Bound by Honor

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Bound by Honor Page 17

by Cora Reilly

  “Are you cold?”

  My eyes peeled open. Luca dropped the towel, leaving me naked. His hands slid up and down my arms. My entire body was covered in goose bumps. “A bit.”

  Luca made me lie down on the bed before he straightened and slid down his shorts. His erection sprang free, hard and long, and suddenly anxiety gripped me. He’d put his finger into me, maybe now he wanted to do the next step. Maybe I was confused about a few things at the moment, but I knew one thing: I wasn’t ready for that.

  I still barely knew the man in front of me, and sleeping with him, letting him into me like that was too much, too intimate. Maybe this evening had been his way of manipulating me. Nobody got that far in the mafia without being a master in manipulation. I pressed my legs together and scrambled back. Luca paused, one knee already on the bed.

  “Aria?” His fingers curled around my calf and I jerked back and pulled my legs against my chest. He sighed. “What now?”

  He sat beside me, his length almost brushing my leg. “Say something.”

  “This is too fast,” I said quietly.

  “Because I got naked? You’ve seen my cock before. You even jerked me off.”

  My face burned. “I think you’re trying to manipulate me. If I gave you the chance, you’d go all the way today.”

  “You bet I would, but I can’t see what manipulation has to do with it,” he said with a hint of anger in his voice. “I want you. I never lied to you about that. I’m going to take whatever you are willing to give, and you were willing in the Jacuzzi.”

  “Not about the finger,” I snapped, suddenly getting angry too. “Maybe you’ll try the same with sex.” I knew it sounded ridiculous.

  Luca actually laughed. He leaned very close. “That won’t work. My cock won’t slide in that easily, believe me, and it will hurt a lot more.”

  I flinched, remembering what Grace had said at our wedding. He’ll fuck you bloody. Luca released a harsh breath. “I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I watched him over my legs. He ran his knuckles down my side lightly. The hard set of his lips loosened. “Tell me that you enjoyed what I did to you on the roof,” Luca murmured, there was a hint of need in his voice, maybe even vulnerability.

  “Yes,” I said breathlessly. He leaned closer, his lips on my ear. “What did you enjoy the most? My tongue fucking you? Or when I ran my tongue all the way over your pussy? Or when I sucked your clit?”

  Oh god. I was getting wet again. Luca’s deep voice vibrated through my body. “I don’t know.”

  “Maybe I need to show you again?” Luca pushed against my ankles, which were pressed against me until there was enough room for his hand to slip between them and my upper thighs. He cupped me with his palm. I was about to lie down to make it easier for him, but he shook his head. “No,” he rasped. “Stay like that.” His fingers began to move against my folds, four of them teasing, circling, rubbing.

  I rested my chin on my knees, breathing heavily. Luca kissed my ear and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me against his side. It was strange, sitting up with my legs pressed against my chest as he touched me, but it felt incredibly good. Luca’s erection rubbed against my outer thigh, his breathing hot against my ear.

  “Relax,” he said in a low voice. There was a gentle pressure against my opening. I peered down between my legs. Luca teased me with his small finger. He dipped the tip in, then circled my opening again before entering me again, sliding a bit deeper every time he did.

  “Look at me.”

  I did, caught up in the intensity of his gray eyes. “You are so wet and soft and tight. You can’t imagine how fucking good this feels.” His length slid along my outer thigh again. His lips pressed against mine, his tongue demanding entrance. His finger slid into me, this time all the way. It was only his small finger but I was thrilled. He began moving it inside me and I gasped into his mouth, jerking my hips, needing more. He pumped in and out slowly, his thumb rubbing my clit. I could feel pleasure building again and I moved my pelvis in sync with his finger. He pulled away his hand, eliciting a sound of protest from me.

  Luca laughed, a deep rumbling in his chest. He knelt in front of me and pushed my legs apart, then he looked up at me. He traced his index finger over my folds, then rubbed my opening with it. Never looking away from my face, he pushed the tip in, my muscles clenched and I released a low breath. It didn’t hurt and I relaxed. Slowly he started sliding in and out, moving a bit deeper every time like he’d done with his small finger. His mouth closed over my clit.

