Midshipwizard Halcyon Blithe

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Midshipwizard Halcyon Blithe Page 19

by James M. Ward

  "No, sir, I didn't know that. I really didn't know there was ice on the dragon's heart, until I heard it talked about from the brig." Just the thought of where Halcyon was weighed down his very soul. He sat again on his bed.

  "Try to get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow." With that the commander left.

  Tupper once again looked into the brig, but he could see his friend shaking his head and looking sad. Tupper wanted to make Halcyon feel better, but there wasn't a thing he could think of to say. Looking down at him in the confining walls of the brig made Tupper want to cry for his friend.

  Haywhen backed up and leaned against the corridor wall. He looked over to see the stern face of Denna Darkwater as she stood in a resting stance by the side of the hatch. It's going to be difficult to curse Halcyon again with her at the hatch, he thought.

  Halcyon must have dozed off, but he heard the loud orders of an officer speaking to Tupper on the other side of the hatch.

  "Mr. Haywhen, don't you have duties elsewhere on the ship?"

  Halcyon couldn't quite make out who spoke.

  "No, Commander, I'm stationing myself here to watch my friend," Tupper replied.

  Dire Wily's voice was now clear. "Really, a fine young midshipwizard like yourself voluntarily hiding away in the bowels of the ship. I find that amazing, sir."

  "Yes, sir," replied Tupper.

  "I've come to see the prisoner. Corporal, please open the hatch," Wily requested.

  "Yes, sir, the hatch will be left open at all times, if you please, sir," Darkwater told the commander.

  "That's a tad unusual, but our Mr. Blithe is worth the extra effort," the commander said as the hatch opened. Dire Wily filled the hatchway. "Mr. Blithe, you look like hell."

  Halcyon didn't know if he should rise and salute or remain sitting on his cot. He got up. "Sir, I'm sorry, sir. I really do feel fine. Commander Giantson was kind enough to give me the Blithe family bracers from my sea chest. He came just a few moments ago and it's made all the difference in the world. Are you here to talk to me about the court-martial tomorrow?"

  Once he saw the bracers, the commander stepped back into the corridor, leaving the hatch open.

  "Three days without food can tire a man out. As soon as I heard you were up and talking, I ordered the galley to make you a meal. When it comes, eat it all, now. You're going to have a very hard day tomorrow."

  "That's what people keep telling me," Halcyon said, trying to keep up a bold face.

  "Commander, begging your pardon," the guard said. "We had to send that tray from the galley back. Our own marine cook will be making the prisoner's meals until sentencing."

  "Damn the impudence! I see no reason for that action. You marines can go too far in your martial efforts. Get that tray back here now. That's an order, Marine." Wily shouted the command, looming over Deena.

  Halcyon watched the very large Denna Darkwater stand toe-to-toe with the much larger Commander Wily. She didn't back down an inch in front of his anger.

  "No, sir, I won't be leaving my post. Only marine trays of food go into the brig on my watch. My orders are clear. They come from my marine major. You may of course talk to him if you don't agree with his commands. Until he relieves me, we will be doing this the marine way." There was steel in her voice and an implied threat that didn't go unnoticed by anyone in the hall or sitting on the cot in the brig.

  "As you wish, Corporal, though that seems a tad overcautious." There was the faint hint of anger and frustration in the commander's speech, but he was clearly backing down from his previous order. He turned back to Halcyon. "Make no mistake about it. The charge against you is deadly serious. We must keep within the strict rulings of the Articles no matter how much we might like you or your family." Wily seemed to be apologizing for what he had to do tomorrow. "Daton tells me you freely admit violating Article Three of the naval code of conduct. That gives us no choice. The captain will read the charge to the assembled crew and you are then marched into the wardroom. You will plead yourself guilty as charged and be sentenced. We won't let you suffer. Your death will be swift and sure. I'll talk with your surviving relatives and let them know you did your best. Until then, I will tell you that I admire your courage. Few would be able to admit to violating one of the Articles with a sentence of death over their heads. I say well done, sir."

