The Walking Whales

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by J G M Hans Thewissen

  mine what the time was when they switched from freshwater to seawa-


  “Sure. There are a number of conditions. You need an associated

  fauna so you can study the context, you need to know body size, you

  need modern analogues, you need to—”

  Lois is about to go off on a complicated disclaimer, but I do not want

  to lose the momentum, so I interrupt. “I think that we can get all those

  things. How big a sample do you need?”

  “Well, you need about five grams, and it would be good to have

  tooth enamel, dentin, and—”

  120    |    Chapter 9

  “That does not mean anything to me. How big a piece of bone is


  “It depends on the thickness.”

  “How heavy is a fingernail clipping?”

  “I don’t know. I will need more than that.”

  My turn to get slightly miffed. I would like to move beyond distract-

  ing details. I want to know how many teeth need to be sacrificed for

  this, but Lois will not be drawn into vague analogies. It would be amaz-

  ing if we could track the shift from freshwater drinking to seawater. To

  determine  such  an  important  evolutionary  change—who  could  have

  thought that you could figure that out from fossils? Whales obviously

  would be unable to travel great distances across oceans if they needed a

  freshwater  source,  so  the  ability  to  drink  seawater  may  have  been  a

  seminal moment allowing them to disperse across wide oceans.

  Eventually, we decide that this is worth a try. I will take some enamel

  samples, and send them to her. She will chemically pry the oxygen atoms

  out of the enamel of the tooth, and lock them into a much larger mole-

  cule in the same ratio of 16O and 18O as was present in my teeth. Then

  she will fire those molecules through one of the arms of the mass spec-

  trometer, and determine the proportion of abundance of the two mole-

  cules. That will allow us to see whether that ratio is closer to freshwater

  or seawater. To see whether the theory that we know of actually matches

  the  real  world,  she  will  also  run  some  enamel  from  modern  oceanic

  whales and dolphins and compare that to the few species of dolphins

  that spend all of their time in rivers.

  drinking and peeing

  Lois  sends  me  reams  of  background  data  on  the  method.  Although

  excited, I am also worried. Is this really going to work? I am still skepti-

  cal in spite of my conversations with Lois. Can such fleeting behavior as

  drinking really be gleaned from these fossils?

  In the meantime, I study what is known about modern marine ani-

  mals and the drinking of seawater. For a thirsty animal, the problem

  with drinking seawater is that there is a lot of salt in it. In fact, it con-

  tains more salt than the blood and body fluids of a mammal do. As a

  result, if an animal drinks seawater to hydrate itself, it needs to take

  some of the salt out and excrete it, so that the saltiness of the new water

  matches that of its body fluids. In birds and crocodiles, there is a gland

  near the eye where salt is excreted. Mammals never have such a gland.

  The Ocean Is a Desert | 121

  Land mammals lose salt when they sweat, but when they live in water,

  they can’t sweat, since the process is driven by evaporation from the

  skin. The organs responsible for salt excretion in a cetacean, then, are

  the kidneys.

  To take salt out of ingested water, the animal has to dissolve it in the

  urine it excretes by making that urine saltier. So the concentration abil-

  ity of the kidneys is crucially important. Many small mammals, such as

  mice, can excrete highly concentrated urine and therefore can drink sea-

  water.1 Human kidneys cannot concentrate urine that strongly. In fact,

  for human kidneys to remove enough salt from seawater to match

  human body fluid, a lot of water is needed. That amount of needed

  water is greater than the seawater from which the salt is extracted. A

  human who drinks a batch of seawater will lose more water peeing out

  the salt in that batch than was gained drinking that batch. For human

  kidneys, the ocean is like a desert: there is no potable water.

