Never with a Rich Man

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Never with a Rich Man Page 12

by Tina Susedik

  Jill’s smile could have stopped a snake in its tracks.

  “You know I’ll have to get back at you for this, don’t you? Just how long did it take you and my sister to hatch this plan of yours?”

  Jill tossed the paper clip, now shaped like a star, onto Cassie’s desk. “Way too long. We’ve been trying to figure out how to get the two of you together without it seeming obvious.” Jill bit her bottom lip. “Did it work?”

  “For a while. I’m not sure when it struck me that I was being set up, but I never figured you to be in on it.” She hurled a balled up piece of paper at Jill and whispered, “Ooh, you are such a skunk!”

  “I wish I could say I was sorry, but I’m not, so there.” Jill leaned over Cassie’s desk and sighed. “Isn’t Hogan a hunk? If it weren’t for Brad, I’d have jumped at the guy, but Brad’s my true love.”

  “Oh, please,” Cassie rolled her eyes. Sometimes her friend’s gushing over her boyfriend, made her stomach act like she’d eaten something old, green, and fuzzy hidden in the back of her frig.

  “No, really, Cassie. He’s the one.” Jill leaned closer to Cassie and whispered, “So, tell me all about the weekend. Did he kiss you? Did you get to do the ‘all-night tango’? Isn’t he great with the kids? Did he take you and the kids someplace nice? After all he’s . . .”

  Cassie mouthed a thank you to the heavens when her phone rang. Jill picked up the folder from her desk as Cassie answered the phone. A frown crossed her friend’s brow.

  “Cassie Jordan speaking. How may I help you?”

  “This is Mr. Peters. Do you have a few minutes? I’d like to speak with you.”

  Cassie’s heart sped up at her boss’s request. Was this about the promotion? “Certainly, Mr. Peters. I’ll be right there.”

  “Hey, is this Hogan’s family?” Jill asked as Cassie grabbed her suit jacket.

  “I don’t know. I wondered the same thing. But right now I have to get to Mr. Peters’ office.”

  At the president’s door, Cassie wiped her sweaty palms on her slacks, took a deep calming breath, threw back her shoulders, and stepped into his office. At his signal, she sat across from his massive desk.

  “It has been brought to my attention by your supervisor, Mr. Wilkins, that you performed exemplary work last week during the crisis with the computer mix-up for the new office.”

  Cassie sat a little straighter in her chair. Her heart picked up speed. She held back a smile.

  “He told me you worked tirelessly and beyond the normal work day,” Mr. Peters continued. “We are very pleased with your efforts.”

  “Th . . . thank you. I’ve enjoyed the challenge.”

  “Well, I’m impressed.”

  Mr. Peters paused for a moment, giving her a chance to calm her pounding heart. This was surely going to be the big announcement. She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a smile.

  Before he could say more, a tap sounded on the door, then Richard waltzed in. Cassie barely held back a groan. Why was he here?

  Richard gave a curt nod to Cassie then grinned broadly at Mr. Peters. “How’s your drive coming, John?” he asked, turning his back on her. “Did the golf tape I lent you help?”

  Cassie closed her eyes so Mr. Peters wouldn’t see her rolling them toward the heavens.

  Her boss leaned across the desk, his eyes shining with glee. “It most certainly did, Richard. Thank you very much.” He rubbed his hands together. “I had a very good round yesterday. Now, then. Let’s get to the reason why I’ve called you into my office. As you are aware, we’ll soon be announcing the name of the branch manager for the new office in Wauwatosa. We’ll need several strong, key people to make sure things run smoothly.”

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Richard sit a little taller. Why, the jerk thinks he’s going to get the job. She refrained from copying him. The way things were between them, they would try to outdo each other and their boss would be talking to employees with necks stretched like giraffes.