  I whimpered, my legs falling wider apart. My pleasure was mounting scarily fast as Luca worked me with his finger and lips. With a cry, I tumbled over, my legs shaking, hips bucking. My fingers clutched the blanket as I shattered into pieces. Luca removed his finger, kissed my bellybutton, then lay down beside me, his erection red and glistening. I reached out, spreading the droplet of liquid that had trickled out all over his tip.

  Luca growled, his abs flexing. “I want your mouth on me,” he said in a low voice. I froze, my hand on him stilling. It seemed only fair after what he’d just done, but I had no clue how to actually go down on him. Blow job was a pretty confusing name, because I knew I wasn’t supposed to blow his erection, but sadly I wasn’t exactly sure what to do in detail. And what if I didn’t like it?

  I remembered his words about Grace, that she knew how to suck a cock. Not that I wanted to be anything like Grace. I had no intention about becoming Luca’s whore, but I didn’t want to fail completely either. I was overthinking this.

  “Is this because you don’t want to, or because you don’t know how?” Luca asked calmly, but I could tell he had trouble making his voice sound that way. He’d given me several orgasms. He was probably bursting. “You can jerk me off like last time,” he said when I stayed silent. His hand brushed a strand of blond hair away from my face, his gray eyes questioning.

  “No, I mean, I think I want to do it.”

  “You think?” Amusement tinged Luca’s voice. “But?”

  “What if I don’t like it?”

  Luca shrugged but it was obvious from his expression that he didn’t like the idea. “Then you don’t. I won’t force you.”

  I nodded and brought my face a bit closer to his erection, which hadn’t softened at all during our conversation. Luca tensed in anticipation, his fingertips against my scalp twitching. Embarrassed, I admitted. “I don’t know what to do.”

  His erection jerked in response. I couldn’t help but laugh, and Luca grinned his predator grin. “You like to torture me with your innocence, don’t you?”

  I blew against his tip, making him groan. “I don’t think that’s why it’s called blow job, right?”

  He actually laughed a real laugh, and the sound filled my stomach with butterflies. “You’re going to be the death of me, principessa.”

  “Don’t laugh,” I said with a smile. “I don’t want to do something wrong.”

  “Do you want me to tell you what to do?” Excitement blazed in his eyes.

  I nodded.

  “Okay,” he said hoarsely. “Close your lips around the tip and be careful with your teeth. I don’t mind it a bit rougher, but don’t chew on it.”

  I snorted, then nerves made me go quiet. Luca’s fingers slipped through my hair until they came to rest on the back of my head. He didn’t push me, but from the way they tensed I could tell he wanted to. I took the tip into my mouth. He was thick and I had to be careful not to grace him with my teeth. His tip was slightly salty, but not in a bad way.

  “Now swirl your tongue around it. Yes, just like that.” He watched me, his jaw clenched. “Take a bit more of me into your mouth and move your head up and down. Now suck as you move. Yes, fuck.” His hips bucked when I was as far as I could take him, driving his erection even further inside. I gagged and pulled back, coughing.

  He stroked my hair. “Fuck, sorry.” He rubbed his thumb over my lips. “I’ll try to stay still.”<
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  Instead of taking him back into my mouth, I licked him from his base to the tip. He groaned. “Is that okay?” I whispered before doing it again.

  “Fuck yes.”

  I took my time licking every inch of him, but especially his tip. I loved the feel of it against my tongue.

  “This feels really fucking good, but I really want to come.” I glanced up uncertainly. I could come when he stroked and licked me gently. Did he need it more rough? Would he need it rough during sex too? Grace’s stupid words jumped into my head again, but I pushed them aside. I wouldn’t let that whore ruin this for me. “What do you need me to do?” I whispered.

  “Suck me harder and keep looking at me with your fucking beautiful eyes.”

