HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)

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HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) Page 15

by Sheila Kell

  He couldn’t decipher her expression before she rolled away from him. He sighed and climbed into bed, alert and with a semi-erection.

  Eyes and ears open, he had to find a way to handle his lust and protect her. He dozed with images of her creamy skin, her shapely legs that had wrapped around his waist, the deep thrusts inside her tight pussy having the orgasm of all orgasms.

  He jerked awake. Holy shit! He’d almost come dreaming of being inside her. He was beyond fucked on this one.


  Megan slowly awoke to light entering through the open door. The sun broke the horizon with beautiful orange and yellow hues. It took her a moment to remember where she was. Panic clawed at her and she bolted upright in the bed, her heart rate accelerated. Were they here?

  AJ’s large body blocked the light and she relaxed. He’d kept her safe as promised.

  He looked around outside and then bent to pick up the newspaper from the floor. A fine ass came into view and her mouth watered. Stop it! Stop it! You don’t want this. He’s a criminal and nothing can come of the two of us together. With that settled, at least for the moment, she looked away. The delicious smell of coffee floated toward her. She spied two steaming cups by the small coffeemaker in the room. If he’d been trying to worm his way into her heart, this was a great start.

  When the door closed, she forgot the coffee and jumped up from the bed, pointing at the newspaper. “Is that it?” She looked at him expectantly.

  He chuckled and cursed. “Yeah. The murder is the main story. I don’t know about your article on their trying to kill you.”

  She smiled, grabbed the newspaper from him and sat at the desk. Yes! Her article made front page, above the fold. She tingled with excitement.

  “The paper had already started printing when I submitted that article. Remember how late it was?” She shrugged. “It’ll be in tomorrow’s newspaper. Look at this photo.” She pointed at the photo with the article.

  He peered over her shoulder and grunted. “You’re good with your camera.”

  He straightened and handed her a cup of coffee. “I didn’t know how you took your coffee, so here’s both sugar and cream from those little packets.”

  “Thank you. Thank you,” she said without looking up from the newspaper. “I take it black, unless it’s too strong. Then I have to add some sugar to make it tolerable.” She remembered the coffee at the police station she’d suffered through. She wondered what Detectives Cooper and Phillips would think about her disappearance. They would probably think Magic Shop had done away with her. No body, No murder. Maybe she should call them and let them know she was alive and safe.

  “I thought after you read the newspaper we’d grab some breakfast.”

  “I thought we had to stay here.” It would be nice to enjoy a good meal. Their dinner last night left a lot to be desired.

  “We can get out within limits. I don’t expect us to run into anyone this far away from Baltimore, but we won’t live in the open. Besides, we’ll be wearing ball caps and sunglasses, and everyone knows that makes anyone unrecognizable.” A silly grin formed on his face, and he winked at her.

  “Do I need to cut and dye my hair too?” That was not something she wanted to do but would if it kept her alive. Would he like her if she had to change her hair? She shouldn’t care how he saw her but she did. It was lust, pure and simple. She could beat it.

  “You’ll do no such thing with your beautiful hair,” he said sternly. “I have to ask you, Megan. Was it worth it?”

  “Yes. He’s a killer and needed to be exposed and brought to justice,” she stated proudly.

  “You’ve got your priorities all wrong. Staying alive should’ve come first.”

  * * * * *

  “Cold?” AJ asked with a flicker of amusement in his eyes.

  “Freezing.” Megan pulled her blue scarf over the lower half of her face. “How can you stay warm in just that long, leather jacket?”

  He smiled. “I’m tough.” His expression turned serious. “Let me leave the room first.”

  She shrugged. It didn’t matter to her. She was used to the poor manners of Baltimore men. She’d never expected him to hold the door open for her, and she’d promised to do as he said.

  Wait. He was making himself a target. She didn’t like it since he’d put his body armor on her. She’d complained about it being too large and uncomfortable, but he’d told her to suck it up. It beat the alternative. She’d asked about his not wearing any and he assured her that he’d have some later. That wouldn’t help him now.

