HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2)

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HIS Choice: An H.I.S. Novel (H.I.S. series Book 2) Page 26

by Sheila Kell

  “How will I get the information if I’m not there?”

  “I’ll have a DEA agent call you after the bust. He’ll provide the details.”

  Step one of their plan. He’d reviewed it again with the other agents. They fed everything to him, and he’d use Megan to publicize their results. It had to work.

  She hugged him. “Thank you. Thank you.” She pressed kisses all over his face before his lips captured hers.

  A loud vulgar comment reached his ears. How did Kate ever learn to talk like that?

  He took Megan’s hand in his. They were on their way into the thick of things. He held it tighter. He’d keep her alive. He had to.

  * * * * *

  “We’ve had enough for one day. Let’s head back. Keep your head down. We’ve been very lucky no one has recognized you.” People still feared AJ from his time in the enforcer role so he’d been safer than he’d expected.

  Two blocks from their room, Kate shouted, “AJ, get down!”

  He spun around, pulled his weapon and shoved Megan behind him as several shots rang out. He spotted Trey dropping to the ground. Kate rushed past them, kicking Trey’s weapon away.

  Confident they were safe AJ turned to Megan with shaky hands.

  “Are you okay? Are you hit?” AJ asked with full-blown panic. His hands traced over her body to ensure she had no injuries. When he found her uninjured, relief coursed through him and he hugged her tight. Thank God Kate had been on the ball.

  “AJ, you’ve been shot,” Megan exclaimed, pushing back and pointing to his left leg.

  He looked down at his the blood soaking his pants. Funny he hadn’t felt the pain when he’d been worried about his little dove.

  He now knew what it felt like to be shot. It fucking hurt like hell. Heat and sharp pain radiated down his leg. He removed her scarf and tied it above the wound with shaky hands.

  “Let’s get back to the room. Now.” His gravelly voice shocked him. He needed to get off his feet before he landed face first on the sidewalk.

  “You need a hospital, AJ,” she protested, the unmistakable look of fear in her eyes.

  “No. Get me back to the room.” She didn’t understand. He couldn’t go to the hospital. Someone who had witnessed it might get word to Damian. They’d check the hospitals and while they removed the bullet, she’d be vulnerable.

  Kate jogged up to them. “Shit.”

  “Don’t argue, Megan. I need to get you back to the room.”

  “He’s right. Let’s move.” His sister-in-law put an arm under his left shoulder for support.

  He took Megan’s trembling hand and pulled her along.

  As soon as they entered the room, AJ dropped into the closest chair warding off the dizziness that had assailed him.

  Kate pulled out her phone. “Megan, see to AJ.”

  “Get the first aid kit from my bag.” Sweat trickled down his temple, an intense throbbing at the site of the wound. Having a red-hot poker shoved in his leg would hurt less than this.

  The bleeding had slowed. He experienced another wave of lightheadedness. He couldn’t pass out. He had to even out his breathing, focus on something besides the pain. Not fucking possible.

  “Don’t you dare yell at me, Jesse Hamilton! I told him to get down. Like you, he doesn’t listen.”

  AJ chuckled at his old partner’s angry voice. He missed it.

  Megan returned with the first aid kit, opened it and panicked as all of the items fell out on the table. “Oh no.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I need your help. We have to stop the bleeding. Can you do this, Megan? Can you help me?”

  She hadn’t been this affected when Trent had been shot in the leg. And she’d just been used for target practice. He couldn’t remember ever being so happy and so disheartened at the same time.

  Megan nodded.

  He held on by a thread. Kate had to hurry. His body couldn’t tolerate the pain much longer and remain conscious. “We just need to clean it up.”

  They cleaned it and she wrapped a bandage around his leg. Splotches of tears on his pants attested to the care and worry she had for him.

  “Quit worrying, my little dove. We’ll leave for the hospital shortly.”

  Kate returned. “Let’s go.”

