Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5

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Insatiable: Hunter's Moon Book 5 Page 4

by Rice, Rachel E.

  Nevertheless, she skipped the introductions reaching the second floor where her children were playing and sleeping. When she reached the hall, she made a sharp left and walked quietly with full anticipation to the nursery, disappearing into the room, where some of her babies lay in their cribs sleeping and crying while the nurses fed the others.

  It was refreshing to hear babies crying. She walked to their cribs and reached and picked up her sons and held them giving each of them a kiss. Then she left to take a shower and put on some clean clothes. She didn’t want to risk them picking up a germ she had caught because of her nightmarish trip in the forest with Bane.


  Turning to Wilder who stood watching at the stairs, Robert said, “It was him again,” his voice without emotion as if he was controlled by strings, and his words weren’t coming from his mouth, but someone else.

  “What do you mean it was him?” Wilder asked tilting his head to the side with icy blue eyes staring at Robert.

  “Bane. This time he took your son.” Wilder’s eyes turned dark, his forehead furrowed as his eyes searched the room. His mind was separating and organizing trying to solve the painful problem. He had to find a way to tell Adrienne. He had to find a way not to tell her.

  He asked himself which would be the best course of action. But he couldn’t keep this from her. This was too important. Hunter had been taken by Bane. She would never forgive him.

  Strange and unsettling thoughts entered his mind as he gazed pointlessly in Robert’s direction. Why did he not go after Bane when he had a chance? Why did he just leave with Adrienne? Was it because he wanted Adrienne more than he wanted to punish Bane and he was grateful that he didn’t harm her. But now Bane had struck a blow to his humanity by taking his son, and he knew Bane wouldn’t be charitable when it came to the males in his family, especially his first born.

  “One or both?” he asked breathless focusing on Robert’s eyes. His strong hands gripping Robert’s weak shoulders. His steel blue eyes locked on Robert when it finally dawn on him. Robert watched at Wilder confused.

  “Did he take both of my sons?” Wilder whispered in a loud painful tone as if someone had just knocked the last breath from his body.

  “He took Hunter,” Katie blurted out. “He said that he would sell him if you didn’t bring Adrienne to him.” How could he exchange his son for the woman he loved? Wilder asked himself. Wilder said nothing. He didn’t have time. He had to find Bane and Hunter before it was too late. He didn’t have time to tell Adrienne. She would think he had gone off alone and taken Hunter. That was better than the truth. But Wilder didn’t want to lie to Adrienne. She would never trust him again.

  “Give me two days and then tell Adrienne that I’ve gone after Bane because he has our son. I know who he’s selling him to. It’s Mena’s father. If I’m successful, then I will bring my son and Mena back. If not, none of us will be coming back. There will be no need for you to go there unless you are looking for death, Robert.”

  Robert glared at Wilder, but then blood came into his cheeks and his complexion changed. He smiled at Wilder because he had hope. He had every confidence in Wilder.

  He knew when Hunter had promised to bring Mena back to him that it was the ambition of a young man. Hunter’s ambition and enthusiasm far outweighed his abilities. But what Wilder said gave him hope and that’s all he needed was hope to keep going. Hope that he would get his family back.

  “Tell Devin not to come after me. He’s in charge until Drayton and Lycell are well again,” Wilder said. Those were the last words heard from Wilder because he disappeared when Robert turned to speak to Katie who stood speechless.

  “I never asked you about what you were doing out in that shed. I trusted you to do the right thing,” Robert said to a confused and upset Katie.

  “You act like you were never a teenager,” Katie blurted out.

  “Of course I was one. And because of that, I know the pitfalls of falling in love early. But I had protected you for those few years by sending you to an all girl’s private school. I wanted you with me, but I had to go to Alaska to work. That was no place for a young girl. Among packs of werewolves. Don’t you understand, I couldn’t risk bringing you with me?” Robert hoped Katie would understand, but she wore a look of disapproval on her youthful face. Her mouth tight her jaw tense.