  “Both of you have worked hard on this project. The board decided that one of you will be the new manager and the other the assistant. What we are working on now is which one of you’ll get which position.” He paused and shuffled some papers on his desk. “We’ll announce our decision next week. The project will be placed on hold until then so that whomever is promoted to manager can put his”—Mr. Peters paused and looked at Cassie—”or her own personnel in place and the final touches on the office.”

  Cassie’s heart raced. Were his words an indication that she was in the forefront? Man, she wished she were better able to read people.

  “It’s Friday afternoon. We should have our decision by next Wednesday at the latest.” He stood and leaned his hands on the desk. “We’ll meet back here at two next Wednesday. Enjoy your weekend.” He sat and shifted through papers, dismissing them both.

  Cassie rose and walked to the door, Richard following on her heels.

  “Don’t worry, Cassie.” Richard’s voice dripped sarcasm into her ear. “I’m sure you’ll get the position. I for one would love working under you.”

  Cassie shook her head in disbelief. “Then you’d better hope you get the promotion, because if I do, I’ll do everything I can to keep you from coming with me.” She left the room rubbing her ear in an attempt to eliminate Richard’s sneering voice and hot breath. As she turned toward her cubicle, she heard his voice again, only this time dripping with sugar.

  “Say, John, did I tell about the new tape I bought that teaches golf using the ‘Natural’ method?”

  “Big suck-up,” Cassie stomped to her desk.

  Before leaving for the day, Cassie stopped at Jill’s cubicle and filled her in on the meeting.

  “I just know you’ll get the job, Cassie. No one wants to work for Richard.” Jill grabbed her coat and followed her friend to the elevators. “Anyway, none of the women do. The men don’t say much, but then I don’t know what they talk about in the men’s room.”

  “I think it’s because they’re afraid Richard will overhear them. No one wants to get on the wrong side of the jerk.”

  “So what’s your weekend look like?”

  Cassie suppressed a sigh. “Not much. What about you?”

  Cool, early fall air hit them as they left the building.

  “We’re going to my folks’ place.”

  “Sounds much more interesting than my weekend.”

  Jill’s eyes glowed. “Since Brad suggested the trip, I’m hoping he’s going to talk to my dad about you-know-what.”

  Cassie hugged her friend. “Good luck. Hope to have some good news on Monday.”

  On the twenty-minute drive home, Cassie’s emotions went up and down like the waves on Lake Michigan on a windy day. She rolled down her car window and whooped, scaring a little old lady walking her dog. Then her heart sank. Another long, boring, lonely weekend at home with plenty of time to worry about getting the position.

  But then there’d be ample time to get lots of work done on the house. Since Hogan was obviously not going to call, she would have plenty of uninterrupted time with her house. She might even be able to finish off the woodwork in the living room.

  Cassie unlocked the back door, entered the kitchen, and set the bouquet of flowers on the counter. Never had she been so aware of the silence and loneliness as today. She needed some house repair time to fill the emptiness.

  Walking through the house, she removed her blazer then unbuttoned her blouse. As she checked the silent answering machine, she took off her slacks. By the time she reached her bedroom, she was down to her underpants and bra.

  After donning her multi-colored, paint-spattered work clothes, she went downstairs. In the living room, she grabbed the answering machine, yanked cords and wires loose from their connections, pushed the little pink box
under the end table, and plugged her phone back into the wall jack.

  Deciding to see if it really did work, she called her favorite Chinese place. With a promise that the meal would be delivered within the hour, Cassie hauled out the refinishing paraphernalia and took her frustrations out on the woodwork.

  Forty-five minutes later, pleased with the progress she’d made on the trim, she decided to treat herself to a glass of well-deserved wine. Halfway across the room, her doorbell rang. Like a Pavlovian dog, her mouth watered at the thought of the almond chicken waiting on the other side of the door.

  “That was quick . . .” Her mouth went dry and her breath hitched. “H . . . Hogan.” Words failed her. She stared as he swept past her and headed to her phone. She pressed the door shut and watched Hogan open up a cardboard box.