  * * * * *

  Megan and Kate used every bit of strength they had to move a semi-conscious AJ, who could barely put weight on this leg, into the SUV. Megan fought to keep him awake while his sister-in-law raced to the hospital.

  Twins in jeans, turtlenecks, leather jackets and weapons holstered on their right sides walked towards their vehicle, a menacing look about them.

  Her heart raced. “Please tell me these men are here to help us and not kill us.”

  Kate smiled. “Relax. We’re safe. They’re the good guys.”

  That didn’t help her relax one bit.

  The twins pulled AJ from the vehicle and managed to support him as he hopped passed two fierce looking men guarding a hallway labeled ‘Employees Only.’ She gazed at the men warily, bit her lip and followed Kate.

  They halted in front of a group of men who rallied around AJ.

  A beehive of activity, a medical group preparing for something, his surgery maybe, took her attention away from the group.

  “Ms. Rogers, we’ll move you to the private room he’ll have after surgery, instead of time in recovery. If you’ll follow me,” the twin wearing the dark blue turtleneck said.

  She wrapped her arms around herself and looked at AJ. His pallor had turned gray. How he still stood, well not actually standing on his own, amazed her.

  “Megan, it’s okay. They’ll take care of you while they’re removing the bullet. You don’t need to worry about me. I trust these men and someone will be also outside my door. Now go. I’ll see you when I wake up.”

  When she didn’t budge, he leaned in and brushed a light kiss across her lips. “Mmm. I want to taste more of that stuff on your lips when I wake up.”

  They introduced her around the group. She went through the motions and then followed Brad, the twin who had attempted to lead her away before, to the fourth floor. He opened a private hospital room door and a man walked out. They nodded at each other. “This is a safe place for you to wait. I’ll be outside your door.”

  “Wait. Can’t we see him in ICU?”

  He shook his head. “He won’t be in ICU. A private nurse is on her way. The doctor reluctantly approved his coming straight here as long as she stayed.”

  After she walked into the room, he closed the door behind her, leaving her alone.

  AJ had been shot. He had to be okay.

  Her gaze roved around the bright room and spotted the couch. She sat. The intense pain in her heart unleashed her tears. She could’ve lost him today. She knew she might lose him someday, but she didn’t want to lose him this soon, or to death.

  Startled, she opened her eyes as Kate sat next to her. “Come here.” She opened her arms and Megan fell into them.

  “I love him,” she said through another flow of tears.

  “I know.”

  * * * * *

  Kate returned home, leaving Megan pacing the room. How long would this take? She looked at her watch. Time passed so slowly.

  The forgotten phone in her pocket rang. “Hello,” she said through sniffles.

  “Megan, are you okay? You don’t sound well,” Kristen asked.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “I was worried when I didn’t hear from you yesterday or receive a story.”

  Megan hadn’t thought about a story last night. “Well, I was taken hostage yesterday,” she informed her boss.


  “An enforcer used me as bait.”

  “I take it your hero saved you since you’re talking with me now.”

  Her face split into a wide grin. “Yeah, he saved me.”

  “I talked to your mother yesterday and told her you were safe. She’s worried sick about you.”

s stomach turned on itself.

  She missed her family. Her mother didn’t deserve this. Megan understood the need for caution, but she wanted to be the one telling her that she was fine. She wanted to speak with AJ about allowing her to contact her mother, but didn’t want to push her luck. He already let her communicate with her boss and Victoria, but she knew that was because they were useful to him.

  Her friends must be frantic. Kristen would keep them informed, but it wouldn’t be the same. Janet didn’t need the stress of worrying about her. It can’t be good for a pregnant woman. Kelly would wear a hole in the carpet, pacing, fretting. Kyle’s tie would remain loose. And Merissa. Well, she wouldn’t miss Megan.

  She fought the onslaught of new tears. “Thank you for doing that, Kristen. I can’t communicate with her personally, and it’s killing me.”

  “She seems to understand, although I’m sure she’d prefer she was speaking with you.”

  “Well, I’m surprised I was able to speak with you at all.”