  "Commander, thank you for the visit. I'm sure you, the captain, and the second officer will do what is proper," Halcyon said.

  "Quite right, carry on, Corporal, Mr. Haywhen, Mr. Blithe." Commander Wily left, and the corporal closed and locked the brig hatch once more.

  Halcyon, seeing the hatch close, chided himself about the foolishness of thinking about picking the lock. He imagined himself stealthily picking the lock with a bit of metal and then trying to face down Denna Darkwater with his bare hands. The picture was so funny he laughed out loud.

  Darkwater watched the commander leave the corridor and go up out of the orlop deck. "That commander is an odd duck," Darkwater said. She looked in to see the laughing Blithe sitting on his cot. That was a good sign, she thought.

  "Why do you say that?" asked Tupper.

  "He's a good officer, but tomorrow he could easily order Blithe hanged. Just a few days ago, he spent the better part of an hour in the brig muttering nice things about the midshipwizard over his unconscious body. It just seems odd to me, that's all," Darkwater said. "How can a man show one face to Blithe and act in a caring way and then coldheartedly order his death the next day?

  "I've killed my share of enemies. I've done it without anger, as quickly as I could. I guess that's the difference between a ranker and an officer. Officers seem trained to be detached, even soulless. I like young Blithe in there. No one could get me to do the duty of hanging him from the yardarm. Yet one of the officers, and I bet it will be Hackle, will be ordered in a day to put a noose around his neck and push him off the spar. It's just not right; give me death at the enemy's hands any day."

  "I can hear you out there, Denna, you better be careful or someone will claim you have almost a feminine way about you," Halcyon said, trying for a laugh, and he got one from both the corporal and Haywhen.

  his majesty's articles of war: article xvi

  No person in or belonging to the fleet shall sleep upon his watch, or negligently perform the duty imposed on him, or forsake his station, upon pain of death or such other punishment as a court-martial shall think fit to impose, and as the circumstances of the case shall require.

  Halcyon lay on his cot. He hadn't been able to sleep all night, with the death sentence hanging over his head. In the long night, he'd thought about every single word of Article III, and there was no escape from the fact that he'd used high magic. In the night he'd asked for writing things and written a brief note to his family apologizing for the disgrace he was bringing to the family name.

  It was ten bells of the morning watch when he heard people talking just outside his brig hatch; he ignored them.

  "Food for the prisoner," someone said in the corridor.

  "Forget it, I don't want any," Halcyon nervously shouted to the guard.

  "You'll eat it and like it," Ashe Fallow said as he opened the hatch. "I knew you'd probably have that attitude. You're going to need all your wits about you this morning. You'll be helped by food in your belly."

  "I can see there's no arguing with you on this," Halcyon said with a wry smile as he sat up.

  "I brought a taste of the captain's wine for you as well. I figured if the man is going to hang you, the least we could do is drink his wine," the chief quipped as he poured a tankard for Halcyon and himself.

  "You didn't?" Halcyon couldn't believe what he just heard. The marine guard at the hatch smiled at hearing the chief's words. He looked down at the tankard he'd been drinking in stunned surprise.

  The chief unlocked the manacles and let them fall to the deck.

  "I did and damn anyone to hell that tries to kill a Lankshire man I say." The chief toasted Halc
yon with a raised leather tankard. He looked back at the marine with a knowing smile. If the marine told the captain on them, he would have to explain that he drank the wine as well. The marine shook his head, smiled, and went back to his post.

  Halcyon drank the captain's wine, suddenly feeling very wicked. He wolfed down the oatmeal, finding an appetite he didn't know he had.

  Mark Forrest brought Halcyon's best uniform into the brig a few minutes later. He brought Halcyon's brush kit as well. "Commander Giantson opened your sea chest and let me bring you fresh clothes. We're all pulling for you, Hal." Mark came to attention and saluted. "Luck to you, Midshipwizard."

  Halcyon didn't salute back, but Chief Fallow did. "Well said, Mr. Forrest. Carry on, sir, and we will see you on deck."

  Mark left.