  The muscles in his jaw flexed as he took out a black box. Cassie put a hand on his arm. He stopped yanking cords from the box and frowned.

  “What are you doing?”

  Hogan jerked his arm from her hand and continued his task. “I’ve been trying to call you for two solid weeks. All I got was a damn busy signal.” He went on through clenched teeth. “Then when I finally got through all I heard were some goofy songs and wasn’t able to leave a message.”

  All Cassie heard was he tried to call her. Her heart swelled with joy. “You’ve been calling me?”

  “Yes. Didn’t I say I would?”

  “Yes, you did. But when I didn’t hear from you, I figured you just said that to make me feel good.” Her joy slipped when he kept his eyes on the equipment he was fiddling with. “What’s that?”

  “Believe me, I’ve been trying to reach you. I know you said you don’t like these contraptions, but you’re going to use this answering machine I brought you. You won’t unhook it, you won’t turn it off when you’re gone. Is that clear? And I want your cell phone number.”

  Cassie shook her head at his authoritarian attitude. She didn’t like being dictated to. “For your information, Hogan Wynnters, Emily and Jazmine knocked the upstairs phone from the hook and I didn’t notice it until Tuesday night.” Cassie pointed a shaking finger to the pink box under the end table. “That contraption under the table is an answering machine I already hooked up. I finally realized it didn’t work and disconnected it tonight. And if I want to turn off the one you’re hooking up now, I will. Any old time I want.” She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot.

  Hogan dropped the cords and hung his head. “I’m sorry. It’s just been so damn frustrating not being able to get through to you. I was afraid you’d think exactly what you thought—that saying I’d call you was just a line. It’s the furthest thing from my mind.”

  “It is?”

  He nodded. Even with the dark circles under them, Hogan’s eyes were warm and inviting, making it clear how happy he was to see her. She wanted to wrap her arms around him. He seemed to read her mind because after a cursory glance at her paint-smeared clothes, he took a step closer and opened his arms.

  “Come here.”

  “It’s all right. These stains are dry.” She smiled and stepped into his embrace.

  The warmth enveloping her when he wrapped his arms around her brought tears to her eyes. It was like being wrapped in a feather quilt after spending a day in a Wisconsin blizzard. This was what had been missing in her life. She felt like she had come home, to one filled with laughter and joy. One filled with Hogan.

  “I’ve thought about holding you for two weeks. God, I missed you.”

  Cassie smiled into his neck. “I know how you feel. I missed you, too.” They held each other until his arms went heavy against her waist and his breathing slowed. She leaned back into his arms. “Hogan?”

  His eyes fluttered open, and he swallowed a yawn. “I’m sorry. My flight just got in from Japan. I’m exhausted.”

  “You were in Japan?”

  “There and several other countries.” He ran a hand across his face as he moved back to the phone. “Let me finish here, and then I’d better go home and get some sleep.” He pushed the record button. “‘Hello. You’ve reached 555-1701. We can’t come to the phone, but please leave a message. Thanks.’ That should do it. When I get home I’m going to call. Let the machine kick in so we know for sure it works.” Hogan pushed Cassie’s other machine with his toe. “Pink? No wonder it didn’t work.”

  “It was a gift. How did you know my number?”

  Hogan shrugged. “I have it memorized since I dialed it about a hundred times.” He pointed to the pink box again. “Did Emily pick this out?”

  Cassie laughed. “How’d you guess? It was my sister’s way of saying thanks for taking care of her kids. I have no idea where all that music came from.”

  “I’d take it back if I were you. Hopefully this one will work better.” Hogan wrapped his arms around her again and sighed. “You won’t unhook it, will you?”


  His yawn cracked his jaw. “I really have to get some sleep. Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”

  She took in the dark circles beneath his eyes. Was he lying? Did he really did want to see her again. Headslap. Why would he have come here when he was so tired if he didn’t want to go to dinner with her? Her heart soared. “I’d love to. Will you have enough rest by then?”