  “Code blue room 328, code blue room 328,” bled over the loud speaker.

  “Megan, what’s that? Where are you? Are you at a hospital?”

  Her heart skipped a beat. What could she say? “Kristen, don’t worry about me. I’m safe.”

  “Hold on, Megan. Merissa, what do you want?”

  Her boss covered the receiver so she couldn’t hear the conversation. Had the journalist been eavesdropping on their conversation? She wouldn’t put it past her.

  “Okay. I’m back.”

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Do you promise you’re safe?”

  “Yes. I promise.” She couldn’t imagine being any safer than with the Hamiltons. Kate explained the team had returned and their priority was to watch AJ’s back. It had been a shame they hadn’t been there a few hours ago. They’d recently landed when they’d received the call to head to the hospital.

  “I still think you should come in and go to the FBI.”

  Megan released an exasperated sigh. How many times did she have to repeat this? “Kristen, I trust him. I’ll survive with him. I can’t say the same thing with a law enforcement agency.”

  “I would like to see for myself that you’re okay. Would you come see me, or may I visit you?”

  Megan hadn’t wanted her friends to worry about her so much. At this point she wasn’t sure if speaking with her boss was a good thing or a bad one. “You know that I can’t, Kristen.”

  “Okay. I’ll trust you. Now, tell me what you’re writing next? Have you figured out who the Magician is yet?”

  She hoped the task team’s plan worked. She’d had enough of all of this. “I have a few things coming up that you’ll really like.”

  “Care to share?”

  “Not yet. I’ll let you know when they happen.”

  “Megan, that’s not how we work. I’m your editor. I get to know what you’re writing, and actually, I assign it. I gave you this project because you would’ve done it on your own anyway. It’s gone too far. It’s time you stopped and let the police finish this. I want you safe.”

  “Kristen, I know that I’m asking a lot from you. Letting me do this from afar. Letting me do the daily articles that I want. And I appreciate it. You have to trust me these articles will be worth it. We think they’ll bring the Magician out of hiding.”

  “Dr. Robertson to room 328. Dr. Robertson to room 328,” came over the loud speaker.

  “We’ll do this for a bit longer. You’re to stay safe. Think about leaving him and going with the FBI.”

  “Thank you, Kristen.”

  “Will I see something from you today?” her boss asked.

  She hadn’t thought about an article two straight days. Very unlike her. “No. I won’t have anything for you.” She’d be at the hospital with AJ. He was her priority.

  Wow. She never thought she’d put a man before her writing. Kate said he was worth fighting for, and she’d have to fight.

  * * * * *

  AJ’s surgery had progressed well, and they expected him in the room in less than half an hour. Nurse Laura arrived and began issuing orders to the floor nurses. Megan convinced Brad and Matt to allow her to walk, with them in tow, to the cafeteria for coffee. They made no comments or gave her any looks of pity about her red, puffy eyes.

  She stepped off the elevator and saw Marcus. His black, probably Armani, business suit fitted him perfectly. She used to find him sexy dressed like this. Now, she felt nothing.

  His disheveled look surprised her. Dark circles under his eyes, untamed hair and an almost week old beard were completely opposite to the man she knew. In his sick way, he still loved her and had a hard time with this. But it was only because he wasn’t the one taking care of her.

  He spotted her and rushed over.

  Before he could reach her, the twins blocked her from his view.

  Matt stepped forward. “Look buddy. Back away.”

  “That’s my fiancée. I want to see her,” Marcus demanded. Although well-built, Marcus had nothing on the twins’ large, muscled, well-toned bodies.

  Brad turned to her and raised an eyebrow in question.

  She almost asked him to deck Marcus. From behind the human wall, she said, “Marcus, I’m not your fiancée any longer.”

  “Megan. I’m just glad you’re safe. May I see you?”

  She stepped from behind Brad as best as he’d allow. “Here I am. How did you know I was here?”

  He motioned down the hall. “Becca is on the nurse’s desk. She saw you and was worried something was wrong, since two men were guarding your room. She wasn’t aware that we’d broken up when she’d called me.”