  “How long can we keep this car?” she asked as they approached the Honda.

  He scanned the parking lot. “We’ll ditch it soon. Don’t worry. I’ll have us some wheels. I might even get some legit ones.” He looked at her with that killer smile.

  Her knees weakened and walking became a chore. She couldn’t get a grasp on this man. One minute he was the bad criminal, surly and harsh, and then he was this lovable, sexy man who flirted with her. Did bad boys have both sides? As long as he kept her safe, she’d deal with whomever he was each moment.

  “That’d be nice. I don’t agree with you about not taking my car. It’s perfectly fine.” She slid into the passenger seat.

  “We’ve been over this. Corrupt police officers would’ve put out an APB on your car. We’re actually safer in something stolen.”

  A shiver crawled up her spine. “I’m glad you took me along with you. I’d have done so many things wrong.” She would never have lived this long if it hadn’t been for him. Heck, she already owed him her life.

  He reached over, took her hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you, my little dove.” He squeezed her hand again and then released it.

  Why had he done that? It was a reassuring but intimate gesture. The thought of his hands on her made her shift in her seat. A spark started in her loins. No. No. No.

  A short drive later, he turned into the parking lot of a building resembling a shack.

  “Have you eaten here before?” she asked. The place didn’t look promising, but she did say she’d trust him. Try to trust him anyway.

  “Yeah, I’ve eaten here. It’s not bad. It’s not gourmet, but you’ll enjoy it. Besides, it’s out of the way and isn’t busy.”

  The inside of the building also looked like a shack. On purpose. No other diners were about so they had the restaurant to themselves. AJ sat them in the back corner where he faced the entire room. She didn’t like having her back to the door, but she didn’t wish to sit beside AJ either. It’d be too close. Way too close.

  They looked at paper menus with four breakfast choices. He ordered the house special, three eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and pancakes. She ordered a bacon and egg sandwich. Megan hoped their waitress, Kimberly, brought a carafe of coffee, or she would run her ragged. She needed to feed her caffeine addiction.

  His constantly glancing over her shoulder to the doorway set her nerves on edge. Maybe they should’ve remained hidden. He nodded, and she followed his gaze. Whew, just another couple. He didn’t appear worried.

  The couple approached their table, and she resisted the compelling urge to run. Fear robbed her heart of oxygen. The tall man could’ve been AJ’s brother they looked so similar. He had a broader chest, but he…Oh God. He has a gun.

  Her eyes flew to AJ’s. He had a warm smile for the woman who also wore a gun under her open jacket.

  “Megan, I’d like to introduce you to my big brother Jesse and his wife Kate. Kate and Jesse, this is Megan Rogers.”

  They greeted her with a curious glint in their eyes.

  “My little dove, I need to speak with my brother privately. Are you okay sitting with Kate for a few minutes?”

  In her peripheral vision, she caught two sets of eyebrows raise at his endearment for her. What would they think? Would they think they were a couple?

  “She’ll be fine, AJ. Now, get your ass up. You have one pissed off family. You’ve some
serious explaining to do, and I’ve restrained your brother long enough.” Kate slid into the vacant chair.

  Megan slowly nodded, and he rose from the table. The men moved across the restaurant.

  Kate offered a warming smile. “I love this place. The food is amazing. Oh, Trent wanted me to tell you he’s well on his way to recovery.”

  What kind of horrible person was she? She’d forgotten about Trent. Her thoughts had been on AJ, their safety and her desire for him.

  Her shoulders sagged in relief. “I’m so glad to hear it. I’m sorry he was hurt trying to protect me.”

  Kate waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Don’t worry about it. These men seem to see it as some sort of proud battle scar.” She rolled her eyes.

  Megan laughed. Cheerfulness lifted her mood. She liked this woman. “Trent told me you were once AJ’s FBI partner.”

  Her smile faded. “Yes. That was before.” Her eyes took on a faraway gaze. She shook her head, wiping away the cloud from her blue-green eyes. “I read your article today. Brilliant work.”