  “I brought you here to be near me because I was having a family. I wanted all of us to be a family. I thought you were matured enough...”

  “If you thought I was matured enough, why didn’t you tell me about the werewolves and that you had married one?”

  “I didn’t know how you would react.”

  “What would I have done? Do you think I’m that kind of person?” She paused. “I’m going to be a doctor for God’s sake, Robert. You should have known me better. But then how could you know me when you haven’t spent any time with me. I could have learned from you as I’m doing now.”

  “You weren’t ready.”

  “I guess now I ready since I had to discover on my own that the boy I fell in love with is a werewolf.”

  “You are young. You will get over him.”

  “If he dies, I will never get over him. He’s my first love and my first boyfriend. It doesn’t happen that easy. Will you get over the loss of Mena and your children?” Robert stood absent for words and defeated by Katie’s arguments. He had no response for her. He couldn’t comeback with some terse reply, like “If you live long enough, you will change and you will forget.” Because he knew he could never forget. Only his death would cause him to forget Mena and his babies.

  “You just met him. You don’t even know him. You know nothing about werewolves.”

  “I don’t need to know more. What I saw of him and when we made love, which was enough for me.” Katie looked at Robert’s face and he was in shock. He didn’t want to have his little sister tell him that she had just made love to a werewolf. He wanted her to experience the world before she fell in love. But who was he to tell her who to love and who not to love.

  They heard a door close and the footsteps of someone. Looking up from where they were seated on the couch near the stairs, they watched at Adrienne descend the staircase. Holding on to the banister she carefully hit each step as if she was floating on a cloud. She had showered and changed into a pair of slacks and a sweatshirt.

  “Oh. I didn’t know you were still here, Robert. I was just going out to see about Lycell and Drayton. I have good news for Drayton.” She wore a hidden smile. She put her hand to her mouth and blushed. Her eyes shown bright.

  “Adrienne, this is my sister Katie, Katie this is Adrienne, Hunter’s mother,” Robert said looking to Katie.

  Katie held out her hand and Adrienne replied, “I heard so many good things about you. You’re a pretty girl.”

  “You look like a girl yourself. I didn’t expect you to be so young,” Katie said. “And what do you expect coming from an older brother? Did he tell you how stubborn I am and never listens to him?” Katie glanced at Robert.

  “No. I wouldn’t expect that he would because I’m the same way. I think we have something in common. I didn’t know you met my sons?”

  “Hunter? There’s another one?”

  “Hunter and Devin? They’re twins.” Katie tilted her head and eyed Robert. She remembered Wilder asking Robert to wait two days before he revealed to Adrienne that Bane had taken Hunter. She glanced around the corner, she heard a door close. Devin was headed in their direction after dropping his books in the library.

  Katie looked in astonishment. “He looks just like Hunter.”

  “That’s because we’re twins. My name is Devin.” He smiles at Katie with a bright smile and blue eyes locking with her green. He stands with his hand tucked in his pockets gazing at her. He rushes around Katie to his mother.

  He leans in to kiss Adrienne on the cheek. He holds her tight and whispers into her ear, “I knew father would bring you home. I love you mother. How long has Katie b
een here and why didn’t I know about her?”

  Adrienne grabs Devin by the hands, “Let me see you. You’ve gotten so tall. You’ve changed, and where is Hunter,” She said looking around expecting him to come out of the library.

  “He’s with Wilder,” Robert chimed in catching Katie’s gaze. Devin never took his eyes off Katie. He had one finger resting across his lips moving it back and forward as his eyes searched her body.

  “And where is that?” Adrienne questioned.

  “Wilder said he would be gone for two days; and since you have children to keep you busy, you wouldn’t miss him,” Robert said to Adrienne as he watched at Katie and Devin talking, and then strolling together heading for the kitchen.

  “I guess he’s right,” Adrienne said. “I have to get to the hospital. Robert, please accompany me.” Robert and Adrienne left Devin and Katie staring at each other sitting at the counter waiting for the cook to prepare them a sandwich.

