Identity Crisis

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Identity Crisis Page 5

by Lila Munro

  “Oh, Eugene, thank you. Have I told you how much you mean to me?” Tori sank back against the black leather seat and exhaled loudly.

  “All the time, Miss Tori. All the time.”

  When Tori woke up in the queen size bed on Dearborn Four, Chad’s pilot stood in the doorway speaking quietly to her.

  “Mrs. Dearborn, ma’am. We’ve landed,” he said with his head turned toward the lounge area in the front of the plane. “Are you awake, Mrs. Dearborn?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Tori stretched and sat up. It was amazing what a few good hours of sleep could do for a person. While not completely rested, Tori felt a hell of a stretch better than she had at four that morning. “What time is it?”

  “Ten-thirty local time, ma’am.”

  “I’ll be out in a moment. Is Robert here?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Dearborn. Your things are already in the car and he’s waiting.” The pilot shut the door and Tori left the bed. Stepping into the tiny bathroom that adjoined the bedroom, she looked in the mirror. Dear Lord. She looked like her mother did after a three day binge. Maybe the hotel had a spa and she could get a facial that afternoon. Tori ran a brush through her unruly hair and pulled it back in a band, splashed some cold water on her face and went in search of her sunglasses.

  Tori had never been to St. Louis with Chad before, but she knew from a little online research that there were some very high end clubs to be found here including one she’d stumbled across before she and Chad were married and teased him about. It was supposed to be the crème de la crème of the leather scene.

  Robert stopped in front of the Hyatt just as Chad told her the driver would and Tori waited as he came around to open her door. Before her feet even hit pavement, a man dressed in a Hyatt uniform complete with jacket and tie rushed down the front steps and greeted her.

  “Mrs. Dearborn,” he gushed. “We’ve been expected you, ma’am.”

  “Hello,” Tori said, allowing Robert to help her out of the back seat. “Are you the concierge my husband told me about?”

  “Yes, ma’am. My name is Douglas. I’ll be seeing to your needs today.”

  “That’s very kind of you, Doug,” Tori said, following him inside. “However, let’s not be so formal. I was raised on shit and rags like most everyone else. My husband would die if he knew I addressed people so casually but it’s what makes me comfortable and it helps me cope with all I’ve been given. So, please, call me Tori. And hopefully I’m not that needy.” Doug coughed into the palm of his free hand and turned red.

  “I realize you may not be used to being treated like you matter, but believe me, you do and your time is just as precious to you as mine is to me. I’d just like to know if someone could come up and give me a facial later. I didn’t get much sleep last night and sadly, I look like Dracula’s bride under these shades.” Tori pulled her glasses down and peered over the red rims at Doug who stood with his mouth gaping. “Doug?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Dear…ma’am…um…T…”


  “Yes, Tori. I think you’re husband left instruction for that sort of service in your suite. If you find he didn’t arrange exactly what you’d like, just call down and I’ll send someone up.” Doug held out his arm to direct her to leave the elevator.

  “He left instructions? Where is he exactly?” Tori asked, wondering why if her husband wasn’t on business he wasn’t going to be in the room when she got there.

  “He told me to tell you he had things to take care of all day today and that there were instructions in your room. He said for you to enjoy everything he has planned for today and he’ll see you later this evening.”

  “You mean we’re not even having dinner together?” Tori said feeling more disappointed than she’d been in a long time.

  “No, ma…Tori. But believe me, the dinner the chef is sending up will be worth it even if you’re dining alone,” Doug consoled.

  Trying not to feel so let down, Tori hoped she had time for another nap before the festivities began as she followed Doug down the seventh floor hallway. He opened the last door on the left and held it open for Tori so she could go in first. He followed her and set her bag beside the bed then went to the windows.

  “Would you like to see the view? This room in particular has a great visual of the Arch and the Mississippi,” Doug told her, poised to draw the shades open.

  “Sure,” Tori said, tossing her glasses on the desk.

  Tori’s eyes roamed the room. It was banked in platinum roses and if she didn’t know better, she’d swear she was in a rose garden by the overwhelming, yet welcoming smell.

