Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 6

by Destiny Patterson

“Yeah you seem super excited.”

  She’s such a smart butt sometimes. “I want to hear more about this Noah.”

  “Not much else to tell… Drew saw him when you all were leaving and now the others are upset.”

  “Brown hair, blue eyes?”

  “Yep that’s Mr. Yummy.”

  “Why are they upset with him for that?”

  “I don’t really know, it makes no difference to me though, that is until they start telling me what to do. Then we are going to have problems.”

  I’m not about to point out that one of them already did. Conflicting spirits in my house does not sound appealing. “Yes I am aware you have a problem with authority.”

  “Sure do. I think Noah wants to meet you. He actually seems rather interested in you.” She smiles.

  Great a ghost stalker, I bet it was him earlier and this morning. Why not just appear? Why all the secrecy? “I’d like to speak with him, with all of them.”

  “Maybe one day you will. Well I’m going to let you go to bed.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To see what your beautiful brother is doing.”

  “Be nice to him, he’s really trying to be a better person.”

  “Don’t worry I will be.” She frets for a brief second like she wants to say something else. “Well good night.” She disappears.

  Huh, I wonder what that was about…

  Grabbing pajamas out of the drawer I can’t help but wonder how often they are around watching. I almost talk myself out of a shower or changing for that matter. However the humid heat down here makes me feel sticky and there’s no way I’m going to bed sweaty and gross. Hopefully they give me the same privacy Kadence does. As I trudge to the bathroom glancing around my room I make a mental note of where everything is. I want to keep track of what exactly it is this Noah guy is so interested in.

  Loud footsteps hammer down the hall towards me; I’m so fearful it’s becoming harder to distinguish between them and my heart pounding in my ears. Locking the door I glanced around for an escape, quickly run to the window and fight to open its heavy panes. There’s no way I’ll survive the fall and if by some miracle I do I’ll be permanently paralyzed. I shutter thinking about lying there on the wet grass, my body refusing my commands. “Emily!” His voice sounds angry as he beats against the door. “You are making it worse! You know what happens when I get angry!” I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs as I quietly squeeze into the closet hiding behind a large wooden trunk. “I saw you with that boy in the old slaves quarters! You disgust me! You know what everyone is going to say about you! About our family! No daughter of mine would do such a thing!” He screams and kicks the door. “I should have known you’d turn out just like your mother! Emily, open this damn door it’s time for you to repent!” The door slams into the wall, I can hear it crack the plaster and I press my hand to my mouth harder choking down the scream. “Shh, its gonna be alright, soon he won’t be able to hurt you anymore.” I shake my head disbelievingly knowing the only way that’s possible is if one of us dies. He wraps his arms around me, “I’m with you. I’m always gonna be with you.” “You can’t hide from me!” The closet doorknob turns and I know it’s over. Closing my eyes I wait for the end.

  Bolting up I grab the throw blanket from the foot of my bed and wrap it around myself as I walk to close the window. “Emily?” My voice comes out in a shaky whisper. “Are you showing me what happened to you?” I turn around ready to climb back in bed when I hear the distinct noise of the closet doorknob turning slowly. My heart skips a beat and I run out my room straight down the hall to Drew. I’m so afraid that the quiet moaning doesn’t register until I’ve flipped on his light while carefully closing the door behind me. I stand there trembling from fear and shock. Fear from my experience and shock from what I just walked in on. “What the heck are you doing?”

  Drew looks at me embarrassed and Kadence rolls her eyes, “What did it look like?” she asks agitated with me for ruining their make out session.

  “You’re freaking kidding me right? Drew she’s not alive.”

  “But I can see her, feel her, she is as real as you and me.”

  I step towards her angrily, if that’s the case she’s about to get what she’s had coming to her for a while now! Best friend or not, she’s done screwing with my brothers head! Lashing out my palm connects with her cheek causing it to sting. She stares at me surprised.

  “Leave him alone, find someone not breathing to manipulate.” I seethe. I want to wrap my hands around her throat and choke her to death but she’s already dead! She sees the rage in my eyes and hastily runs around the bed putting Drew between us.

  “Don’t let her hurt me.”

  Drew stares at me confused, “Journey, calm down, it’s alright.”

  I shake my head, “This is not right. She’s dead Drew and you were,” balling my fists I struggle not to jump across the bed and beat the snot out of her. “Get out of the way.” I step forward.

  “No.” Drew glares at me, “I won’t let you touch her. I love her and she loves me.”

  Kadence peeks around him with a smug grin on her face.

  “Love?” I chortle, “You can’t love her, what do you think is going to become of this, she’ll suddenly be resurrected and we can pretend the last year never happened?”

  “Get out.” Drew says sadly.


  “Out, I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  I nod and turn around pausing before I let myself out, “I’m sorry Drew, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Stopping at the landing, looking down the hall to my room I cringe at the thought of being alone. Stupid Kadence! I feel badly for slapping her, that’s a lie, she deserved it. Now I’m alone to, I can’t talk to Drew, can’t talk to her. No chance in Hades I’m waking my parents. I shouldn’t have gone crazy. I should have kept a level head. Anger and violence never solve anything. Wiping the stray tear from my cheek I decide to go downstairs.