  “I’ll probably sleep the next twenty hours, so that should be enough. I wouldn’t want my face to land in my food in the middle of dinner.” Hogan moved to the foyer. “Pick you up at seven?”

  Cassie nodded and opened the door. “Will you be able to drive? You won’t fall asleep at the wheel, will you?”

  Hogan cupped her cheek and lingered over her lips. “I’ll be all right. I was picked up at the airport. The driver will give me a lift home.” He kissed her again. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. ‘Night.”

  “Good night,” she answered, watching him walk to his car, glad to see someone in the driver’s seat.

  She closed the door and leaned against it. “Good night, indeed.” She giggled. It wasn’t a good night at all. Happiness bubbled over like coffee in an old-fashioned percolator. “It’s a wonderful night. A stupendous night.” She twirled around the room, skipping and dancing her way to the kitchen.

  “No. It’s a . . .” No words popped into her head to describe her feelings besides pure joy. “He wants to see me again.”

  Cassie plunked down on a kitchen chair and rested her chin in her palm. Was it possible to fall in love so easily and so soon? She’d never had these intense feelings with Tony. No cravings to see or touch him. No fantasies of making love with him. No rush of hormones, even when they had sex.

  There was no doubt in her mind and heart that when she and Hogan made love, it would be something special, something she’d never felt before. It couldn’t be anything less.

  Chapter 11

  After nearly twenty-two hours of sleep, Hogan woke up late Saturday afternoon, his brain fuzzy. Where the hell was he? After a few moments, he realized he was home, in his own bed. Rolling over onto his stomach, he scrunched up a pillow, and placed it under his head. He groaned when he remembered the highhanded way he demanded Cassie use her answering machine.

  “What a jerk,” he mumbled into his pillow. “She should have kicked me out.”

  But he’d been exhausted and happy to see her. That, combined with the frustration he’d still felt over the phone situation, turned him into a moron.

  Hogan groaned again. “I can’t believe I fell asleep with my arms around her.” But it had been so right, so warm and comfortable.

  Thinking about making love with Cassie had his body perking up faster than his brain. Deep down he knew it would be one of the most exhilarating and satisfying experiences in his life. Those little pecks on her lips had his mind swimming and his body reeling with need. A real k
iss, with all the passion he could muster, would be like being flung into outer space, tumbling end-over-end, his stomach flipping with each kiss.

  Sweat beaded on his forehead. He wiped the sheet over his face. He glanced at the bedside clock. Crap. Only two hours to wake up completely, shower, and get ready to pick up Cassie. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned his elbows on his knees.

  Time to stop dreaming and face reality. Hell, he wasn’t sure if she was involved in the smuggling or not. The agency thought she was, but his instincts told him differently.

  The orders to stay close to her probably didn’t mean what he wanted them to. Jeopardizing the case because of his feelings for one of the suspects was not a great way to keep from being fired.

  He also had to remember to play it cool and not rush things. Get to know her better. Hell, just get to know her. The Feds wanted him to move fast with Cassie, get her to talk about her ex. But he knew slow and easy was the way, which was going to be extremely difficult to do when the woman made his libido want to jump her.

  After a few minutes, he got up, fed his empty stomach a light snack, and got ready for his date.

  Hogan stood outside Cassie’s door and waited impatiently for her to answer. He wondered who would greet him tonight. The businesswoman? The frazzled “bleeding” aunt? The adorable girlish-looking woman in a housecoat and oversized bird slippers? Or the wholesome, sexy one in jeans and flannel shirt?

  Like a teenager on his first date, he wiped his sweaty palms together, wishing he could wipe them on his pants without leaving a telltale damp streak. Tonight would be their first chance to get to know one another without any interruptions. What if they found out they didn’t get along? What if all they had was a sexual attraction? The thought made his nerves jump. He held out his hand to ring the bell again when the door opened.


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