HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)

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HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) Page 10

by Sheila Kell

  He couldn’t believe Denzel had been fucking captured. It was shitty luck he and Hank had been blamed. The boss had to make a point, and that meant AJ couldn’t live. Even if he disappeared on his own, they’d search for him. He had to vanish permanently, for this to be settled. That’s not how he planned to settle things though.

  He finally made it to a standing position surprised she hadn’t taken the opportunity to run. He pointed the Beretta back at her. “Get up. Where’s your car?” His gaze moved over the area, missing nothing.

  She stood, wiped the snow from her luscious ass and pointed.

  “Let’s go, my little dove. We take your ride.”

  “You can take it. Just leave me.” She stood rooted to the spot reaching in her pocket for what he hoped was her keys.

  “No can do. Let’s have a look at what’s in those pockets.”

  Her eyes widened, and he knew she had something she didn’t want him to see. Instead of providing her the opportunity to pull anything from it, he reached into the pocket and grabbed her hand. Bingo. It was wrapped around something cylindrical.

  He jerked it out of her hand and pocket. “Pepper spray. Were you really planning to use this on me?”

  Her shoulders sagged in what he imagined was defeat. He checked her other pocket and sure enough keys were there. “Where’s your purse?”

  Her eyes widened again. What the hell was she hiding now?

  She sighed heavily. “It’s in the trunk of the car.”

  “Looks like we’ve a little bit of a walk so let’s get a move on.” They sloshed through the muddy snow toward the used car lot. “You must’ve arrived very early to set up. Where were you hidden? More importantly, did anyone see you?”

  If they’d noticed her she’d be lying dead beside Hank. Immense relief surged through AJ, flooring him. He would kill Trent for allowing her to be here alone.

  She waved her hand over her shoulder. “I hid behind one of the stacks of metal.”

  She put some distance between them. He hoped she didn’t run. He was in no shape to chase her. And she was right. He wouldn’t shoot her. She didn’t need to know that for certain.

  “How’d you know about this meeting?”

  She shrugged. “I have my sources.” Her head snapped his way and her eyes narrowed. “I’m not telling you who they are.”

  He enjoyed her display of defiance and bravery. She protected her sources even while facing possible death. He liked this woman more and more. Dammit. He had to quit thinking like that. He couldn’t drag her into his miserable, dark world.

  “I don’t recall asking you,” he drawled wondering who within the organization would run their mouth off to a reporter. They must enjoy living on the edge.

  “What happened? I couldn’t hear a thing.” Her voice cracked.

  “Always the reporter, aren’t you? Well, that conversation remains private.”

  She couldn’t learn about the prison breaks. He followed her work. She was like a dog with a bone, she’d never let it go. She was already in over her head but didn’t seem to realize it. Publicizing the escapes would change things dramatically. There’d be no more warnings for her, no accidents. It’d be downright, cold-blooded murder.

  Trudging through the snow, about halfway to her car, he heard, “Would you slow down?”

  “No. We don’t know when a cleanup crew will arrive. The boss should’ve done it himself, but he left instead. I can’t get caught here.”

  She darted him a quick look, one full of what looked like understanding, then nodded. “You wounded him. His side was bleeding.”

  Cold satisfaction slithered through AJ. “Good. He’s deserves to die for attempting to kill me.” His anger hadn’t subsided, nor had the pain in his chest. It had worsened with the exertion, the painful throbbing increasing with each accelerated heartbeat. This was not what he’d wanted when he’d woken up this morning.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see when we get there.”

  She glanced at his pocket again. She continued to surprise him. He imagined her wheels were turning on ways to escape and the story she’d write. He had no idea which took precedence.

  Sweat covered his body and slid down his back. He had to get somewhere safe so he could take care of himself.

  “Open the trunk,” he demanded, deliberately hardening his voice, leaving no room for argument.

  She hesitated.

  What the fuck? “Give me the damn keys.” He reached toward her.

