The Walking Whales

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The Walking Whales Page 31

by J G M Hans Thewissen

  raoellids are from the Chorgali Formation of Pakistan, around fifty-two

  million years ago, and the youngest are probably from Kalakot, approx-

  imately  forty-six  million  years  old. The  family  is  not  a  very  coherent

  group. Scientists have referred new fossil specimens to the group without

  studying all those that were already known; as a result, the group has

  become a somewhat chaotic assemblage. It would be useful for someone

  to study the entire group carefully. But such a systematic revision will not

  be easy. Many species are known only from a few teeth, and the fossils

  are dispersed over three continents in about a dozen labs and museums.

  Skulls and skeletons are only known for  Indohyus; for the other genera,

  such as  Khirtharia and  Kunmunella,  mostly teeth are known, and it is

  possible that some really belong in different artiodactyl families.

  The thickened lip of the tympanic bone, the involucrum, gave us a

  clue that  Indohyus is closely related to whales, but that idea has to be

  more  formally  investigated.  Our  cladistic  analysis  (see  chapter  10)

  shows that whales were indeed more closely related to  Indohyus than to

  any  other  artiodactyl,  including  hippos.  Later  it  was  shown  that,  in

  addition, hippos are the closest relatives of the raoellid-cetacean group

  (figure 66).5 That result actually does not conflict with the molecular

  Before Whales | 201

  figure 65. Life reconstruction of the Eocene artiodactyl Indohyus, the closest extinct

  relative of whales. Indohyus is in the family Raoellidae, which lived in South Asia from

  forty-six to fifty-two million years ago.

  data that show that hippos and whales are the closest relatives, because

  the molecular studies could not include fossil animals. In other words,

  hippos may still be the closest living relative, it is just that extinct Indo-

  hyus is even closer. In addition to the presence of an involucrum, these

  groups share a number of dental features, such as the front-to-back

  arrangement of the upper incisors in the jaw, and the high triangular

  202    |    Chapter 14



  even-toed ungulates

  whales, dolphins, porpoises

  , giraf,

  River dolphins



  , lamas

  , sheep


  , deer

  , peccaries


  right Right Sperm sperm Beaked

  and Oceanic


  camelspigs cattle


  whale Rorquals whale whales whale whales whales Susu Baiji Boto

  narwhal dolphins Porpoises








  20 million














  years ago

  Baleen whal




  es - Mysticeti

  40 million

  years ago


  Toothed whales - Odontoceti


  Remington Protocetidae




  50 million

  years ago

  archaeocetes - Eocene whales

  figure 66. Relationships of cetaceans to artiodactyls. All groups of modern

  artiodactyls and cetaceans are included in this figure. Not shown are a large number of

  extinct groups that are not discussed in this book.

  crowns  of  the  posterior  premolars. Tooth-wear  patterns  of  Indohyus

  show the same specializations as cetaceans (figure 50).

  With  that,  it  seems  that  the  issue  of  cetacean  relations  is  finally

  resolved. Mesonychians are not related to cetaceans. The fossil evidence

  shows that cetaceans are derived from a basal, Eocene artiodactyl, and

  the closest modern relative of cetaceans is the hippo.

  However, that is not the end of the story. Yet another cladistics analy-

  sis,6  on  a  slightly  different  data-set,  confirmed  most  of  the  results  just

  discussed, but found that the support for that view is only slightly stronger

  than that for the old mesonychian idea. It is as if those fierce predators are

  still waiting in the wings to reclaim their position next to the majestic

  whales  by pouncing  on  little vegetarian  Indohyus.  As one  well-known

  mammalogist put it: systematics is the soap opera of biology.

  With all the rearrangements of the relationships of whales, we have

  to  wonder  whether  it  would  be  useful  to  actually  include  Indohyus

  Before Whales | 203

  within Cetacea instead of keeping it just outside the group. After all,

  there is nothing sacred about having Pakicetus be the basal cetacean.

  And the main feature that characterizes cetaceans, the involucrum, also

  occurs in Indohyus. Furthermore, if names should be used for groups

  that include an ancestor and all its descendants (monophyletic groups),

  the term artiodactyl should now include all cetaceans as well, since they

  too descended from the ancestral artiodactyl.