  "Mr. Grunseth, you can also go up on deck. I'll take the watch duty on our Mr. Blithe from now on," the chief said.

  "Aye, aye, Chief." From outside the hatch, James gave Halcyon a friendly salute and left as well.

  "Your wardroom mates are good men. I was proud of them watching over you and still maintaining their normal duty shifts. It's good to have friends in this man's navy and you've done well to have those midshipwizards like you," praised the chief.

  "They helped a lot as I sat here. Do you really think someone would have tried to curse me again?" Halcyon asked.

  "I don't know and I don't care. All I know is with those midshipwizards watching over you, nothing happened. We need to get a move on, Mr. Blithe."

  Halcyon dropped his brig clothes and put on his fresh things. Suddenly his hands started shaking and he couldn't manage the buttons on his coat. The enormity of what he was about to face filled his eyes with tears.

  Ashe could see what was happening and moved to help Halcyon fix his coat.

  "Mr. Blithe, I've served with your brothers and one of your uncles. We being Lankshire men, I feel the need to tell you what they would have all said if one of them had been standing here in front of you. Stand tall, Halcyon. Don't let anyone see what you are feeling."

  The chief grabbed both of Halcyon's lapels and pulled him face-to-face. With an angry intensity he said, "You did your best. You tell them what happened and you trust in duty and your own sense of honor."

  Some of the fear left Halcyon. "Thank you, Mr. Fallow. Shall we go now?"

  Ashe could see the grim determination in the boy's eyes and he liked what he saw there now. "An excellent idea, Mr. Blithe. Leave your bracers here in the brig and we'll go and give them our own version of hell." Ashe put the enchanted manacles back on Halcyon's wrists and ankles. "After you, sir."

  There was a little bit of steel in his spine as Halcyon walked down the long corridor of the orlop deck and up the stairs. As he came onto the open deck, he relished the taste of fresh salt air. He tipped his hat to the waiting officers on the quarterdeck. The sky was cloudless above him and the sun's warmth gave him even more strength to face what was ahead.

  He walked in his chains to the mainmast. There was an empty circle there, and two marines waited to flank him. He stood facing the three officers above him on the quarterdeck. The rest of the crew assembled around him on the open deck. His wardroom mates were all there, smiling and giving him what support they could without saying anything.

  Hackle was there too. The junior lieutenant's white skin shone in stark contrast to everyone else's tanned flesh. He also had a big grin on his face. Hackle was clearly enjoying Halcyon's situation.

  Andol Griffon signaled the stern double blast-tube, and it was fired.


  Captain Olden spoke loud enough for the crew on the forecastle to hear his words. "Mr. Blithe stands before the mast accused of a grave act. Mr. Wily, read the Article Mr. Blithe is accused of breaking."

  Commander Wily opened up the book of Articles and read aloud, "His Majesty's Articles of War, Article Three: The use of high magic is expressly forbidden on any of His Majesty's ships. If any officer, mariner, or soldier or other aforesaid uses high magic on board His Majesty's ship, every such person so offending, and being convicted thereof by the sentence of the court-martial, shall be punished with death, or such other punishment as the nature and degree of the offense shall deserve and the court-martial shall impose.' " Commander Wily closed the book.

  The captain spoke up again. "First Officer Lieutenant Commander Wily, Second Officer Master Andool Griffon, and myself will now stand as judges in this case. In all cases of court-martial in the king's navy, the three senior officers of the ship stand as judges for the crime. The accused may state his case and bring any witnesses he feels are useful for his testimony. Marines, bring the prisoner to my wardroom. Crew, carry on with your duties. That is all."

  Halcyon walked into the captain's wardroom with the marines in front of him and Chief Fallow behind. In the few weeks he'd been aboard, he'd wished for an invitation to the captain's wardroom. All the midshipwizards hoped for that. He was suddenly very sorry that a court-martial was the way he would be introduced to the area.

  The captain's wardroom was long, with a huge table in the middle. At one end of the room was another table, with a bell and stack of papers. Three chairs stood behind that table. Halcyon stood in front of a chair facing the smaller table. The three officers, the captain's clerk, Commander Giantson, his two marine guards, and Chief Fallow were the only ones in the large room. The captain's clerk sat at a small table to the side, ready to record every word said during the trial. Everyone was standing.

