Auden (Were Zoo Book Seven)

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Auden (Were Zoo Book Seven) Page 10

by R. E. Butler

  The trees were filled with natural barn owls.

  “This is amazing.”

  “I’ve never seen so many of them before. Or, actually, I’ve never seen them here at all.”

  “Barn owls don’t generally hang out in groups. I’ve never heard of such a large gathering of them.”

  “Why would they be here?”

  “Maybe they scented me?”

  He nudged her with a wink. “You do smell delicious.”

  With a snort, she lifted her phone and took several pictures. Then she waved at the owls. “Welcome to the zoo. Hope I get to see you again.”

  After breakfast, they worked for several hours on the first of many enclosures that would allow zoo patrons to view the different birds that would eventually call the sanctuary home.

  “We need a name for the sanctuary,” Auden said, wiping his brow.

  “What for?”

  “Well, it’ll be on the park maps that are given to visitors, and the council will use it for merchandise, too. We could call it the Bird Sanctuary, but that’s kind of boring.”

  “Let me think about it.”

  “No rush. Just something that crossed my mind.”

  Her mind was still spinning around the idea of a name for the sanctuary when they finished working on the enclosure for the afternoon, changed into their gear, and headed to the safari tour. The Jeeps held three – the driver, the guide, and the VIP, as well as a camera bag for taking pictures of the guest at each enclosure. She was excited to be part of the VIP tour. The wolves handled the tours while the shifters spent time in their animal forms in the paddocks in the hopes of meeting their soulmates.

  “What would happen if one of the wolves on the tour was a VIPs soulmate?” she asked as she flipped through the script containing facts about each type of animal on the safari. Aside from the shifters, there were giraffes, deer, antelope, rhinos, and a cranky moose named Tank.

  “It hasn’t happened, but the protocol is to continue on with the tour and bring the soulmate to the security office so they can officially meet.”

  “How will we know if one of the VIPs is a soulmate?” She climbed into the passenger seat of a blue camo-colored Jeep.

  “They’ll signal us,” he said. “You’ll walk the human up to the paddock and take their picture. The shifters will come close and scent the air, and if one of them is a soulmate, they’ll let you know. If not, we keep going, but if we do get a signal, then we finish the tour, tell the soulmate that they need to go to the security office afterward, and take them there to wait for their mate.”

  “You said only three mates have been found on the tour, right?”

  He nodded, turning on the Jeep and leaning over to kiss her cheek. “We’d hoped for more, but fate’s a funny thing.”

  “It is. And I think it’s about time for another one to be found on the tour.”

  “I agree. Of course, we hope it’s another of our kind.”

  “I’m sure,” she said with a laugh. “I’m so happy, and I want everyone else to be happy, too.”

  “Me, too, angel.”

  He waited for a signal to move forward to the line where the VIPs were waiting, then pulled up slowly and stopped. Jess hopped out and put her seat forward, so the human female could climb into the back seat.

  “I’m Jess, and this is my boyfriend, Auden,” she said when the other female sat down.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Stephanie.”

  “Have you been to the zoo before?”

  “Not since I was a kid.”

  “Well, I hope you have a great time. We’ve got some beautiful animals to check out.”

  Stephanie smiled. “Can’t wait.”

  * * *

  She and Auden had just dropped off a VIP and were in line to get the final one for the night when her phone buzzed. “Hey, Rory,” she said when she answered.

  “I know you’re tied up, but Tayme and I are heading to meet with my parents, and I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  “You’re not going alone, right?”

  “Hell no. Tayme’s a badass, but with how the nest behaved with you and Auden, there’s no way I trust them to come with good intentions.”

  “Did they call and ask to meet you?”

  “Yeah. Mom said they want to meet Tayme, so half the sleuth is coming with us, and a couple of lions and wolves, too. We’re taking anyone who isn’t still in the paddock for the last tour.”

  “I wish you didn’t have to go meet them. Can’t you just do a video call?”

  “They’re my parents, J.” Rory sighed. “I have to give them the opportunity to not be assholes about my life choices.”

  “I hope they’re better at handling this than my parents.”

  “Well, either way, we’re prepared. We’re meeting in a public park about an hour from here, so it’s neutral and visible. They shouldn’t be able to pull any nasty stunts there.”

  “Watch for bombs.”

  “You bet. I’ll call you when we’re finished there. Love ya.”

  “Be safe. Love you, too.”

  Auden glanced at Jess. “I don’t think they should go.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not our choice. I wanted to give my parents a chance, too, even though part of me suspected they wouldn’t be happy for me. But the king and queen are her adopted parents, and I don’t think they had the same hopes for her as my parents did for me.”

  “I wish things were different for you with your parents, angel, but I’m not sorry you’re mine.”

  “You say the sweetest things,” she said.

  When signaled, they pulled up to the VIP and greeted the petite blonde female. Jess had enjoyed working with Auden on the tours but was glad when they were finished.