  “They sure are beautiful,” Doug interrupted her staring. “The housekeeping staff is fighting over who gets to clean your room later.”

  “Well, assure them all that when I leave, they’ll all be taking some of them home,” Tori said, walking over to a cocktail table where there was a basket of Godiva and a bottle of Cristal on ice. An envelope was propped against the sterling silver ice bucket. Her instructions. A quiet shush ran through the air and sunshine invaded the room. Tori looked up and could’ve sworn she could open the window, reach out and touch the Arch. “Wow, you weren’t kidding were you?”

  “Quite a view isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is,” Tori agreed, staring out the window for a moment.

  “Would you like me to open your champagne?” Doug asked her, walking toward the ice bucket.

  “That would be nice. I think a glass might take the edge off.” Tori stepped to the side and looked through the basket of chocolates while Doug popped the cork on the bottle and filled a tall flute. He held it out for her and smiled. “Would you like a chocolate, Doug?”

  “You know, I believe I’ll take you up on that,” he said, accepting her offering, a broad smile spreading across his face. “Is there anything else I can do for you right now, Tori?” he asked before turning back toward the door.

  “I don’t believe so,” Tori answered, snagging a fifty out of her purse on the way to the door right behind him. When she reached him she paused, catching something unusual out of the corner of her eye. “Doug? Why am I in an adjoining suite?”

  “That’s what Mr. Dearborn ordered.”

  “Oh.” Tori handed Doug the money and knitted her eyebrow. “Thank you, Doug.”

  “You’re welcome. If you need anything at all, just call down and I’ll make sure you get whatever you desire.” Doug handed Tori her key card and stepped out, closing the door behind him.

  Tori wandered around the room sipping her champagne and sticking her nose in the dozens of roses, absorbing their very essence. So much heady aroma hung in the air it was intoxicating.

  She ate another chocolate then sat down on the couch with the envelope. She set her glass down on the table, slid out of her mules, tucked her feet up under her and read.

  Dear Tori—

  If you’re reading this it means you forgave me for being sneaky and you’re sitting in your suite. Have I told you lately how much I love you? If not, I’m so sorry, baby. You mean the world to me and I’m the luckiest man alive to have found you to share my life with.

  It should be getting close to noon. How’s the bubbly? Wish I were there to suck it out of your belly button…

  Tease. The thought of Chad’s tongue lapping champagne out of her navel sent a flame through Tori that landed straight in her center. With that thought firmly planted, she doubted she’d be able to take the nap she so desperately needed.

  After your first gift arrives, you’ll have about three hours to do whatever you want. If I know you, you were up all night and you need a nap. If you’re hungry and want to eat before lying down, call the concierge—he’ll have the chef send up whatever your heart desires. Once your first gift departs and you’ve eaten and rested, your next gift will arrive. This gift will stay as long as you want and do whatever you need done. After that, the chef will be sending up a very nice dinner. Please enjoy it. I’m sorry we won’t be eating together, but
I promise you—the biggest gift I have for you will more than make up for my absence.

  Have you been in your bathroom yet?

  Tori quit reading and got up. She hurried into the bathroom, her curiosity getting the better of her. Tears threatened to erupt at the sight of what waited for her and at once, Tori felt like an idiot getting so excited over a dozen bath towels. Chad gave her new bath towels regularly.

  When he’d finally convinced her to marry him, after giving herself to him completely, Chad insisted on staying at her place for the night. Tori was quite embarrassed at his reaction to the fact that she owned exactly four bath towels and they were quite ratty and tattered. After that, she never wanted for a bath towel again. Through the veil of mist in her eyes, Tori saw that he’d also left her a basket full of Juicy Couture bath products. Juicy was her favorite fragrance.

  Do you like the Horchows? Once you’ve bathed and dressed, you need to be downstairs at eight. Yes, you’re to wear your new outfit, but if you look in the closet you’ll also find a suitable covering to help you get to your destination without all of St. Louis seeing what I can’t wait to see later. You’ll have a body guard tonight. He’ll know where to take you and once you get there, there’ll be people to help you find your way.

