The American Soldier Collection 8: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 8: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Hey, looks like you’ve got your own little party going on over here. Can we join?” Donella asked, sounding tipsy as she bumped into the guy, Hunter.

  She must have hit him hard or maybe took out his knee or something because he cursed and looked as if he would fall. Ellie grabbed him around the waist, stopping him, as he used his other arm to brace the bar. It all happened so quickly. The feel of solid steel beneath her hand, the tattoos and Marine Corp symbol on his upper arm, the odd feel of his leg against her leg made her think he wore something over his leg and under the jeans. It was so weird. She must have looked at him oddly, because he snapped.


  She shook her head. But instantly she thought that maybe he was an amputee, too. Moira did say that Hunter was friends with Caprio. She suddenly felt as if she’d insulted him somehow but didn’t know why or even how she could have. She didn’t have to fret over it long because Donella made a complete ass of herself.

  “Hey, just because you’re klutzy doesn’t mean you can yell at my friend,” Donella stated.

  “Donella, don’t. It was just an accident. I think maybe you should slow down on the drinks.”

  “I think you ladies shouldn’t be arguing over that brother when there are three others to choose from.”

  They all turned toward a blonde woman they didn’t recognize at all. But Moira did, as she shot daggers with her eyes at the woman. She looked like a stuck-up model with her flowing golden locks, two-sizes-too-small glittering blue dress, and diamonds galore. She licked her lips as she eyed over Justice and the other two men but not Hunter.

  Hunter got the evil look women give men who’ve done them wrong. And on top of that, the woman rubbed Sam’s shoulder and arm until Sam stepped away from her, drawing Moira into an embrace. It was a sure show of public display to say Sam wasn’t interested in this woman.

  “Take a walk, Ray Anne,” Hunter stated. Ellie looked at him, noticing the way he stood so authoritative and tough. Any fool should recognize a look like Hunter’s.

  The woman stared at Hunter and then at Ellie and Donella. Ellie was holding Donella’s fruity-smelling drink in her hand, which she had taken away from her as she wondered what the heck was happening here.

  Moira stepped forward, giving Ray Ann the evil eye. “I don’t recall anyone inviting you to this conversation. No one is interested in what you have to say,” Moira stated toward Ray Anne.

  Ray Ann looked right at Ellie. “Take some advice from a woman who knows, you don’t want to waste your time with Hunter, not unless you’re into being a Good Samaritan.”

  “Cool it, Ray Ann,” Justice said, raising his voice. For some reason Ellie didn’t like this woman one bit at all. Also, one look at the four brothers, and she could see the hatred, especially from Hunter.

  “Take a walk,” Sam told Ray Ann. When he took Moira’s arm to lead her away to probably avoid a situation, Ray Ann shot nasty daggers at Hunter and then toward Donella.

  “You’re a pretty little thing. He’ll eat you alive, one legged or not,” Ray Ann said with such venom.

  Moira pulled from Sam’s embrace.

  “You better take a hike. He’s a marine. You don’t deserve to even be in this place.”

  Ray Ann flicked her fingers at Moira as Sam pulled her back.

  Ellie thought that if Hunter did have only one good leg that it was pretty damn despicable for Ray Anne to make such a comment. Moira had a soft spot for any injured soldier, never mind one who reminded her of Caprio. Ellie was feeling pretty protective herself right now as she looked at Hunter and saw both the rage and the sadness. It touched her heart.

  “What’s the matter, Hunter, going after little mice you can boss around to make yourself feel more like a man?”

  “That’s enough. Get out of here, Ray Ann,” another man stated. By the similar features and green eyes of Hunter, Ellie thought he was a brother. She also realized that the blonde woman was calling her a mouse.

  “Who are you calling a mouse?” Ellie asked, feeling her own annoyance with this stupid woman get under her skin.

  “Ignore her,” Hunter whispered from behind her. Ellie looked at him again, and couldn’t help but care.