  “Let’s go home,” Jess whispered. “It’s been a great day.”


  They waved to the lions who were watching the new couple and headed out into the park toward their home. “Your mom said she’d teach me how to make omelets.”

  “Did she just randomly offer her teaching services?”

  She laughed. “No, I asked her if she’d help me figure out breakfast. I kind of hate having to get dressed and go to the cafeteria to eat, even though I like all the fun stuff the bears cook.”

  “I do, too. How about I help?”


  “Sure. I can make toast at the very least.”

  She grinned up at her mate. He was so sexy and sweet. She loved him to the bottom of her heart.

  When they passed through the cordoned-off area to keep the zoo patrons away from the renovations, a chill swept down her spine. She slowed her steps, her ears picking up the sounds of the natural owls in the trees. They were agitated, rustling their wings and making the branches clack together.

  “Something’s wrong,” she said.

  Auden let out a growl, his gaze sweeping around the area. “I don’t see anything.” He lifted his head and inhaled deeply. “No strange scents either.”

  “The owls are agitated.”

  “The perimeter alarms didn’t go off, and neither did the security lights. We’d be able to see if someone was outside our place.”

  “Yeah. It’s just weird.” She rubbed her arms.

  They hurried into the barn. The front door was still locked, and so was the apartment door. Although she was relieved by that, her owl was on alert, the natural owls’ agitation putting her on edge.

  In the bedroom, she tugged her uniform shirt from her shorts and began to unbutton it. Auden was in the kitchen, checking the security system. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and her owl hooted in worry. She turned slowly and faced the tree room.

  One of the windows was open.

  She knew she hadn’t left a window open. She’d been careful to close them so the construction dust didn’t get into the room.

  Opening her mouth to call for Auden, she gasped when a male stepped from the room and rushed at her. He was on top of her in seconds, taking
her to the bed and landing on her hard enough to knock the breath from her lungs.

  The hand on her throat tightened and she could only wheeze out a breath, the name of the invader a whisper on her lips.


  “Fucking bitch!” he hissed. “You were promised to me and you’ll be mine, even if I have to kill every fucking shifter in this place!”

  There came a roar so loud that it made her ears hurt. Then Miles was ripped off her and slammed against the wall. Auden’s fury was evident as he slammed the male against the wall over and over. He swung a fist at him, but Miles ducked and scurried into the tree room. Something flashed as he lifted his hand from his pocket, and Jess screamed.

  “He’s got a gun! Auden!”

  As Auden raced to her, the tree room was suddenly filled with the natural owls, who flew inside and circled Miles, angrily screeching and diving at him, clawing him with their sharp talons and snapping at him with their beaks. He waved his arms in the air, trying to deflect their attacks. A shot rang out, and Auden shoved Jess to the floor, covering her with his body.

  “Are you hit?” he demanded.

  “No! You?”

  “I’m okay.”

  They watched as the owls drove a disoriented Miles toward the large open window. His shoulder hit the edge of the window and his arms shot out to grab something, but there was nothing for him to hold onto but air. He shouted as he fell from the window, the owls diving out of the room behind him, screeching in victory.

  Auden’s phone buzzed at the same time as hers. He answered, standing and lifting her to her feet.

  “Hey, Rory. You won’t freaking believe what just happened,” she said when she answered her call. She and Auden moved to the open window and looked out, seeing Miles’s unmoving body on the ground below. His neck was at an odd angle, his eyes open but unseeing.

  She shivered and Auden put his arm around her, drawing her away from the scene.

  “Are you okay?” Rory demanded. “I just found out from my… no, I won’t call her that anymore. The female who raised me admitted that she and the male who raised me chose an owl male as my mate, but the jackass wouldn’t mate me unless they found a female for his cousin, who is apparently such a gigantic asshat that they were unable to secure a mating for him. That’s why they flipped out so much when you found Auden. The male chosen for me was going to turn me down without your mating.”


  “Fucking owls. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “So what’s your news?”

  “Miles snuck into our place and tried to attack me.”

  “Shit! Are you okay? Where is he?”



  “There were natural owls outside and they protected me. He fell from the open window and broke his neck. I can’t say I’m sorry, but he busted up part of the enclosure we built today with his big dumb body.”

  “You’re okay, though? You and Auden?”

  “Yeah. I wonder how he found us, though.”

  “I don’t know, but from what the former parental units said, that nest was pretty tech savvy and must’ve been actively looking for you. Or maybe Miles slipped a tracker on the SUV when you guys were busy fighting for your lives.”

  “I’ll let the maintenance guys know to give them all a once-over.”

  “Yeah. We’re on the way home. I broke ties with the nest and told the asshat to go to hell. Tayme and the bears threatened both nests that they were now enemies of the sleuth, and if they so much as looked in yours, mine, or any other shifter’s direction again, it would be considered an act of war.”

