hoped he could play that role all the same. Likewise, he hoped that their father, Shawn, would be involved in the lives of his own kids.

  Trent’s gaze veered to the large picnic table where Sheila and Shawn sat side by side. The two exchanged knowing smiles as Benny spoke of the time he fed baby Benjamin while Darcy took a much-needed nap. “I’m telling you,” Benny said, “there was mashed-up sweet potatoes on everything from my face to Darcy’s laptop.”

  Darcy grunted and held up a finger as she tipped back her iced tea. “I found orange-colored goo on the windows, the walls, and the carpet after he left.”

  “Been there,” mumbled Shawn.

  Sheila nodded. “So done that.”

  “Just wait until you have two running around,” Charlotte drawled. “You’ll feel like you’ve run all over Hades’s half acre before the clock strikes noon.”

  Jessie stepped onto the patio, carrying a large stockpot. “I’ve missed you and all of your southern charm, Charlotte.” She rested the pan on a hot pad. “Fresh corn here. How’s the meat coming along?”

  Trent gave Jessie a grin as she strutted toward him. He’d never grow tired of that smile, not if they lived more than a million years. He thrust his cheek toward her as she approached, smiled as she so quickly accepted, and turned his head to take a kiss on the lips instead.

  “Think now’s a good time to tell them?” he asked under his breath. Aromatic smoke from the grill drifted over them as Jessie leaned in for a second kiss.

  “Yes.” She pulled back and gave him the smile that made his heart thunk. “You want to do it, or should I?”

  “How about you do it.”

  That must have been the answer she was waiting for, because without a second to spare, Jessie spun to face the group. “Guess what, guys? Trent and I are having a baby!” Her small frame carried enough energy to fuel a jet plane in that moment.

  Squeals of excitement sounded from every female present, even little Callie. “Oh my goodness,” the girl cried. She beat the others who were rushing to toss their arms around Jessie, each somehow matching—if not exceeding—her exuberance. “Is it going to be a boy or a girl?” Callie asked, stepping aside as the others congratulated her.

  “We don’t know yet,” Jessie said. “What do you think it will be?”

  Callie tapped her chin and looked up at the sky. “A girl. Definitely. And her name should be Callie Junior.”

  Trent’s parents made their way from Jessie to Trent, their smiles as wide as their faces. “So, will you still work at the B&B?” Patricia asked.

  “I’m planning on it,” Jessie said. “I’d really like our kids to have plenty of fond memories of the Country Quilt Inn.”

  While the other guys stayed in place, hollering their congratulations over the action, Benny was there to give Trent a guy hug, which didn’t resemble the embraces shared by the women even a bit.

  “Guess what?” he said under his breath.

  The gleam in his eye caught Trent’s interest. “What?”

  Ben coughed low in his throat, murmuring a barely audible line. “Darcy took a pregnancy test last night and it said positive.”

  It took effort for Trent to wipe the shock off his face. “You’re kidding.”

  Benny shook his head. “Serious. Hope I can take care of them all right. They’ll be less than two years apart.” Benny looked overwhelmed as he said it.

  Trent set the spatula down and hooked an arm around him. “Come here, man.” This hug likely resembled the girl hugs, minus the bouncing and squealing. “You’re already about the best dad a kid could ask for,” Trent said. “You guys will do great.” Thank heavens Benny had
recovered so quickly. Besides a scar the guy liked showing off at parties, he was no worse for the wear.

  Nate and Greg, Shawn’s oldest son, made their way to the grill, too. Whether to congratulate him or be first in line, he wasn’t sure. The two had become pretty close over the last few months. In fact, Nate said Greg was like the little brother he always wanted.

  As the group dished up for dinner, conversation and laughter drifted over the patio, and Trent took a moment to thank the Lord for his blessings. He’d never imagined this kind of happiness would be his. His gaze moved across the table, gratitude swelling in his chest as he took in the group. Whether blood or not, this was family, and it was beautiful.