  Some authors have indeed advocated for changing the meanings of

  Cetacea and Artiodactyla in one way or another,7 but I do not agree

  with them. The term artiodactyl has been around for more than 150

  years and has had a stable and biologically coherent meaning. Changing

  it now would only cause confusion, especially if not all authors follow

  the same meaning. It would be especially bad for new students, who

  would quickly get confused by names that differ in meaning depending

  on when and by whom they are used. My preference is to stick with the

  old meaning of the word, where Artiodactyla does not include Cetacea,

  and accept the fact that the former does not include all descendants of

  that first ancestor. Scientists call this a paraphyletic group, and Artio-

  dactyla would be one of those.

  Similarly, Cetacea for decades has meant Pakicetus and all its descend-

  ants. It too is a biologically coherent group of aquatic predators, albeit

  that some had legs and walked. Adding Indohyus to this group muddies

  the water: it is so different biologically that it would ren
der the term

  Cetacea meaningless in any sense except systematically.

  Feeding and Diet. In general, Indohyus has very typical artiodactyl

  teeth: a dental formula of, with upper molars that bear

  four cusps, and lower molars that have a high trigonid, with two cusps,

  and a low talonid, also with two cusps (figure 34). The shape of these

  cusps differs among raoellids: in Indohyus and Kunmunella, the cusps

  are sharp and connected by a weak crest, whereas in Khirtharia, the

  cusps are low and blunt. Among modern mammals, the first molar type

  is common in leaf eaters, while the latter is common in fruit eaters, but

  it is not clear whether this difference holds for raoellids. Without doubt,

  those dental differences relate to diet and food processing somehow, but

  it is unclear how. Stable carbon isotope data indicate that Indohyus and

  Khirtharia both fed on land plants.8

  Another clue to food processing comes from the relative position of

  the joint between lower jaw and skull, where the skull has a socket in

  which a ball-like joint, the mandibular condyle, fits. As shown in figure

  204    |    Chapter 14

  25, the condyle is well above the level of the tooth row in herbivores

  such as deer. In meat eaters, such as the whales shown in this figure, the

  condyle is at the same height as the tooth row.  Indohyus’s jaw has an

  herbivore’s shape, as expected.

  While the molars of  Indohyus are not very specialized, their tooth

  wear is. Early whales are characterized by nearly exclusive phase I wear

  on their lower molars (figure 50, see chapter 11). Eocene artiodactyls

  show a combination of phase I, phase II, and apical wear. In  Indohyus,

  all three wear types are present, but phase I dominates. Apparently, the

  land plants that  Indohyus ate were processed in ways different from the

  way other Eocene artiodactyls processed their food. The dentition also

  provides other clues to feeding.  Indohyus had a long and pointed snout,

  with incisors arranged from front to back, not side to side. This may

  have been a specialized mechanism for cropping certain plants. In addi-

  tion, its premolars have high crowns with sharp cutting edges on their

  sides. At present, the function of these features is not understood, but

  with the hundreds of fossils of  Indohyus that are known from Kalakot,

  and a few more years of study, I am very hopeful that we will know.

  Vision and Hearing.   The eyes of  Indohyus are located on the side of the

  skull, as is common in land mammals, and unlike just about all fossil

  whales (figure 52). This part of the skull is highly variable and highly

  specialized in all Eocene whales, and  Indohyus lacks these specializa-

  tions. The distance between  Indohyus’s orbits and its brain, the inter-

  temporal area, is similar to other artiodactyls, and unlike Eocene whales.

  The forces related to the continental collision between Asia and India

  millions of years ago actually affect how well we can study  Indohyus in

  the  present.  Mountain  building  deformed  the  rocks  and  their  fossils,

  flattening  skulls  and  breaking  bones.  The  skulls  of  the  animal  were

  crushed, and delicate structures were obliterated. Except for the pres-

  ence of an involucrum, very little is known about its ear.