  The blonde looked her over, her eyes zeroing in on her breasts, which were at least three sizes bigger than the blonde’s.

  “You better like it on top. Soldier boy only has one leg, so you’ll have to do all the work in bed.”

  The shock and disgust that filled Ellie’s heart was instant, and being one to sometimes react without really thinking things through, she tossed the contents of her glass right at Ray Anne’s chest.

  Ray Ann gasped as Sam released her arm to move out of the way.

  “Why, you little bitch. How dare you?” she screeched, drawing more attention to them.

  Ellie stepped forward and pointed at Ray Ann. “No. How dare you? You don’t belong in here. You belong outside with the rest of the trash,” Ellie told her and the bar erupted in cheers, taunting Ray Ann and booing her out of the place.

  Ellie was so embarrassed, but also so fired up, that she was shaking.

  “Ellie that was awesome. I’ve never seen you so pissed off and ready to fight. You may not even need those self-defense classes we talked about,” Moira stated.

  “Self-defense classes?” Justice asked, as Hunter turned away from them and sat down on the barstool.

  “Yes, she needs them, or at least she does if a fight was to get physical,” Moira added.

  Justice and his two other brothers stared at her, looking her over. She nibbled her bottom lip and held Justice’s gaze.

  “A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t have to get into any physical confrontations,” Justice told her.

  “Sam, I hope you were going to tell these lovely ladies about our private self-defense training groups Justice and I do.”

  “Those aren’t for civilians, Mace,” Hunter barked from behind her.

  “We’ve done special favors before. For friends, that is,” Mace said and then winked.

  “By the way, I’m Mace and this is Seno.” Mace introduced him and his other brother.

  She smiled. “Ellie, and nice to meet you.”

  She noticed how Donella, Sam, and Moira began to slink away, and the Lawson brothers moved in around her.

  “I really can’t stand that woman. It’s good to know that a girly drink to her outfit could get rid of her so quickly,” Mace said as he moved next to her.

  “I can’t believe that woman could say such things. We were involved in our own conversation. It’s so immature,” she replied.

  Seno stood next to Mace watching her.

  “You held yourself well. So what’s this about self-defense training?” he asked.

  She lowered her eyes. “It’s Moira’s idea. Her brother Caprio knows some guy or something that does these classes in one of the training facilities by the racetrack. We might check it out this week.”

  “Oh, I think I know who that is,” Mace said and then winked at Seno and Hunter. But Hunter immediately looked away when she glanced at him. She wondered if somehow, despite her standing up for him, if she also insulted him. More importantly, why did she even care when she didn’t know him or his brothers?

  Mace continued to talk with Justice about some upcoming hand-to-hand combat games sponsored by the local YMCA. She had the opportunity to absorb their similarities as brothers as well as their differences. Seno was the only brother that had dark hair. The others were blond. They were all very tall, at least six feet, and well built. Justice and Mace had blue eyes where Seno and Hunter had green eyes.

  Before long she found herself engaged in conversation about Casper’s and about what they did for a living as the crowd around them grew louder and bigger. There was a roar of excitement behind her, and when she turned, she saw some guys getting rowdy and picking one of their friends up in the air. They began to sing “Happy Birthday,” and the crowd of people moved causing her to step right in between
Hunter and Seno. The moment she felt the hand on her hip and the protective semicircle around her, she paused in awe. The four brothers surrounded her, being sure to keep her safe from the rowdy guys around.

  It had suddenly become so loud from the singing that she squinted her eyes, and covered her ears with her hands turning toward the bar.

  When she did, she locked gazes with Hunter who stared at her.

  “I didn’t need your help,” he told her. She uncovered her ears and stared up into his eyes. Behind her someone bumped into Seno and she pressed closer to Hunter. She grabbed onto his arms to steady herself.

  “I’m sure you didn’t, but she was obnoxious. I dislike obnoxious people.” He must have thought she was referring to him. His hold tightened.