  She snatched them closer to her. “No. I’ll do it.”

  “Don’t you dare touch your purse. My trigger finger won’t hesitate.” Pure lie.

  After opening the trunk she stepped back, her gaze stuck on her purse.

  He searched it and found a handgun. He’d been damn lucky she hadn’t had it with her. Whether she’d have used it or not was irrelevant. The fact she could have stuck with him.

  He added it to the pepper spray in his pocket. “Any weapon hidden in the car?”

  She shook her head.

  “Get in. Don’t be foolish. You’ve done enough of that already today.” He waved his gun at her.

  With a considerable amount of effort, he settled in the car, gasping for breath, each one more painful than the last. He closed his eyes, accepting the pain and turning his focus to remaining alive.

  “Megan, you have to keep what you saw today quiet. No police and most of all, no newspaper.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She glanced over at him. “Two people, well one person was murdered. I can’t ignore that because you need to get away from these people. I have to tell the police, and there is no way I’d ignore this story.”

  He noticed a sparkle in her eye. That damn journalist in her. When would she finally get it? They’d come after her and no amount of protection would be enough.

  “Are you trying to get killed? That’s what will happen if you print any of what you witnessed today. There are too many corrupt police officers. Going to the wrong one with this story will get you killed. Either way you’re dead, and Trent won’t be enough help. No story’s worth it.”

  Her lips flattened and he waited for her to snap and growl at his edict. Instead she asked, “How do you know there are corrupt police officers?”

  Of course, she zeroed in a possible story instead of her life being at risk. Did she use digging into a story to overcome fear?

  “I work for the bad guys remember? I know lots of things,” he stated flatly.

  Her grip on the steering wheel tightened, her knuckles gradually turning white. “Let me interview you.”

  “No way. I’ve nothing to say to the press.” She obviously feared him somewhat yet she wanted to get a story out of him. Good grief. This woman would drive anyone to drink with that stubborn determination. He admired her gumption.

  Staring straight ahead, she quietly asked, “Why did you have sex with me?”

  Because you were a breath of fresh air when I needed it. You were more beautiful and appealing than anyone I have ever been with. Tasted the sweetest too. He allowed none of his thoughts to show on his face, instead he raked his gaze over her slowly. “Are you kidding me? You’re hot. Who wouldn’t want to fuck you? I’d fuck you again if I didn’t hurt.”

  A light red blush crept onto her cheeks. “You disgusting pig,” she spat out.

  “Now you’re getting it, my little dove.” What she thought of him shouldn’t matter but it did. He’d pushed her to that conclusion so it was his own fault.

  “Quit calling me that!”

  “Don’t count on it, my little dove.”

  She visibly gritted her teeth. “Why do you call me that?”

  He shrugged. “It just came to me when I saw you.”

  “Are you really an enforcer?”

  She routed them back to the story. He had to hand it to her for tenacity. “I was.”

  “What will they do if they find you?”

  He turned to her. “They’ll kill me of c
ourse. I’m a walking dead man.” He fought hard to keep his voice calm. Fear and pain had overtaken his body. Yes, he feared what would happen next. He’d have to leave everything behind. Thank God he didn’t have a wife and kids. Being on the run, he could never have that kind of family.

  He looked around and scrunched his eyebrows. “Why the fuck are you driving so slow?”

  “I’m doing the speed limit, and I’m not going any faster,” she said through clenched teeth.

  He shook his head and smiled. Yep, a brave little dove.

  “Why are you so determined to bring down Magic Shop, Megan?” He knew. He just wanted to hear it from her.

  “It’s personal.”

  “I hope your life is worth it.”

  “Why did he try to kill you?”

  He chuckled. Fuck! He’d be lucky if he didn’t black out again with his stupidity in increasing his own pain level. “You’re good. I’m holding you hostage and all you’re thinking about is a story. I’m not telling you what the meeting was about so that you can print it. No, thank you.”