  Although Devin was the image of Hunter, he didn’t arouse Katie’s senses like Hunter did. She didn’t know what it was about Hunter that made her feel the way she did for him, or maybe she did. Was it that he was her first that made her so enamored with him? She didn’t know the answer yet.

  “Are you staying on the compound?” Devin questioned.

  “No. We have a small house in Samsaville. Robert is never there. I live there alone with a nanny since I’ve been back from my private school.”

  “We had tutors and we were home schooled by our father and mother,” Devin added looking intently at Katie.

  “That sounds interesting,” Katie said smiling.

  “I guess it can be. Would you like a tour of the grounds?” Devin stood taking a bite of his cold rare roast beef sandwich. He didn’t like the taste of domesticated animals but he would put on a good show for Katie. He wanted her to see how human he was and he wanted to get to know her in more ways than one and then break the news that he was a werewolf.

  “Hunter already showed me everything I needed to see,” Katie said her face with a warm blush. Her eyes lowered and she smiled thinking about their time together. One that she will never forget.

  “Did you see the dog kennels?” Devin asked.

  “No. That’s something we didn’t get around to.”

  “We have all kinds of dogs,” Devin said eager. He placed his arms around her waist. “You name it we have them.” He took her hand, jumped from the stool and led her out to the kennels behind the barn and stables where the horses were being groomed. Katie and Devin stopped in front. Katie stooped down to watch at the young pups nursing their mother.

  “That’s a beautiful sight,” she said standing as Devin watched at her. “You have so much land why keep the dogs in kennels?”

  “It’s for their own safety. There are packs of wolves roaming around here. Especially at night. It’s nothing for them to lure one of them out and attack. Wolves are constantly hungry when game is scarce.”

  “You mean they will eat their own kind?”

  “They don’t see dogs as their own kind. Just like dogs are leery of them. They understand that there is a difference. The wolves see dogs as lazy and pampered.” He looks around at each cage to see his dogs lying around sleeping.

  “The dogs don’t have to worry about their food, they are provided more than they could ever want. Some of the dogs are too fat and don’t get enough exercise. Wolves are lean and hungry and don’t wait for men to feed them. If they caught one of my fat lazy dogs, they would have a feast,” he said smiling at Katie who was traumatized by the thought.

  Hunter’s hounds are lean that’s because he takes them hunting for ducks. Especially his Beagles. “Just tell me which puppy you want and it’s yours.”

  “I can’t decide. They are all so cute when they are babies.” Devin took Katie by the hand. She let him hold it. He made her feel secure. But inside she was wondering what would become of Hunter. Devin was just a distraction to keep from worrying about Hunter.

  “When you decide, I will bring it to you personally, or you can come here each time you are home on your break.”

  “That’s a deal.” She raised her hand to shake and Devin pulled her close. She could feel him through the fabric of her jeans. She pulled away. “I hope I haven’t given you the wrong impression of me. I’m Hunter’s girl.”

  “No. Of course not. I didn’t know. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be my girl until he returns.”

  “I can’t be anyone’s girl. I’m devoted to Hunter, and I don’t want to mislead you.”

  “You can’t mislead me. I understand.” They walked a few steps and then Devin stopped turning to Katie. “Could we just be friends?” he said.

  “That’s do able,” she said with a closed smile. And they resumed their slow walk back to the ranch.

  “Can I take you to the movies? There’s this movie, Dead Pool.”

  “Yeah. I wanted to see that too.”

  “How about if I pick you up at about nine. Or do you want to go to the midnight showing?”

  “I think nine is a respectable time considering my brother will be checking on me now that I have become official eighteen and a woman.”

  “Why didn’t you tell someone that you were having a birthday? I could have given you a party.”

  “That wouldn’t have been right. Since Hunter isn’t here and what your mother has gone through, not to mention your uncles, there isn’t too much to celebrate.” Devin lowered his head.

  “You’re right, but that doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate with you. I might need more cheering up than you.”