  Megan wanted to scream, “Before what?” Instead, she moved along with the conversation change. “Thank you.”

  AJ’s sister-in-law leaned forward. “That was foolish, Megan. Even as a trained FBI agent, I wouldn’t have been there alone.”

  She bristled. “It was only supposed to be a meeting.”

  “That’s what AJ said. No matter what it was, I’m glad you’re safe and happened to be there to get him out alive.”

  Had he told them how he’d acquired her assistance? Doubtful. Today, she was glad he’d done it. Well not held her at gunpoint, but that she’d helped him. Otherwise she’d be dead. Trent couldn’t have defended her for long without being able to stand.

  “Bob is doing well and getting along with Dottie, my Dalmatian. He put her in her place, and they’ve been best friends ever since. They tend to cuddle in front of the fireplace.” Kate chuckled.

  Trent had taken care of him as promised. It was one less thing to be concerned about.

  “I’m not sure if AJ told you but his brothers own a security firm called H.I.S.”

  “Trent mentioned the name.” Megan hadn’t learned anything personal about AJ. Maybe it was time. If his brothers had an honest business, why didn’t he work with them? Was he just the rebel of the family? No matter. At least he’d asked for their help when they’d needed it.

  “Good.” Kate looked at her husband and smiled. So much warmth and love passed between them. Megan hoped she’d have that smile on her face one day.

  “The brothers are out of town so there’s no one here to guard the safe house. But Jesse and I would like you to stay with us. There’s plenty of room. The best security money can buy surrounds our home. ”

  Should she trust a woman she’d just met or AJ? Both wanted to protect her, but one was hell-bent on bringing down Magic Shop. It was a no-brainer for her. She wanted them destroyed too, even if it meant staying with AJ to accomplish it.

  “Thank you, but I’ll stay where I am.”

  Kate raised her eyebrows. A slow smile crawled along her face. “The offer is always there. He has our secure number. Now, do you know how to use a weapon?”

  “Of course. I have a…” Megan broke off. “Dang it! He took mine away from me and hasn’t returned it.”

  A soft laugh floated across the table. “Typical. He and his brothers think they’re the only ones that can protect women, that we can’t protect ourselves. I showed them differently and so can you.”

  She hoped so. She had so many questions she wanted to ask about AJ but the men returned to the table.

  Kate stood and smiled back at her. “It was nice meeting you, Megan. Remember, we’re here for you.”

  “I told you she wouldn’t go,” AJ stated.

  “I had to try. Make sure to return her weapon.”

  The two hugged and the couple left.

  “I like her.”

  AJ smiled. “She is great. I do miss chatting with her every day.”

  She burned to ask why he’d left the FBI but knew it was a taboo subject. Maybe after they were around each other a while and he began to trust her. “What did you men discuss?”

  The food arrived rescuing him from answering right away.

  “Dig in, Megan. We need to get a move on.”

  She could be patient. She’d find out soon enough.

  * * * * *

  After finishing the last bite of her sandwich, Megan couldn’t hold back any longer. “Are you going to tell me why your boss tried to kill you or what you and your brother discussed?”

  AJ wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I’m sorry. You’re a journalist. I won’t share with you.”

  The irritable, evasive, brooding man had returned.

  AJ knew Magic Shop. He could help her bring it down but he wouldn’t. She’d have to stay with it. She was good at wearing people down. He had too many secrets. Her curiosity of him went well beyond her journalist need to know. That’s where she typically got herself into trouble.

  “What about off the record?”

  He shook his head. “Sorry, my little dove. You can’t get me that way either.”

  They enjoyed the last of their coffee, their breakfast plates removed and a check deposited on the table.

  “What do we do now?”

  “We should grab some food for the little refrigerator in our room. That’ll keep us from leaving the room more than necessary. But only enough food for a couple of days, because we’ll move again soon.”