  I love you Tori Lynn Dearborn. Can’t wait to see you later.


  Tori left the bathroom and jerked the closet door open. An ankle length, black leather duster complete with fringe on the arms and along the back, hung in the closet. Tori wanted to snatch her clothes off, wrap herself in the duster and just sit in it. Before she could get her jeans off though, someone knocked on her door.

  Chapter Eight

  Tori was past excited that her first gift was a massage therapist. It was just what she needed. After enjoying her champagne, chocolates, and some fresh strawberries Doug sent up without prompting, Tori found that she was able to sleep and stayed that way until a cosmetologist came by. The lovely woman Chad had chosen for Tori styled her hair, did her make-up and gave her a mani/pedi. Life was good. Now here she was in the back of the limo with her duster covering her red leather ensemble and her nerve endings on fire. The body guard Chad hired for the evening sat across from her with a scowl on his face. He never uttered anything except a rumbling growl every time Tori spoke to him.

  As the limo slowed, Tori peered out the tinted side glass. Her eyes grew wide and her heart pounded. L’Edge. Holy shit! Was this a joke?

  “Did you know about this?” Tori demanded of the Neanderthal sitting across from her.

  Another grunt left his throat. Could Chad have found a less social person?

  The limo pulled down the alley between L’Edge and the next building and stopped at a rear entrance. Robert opened the door and before Tori could leap out, the body guard stuck out his arm and shoved her back in the seat.

  “Wait,” he said, climbing out in front of her.

  “Oh, a one word guy, are you?” she grumbled impatiently.

  Tori watched the man survey the area then he reached back and motioned for Tori to let him help her out. He sent a protective arm around her waist and led her through the rear doors.

  “This is Mrs. Dearborn,” Tori’s keeper told the equally enormous man behind the counter.

  “I’m to deliver her to someone named Alan.”

  What was she, a package?

  “That would be me,” the man assured the body guard and came from behind the counter.

  He took Tori’s hand and kissed it gently. “We’ve been expecting you, Mrs. Dearborn. Thank you, Rambo.” Alan gave the man a glare. “That’ll be all. She’s in good hands now.” Alan waved the other man off. “I’ll call your escort down, Mrs. Dearborn.”

  “Thank you,” Tori answered, a familiar warmth racing across every inch of her body. “Is my husband already here?”

  “Your husband?” Alan asked, avoiding her eyes.

  “Yes. Chad Dearborn?”

  “Mrs. Dearborn is here,” Alan said into the receiver of the phone he’d quickly dialed, blatantly ignoring her question.

  Oh. Tori got it now. She and Chad had played this game before. Two strangers meeting in a strange place. The anonymous hook-up game. Nice. Tori loved playing one night stand. She darted her tongue out, licking her bright red lips, and her nipples drew tight under the soft leather that grazed them. Within in the span of a few seconds, the door that led into the club opened and a bare-chested, barefoot man wearing black leather pants and absolutely nothing else save a band of tribal tattoos running down his left arm and a barbell in his lower lip, smiled at Tori.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Dearborn. I’m Jay,” he said. “If you’ll just follow me, please.” Wow. The advertisements didn’t lie. This was indeed a five star naughty playground. Tori waved at Alan and followed the inked man through the door, unbuttoning her duster as she moved.

  “Allow me.” The towering muscular man that glistened under the soft glow of black light moved behind Tori and softly pulled her coat from her arms. The rush of cool air that hit her nearly bare backside was sudden and sent a wave of bumps across Tori’s skin, now damp with anticipation. “I’ll check it for you. It’s very nice. A gift?”

  “Yes,” Tori answered, tugging her corset and lifting her breasts into a perfect mound of cleavage. “An anniversary gift.”

  After Jay turned her coat in, he put out his left arm, took Tori’s right hand and tucked it under his elbow.

  “First time here?” he asked, easily maneuvering through the crowd.