  Walking and Swimming.   Overall, the skeleton of  Indohyus resembles

  that  of  unspecialized  artiodactyls,  adapted  for  land  locomotion,  and

  with some specializations often found in runners.9 There are five fingers

  and four or five toes, and  Indohyus was digitigrade, like a dog, not like

  its artiodactyl relatives, who walk on the tips of their toes using hooves


  In spite of this, there are two lines of evidence that indicate that  Indo-

  hyus was not a fully terrestrial species. First, some of the bones of  Indo-

  Before Whales | 205

  hyus have a thick outside layer, the cortex, suggesting that one of their

  functions is to be ballast while the animal is in the water (figure 62). That

  resembles pakicetids, who show this tendency to osteosclerosis to a greater

  degree. Also, the oxygen isotopes are interesting. In chapter 9, isotopes

  were used to investigate the source of drinking water for some of the early

  whales, but here they can help us with another problem. The ratio of 18O

  and 16O in the water inside the body of an animal is reflected in its bones

  and teeth. Animals lose body water in a number of different ways, for

  instance when they pee, and for females, when they produce milk. They

  also lose body water when it evaporates through the skin. Interestingly,

  evaporation through the skin is a process in which the isotopes are frac-

  tionated: water with the lighter oxygen isotope is more likely to go into

  the gas phase and disappear from the body than water with the heavier

  isotope. As a result, animals that lose a lot of body water through their

  skin have an isotopic signature that is skewed toward the heavier isotope.

  Mammals that live in water do not sweat or evaporate water, so isotope

  ratios can help to discern whether they are aquatic. Indeed, oxygen-iso-

  tope values for Indohyus indicate that it spent time in water.

  Habitat and Ecology. Indohyus presents a paradox. On the one hand,

  carbon-isotope values and the molar shape suggest life on land; on the

  other hand, oxygen isotopes and osteosclerosis suggest freshwater. A

  possible resolution for the paradox comes from studying a modern

  mammal: the mouse deer. Mouse deer live on land, eating the flowers,

  leaves, and fruits of terrestrial plants. However, they are always found

  near rivers, and when in danger, mouse deer jump into the water and

  hide.10 Mouse deer bones are not osteosclerotic, and Indohyus is not

  closely related to them. However, they may be the perfect ecological

  equivalent. Here, then, may be the key to the origin of aquatic life for

  whales: predator-avoidance behavior in their early artiodactyl ancestors.

  Kalakot, the fossil site where Indohyus is abundant, has not been

  studied sedimentologically, and not much is known about the habitat

  these animals were living in. What is known is that there must have been

  hundreds of skeletons of Indohyus all washed together buried and

  mixed with just a few other forms. Some of the bones found here are

  articulated, but most are not. Apparently, there was time for rotting to

  disarticulate many of the skeletons. It is possible that this was a flood-

  plain of a river with animals living and dying. Skeleto
ns accumulated on

  the plain, were dispersed by scavengers, and during the next flood,

  washed together into streams.

  206    |    Chapter 14

  a trust for fossils

  The  pile  of  rocks  holding  Indohyus  still  sits  on  the  estate  on  Rajpur

  Road, with the grave of Friedlinde Obergfell nearby, guarded by Baha-

  dur and his wife. The extracted fossils are now safe in the unfinished

  house, and we have started to sort through the bags of fossils in the cel-

  lar. More fossils are being extracted every day, but the work is slow, and

  there is no money to hire a fossil preparator. The trust that manages the

  Indohyus fossils has a home, and fossils, and a mission to study them,

  but there are no funds to get the study off the ground and save the  Indo-

  hyus fossils for the future. I hope to avoid it, but it is possible that the

  entire place will fold. Sadly, that may be a fitting end to the tragic tale of

  Friedlinde Obergfell and Anne Ranga Rao.

  Chapter 15

  The Way Forward

  the big question

  I love to talk about whale evolution, and my audiences range from fifth

  graders, to our local Rotary club, to cetologists at international meet-

  ings. To point out how dramatic the evolution of whales is, I usually

  start by asking people to think about two fancy vehicles. I could use a

  bullet train and a nuclear submarine, but, because it is less intimidating,

  I ask them to think about the Batmobile and the Beatles’ Yellow Subma-

  rine. Whales started out with a very elaborately perfected body adapted

  to life on land. They changed it, in about eight million years, to a body

  perfectly tuned to the ocean. I ask the audience to imagine getting a

  team of engineers together to take the Batmobile apart and build the

  Yellow Submarine from its parts. Just about everything that works well

  on land will fail miserably in water. All the organ systems have to

  change—from locomotion, to sense organs, to osmoregulation, to

  reproduction. And of course, in evolution, all the intermediate species

  were functional in their environment. Adding that requirement would


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