  “Damn. I’m glad the sleuth had your back.”

  “Me, too. They had all of our backs. When we get home, I’m going to need a hug from my bestie, okay?”

  “You bet.”

  “And maybe a drink.”


  She ended the call and turned to face Auden. “Who was calling?”

  “Jupiter. He heard the shot and wanted to know if we were okay. They’re on their way to check out the security system and get the body out of here.”

  “What are they going to do with him?”

  “Most likely dump him back in your nest’s territory.”

  She nodded. “Good. They caused the problem, they can deal with the fallout.”

  “Are you really okay, angel?” He cupped her face and looked at her intently.

  “A little shaken up still, but yes. You saved my life for the third time since we met. I think you officially qualify as a hero and knight in shining armor.”

  “Wolfy armor.”

  She giggled, tension easing away from her. The threat against her and Auden was dead. If the bears were half as scary as the wolves, then the owls would never think of any of them again. What had started out as a good day had ended in the strangest, scariest few minutes of her life.

  “The owls saved you, too,” he said.

  “I don’t know why they did that.”

  “I think it’s the same reason they came here in the first place. They know you’re one of them, and they want to be nearby.”

  “Natural owls are generally solitary, though.”

  “Well, maybe not when a shifter is involved.”

  “Maybe not. Either way, I’m really grateful to them.”

  “What do you get natural owls for thank-you gifts?”


  He made a face. “How about some nice birdseed?”

  “They’re predators, you know.”

  “Filet mignon?” he offered.

  With a laugh, she hugged her soulmate. “You’re ridiculous.”

  Outside, they met with the lions and wolves who were handling park security. They’d already closed off a larger section around the barn to ensure no one could see what had happened. Miles’s body was covered with a tarp and would be removed after the park closed for the night.

  She left the males to their discussion and walked to the trees where the owls were perched, looking down at her with yellow eyes.

  “I don’t know how to thank you properly except to say that I’m grateful for your intervention. Welcome to my home. I hope you’ll make it yours, too.”

  The owls hooted, and she lifted her head and joined in the chorus, her owl happily thanking them for their intervention. Of all the things she’d seen in her life, natural owls coming to a shifter’s rescue was by far the strangest.

  She hadn’t even been with her soulmate for a month, and already a ton of crazy things had happened. They were safe now, though, and for that she was very grateful. She had a lot to look forward to, including the opening of the sanctuary and the new life she was building with her soulmate.

  For a shifter who didn’t know that her kind could even have soulmates, she was supremely lucky. Auden was amazing, and his family and pack had opened their arms and hearts to her. Her life was far better than she’d ever dreamed it could be. She hadn’t had a choice in her future until a stray bullet caused her to fall right into Auden’s world. For that hunter and that injury, she was thankful. She didn’t want to think about how much worse off she’d be if her life had gone according to the plans of the nest.

  When she and Auden had children, she was going to make sure they would always have a choice in their futures, whether they wanted to wait for their soulmates or settle down with a chosen mate. Whatever they chose, she and Auden would support them, because that’s what family did.

  Auden called her name and she joined him and the others, who explained that the reason the alarms hadn’t gone off was that Miles had somehow tampered with the electricity in a way that turned off the actual alarms but didn’t show in the security office that there was an issue.

  “We’ll investigate and figure out how it happened,” Caesar told them. “Then we’ll ensure it won’t happen again.”

  “Thanks,” Auden said.

  Caesar looked at the trees. “They really cam
e to your rescue, huh?”

  “As crazy as it sounds, yes,” Jess said.

  “That’s pretty damn amazing. We’re glad you’re both okay.”

  Auden looked down at her and took her hand, pulling her away from the group and around to the front of the barn. When they were out of sight, he hugged her tightly, breathing out a sigh of relief. “You’re really okay, right, angel?”


  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m so fucking glad.”

  “Me, too.”

  “It’s been a pretty fucking interesting few weeks, hasn’t it?”

  She snorted. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  He cupped her face, and she watched his eyes flash to the amber of his wolf as a growl rumbled in his chest. “Love you so much, angel. I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life, because I feel like you’ve been mine forever.”

  She smiled, her heart so full of love for her soulmate that she thought she could never articulate exactly how much she loved him, how grateful she was to have him in her life.

  “I think you’ve been mine forever, too.”

  He kissed her, sweeping his lips over hers in a slow dance that claimed her to her very core. Her toes curled in her shoes and her owl hooted happily in her mind.

  “Love you, angel mine.”

  “I love you, too, my soulmate in wolfy armor.”

  Coming Next from R. E. Butler

  Holding Honor (Ashland Pride Book Nine)

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  * * *

  Also from R. E. Butler

  Arctic Shifters

  Blitzen’s Fated Mate

  Dasher’s Fated Mate

  Prancer’s Fated Mate

  Vixen’s Fated Mate

  Cupid’s Fated Mate

  Dancer’s Fated Mate


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