  The captain took a large dagger with a gold hilt and rang the bell on the table three times. "This court-martial will come to order. Let the record show that the prisoner has heard the Article. How does the prisoner plead?"

  Halcyon tried to get the words out, but he was too nervous. He coughed hard to get some moisture in his mouth. "I'm guilty with extenuating circumstances, sir."

  The captain and Commander Wily looked up, surprised.

  "Chief Fallow, take off the prisoner's manacles. Lieutenant Commander Giantson, cast a truth spell on Mr. Blithe. When the spell activates, Mr. Blithe, you will tell this board of court-martial, in your own words, what extenuating circumstances could possibly cause you to violate one of the most important articles in the king's navy," the captain said.

  Halcyon had been preparing this speech all night. With the manacles off, Giantson cast a spell, causing Halcyon's body to take on a silver glow. He could feel the magic pressing in on his mind as well. There was a light pressure touching every part of his body, but he felt it on his head most of all.

  "If Mr. Blithe tells any falsehood, the silver glow will turn red," Daton advised. "I need to state for the record that the spell only reacts to what Mr. Blithe believes in his mind. He could state things as he believes them and they could still be false and the spell won't react."

  "Your spell will be satisfactory for this court," the captain said.

  Halcyon was extremely nervous, what with Giantson's spell surrounding him. He didn't want to say anything wrong for fear of the spell branding him a liar. He started telling his story, growing less and less nervous as he detailed what happened that day. "I'm terribly sorry my magic caused the storm to strike the Sanguine. I want you to know I never meant for that to happen. During the storm, the waves and wind blew up the hatch cover so the sea flowed into the hold. Lieutenant Solvalson and I managed to re-seal the cover. The lieutenant then ordered me down into the orlop deck to make sure seawater didn't get into the heart or liver chambers.

  "I rushed down to the heart chamber. As I entered, some other officer left out the other side of the chamber. I could tell he was an officer from the rain slicker he wore, but his back was to me and I couldn't tell who he was.

  "There was an odd smell in the chamber and I inspected the heart, noticing there was no seawater entering the area, and that the hatch seals were still intact... however, I found the lower portion of the heart covered in blast gel."

  "You what?" the captain shouted. "Commander Giant
son, in your working with the heart did you notice the ice was covering blast gel?"

  Giantson was at the side table. He stood up. "No, sir, but the ice is very thick on one side of the heart. Although I haven't been able to remove the ice with my magics, I'm sure I could cast a spell that would allow us to look at the heart underneath the covering of ice."

  "We'll do that, but first, Mr. Blithe, finish your testimony," the captain ordered.

  "When I saw the blast gel I acted," Halcyon reported as best he could remember. "I didn't think I could summon another officer before the gel exploded. The heart was beating faster and faster because of the storm. I feared that at any minute the gel would explode.

  "My mother had given me the pixie wishing potion, cautioning me to use it only in dire emergency. I thought this was just such an emergency. I didn't have the skills needed to use my air or water magic on the heart. I've only been a spellcaster for eight months and know I have a lot to learn. I felt that if I didn't act in a heartbeat the gel would explode and the sea dragon would die. I remember the exact wish I made. I wished for the ship to be safe and the heart to be given a cooling healing. I remember that I didn't want to risk wishing off the gel for fear that it would ignite in the process. I'd hoped the ice would keep the gel still and cool at the same time.

  "When I broke the crystal, a green mist rose up around the heart and some of the mist left the chamber. The potion pulled what magical energy I had out of me and I went unconscious. I woke up in the brig."

  The three officers ignored Halcyon and started talking excitedly among themselves.

  "We have a saboteur on board. When I heard Mr. Blithe was cursed I thought it was an angry wizard bent on revenge. Now I see there is a real danger among the crew," the amazed captain said.

  "We don't know there's blast gel on the heart. The boy could have imagined that," Wily pointed out.


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