  At last he set his gaze on his wife. She inspected the table with a furrow. “What are we missing?” she mouthed to herself. Trent leaned against the house, hoping to catch a moment with her before they sat to eat.

  Jessie must have realized what she was missing, because a moment later she rushed toward the house. She flashed him a grin before stepping inside. “Do you have your food yet?”

  He nodded. “Yep.”

  Jessie disappeared inside, and Trent snuck in behind her. He watched as she pulled something from the fridge and spun back around. She carried a bottle of dressing in one hand, a container of mayo in the other.

  “Do you need something too?” she asked once she spotted him.

  Trent stepped over, took the condiments from her, and placed them on the counter. “Yes,” he mumbled. “I do.” He smiled as Jessie lifted her chin, seeming to know exactly what he needed: love from the woman he cherished more than anything under the stars.

  “Mmm,” he moaned, offering one more kiss. He grabbed the items off the counter and motioned to the door. “Hey, I found the baby book,” he said. “It was next to the tub. Remember, I read it aloud while you took a bath last night?”

  “That’s right,” she said. “We know he’s as big as a lime, and that his ears are right where they should be. I can’t wait to find out what else is happening.”

  “Me neither.” But then something occurred to him. “Did you say he and his? Does this mean you think it’s a boy?”

  She shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I kind of do. Do you still think it’s a girl?”

  Trent grinned, musing that life couldn’t get any better than this. “I don’t know. I’ll be happy with either. I can coach girls’ softball as easily as boys’ baseball.” Which reminded him of what his friend had just told him. “Hey, guess what,” Trent said, ready to be the first to know this time around.

  “Darcy’s expecting,” Jessie answered. “Benny finally told you?”

  Trent’s eyes widened. “Hey, he said she just took the test last night.”

  But Jessie was already laughing. “I know. Darcy told me just now while I was helping her feed Benjamin.”

  “Well, you’re not very good at keeping secrets,” Trent teased.

  “Neither are you,” she said. “But you know what you are very good at? Putting a smile on my face.” She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her cheek against his. “You have made me one happy woman. And we’re going to make sure this is one happy kid.”

  For a small moment, their future stretched out before him.

  Jessie humming a soft tune while cradling the baby.

  A tiny fist curling around his finger.

  Wobbly steps between a cheering Trent and a teary-eyed Jessie.

  And hopefully, the pitter-patter of a little brother or sister shortly around the bend.

  “Yes,” Trent agreed with a smile. “We sure are.”


  The fun doesn’t stop here. There are more Country Brides & Cowboy Boots books available right now.

  The Horse Trainer, the Buyer, and the Bride

  by Erica Penrod

  Available here.

  Horses, Hayrides, and Husbands

  by Jeanette Lewis

  Available by clicking here.

  The Fixer-Upper Bride

  Cobble Creek Romance book 2

  by Maria Hoagland

  Available September 28, 2017

  An Unexpected Groom,

  A Much-Anticipated Bride,

  and A Country Wedding

  The Fair Catch Ranch Family Saga

  by Lucy McConnell

  Available October 5, 2017

  The Cowboy’s Accidental Bride

  by Cindy Roland Anderson

  Available October 12, 2017

  Catching a Counterfeit Cowboy

  by Sarah Gay

  Available October 19, 2017

  With more Country Bride & Cowboy Boots books to come!

  Don’t miss one book! Sign up here to receive information on the latest releases from Gelato Books and get a FREE copy of The Reclusive Billionaire by Lucy McConnell.

  About the Author

  Kimberly Krey specializes in writing "romance that's clean without losing the steam!" She's a reader of good, clean romance, a lover of family time and Diet Coke, and the ultimate hater of laundry. She lives in the Salt Lake Valley with her husband, four children, and two hyper Chihuahuas. To receive a free book (Ranch Hand for Auction) by this author, join her mailing list! Also get updates @ Kimberly’s Author Page on FB for details, or go to

  Also by Kimberly Krey

  The Sweet Montana Bride Series

  Reese’s Cowboy Kiss

  Texan pageant winner, Reese Taylor, has a former classmate who wants her dead. Now she must leave her friends and family to enter a protection program on Emerson Ranch. A group of good-looking cowboys awaits her, but Reese has her eye on Blake Emerson, the one man too busy with the ranch to give her a chance.

