Amber Reed Mysteries Volume One: Romantic Comedy Mystery Series Box Set (Amber Reed Celebrity Crimes Investigation Agency Mystery Box Set Book 1)

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Amber Reed Mysteries Volume One: Romantic Comedy Mystery Series Box Set (Amber Reed Celebrity Crimes Investigation Agency Mystery Box Set Book 1) Page 41

by Zanna Mackenzie

  I’m pretty sure Charlie hadn’t mentioned anything about spending tonight in London though. We’re booked on the late flight home tonight so we’re back on the island to get on with work and also so we’re there for the party up at the Big House.

  But then Charlie did say he had a surprise for me…

  Visions of a romantic night in a luxury suite waft enticingly through my mind. Why didn’t he warn me? I could have packed a bag. I have nothing to wear other than the clothes I’m standing in. But then again, maybe I don’t need clothes for what Charlie has planned for us. Even so, a place like this must have a restaurant with amazing food. It would be such a shame not to sample it. Perhaps it’s available via room service.

  Charlie grabs my hand and leads me to the reception area.

  “Room for Huxton,” he says, flashing a smile at the receptionist.

  “Of course, sir,” she beams a warm smile back at him, followed by a not-so-welcoming smile in my direction when she spots me.

  Key in hand we make our way over to the lift and as soon as the doors close and we’re whizzing our way up to the fifth floor I pounce on Charlie and plant a kiss on his lips.

  I should probably add that the lift is empty except for the two of us.


  Charlie slips arms around my waist and pulls me in close for a repeat performance of the snog. The doors ping open and a young couple walk into the lift with knowing smiles on their faces as we spring apart.

  At our room Charlie opens the door with the key card. He gestures for me to go first and I step inside taking in the thick soft carpet, the heavy luxurious drapes at the window and the king size bed.

  The room is gorgeous. Charlie is about to get very lucky indeed.

  Then I spy the outfits laid out on said king size bed. There’s a tuxedo and a long green silky dress. I gasp in delight, hands automatically going to my mouth. “Charlie, this is wonderful. I can’t believe you did all this.”

  It’s then that I notice the expression on his face.

  Something is amiss.

  “Charlie?” I raise a questioning eyebrow.


  “So this is about work? You’re as bad as James. You just can’t say no to the agency either can you?” I flop onto the bed pushing aside the fancy clothes as well as the fancy ideas of a romantic night away. “The agency arranged all of this? The hotel? The clothes?”

  “Yes,” Charlie says, still eyeing me wearily. “You’re mad aren’t you?”

  “I thought.” I stop, then try again. “I thought you’d planned a whole romantic surprise for me.”

  Charlie looks awkward. “I probably should have explained everything beforehand.” He stares at the floor as he adds, “You know me, Amber. I’m not the big romantic gestures kind of guy.”

  No he isn’t. And I know that. And usually it doesn’t bother me but just for a while there I thought… Oh, well, it doesn’t matter now I suppose.

  “So what’s the job?” I ask. It’s time to get on to a different subject I think. “What do the agency need us to do?”

  “Ah, now that’s the bit I think you’re going to love and it’s the reason I agreed to take this last- minute job,” he says, a mischievous sparkle back in his eyes now he clearly thinks he’s been forgiven.

  I can’t help feel a trickle of excitement down my spine. “Tell me more.”

  “We,” he says, leaning forward and reaching for my hands, “are going to an exclusive film premiere in Leicester Square. Red carpet. The whole nine yards.”

  “Seriously?” I gasp, the excitement making my stomach do cartwheels. “A film premiere?”

  “Yep.” He nods. “And the job will be a cinch. We’re only providing extra surveillance for one of the film stars. All we have to do is mix in, mingle with the stars and keep an eye on Anastasia Callder.”

  “She’s the actress employing the agency for this job?” I’ve seen some of the films she’s starred in. She’s amazing.

  “Yep, she is and she wanted as many agents as were available at the premiere. She’s worried she has a stalker apparently and wants people keeping a look out tonight. Eyes everywhere.”