  “Let’s make a quick list then.” She opened her purse and brought out a pen and paper, thankful to think of something besides the fact that someone was trying to kill her.

  * * * * *

  They set the grocery bags on the small desk in their room. Thank goodness she’d made a list because AJ had rushed her through the store in record time.

  Megan couldn’t help herself. She had to get to know him better. “Where did you grow up?” She put away the cups of yogurt. She loved the Strawberry Cheesecake flavor and wanted to hug whoever had created it.

  He hesitated. “Silver Springs.”

  Interesting. Nice area. “What made you move to Baltimore?”

  “A job.”

  When he didn’t expound, she asked, “Was it this job?”

  He shook his head and chuckled. “No.”

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “Long enough.”

  Hmm. Still evasive. “I’ve lived here four years and still haven’t become accustomed to the winters.”

  He smiled. “I noticed.”

  Megan removed bananas from a bag. “Growing up in Maryland must be what toughened you up so you can wear only a light jacket.” He looked sexy in that jacket. Of course, he flat out looked sexy. Muscled but not like a body builder and thankfully he didn’t have that chest where his breasts were lagger than hers. Not sexy to her.

  He grunted, moved the desk chair in front of the television and turned on the news.

  “Do you have a girlfriend or a wife?” Please, say no. Please, say no.

  He turned, looked at her with a half-smile. “Why? Are you interested in filling in?”

  “That’s not why I asked,” she stammered. “I’m just trying to get to know you. We’ll be stuck with each other for a while so it seemed like the right thing to do.” She shouldn’t have asked that question. It was none of her business. She wouldn’t be either to him. Wait. He didn’t answer the question.

  His gaze drifted down her body. “Oh, I think we know each other pretty well.”

  Her body tingled as he stopped on her breasts and continued scanning the rest of her. Had he noticed her nipples hardening? She didn’t dare look down to see if they showed through her bra and sweater.

  He captured her gaze, his eyes hooded with desire. “But I’m willing to learn more about you.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She hadn’t been talking about learning more about eac
h other in that sense. But it did sound good.

  He chuckled and winked at her.

  Dang him. He toyed with her and enjoyed it. Did that mean he wanted more sex with her or not? Maybe he hadn’t enjoyed it more than just coming.

  The problem was that her body hummed remembering their short time together.

  “You may ask questions, as long as when we talk about me, it’s off the record. I don’t want to find my profile in the newspaper.”

  She barely caught what he’d said. She had to get hold of her libido.

  “What’s in your head now?”

  Did he know what she’d been thinking? She cleared her throat. “The police planned to call the FBI, but my friend didn’t trust them. She’s calling them herself. She was worried about my safety with the police. She was right. I should have listened to her when she, well both of you, told me to avoid them.”

  He looked at her and something dangerous flashed in his eyes. “FBI? Great. Now we’ll have them on our trail, too. They want you since you have the ability to put Damian away,” he paused. “I can bring you to them if you want. You’d be safe.”

  Megan shook her head. “No. I don’t trust any of them. I doubt anyone in the FBI is on Magic Shop’s payroll, but I’m not chancing it.”

  She’d again forgotten he was a criminal. He may be wanted. Would protecting her put him in prison? “Are you running from the FBI?” Her heartbeat skipped, afraid of his answer. Picturing him behind bars forced a sick feeling in her stomach.

  She tossed the plastic bags in the garbage can and moved to her bed, sat and waited.

  He captured her gaze. “No. Don’t worry about me. I’m not running from anyone except the Magician.” He turned away and added, “At least not yet.”

  A rush of relief pulsed through her. She couldn’t hold back the joyful smile.

  * * * * *

  “Shit. You made the national news. Now your picture is everywhere.”

  Megan rose, moved closer to the television and cringed at her photo. “What do we do now?”

  AJ looked at her and absorbed the fear in her eyes. Maybe he should hand her off. She’d be safer. His plan would take him into the devil’s lair at some point. He couldn’t take her there. He rubbed his temples to ward off the growing headache. She fucked up his mind too much just by being near.


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