  I fixed my gaze on him and took him into my mouth until he hit the back of my throat, then bobbed my head up and down fast and hard, my lips tight around him. Luca moaned, his hips rocking lightly. His eyes burnt into me, his teeth gritted. “If you don’t want to swallow, you need to get away…”

  I jerked away, releasing him with a pop and a moment later he spilled his seed on his stomach and legs. Luca closed his eyes as his erection twitched. His hand was still in my hair, gently stroking my neck and scalp. Slowly he eased it down, but I gripped his hand and pressed my cheek into it, needing his closeness after what we’d done. His eyes flew open with an unreadable look in them. His thumb brushed my cheekbone gently. We stayed like that for a couple of heartbeats, then Luca sat up, taking in the mess on his upper thighs and abs. “I need a fucking shower.” Luca reached for a tissue and cleaned off the sperm before swinging his legs out and standing.

  I nodded, strangely disappointed that he’d slip out of bed so quickly. I felt suddenly self-conscious about what I’d done.

  Luca held out his hand. “Come on. I don’t want to shower alone.”

  I scrambled off the bed, put my hand in his and followed him into the bathroom.

  As the hot water poured down on us, Luca began lathering my body with soap and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands on me. He pressed up to my back, one arm coming around my stomach. “So was it okay for you?” he asked quietly.

  He was probably worried I wouldn’t go down on him again, if it wasn’t. “Yeah.”

  He kissed my throat. He did that a lot. It felt so gentle, loving and intimate, but I knew it wasn’t meant like that. “I’m glad, because I really enjoy being in your mouth.”

  I flushed with embarrassment and a strange sense of accomplishment. Ridiculous. “Are you angry that I didn’t, you know, swallow? I bet the women you’ve been with so far always did.”

  “No, I’m not angry. I won’t lie, I’d love to come in your mouth but if you don’t want that, it’s okay.”

  We stepped out of the shower and dried off before we crawled back into bed. I rested my head on Luca’s chest. He turned off the lights, bathing us in darkness. “When your father told you to marry me, what was your reaction?” I murmured. I’d been wondering about it for a while.

  Luca’s fingers on my hips paused. “I’d expected it. I knew I’d have to marry for tactical reasons. As future Capo, you can’t let emotions or desires rule any part of your life.”

  I was glad for the darkness so Luca couldn’t see my face. He sounded so detached and emotionless. His touches and kisses made me want to believe that maybe he was starting to care for me, but now I wasn’t so sure anymore.

  “And what about you?” he asked.

  “I was terrified.”

  “You were only fifteen. Of course, you were terrified.”

  “I was still terrified on the day of our marriage. I’m still not entirely sure you don’t terrify me.”

  Luca was silent. “I told you, you have no reason to fear me. I’ll protect and take care of you. I’ll give you anything you want and need.”

  Except for one thing: love.

  “But the Familia always comes first,” I said lightly. “If you had to kill me to protect the business, you would.”

  Luca became rigid, but he didn’t deny it. My father always said there’s only room for one true love in the life of a made man and that’s the mafia.


  Gianna managed to get a ticket for a flight two days later. I was brimming with excitement that day. It hadn’t been long since I’d last seen her, but it felt like eternity. It was already getting dark outside when Luca and I pulled up at JFK. I wished Gianna could have gotten a morning or afternoon flight instead.

  Since my comment that Luca would kill me in order to protect the Familia, he’d been emotionally withdrawn, not that he’d been an open book even before that. The only way we interacted was at night when Luca pleasured me with his hands and mouth, and I him in turn. Maybe without Gianna’s impending visit, I’d have tried to talk to him or even pleaded him to show me where he worked, instead I’d given him the space he obviously wanted. Luca parked the car and we got out. He didn’t try to take my hand. I didn’t think he was the type of man who held hands, but he touched my lower back as we entered the arrival area of the airport.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay with Gianna living with us for the next few days?”

  “Yes. And I promised your father to protect her. It’s easier when she’s living in our apartment.”

  “She will provoke you,” I said.