  Charlie sends me a questioning smile. “Still mad at me?”

  I shake my head. “I’ll let you off.”

  “Your first case with the CCIA hasn’t exactly lived up to the glam celebrity lifestyle stuff has it?” he says. “Tracking down a mystery woman and a murderer, they could be one and the same for that matter, on a remote Scottish island isn’t very celeb is it? That’s why I thought you might appreciate taking on this extra job today. Designer dress, mixing with film stars. The chance to party a little, even if we are working at the same time.”

  I plant a kiss on his nose. “Don’t forget we’ll have a chance to party tomorrow night too on Farra, the gathering up at the Big House. You and your kilt. Now that I am really looking forward to seeing.”

  Charlie helps me out of the taxi and my breath catches at the sight of the crowds lined up as far as you can see on all sides of the red carpet entrance to the cinema where the film premiere is taking place. I’ve never seen anything quite like this. All around us there’s the flash of cameras as a Who’s-Who of actors and actresses parade along the red carpet posing for photographs and stopping to conduct interview after interview with the world’s media.

  Our arrival causes, unsurprisingly, no interest whatsoever. Briefly people turn to look in our direction as we get out of our cab, me trying to do so as elegantly as possible in the long silk creation the agency has supplied for me. Let me tell you there is a definite knack to exiting a car whilst wearing a long dress without tripping over yourself and ending up flat on your face. It’s quite a skill. One that I don’t have. Thankfully Charlie manages to keep me upright.

  “Over here,” he says once we’re inside, his hand clasped tightly around mine as he leads me towards the edge of the room. “This is a good vantage point.” He does one of those taking-everything-in-in-one-go visual sweeps which always impress me. I haven’t yet perfected the art of the visual sweep. “What do you want to drink?”

  I spy waiters and waitresses dressed all in shiny gold outfits making their way around the space, trays of what I assume is Champagne in their hands. Charlie follows my gaze. As one of the waitresses reaches within a few feet of us he steps forward and with a nod and smile of thanks to the server helps himself to two tall crystal glasses of sparkling Champagne. He hands one to me and then sips at the other, all of the while he surveys the room with his deep blue eyes.

  “Not you! Are we really that desperate for guys to work tonight they sent you?”

  I turn to see a breathtakingly good-looking man standing next to us. He too is wearing a tuxedo. His dark hair is in a designer tousled style, a lock of it falling across his forehead, giving him a roguish air.

  Charlie shakes his head. “Sorry, man. I knew this was supposed to be your job tonight but I guess they wanted someone on the case they could trust instead.”

  The man grins good-naturedly. “Yeah, course they did. So why did they send you?” He turns his attention to me. “You must be the famous Amber.”

  “Amber, yes,” I reply. “Didn’t know I was famous though.”

  He laughs and turns back to Charlie. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  Charlie shakes his head. “Nope.”

  “Then I’ll do it myself,” the man says with a shrug. “Daniel Stone. My friends call me Dan. Delighted to meet you.” He reaches for my hand, lifting it to his mouth and softly drawing his lips across it in a light kiss.

  I smile back, feeling embarrassed, especially as Charlie is giving Daniel the evil eye. “Amber Reed,” I say.

  “No wonder Charlie Boy has been keeping you away from me,” Daniel says, lowering my hand with a cheeky grin.

  “The only reason I might be keeping Amber away from you is to save her from your crass attempts to chat her up,” Charlie retorts, his eyes now back on surveying t
he room.

  “Fair enough.” Daniel rests a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Seen anything interesting yet?” He flashes a sidelong look at me as he says the words and it feels as though the room has suddenly gone rather hot.

  “No, not yet,” Charlie replies. “You?”

  “Nope.” He lowers his voice. “I have my doubts there’s a real case here to be honest.”

  Charlie looks at him. “Publicity?”

  Daniel nods.

  I look from one to the other. “Meaning?”

  “Sometimes people invent things to get media attention,” Daniel says, leaning down a little so his face is close to mine, his voice quiet.

  I raise an eyebrow. “They do?”

  “Yeah, they do,” Charlie replies.