  “Okay. We will celebrate my birthday if it means that much to you,” Katie said. It meant a great deal to Devin. He had been around many girls from town, but they never stirred in him the passion that Katie is doing now. He didn’t know why he was attracted to Katie but if Hunter was drawn to her, it had something to do with them being twins.

  They looked alike, walked alike, and love the same girl. How ironic was that? Not very, considering that his father and uncles loved and married his mother. But Katie is different. She doesn’t understand the werewolves’ way. She doesn’t understand what Adrienne finally came to embrace. She doesn’t have the same feelings for Devin that she has for Hunter.

  Maybe it was because she didn’t want to give Devin a chance to change her mind about Hunter. He was aroused by her and found himself needing her as much as Hunter needs her now. Devin didn’t know when Hunter would be back. Devin decided that he would be there to entertain Katie, if that’s all she wanted, and if she was a passing fling for Hunter. He loved and respected his brother and for now he would back off. But not too far.

  Would his desires for Katie lay dormant during the full moon?

  Chapter 5

  Tracking Bane wasn’t easy for Wilder because they possessed the same cunning skills. Keep near the water’s edge. Disguise your scent with forest animals. Patience. Don’t get in a hurry to bring down your prey. Know him and his movements.

  Wilder covered his body with the scent of squirrels, rabbits, and foxes. He wouldn’t make the same mistake as before. Although he masked his scent, he allowed his anger and emotions to color his judgement. If he had eaten and gotten enough rest for his body to withstand the cold and distance he had to travel, he could have fought Bane when he found Adrienne and been rid of him. Now he has to fight the same battle again, but this time he’s alone which is in his favor, but his emotions have gotten the best of him, and that can prove a disadvantage against a determine waiting killer werewolf.

  The same thing he advised Hunter against had come to haunt him.

  Wilder had tracked Bane and Adrienne under the assumption that she had given in to Bane. He found them because he separated himself from Adrienne, and became dispassionate. But seeing Adrienne made him weak, and he knew that to defeat Bane, he couldn’t have a weakness so he put off his fight for another day, which embolden his enemy and may have made him stronger.

  Again Bane ha
s him at a disadvantage. But it became more imperative now that he end this assault on him and the ones he love. Wilder could only hope that Bane didn’t hurt Hunter. Wilder could only hope that his son had heard some of the teachings he tried to drill into his stubborn head. He had to separate himself from the thoughts of his beloved Hunter in order to function and do what needed to be done.

  His pack and family depended on Wilder’s ability to bring Bane down.

  He had to end this now and for all, and kill Bane, before he brought any more problems to his family. Wilder made enormous time on foot. But he needed transportation to get to Alaska quickly, to find Bane’s hide out.

  Bane’s pack had submitted and given away his whereabouts to bring peace to the pack and ensure their survival. They accepted Wilder as their true Alpha and pledged their loyalty to him, or suffer the Samsa’s wrath.

  Wilder stopped at the nearest car lot to purchase a truck. Stopping outside he saw the truck he wanted setting on a platform. The silver truck would be just what he needed to get him to Alaska in a hurry. Waiting and pacing in front, several salesman came out of their fancy offices and took a look at him and walked back indoors.

  Wilder spotted a real salesman. He was hungry to make a sale. He didn’t let Wilder three day old beard, and lack of shoes on his feet detract him from walking up to Wilder and asking, “Can I help you?”

  Wilder put his hand to his face and said, “I think you can.”

  “Do you see something you like?”

  “Yes, and can I get it in a few minutes?” The salesman took a long look at Wilder from his hair, face, and down to his feet.

  “I don’t know if it can be ready in a few minutes, but we will do everything we can to get it today.”

  “It will have to be in a few minutes. I’m in a hurry, my son’s life depends on it.”

  “Come inside. We will see what we can do,” the young dark haired man in a reasonably new suit and sensible shoes with a nice shine said to Wilder. The young salesman looked as if it was his first job because he hadn’t learn to discriminate with his customers, which was what Wilder was looking for.


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