  Did he imagine it or had her fear turned to curiosity? No. She still shook and held a death-grip on the steering wheel. He’d guessed right. She used curiosity to cover her fear. She’d definitely chosen the right career.

  “Come on,” she cajoled. “You shouldn’t have any loyalty to them. They don’t want you around anymore. Get back at them by giving me the information and I’ll bring it to light. They will pay for trying to kill you.”

  And her brother, he knew she’d left off. “Sorry, Megan. It won’t work.”

  Damian would pay for attempting to murder him. AJ would see to that before he vanished on his own terms not theirs.

  “You suck.”

  “How can such filth come out of a sweet, kissable mouth?” A mouth he wanted to taste again. A mouth he wanted wrapped around his cock. The taste of the pomegranate lip balm she’d worn had him wanting more.

  He mentally shook his head to clear it, needing to keep his mind on survival.

  He groaned. He needed a pain pill. Hell, he probably needed the hospital. Yet all he could think about was seeing Megan naked. He wanted to see her fully naked. Have his mouth on the plump breasts he’d touched.

  “I may be your hostage, but you’re never going to have me again.”

  Damn his thoughts. “Never say never, my little dove.” He turned, met her gaze and winked.

  She scoffed and he swallowed his chuckle.

  “Get off on the next exit then merge right at the second light.”

  With the holiday, the roads were nearly deserted. He wouldn’t put it past her to attempt to gain someone’s attention or stop the car and run.

  “Take a left on Lombard.”

  She slowed for the turn. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “You’ll see when we get there.”

  She glanced around nervously. “This isn’t a good part of town.” The locks engaged and he smiled to himself. She’d rather stay with him who’d threatened her with death than have someone on these streets bother her. Funny how her mind worked.

  “I know. Slow down. You can drop me at that corner.” He pointed ahead.

  “Dr-drop, drop you? You’re letting me go?”

  He’d never intended to hold her hostage longer than necessary. He hadn’t wanted to do it in the first place, but knew it had been the only way to get her out of there as quickly as possible. She would’ve called the police and waited. Bile formed in the back of his throat knowing they’d never have let her leave.

  “On the condition that you keep quiet about what you witnessed today. If you don’t, I’ll be coming after you. I’m not joking, Megan. This is serious. Opening your mouth is a death sentence for you. Don’t test me.”

  She sighed with relief. “Thank you for letting me go.”

  “I won’t do it until you agree.”

  It took her a moment but she let out a heavy breath and finally answered, “Okay.”

  “You’re free, my little dove. I’m sorry you witnessed such a violent crime. It’s something I wished you’d never have seen. I’m equally sorry to have shaken you up more than you already were.” Why the hell did he keep apologizing? He wouldn’t have with anyone else.

  “I wasn’t shaken up.”

  Ha. She still trembled. He couldn’t resist. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. It hurt to move toward her. But the pain had been worth the startled look on her face.

  “Don’t stop on your way out of the neighborhood. Stay safe, Megan. I won’t forget you.” And he knew he wouldn’t. There was something about her that cried out for him to protect her and to make her his.

  He stepped out of the car and watched her drive away. The stabbing pain in his heart surprised him.

  Goodbye, my little dove.


  Megan locked the passenger door, pulled away from the curb, and with shaky hands she dug into her purse for her cell phone. The fear drained from her. AJ had let her go.

  Son of a gun. He’d kept her weapon and her pepper spray.

  She should call 911 about the murder and the kidnapping. What would they say about a man taking a woman he’d been intimate with for a joyride? That’s what they’d call it.

  First things first.

  “Kristen,” she said excitedly, “I’ve a great story for tomorrow’s paper. I was an eyewitness to a murder.”

  Megan relayed what she’d witnessed along with the kidnapping. Her breath caught at her traitorous action, but he had held her at gunpoint. It didn’t bother her to broadcast the murder, but part of her wanted to hold back his story. The why of it fathomed her? He is a criminal.