  “You think I’m obnoxious?” he asked, and the feel of his hands on her hips aroused her. Nothing seemed to matter but the lost, hurt look in his eyes, and the sensation that pulled at her heart.

  “I don’t know you, Hunter. Although first impression is that you have an attitude.”

  “Yeah, well my first impression of you is a woman who knows how to throw a drink to hit her target.”

  She stared at him uncertain if he were flirting, or what?

  “How about I buy you a new drink?”

  “Hmmm. I don’t accept drinks from strange men I just met.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her. “But you will defend them on intimate bedroom information publicly announced to a crowd of other strangers?”

  She looked him over. He was handsome. He was rugged looking, but it was that look in his eyes, the fear, the sadness, that she recognized as familiar.

  “I guess I was relying on instincts. You know, my gut.”

  He gently used his thumbs to massage the sides of her hips as Seno pressed against her back, shocking her.

  “What is your gut telling you now?”

  Her mind erupted into some mighty naughty thoughts, especially as she looked to the right. There were Justice and Mace, close enough to kiss.

  “I think it’s telling me I should run while I can.”

  Justice smiled and then reached over and caressed her chin, making her look at him.

  “When this night just got a hell of a lot more interesting? I don’t think so. Let us buy you a drink. That way we can work on getting your number and making plans,” he said confidently.

  She chuckled. “Nice try. Has that actually worked for you in the past?”

  Seno caressed her back. “Every time,” he whispered.

  She stepped from their hold and smoothed out her dress.

  “Well, it was very nice meeting you. Glad you have a whole scheme and plan to hook up with some unknowing female. “

  She started to leave, not missing the disappointed expressions on Hunter’s and Seno’s faces.

  Justice took her hand. “Hey, don’t leave. Stay and talk. We didn’t mean to come on too strong.”

  She smiled. “I need to find my friends. Besides, it would never work out.”

  “Why not?” Mace asked.

  “I don’t date.” She walked away, and as she did, she couldn’t help to feel disappointed. She liked them. That was a first, liking more than one guy at once, and in turn it had her looking back over her shoulder. She nearly lost her footing as she saw all four men staring at her walking away. She felt herself shaking, concerned about how she looked in the dress, and wondering why she allowed Donella to talk her into wearing this dress. With fears from her past, and her intense need to remain in control and not affected in any way by a man, she straightened her shoulders and prayed for confidence. She was used to hiding her fears, even from her friend. So she did what any single, attractive woman in this type of situation should do. She walked as sexy and casual as possible and hoped that she didn’t just miss out on one hell of an opportunity. A disappointed feeling consumed her. When will the fear I have lessen? Why can’t I just move on, and take a chance?

  * * * *

  “Wow, she is gorgeous. A petite little thing, too,” Seno said and then took a sip of his beer.

  “Tough, too. Sure didn’t fall for your little play, Justice. That’s a first,” Mace stated and they chuckled.

  “I guess I came on too strong.” He looked around to where she had disappeared.

  “I think you did,” Hunter said with an attitude.

  Seno looked at Hunter. He definitely was attracted to Ellie. Hell, they all were. But his attitude was where their issues started.

  “I liked her, too. I think we need to find out more about her,” Mace suggested.

  “That will be simple. We’ll ask Sam. He’ll know. Seems like he and his brothers may be interested in Ellie’s friend. It was Moira, right?” Justice asked.

  “Yes,” Seno replied.

  “Well then, to finding out more about Ellie.” He raised his mug of beer.

  “To hoping she doesn’t throw a drink in one of our faces,” Seno said, and they laughed and then clanked their mugs together before taking sips.

  Seno smiled as he looked around the bar and spotted Ellie talking with her friends. He couldn’t help but feel some bit of hope that they met Ellie together tonight, and they all liked her. If fate sent her their way again, he would personally make certain to leave a lasting impression.

  A short time later, Seno noticed a guy, Hartford, was standing mighty close to Ellie. He watched his hand move around the chair she stood by and then go to her waist. Ellie side stepped away, but Hartford moved closer again.