  Jade’s Cowboy Crush

  Single mother, Jade Miller, has just witnessed a murder. Now, set to testify against the cold-blooded killer, Jade must be placed under protection. While she is grateful to the kind folks who've offered to take in her and her son, Jade is surprised to find the man escorting them from L.A. to Montana is Gavin Emerson. A womanizing, far-too-attractive-for-his-own-good, rebel cowboy. Jade assures Gavin that she has sworn off men until her son is grown, but all too soon she finds herself fighting back feelings for the man who's agreed to care for them.

  Cassie’s Cowboy Crave

  Twenty-four-year-old Cassie Lovell has a great job, good friends, and an apartment with a killer view. That is, until life is turned upside down. Without the chance to say goodbye, Cassie is forced into a witness protection program on Emerson Ranch. Just when she fears life is doomed, Cassie meets Shane Emerson, the stunningly handsome cowboy who'll be posing as her newlywed groom.

  Second Chances Series:

  Rough Edges

  Allie’s ex-husband might have left Montana in search of greener pastures, but his old high school friend, Braden Fox, is still running the woodshop just miles down the road. The handsome carpenter has been in love with Allie since he can remember. Now, with Terrance out of the picture, will he finally have a chance? Or will bitterness and hurt from years back keep him from welcoming her into his heart? Find out in this newly released novel, Rough Edges, where Allie and the carpenter try to smooth out the past.

  Mending Hearts

  Logan and Candice have struggled over the years. With hardships ranging from their inability to conceive, to loved ones lost, the two have finally called it quits. Almost. Logan Emerson isn’t ready to let go just yet, and he'll do what it takes to show Candice that it's worth the fight. Can this married couple rekindle their love and mend their broken hearts?

  Fresh Starts

  Bree has had her fair share of difficulties. The loss of her parents, a not-so-recent divorce, and the disruption of her life caused by a dangerous stalker who’s serving jail time. When the determined criminal finishes his sentence, Bree is sent into hiding. And while she’s doing all she can to steer clear of this frightening piece of her past, a new man enters the scene, determined to be part of her future.


tting Kole for Christmas

  Kylie’s been crushing on Kole for two years now, but can she get him to see her as more than a friend? For years Kylie has watched her older sisters get asked to every school dance there is. Yet once she’s old enough to go, the invites are in short supply. While getting overlooked has never felt good, it hasn’t really hurt the way it does this year. Because now there’s someone she really wants to go with: Kole Kingston. Kole is charming and funny. Gorgeous and kind. And everything she wants in a guy. Trouble is, he’s also her very best friend. Can Kylie tear herself free from the friend-zone in time to get asked to the Christmas dance? Or will she – like so many others – find that a romance between them will never be?

  Getting Micah Under the Mistletoe

  Quinn’s been in love with her friend, Micah, for two years straight. But between Micah’s dense skull and his even denser girlfriend, Quinn hasn’t stood a chance. But things are about to change. With Ms. Denser out of the picture and Christmas around the bend, Quinn has a plan that could switch their status from bumping fists to locking lips.

  Ranch Hand for Auction

  (Get this one free by joining Kimberly Krey’s mailing list)

  Meg left her Montana home, earned her bachelor's degree, and lived out her dream of selling her art. But now her life is in limbo. Stay in Colorado with a man who won't commit, or call it quits and move back to her home state. Her answer comes in the form of Jake Billings, a woman-courting, dimple-sporting cowboy her father bids on at the county fair. The auctioned ranch hand is meant to help Meg process grapes on her father's land, but along the way he steals her heart. Can Meg trust this sudden shift in direction, or will she be drawn back to the man she left behind?


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