  Unfortunately, he happened to be a criminal she was attracted to.

  “I’m on my way, and I’m already writing it in my head. I’ll be able to make deadline. I want it submitted before I meet with the police. I have to report this to them. I can’t let this go.”

  AJ couldn’t have truly believed she’d pass up this chance to expose a Magic Shop murderer. Death sentence or not, she’d print this. A cold shiver snaked down her spine. This could be the final nail in her coffin. No pun intended. They would retaliate. Trent had best be as good as his reputation. He had to keep her safe. She couldn’t rely on anyone else.

  Nothing but dead air greeted her. Had she been disconnected?

  “Hello? Kristen?”

  Her boss cleared her throat. “I’m here. I’ll start shifting pieces. How big of a newshole are you thinking?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I’ll know by the time I arrive.” How much would she write? Would she include her kidnapping? Would she do that to him? Why would she try to protect him? He said he killed for a living. Plus, he’d threatened her life. How could she keep forgetting that important point?

  “We’ll make as much room as you need. Let’s get it to print quickly before the police try to force us to pull it. Have Kyle go through your photos and video and choose one for your article. It’ll save time.”

  She preferred to do it all herself, but she didn’t want to miss deadline. While her boss did allow late stories, like the councilman’s, she didn’t think this story would qualify to hold up printing as murder in Baltimore was commonplace. Plus they truly had to have it locked in before she reported it. She had no doubts the police would attempt to force them to nix it.

  “That works.” She exited off the interstate.

  “Are you all right, Megan?” The depth of concern in Kristen’s voice surprised Megan. Of course, she’d never dealt with her boss in a situation like this.

  “I’m still a bit shaken.”

  She’d never witnessed someone murdered, nor been kidnapped at gunpoint either. The shock had worn off, and she didn’t know how she felt about everything.

  She went back over whether AJ would’ve actually hurt or killed her. She hadn’t wanted to chance it since he’d been desperate. Oh, and pointing a pistol at her. Would he follow through on his threat whe
n she published the story?

  “You’ll feel better when we expose this killer. Now, you drive safe, and we’ll see you shortly. And be prepared, your bodyguard is livid.” Her boss disconnected the call.

  Trent would be over the edge when he heard her story. And the fact she’d left that button thingy behind. She cringed. That would have been helpful.

  She couldn’t keep her mind clear of AJ. Her memories kept forcing themselves forward. He’d kissed her goodbye. She touched her cheek. She didn’t know what to think of him. It shouldn’t matter. She wouldn’t see him again. She forced the thoughts back into the recesses of her mind.

  Parking as close as possible to the building housing the newspaper, she hurried into the newsroom. She raced past Trent who reached out to grab her as she half-ran to her desk. She handed her cell phone to her co-worker without breaking stride. “Thank you, Kyle. It’s in video so I trust you to make some still shots from it,” she said over her shoulder.

  “Where the fuck have you been, and why did you leave without me?” Trent’s sharp voice bounced around the newsroom. “I can’t protect you if I’m not with you.”

  “Sorry, Trent. You weren’t available, and I needed to leave right away. Look, I have to write this story. I’ll talk with you after.”

  His nostrils flared and he glared at her.

  “No. We talk about this now,” he snapped.

  Kyle jumped in, breaking her bodyguard’s tirade. “I’ll choose a couple for different story angles. When you finish, you can make the final selection.”

  “You’re good to me, Kyle.” She took off her scarf and coat, sat at her desk, pulled her hair back in a clip and then her fingers magically flew over the keyboard. A first-hand experience was different from what she usually wrote, but she found the story easy to write, so she spilled it all.

  Kelly approached her desk with a cup in her hand. “I thought you might need this. You haven’t come up for air since you walked in.”

  The coffee smelled wonderful. “Thank you so much.” Megan took a long drink, gasped as it burned her mouth and then went back to her keyboard. Different emotions flowed through her. Her mental restraint kept these feelings on the page and not taking over her body.


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