  “What are you staring at looking so pissed about?” Justice asked.

  “In about two seconds, I’m going to go over there and give that guy a piece of my mind. His hand keeps moving closer and closer to her ass. What the hell?”

  Seno saw Hartford touch Ellie’s hair as he placed his hand on her waist again. He was about to go over there, but his brothers stopped him.

  “Look, she’s pushing his hand away and saying something to him. She’s not interested in him.” Mace added.

  Seno continued to watch her, feeling possessive, even though he had no right to be.

  “We’re going to get to know her. I say, if our paths cross again, we ask her out on a date.”

  “Well duh, of course we will. It’s not every day you meet a woman that can grab the attention of four brothers, especially when one of the brothers is adamant about meeting a woman.” Justice said.

  “She’s special. I just know she is.”

  Chapter 3

  “Morning,” Donella said as she walked into Ellie’s bedroom.

  Ellie smiled as she looked at her poor hungover friend.

  “It’s afternoon, Donella,” Ellie replied. She stood in only a strapless bra and panties as she stared at three dresses lying on the bed.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t even care what time it is. It’s Saturday, my day off.”

  “Not mine. I can’t figure out what outfit to wear.”

  Donella placed her mug down on the dresser and stood next to Ellie to stare at the dresses.

  “Well, you said the business date is at Tratorra’s right?”

  Ellie nodded.

  “Is this business guy hot?”

  “What does that matter? It’s business.”

  “Did you land the deal already, or is it determined by the outcome of this meeting?”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure we snagged it. I mean he did want to show me more ideas for the designs and artwork.”

  “So it’s not a done deal. Go for the power play, the red number, with those black and red Jimmy Choos. The length is conservative for the red dress but the shoes say powerful, sexy, a woman of class and sophistication. You’re petite so you don’t want to come across as a pushover.”

  “I don’t know. I think red is too sexy. The black one is more conservative and the red one really presses my breasts together causing a deeper cleavage.”

  “That’s what you want, sexy. You said this guy is loaded, the deal isn’t sealed, so hit him with the big guns, and
who knows, maybe he can be a little business fling when the job is complete.”

  “I’m not interested in him. He’s not even my type.”

  “Girl, who is your type? You turned down four sexy brothers last night that most, if not all, the single ladies, me included, were drooling over.”

  “I did not have a chance with them.”

  “Keep lying to yourself. You’re gorgeous, you’re intelligent, classy and well built, and self-maintained. Those are characteristics of a woman who is not meant to be single.”

  “Donella, please. We’ve been over this before. I’m not ready. Besides, you forget, I choose to be single.”

  Ellie picked up the red dress and slipped it on. She had to readjust her boobs into the top, as Donella zipped up the back.

  “Baby, you’ve been saying that for so long. It’s more than time to move on. You can’t stay scared forever. Don’t you want to find someone who could treat you right, and perhaps love you for who you are?”

  Ellie lowered her eyes. “I do, but I am scared. There’s nothing I can do about it but wait. When I’m ready, I’ll know it.”

  “I can understand the fear you still have. What Paul did to you was horrific, and I know you’re still trying to deal with that. I just don’t want you thinking that there’s something wrong with you. It was all him. He wasn’t right. You’re beautiful, you’re smart and classy, and you can have your choice of a man. You just need to take a chance. If you get that feeling inside that you’re attractive, then just go with it. Flirt a little, feel the guy out, and when you feel comfortable, accept a date. It’s a start,” Donella said with a smile. She really was a great friend.

  “You make it sound so easy. I’m just not sure if I can handle everything that goes along with a date. Mostly being alone with a man. I just don’t think I’m ready, even though the desire to have someone, to be cared for or even loved is something I know I want one day.”

  Donella squeezed her shoulders. “You’re more than ready now. Just take that leap of fate. I’m sure you’ll know when the time is right. Oh, and there are always double dates, group dates, or casual gatherings where we can accompany you so you feel more confident.” She winked and smiled.


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