  “And the agency don’t mind?” I ask.

  “Yeah, they mind all right,” Charlie says. “It’s a difficult line to tread though sometimes.” He turns to Daniel. “Any proof? Suspects?”

  Daniel shakes his head.

  “Have you worked on cases like this before, Daniel?” I ask, watching the way he too takes in the room and its occupants in a matter of seconds.

  He turns to me with a smile. “Please, my friends call me Dan remember?”

  “Lay off the charm, Stone,” Charlie chips in. “You’re wasting your time.”

  “Just because a lady might be,” he shoots a mischievous glance at Charlie before continuing, “spoken for, doesn’t mean a guy can’t be friendly.”

  Charlie shakes his head and slips an arm around my waist.

  “Right, well, I’m off to do my job,” Dan says, clearly getting the message. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Amber and if you ever get tired of Charlie Boy and want a real man, give me a call.” He slips a card into my hand and gives me a wink. “See you around.”

  I hear Charlie mutter something vitriolic under his breath but pretend I didn’t catch what he said.


  He beams me a smile. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

  “So he works for the agency too?” I ask. “Seems as though you two aren’t the best of friends.”

  “The guy is a grade one prat,” Charlie replies.

  “Hang on a minute,” I say, suddenly remembering my conversation with Charlie about Martha and the probability she might be involved with someone who works at the CCIA. “Daniel Stone. Didn’t you say the other day that there was a guy at the agency called Stone who you would have put at the top of the list of people Martha might be involved with?”

  He nods. “Yeah. I’d say he’s a likely candidate.”

  I nod my approval. “Having met Mr Stone I think maybe he is the kind of guy Martha could be involved with after all.”

  I head off to find the Ladies’ room to repair my hair and make-up. I can’t quite believe I’m at a film premiere. The evening has been amazing and I’ve honestly tried to keep my focus on work. I’ve been practising getting my visual sweep right but famous people keep catching my eye and I end up getting side-tracked. I know my one sort-off claim to fame is that I once dated the actor Ennis McKarthy but that was way before he was famous. We were just kids at uni together. And yes, we are still friends now, but when I do get chance to catch up with Ennis, when he’s home in Palstone between filming projects, it’s not like he’s a heartthrob actor at all. He’s just, well, he’s just Ennis. This is different. The place is absolutely swimming with celebs and I’m feeling more than a little star-struck, though I’m not prepared to admit as much to Charlie.

  It’s clearly a very upmarket Ladies’ room when I do eventually find it. There’s a kind of lobby area with a wall of mirrors and a fancy sofa with a side table. Boxes of tissues and vases filled with elegant flower arrangements are all over the room. Off to one side there’s an open doorway which I presume leads through to the actual toilets and the sink area. Heading for the doorway I stop as I hear an argument going on in the other room. It’s a rather unusual argument though because the women are talking in hissed whispers. I creep closer, keeping out of sight behind the dividing wall.

  “Are you sure he can pull this off?” one of the voices demands, sounding annoyed.

  “I’m positive. He knows what he’s doing,” a different voice replies. “Just relax OK?”

  “How on earth can I relax when some guy I don’t trust to get the job done properly is about to try to accost me in the middle of my film premiere? What if he bundles it? I’ll be a laughing stock.”

  “He won’t mess it up,” the second voice replies, also sounding annoyed. “You just stick to your side of the plan and he’ll stick to his. This needs to look natural otherwise people are going to suspect…”

  “What do you mean natural?” the first voice interrupts. “Are you saying I can’t act natural? I’m an award winning actress for goodness sake!”

  “I didn’t mean that. Look, you’ve got thirty minutes to prepare, do what you need to, mingle with whoever you need to at this party, then that’s it, right?”

  “Thirty minutes.”