  Marine mammals cope with an absence of freshwater in different

  ways. In a rather nasty experiment, a sea lion named Dave was locked

  in a cage and only given seawater to drink, and his food was laced with

  salt pills.2 Dave knew better than to drink the water, realizing that he

  would lose more of his precious body water excreting the salt. For more

  than a month, the animal did not drink at all, and seemed in reasonable

  physical health, until, mercifully, the experiment was stopped. Appar-

  ently, sea lions can withstand such dehydration. In contrast, if you hang

  a running hose into the ocean in Florida, manatees may swim up to

  drink from it. In spite of living in the ocean, they need a source of fresh-

  water. At the other extreme, sea otters along the Pacific coast can drink

  seawater freely.3 Cetaceans cannot concentrate urine to the levels where

  seawater drinking becomes an option.4 Although they are known to

  ingest some seawater,5 they get most of their water from their food, and

  use water very sparingly.

  fossilized drinking behavior

  So, the isotope method may be able to answer the question of when

  cetaceans learned to cope with the absence of freshwater. Lois first runs

  the modern samples: pieces of teeth of some marine dolphins, a killer

  whale, and a sperm whale, as well river dolphin samples from the Ama-

  zon, Ganges, and Yangtze Rivers. To my delight, there is a consistent

  difference between marine and freshwater species,6 and it matches what

  we predicted (figure 36).

  122    |    Chapter 9




  oxygen isotope values ( O p)

  oceanic dolphins ( n = 11)

  killer whale ( n = 1)


  sperm whale ( n = 2)

  Indian river dolphin ( n = 1)


  Chinese river dolphin ( n = 1)

  South American river dolphin ( n = 1)







  protocetid whale ( n = 3)

  ocean floor

  remingtonocetid whale ( n = 2)

  Attockicetus ( n = 1)

  Ambulocetus ( n = 8)


d whales ( n = 11)


  figure 36. Oxygen isotope values for modern and Eocene cetaceans.

  Known habitats for the modern species indicate that isotope values can

  be used to determine whether they are freshwater or marine animals.

  Oceanic dolphins, killer whales, and sperm whales live in seawater, and

  their oxygen isotope values are high. River dolphins from different

  continents all have lower values. Thus, isotope values (indicated by

  isotope geochemists by  δ, in which the ratio of the two isotopes is

  compared to a reference sample) can be used to identify water

  ingestion behavior for the fossil Eocene species. The isotope values for

  the fossils are consistent with evidence from the sedimentology of the

  rocks they are found in (ocean floor, coastal, or riverbed). This plot is

  based on data from Roe et al. (1998), and these results were confirmed

  and refined by more modern data from Clementz et al. (2006).

  Protocetid whales will be discussed in chapter 12.

  Now the fossil work starts. My heart cringes every time that I have

  to break a piece off a fine fossil tooth to get an isotope sample. I worked

  so hard to get those teeth and not damage them, and now I am taking a

  screwdriver to their shiny enamel. I put the pieces in little vials and mail

  them off to Lois, who will grind them to powder. Lois sends me data

  and patiently explains what all the numbers mean.

  “For the pakicetids, there is a clear freshwater signature,” she says.


  “Signature means that the implication of the delta 18O value is that it

  was freshwater.”

  I know about the delta bit—it is basically the ratio of the 18O and 16O.

  A lower delta value indicates more of the lighter isotope. Cool, but not

  surprising: they lived in freshwater, and that is what they were drinking,

  like any self-respecting land mammal. The Indian whales, such as the

  The Ocean Is a Desert | 123



  Seas and

  (toothed whales,



  includes dolphins

  (baleen whales)


  and porpoises)





  40 million


  years ago






  50 million



  years ago


  Water ingestion






  figure 37. Branching diagram showing the relationship between fossil whales and

  artiodactyls, and the habitats in which they lived (shades of blue for water, white for

  land). Water ingestion behavior is indicated as the shades of gray of the boxes with

  names, and is based on isotope data. Protocetids will be discussed in chapter 14, and

  Indohyus is an even-toed ungulate that will also be discussed in chapter 14.

  remingtonocetids, are on the marine end of the scale. Not just cool, but

  also surprising. Those whales lived in the sea near the coast, and their

  isotope values show that they are independent of freshwater altogether.

  This means that within a few million years of entering the ocean, whales

  did not require a freshwater source and could travel across oceans

  (figure 37). That is an interesting contrast with modern manatees. They

  originated around the same time as whales, but they still haven’t figured

  out how to live on seawater only.