  “I can handle a little girl.”

  “She’s not that little. She’s barely younger than me.”

  “I can handle her.”

  “Luca,” I said firmly. “Gianna knows how to push people’s buttons. If you aren’t absolutely sure that you can control yourself, I won’t let her near you.”

  Luca’s eyes blazed. He’d been on edge all day. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill her or you in the next few days.”

  I took a step back. Where did that come from? Was he angry because of what I’d said? It was the truth; we both knew it.


  I whirled around. Gianna rushed toward me, dropping her trolley on the way. We collided almost painfully, but I clutched her to myself tightly. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I whispered.

  She nodded, then pulled back, searching my face. “No visible bruises,” she said loudly, her gaze darting behind me toward Luca. “You only hit places that are covered by clothes?”

  I gripped her hand and gave her a warning look.

  “Get your luggage,” Luca ordered. “I don’t want to stand here all night.”

  Gianna glared at him but retrieved her trolley and returned to us. “A gentleman would have got it for me.”

  “A gentleman, yes,” Luca said with a tight smile.

  We walked back to our car, my arm linked with Gianna’s. Luca walked a few steps ahead and got behind the steering wheel without a word.

  “What’s the matter with him? He’s even more of an asshole than I remember.”

  “I think the Russians are giving him trouble.”

  “Aren’t they always?” Gianna put her trolley into the trunk of the car before we both sat in the backseat.

  Luca raised his eyebrows at me. “I’m not your driver. Get in the front with me.”

  I was taken aback but his harshness but I did as he said and sat shotgun. Gianna’s face was scrunched up with anger. “You shouldn’t talk to her like that.”

  “She’s my wife. I can do and say to her what I want.”

  I frowned. Luca turned to me, meeting my gaze. I couldn’t place the look in his eyes. He turned back to the street.

  “How are Lily and Fabi?”

  “Annoying as hell. Especially Lily. She doesn’t stop talking about Romero. She’s in love with him.”

  I laughed, and even Luca’s lips twitched. I wasn’t sure why but I reached out and put my hand on his leg. His eyes snapped toward me briefly, then he covered my hand with his until he needed it to shift gears again. Gianna’s eyes were attentive as they watched. She’d bombard me with questions the moment we were alone, no doubt.


nbsp; When we stepped into the apartment, the smell of roast lamb and rosemary wafted over to us.

  “I told Marianna to prepare a nice dinner,” Luca said. Gianna’s red eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Luca nodded. “Show your sister to her room and then we can eat.” He was still withdrawn and stiff. I watched him head around the corner toward the kitchen area.

  I showed Gianna her guestroom, but she quickly pulled me inside and closed the door. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I told you on the phone. I’m fine.”

  “I prefer to hear you say it when I can see your face.”

  “I’m not lying to you, Gianna.”

  She gripped my hand. “Did he force you to sleep with him?”

  “No, he didn’t. And I haven’t.”

  Her eyes widened. “But something happened between the two of you. I want details.”

  I pulled away. “We need to have dinner now. Marianna will be mad if the food gets cold. We can talk tomorrow when Luca’s busy with business.”

  “Tomorrow,” Gianna said firmly.

  I opened the door and led her toward the dining area. Her eyes took everything in, then became slits when she saw who else would be having dinner with us: Matteo. He and Luca stood beside the table, discussing something, but stepped apart when they noticed us.

  “What’s he doing here?” Gianna said, her nose wrinkled.

  Flashing his shark grin, Matteo walked toward her and gripped her hand to kiss it. “Nice to see you again, Gianna.”

  Gianna snatched her hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

  She needed to stop provoking him; he liked it way too much. Luca and I sat beside each other and Matteo beside Gianna. I wasn’t sure that was the best decision. I glanced at Luca, but his cautious gaze rested on his brother and my sister.

  Marianna bustled in, serving roast lamb, rosemary potatoes and green beans. We ate in silence for a while until Gianna couldn’t keep her tongue anymore. “Why did you crush that guy’s throat?”


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