  The sound of footsteps heads in my direction. I want to see who was talking but I don’t want them to see me. I frantically look around for something to hide behind. There’s only one option – the sofa. Clasping the bottom of my dress in one hand so I don’t trip over I dash across the lobby area and heave the sofa away from the corner enough to duck behind it. On my knees I peer through the small gap left between the edge of the sofa and the wall. Anastasia Callder wanders through. She stops to check her hair in the mirror and smiles at her reflection, making sure her hairdo is still perfect. Anastasia Callder. Wow. She got an Oscar at the awards last year. She’s the star of tonight’s film premiere. She’s also the reason the CCIA drafted in so many agents to this party. All because she claims she has a stalker.

  Satisfied she still looks gorgeous Anastasia leaves the room. As soon as the door closes another woman, older than Anastasia, walks through to the lobby from the other room. This, presumably, is the woman Anastasia was just having her disagreement with. I’m thinking there couldn’t have been any other woman in there otherwise they wouldn’t have been having a private-sounding argument. She too pauses in front of the mirrors, placing her glittery clutch bag on the counter. After reapplying berry red lipstick she squirts herself with perfume, does a little twirl and sighs. Reaching for her bag she opens it and pulls out a phone, pressing some buttons on it.

  “It’s me,” she says as whoever she’s called answers. “She’s not happy about this.” There’s a pause before she adds, “I know. I told her that. Yeah, well, just please don’t mess this up. Stay off the drink OK? Thirty minutes.” She snaps the phone shut then looks pointedly at the clock on the wall as though she’s waiting for something. She isn’t going to stay here for thirty minutes surely? The clock ticks on for another minute or so and it looks as though she’s definitely waiting for something. I wish she’d hurry up and leave because my knees and feet have gone numb from crouching in an awkward position behind this stupid sofa.

  Eventually she heads for the door, much to my relief. I stagger to my feet, brushing a dust bunny or three off my designer dress. Mmm…maybe this Ladies’ room isn’t quite as posh as I’d thought. I’ve been in here ages. Charlie will be wondering where I am.

  I head back to the main room to find Charlie who is, of course, being all workified and doing his job of keeping a beady eye on proceedings. Spotting him standing over near one of the display boards for the film I start to make my way towards him when someone places a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

  Turning around I come face to face with Daniel Stone. “Having fun?” he asks then takes a sip from the glass of Champagne in his hand.

  “Yes, thanks.”

  He nods towards where Charlie is standing. “So, you and Charlie eh? I should have been the agent sent to Palstone on the McKarthy case where you met him you know?”

  “You should have?”

  “Yeah. Charlie was supposed to be going on leave after finishing a
case. They asked me to do it but then one of my regular clients rang and I needed to be in London pronto. They contacted Charlie and asked if he’d be prepared to stand in.”

  “I didn’t realise,” I say.

  “I wonder if things would have turned out the same if I’d done the job?” Dan says, then eyes me above the edge of his glass as he takes another sip.

  “I’m sure the outcome would have been just the same,” I reply.

  He raises an eyebrow. “Yeah? You and me?”

  “Sorry, I meant that I’m sure you would have solved the case just as efficiently as Charlie did.”

  “Would I have got the girl as well though?” he quizzes.

  I smile and take a step away from him. “I should be getting back. Charlie will wonder where I’ve disappeared to.”

  Making my way through the crowd I try not to get side tracked by any further celeb spotting. I find Charlie and slip my arm through his.

  “Everything OK?” he asks with a quick glance in Dan’s direction.

  He must have seen us talking. Of course he did. Charlie doesn’t miss much.

  “Absolutely,” I say, leaning in close.

  “What was up with Stone?” he says then sips his drink.

  “Nothing. He was just telling me how he was the original agent for Ennis’ case then he got called away to something else. Is that right?”

  “Yeah, well, kind of. They spoke to him because he was free and I wasn’t. I should have been going on leave. You knew about that.”

  “And you cancelled it and agreed to take the case.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Stone was originally assigned the case on paper for those reasons but then I was asked if I’d consider taking it as I was in the area anyway.”

  “Makes perfect sense,” I say, leaning against his shoulder to hide my smile.

  “Let me guess,” Charlie adds, tilting his head down so I can feel his breath on my cheek. “He asked you if you thought things would have ended the same way if he’d worked the case instead of me. He asked if he would have got you.”


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