  Of course, history matters here. Whales and manatees are derived

  from different land ancestors, and isotopes only show you what an ani-

  mal drank, not what it would be able to drink if it had to. It is possible

  that the pakicetid body would be able to handle seawater, but since they

  lived in a freshwater ecosystem, they never needed to. Given that at least

  some modern artiodactyls can process seawater, the ability to handle life

  without a freshwater source may already have existed in the ancestors

  of cetaceans.

  A few years later, Lois leaves science, and Mark Clementz takes over

  the isotope work. Mark is a generation younger than I, very dynamic and

  124    |    Chapter 9

  with a whole new array of sampling and isotope analysis techniques in

  his tool box. Most appreciated, from my perspective, is that now we only

  need  tiny  bits  of enamel to  analyze  isotopes.  I can barely see it  when

  Mark drills into a whale tooth. Also, techniques have now improved so

  that  we  can  answer  much  more  sophisticated  questions.  For  instance,

  Mark is able to use teeth that erupt earlier and later in the life of an ani-

  mal and distinguish which of those teeth were formed (in the jaw) before

  the animal was born, when it was nursing, and when it became an inde-

  pendent feeder—all based on the differences in fractionation of isotopes

  at those stages.7

  That  level  of  detail  will  come  in  handy  in  studying  Ambulocetus,

  whose  isotope  data  are  intriguing.  Its  isotope  signatures  are  all  over

  the place, but are mostly in the freshwater area. That is at odds with

  its  coastal  living  environment,  where  seawater  and  brackish  water

  abounded.8  If  the  ability  to  handle  seawater  was  not  present  in  the

  ancestors of cetaceans, it is possible that  Ambulocetus was living at the

  shore but had to swim up a river to drink freshwater in order to not

  overdose on salt. But other interpretations are equally possible. Maybe

  they  lived  in  rivers  as  juveniles  (when  their  teeth  were  formed),  and

  moved out to the coast (where we find their fossils) later on. Or maybe

  they were like the alligators on Kiawah Island: they chose the freshwa-

  ter habitats in an ecosystem dominated by marine habitats. If those alli-

  gators ever fossilize, they will be found among the seashells and shark

  teeth, in spite of their habitat. Maybe  Ambulocetus did not drink at all,

  instead getting all its water from its prey—and  those were freshwater

  fish or land mammals. Of c
ourse, we are first going to have to find milk

  teeth for  Ambulocetus,  and we haven’t.

  walking with ambulocetus

  With our isotope work on  Ambulocetus in full swing, the whole habitat

  issue takes a turn into fiction. The BBC is making a series of documenta-

  ries about the evolution of mammals. They call it  Walking with Beasts,

  and whales play a prominent role.  Ambulocetus is seen swimming, walk-

  ing, and hunting in one of the episodes. The makers do an excellent job

  trying to get the animal right. They send me version after version of little

  movie clips of the animal moving across the screen, first as a stick figure,

  later more and more realistic, and eventually with fur and a menacing

  glare. The makers take my comments seriously: the length of the snout

  gets fixed, and so does the flexibility of its spine. The outcome is stunning.

  The Ocean Is a Desert | 125

  I am fascinated by its looks. It is as if a forty-eight-million-year-old film of

  the beast in the wild were discovered. The fascination comes to an abrupt

  end when they add the setting of Ambulocetus’ appearance—they put it

  in a German fossil site, Messel. In the Eocene, Messel was a near-dead

  lake in a forest that belched toxic volcanic fumes. Most animals coming

  near it died of the fumes, and fossilization was common because the place

  was too toxic for scavengers to live and eat the carcasses. I argue with the

  makers of the show. Ambulocetus lived half a world away, on a desert

  coast, in waters that brimmed with life, not in a dead and deadly pond in

  the German forest. My complaints are acknowledged but rejected. To tell

  a good story, the whale needs to paddle happily through that toxic mud

  hole in pursuit of rat-sized critters on the forest floor. Don’t believe every-

  thing you see on television.

  Chapter 10

  The Skeleton Puzzle

  if looks could kill

  Locality 62, Punjab, Pakistan, 1999. Six of us are back at locality 62,

  the place where Robert West found the first Pakicetus, digging for more


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