  She’d hoped Becca hadn’t seen her when she’d slipped in the hospital room. The last time she’d seen the nurse had been at her and Marcus’s engagement party.

  She moved her arms across her chest. “There’s no reason for you to be here.”

  He reached his hand toward her, and she was pulled back. Brad and Matt closed in around her again.

  “I’m here to take you away.”

  “As you can see, I have enough protection.”

  “Who are they? May we talk without them?”

  “They’re here to protect me. Marcus, I don’t want to speak with you any longer. Leave,” she said forcefully.

  “Baby, please come with me. I can’t take this. Look what it’s doing to me.”

  Matt spoke up, “She said for you to leave. You should listen to her.”

  “This isn’t over. I love you and want to be the one to keep you safe.”

  He turned and walked away.

  Brad turned to her. “You almost married that weasel?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I obviously wasn’t in my right mind.”


  “AJ’s fine and on his way to the room,” one of the men guarding the room notified them when they returned from the cafeteria.

  Megan almost collapsed to the floor with the weight of fear that had been lifted from her body. He would be all right.

  After he’d been wheeled into the room, everyone except the nurse left them alone. She reached down and held his hand. “How are you doing?” Tears pushed over the rim of her eyelids and slid down her face, landing on his hospital gown.

  “Don’t cry, my little dove. I’m fine. I’m actually pretty good with the drugs they’ve put into my system,” he answered groggily, his eyelids heavy.

  “I was so worried.”

  “It’s over now.” He yawned. “Have my brothers stayed with you?”

  He’d been shot, had surgery and he still worried about her safety. That meant he more than cared for her. Maybe he was coming to love her. She could hope. Kate said he had feelings for her, but Hamilton men were stubborn about seeing the truth.

  She nodded, swiping at tears with the back of her free hand. “They’ve been with me.”

  “I’m glad. They’ll be with us while I remain here which won’t be long.”

is eyelids closed, dropping him into a drug-induced sleep.

  She dozed in the chair next to his bed, but jerked awake at a knock on the door. A low groan came from AJ and then the whirl of the bed being lifted into a sitting position.

  Expecting someone from the family to enter, she stood and stepped back to provide them with more space. Instead a tall, somewhat handsome man with short, brown hair walked into the room.

  He wore a brown bomber jacket, familiar side holster and an FBI badge prominently displayed on his belt.

  “Arthur told me so I came to check on you,” he said then looked at Megan.

  “Megan, this is my partner, FBI Special Agent Todd Powers.”

  The man extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Rogers.” He turned to AJ and crossed his arms across his chest. “Are you finally done?”

  “Not a chance. This is nothing.” He gestured to his leg.

  “You do realize you are wanted by the FBI don’t you?”

  Megan’s eyes widened. How could he be wanted by the FBI? She thought he was FBI? He’d even just introduced the man as his partner.

  AJ narrowed his eyes. “Are you here to take me in?”

  “Of course not. Arthur is keeping your location under wraps. We want Ms. Rogers.” He gave her a quick once-over and smiled brightly at her.

  She slipped closer to AJ’s side. He reached out a hand, snagged hers and pulled her beside his bed but not before she heard a growl. “She stays with me.”

  Todd’s eyes bounced between them. “You know that I shouldn’t do it, but for you, I’ll ignore seeing her today. I know your brothers have set this up for you, but I’ll help however I can.”

  “Thanks, Todd. I will finish this by myself. The fucker tried to have me killed. Besides, I’m still undercover and as you reminded me, wanted. I can’t have an FBI agent hanging out with me.”

  His face fell. “Let me at least take Ms. Rogers into protective custody. The Deputy Director can only cover for you for so long.”

  AJ’s hold on her hand tightened. She glanced down in time to see a shot of anger briefly flashed across his face.

  “She stays with the Hamiltons,” AJ ground out, jaw clenched.

  A sly smile grew on the agent’s face. “So, that’s how it is.”


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