  “Yes. But not my first time,” Tori said, glancing sideways at him.

  “I can see that.” Jay shot her a perfect smile and rubbed the hollow of his throat indicating he noticed her taken status. “That’s why I’m here. To ensure everyone else sees that as well.” Chad. Forever worried about Tori’s safety. Tori’s red high heels sent up a sharp cadence as she casually walked alongside her escort, scanning the throngs of people, looking for Chad’s face. She shot Jay an imploring glance hoping he could give her some direction.

  “You know I can’t,” he confessed.

  “Of course not. After all, that would ruin the game,” Tori said, taking a steadying breath. She realized her heart was pounding into her ribs and her body was running from hot to cold and back again with excited tension.

  Tori took the seat at the bar Jay offered and thrummed her fingers along the slick edge while he waved down the bartender.

  “A Royal Flush I assume?” Jay asked before the woman reached them.

  “Thanks,” Tori answered, turning her head over her shoulder, looking again for her husband.

  “I’ll be right there,” Jay said, pointing to a spot not far away. “When you’re ready to dance, just motion.”

  Tori shook her head in understanding. Once he made sure her drink was to her satisfaction, Jay moved away to stand against the wall only a few feet from where Tori sat.


  “Look who just arrived,” Ren announced before whistling low and long as the waitress set two fresh drinks in front of him and Chad. “You’re one lucky bastard, you know that?” Chad watched as Ren winced and wiggled in his seat. He suspected the sight of Tori in the flesh sent an arrow of need through Ren’s soul the same way it did his.

  “Trust me, I’m well aware,” Chad answered before taking a healthy swallow of his Chavis.

  “And after tonight, I guess you’ll have your share of that luck as well.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Ren said, touching the rim of his tumbler to Chad’s. “How long should we let her sweat?”

  “The question isn’t how long do we let her sweat. It’s how long are we willing to sweat. Tori likes playing meet a stranger and trust me, she can go forever without flinching.” Chad tugged as his jeans, trying to ease the constriction on his already hardened dick.

  “Really? How long can she go without flinching with everything else?” Chad laughed. “I’m not sure. But I guess we’ll know after tonight, won’t we?” Chapter

  Tori sipped her drink, letting the primal beat of the music drifting through the air wash over her. A few people approached her but most saw that she wasn’t up for grabs before Jay could motion them away with a stern look. Where the hell was Chad anyway? They’d played this game before but he’d never left her to wait so long without at least presenting himself in some manner so she’d know he was around. This was a bit disconcerting. After her second drink was gone, she looked toward Jay and raised her eyebrows. He stuck his hand out palm side up and motioned toward the dance floor as Tori nodded, indicating that she was ready to dance.

  With her hand tucked inside his elbow once again, Tori allowed the man to lead her to a less crowded corner of the dance floor that boasted one of several poles scattered around the area.

  The possessiveness with which Jay watched over her made Tori wonder if he wasn’t part of the game. Maybe Chad wanted to play jealous stranger tonight. Maybe she was supposed to draw Chad out by making him jealous. He’d made it perfectly clear from the beginning that although he was willing to solicit help with the things he just absolutely couldn’t do to her, there were lines as far as sharing that he wouldn’t cross. Well, Mr. Dearborn, if the game was jealousy, Tori was willing to play and play it well.

  “Will you dance with me, Jay?” Tori asked, swinging around the pole, hooking one knee around the cool metal, motioning with one finger for him to join her.

  “Mrs. Dearborn, that’s not what I’m being paid to do tonight,” Jay answered, his eyes raking her from head to toe.

  “Oh, come on, Jay,” she said as she spun around the pole again. “I know you want to. It’s my money too. Shouldn’t I get my halves worth of fun?”

  Tori left the pole and walked slowly toward Jay, running her hands up her sides and squeezing her breasts together. When she reached him, she draped her arms over his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

  “You wouldn’t want to disappoint a client.” Tori leaned in so close to his throat she felt the heat emanating from his skin. “Would you?” she breathed as innocently as she could.


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