  Rummaging through the freezer I find a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, grab a spoon from the drawer and sit down. Great, now I’m turning into one of those people who eat when they’re depressed. I’ll gain fifty pounds before summer ends. A sob catches in my throat and I nearly choke on my bite of ice cream as I picture a chunky me in a bikini at the beach, people looking, laughing and pointing. I sit the pint on the table and push it away. “If only I had someone to talk to.” My thoughts slip from my mouth. A hand caresses my cheek. I’d be freaked out if it weren’t for the sense of comfort that came with it. I don’t even bother to ask if it’s Kay, she’s most likely still upstairs with Drew and I’m not even going to imagine what they are doing. Last time we had a serious argument it took weeks before we spoke to one another, and I was the one to apologize when it should’ve been her. That’s it! Tomorrow I’m going out to find living friends. Dude that sound so pathetic, who am I kidding I’m not the kind of person that makes friends easily. I’m shy and awkward when I get around a group of people. Maybe that’s why the dead like me, I don’t really fit in with the living. “Please talk to me.” I whisper. Awesome, not even the dead want to speak to me now. Maybe I am an emo… If I start wearing all black and even think about cutting I’ll be checking myself into the nut house. I’m just going to rest my eyes for a moment, they feel so heavy, and then I’ll hide the evidence of my junk food binge.


  “Heavens sake kid,” Mom’s voice breaks in, “are you sleepwalking again?”

  “Umm,” Ouch. Gross, I drooled at some time then it dried and now my face is stuck to the table. Attractive, I’m so glad Drew hasn’t made friends yet. I’d die of embarrassment if they had walked in on me.

  “Honey what happened?” She looks at the soppy carton of melted ice cream on the table.

  “I wanted a snack?”

  “You wasted the good stuff,” dad says smiling, “I hid that on purpose.”

  Mom scowls at him. “
We aren’t teenagers anymore. We can’t eat junk like that and expect to stay looking so good.” She smacks his butt and I try not to look repulsed.

  “You know it’s my after afternoon delight treat.” He grins at her and she giggles.

  “Vomit.” I groan pushing myself up in a hurry to get away, “I could’ve gone the rest of my life without hearing that.” As far as I’m concerned a stork dropped me off on their doorstep!

  “Journey,” Dad says as I walk out the kitchen.

  “I’m going to clean my ears out!”

  Mom laughs an apology but I’m too grossed out to stick around. I want to clean myself up, get dressed and get the heck out of here. Maybe grab a bite to eat first… I’m not sure it depends on the topic of conversation in the kitchen. It nearly scarred me as much as walking in on Drew and Kadence last night. I try to shake the image out of my head as I rub my face. I have the right to be upset don’t I? Sure they used to have a thing but hello, Drew, outside of these grounds she’s not corporeal. What is going to happen when he gets a real girlfriend, if he has intentions of getting one, ugh I hope he does, he can’t become a hermit for her. He’d be crazy, maybe he’s the one that needs to see a shrink. I can’t stress this anymore. I need to get a life, and apparently a new wardrobe because all I own are pants and it’s friggin blazing here! At least I own a few tank tops. Snatching a hot pink one off the hanger and shoving the other clothes to the side I peer into the closet unsure as to what exactly I’m looking for… But I swear if a girl suddenly appears I’ll need a shower and another change of clothes. Something catches my attention so I bend down to get a better look. A child’s artwork is all over the back wall. Mostly flowers and girly doodles, I follow them to the corner. They become darker, faces twisted in pain, bloody mutilated bodies, and fire, lots of fire. I quickly get up and close the door; it’s a little disturbing. Did Emily draw that? Why would she color on the walls, in the closet of all places? I have to meet this girl. “Emily.” I call out slipping on my shoes and gathering up my things. I still don’t understand why they won’t talk to me. Reaching for my poetry book I notice a loose piece of paper on my desk.


  I know we have yet to officially meet however I have been keeping an eye on you. Please do not feel so alone here. There is no need to be fearful of all of us. I will hopefully see you soon.



  Folding it up I shove it in the desk drawer. This Noah guy is either incredibly nice or a total creeper. It will be my luck he’s a weirdo, that’s the kind of guy I seem to attract. I groan inwardly thinking about the last boy I semi-dated. He was a little strange but who am I, Queen of the dead, to judge? I could overlook the sappy crappy poetry because he was just trying to be sweet. I could even overlook him asking me to paint his nails black but when I caught him trying on my pants it was over. I guess I should be glad it was pants and not my thong, talk about an awkward situation! Yeah those are usually the kind of guys that like me, there have been stranger but I’m trying to forget about them. Kadence says guys are afraid of me, which I totally don’t get. I’m nice, well I think I am anyway, quiet and keep to myself. It’s not like I go around picking fights and intimidating people.

  “Hey,” Drew says coming down the stairs behind me looking like he just climbed out of bed, “can we talk?”

  “About what?” I continue down.

  “Last night.”

  Stopping at the bottom of the steps to wait for him I glance around for Kadence. “Where is your girlfriend?”

  He rolls his eyes, “Don’t be like that.”

  “I just asked a question.”

  He shakes his head, “I don’t understand why you’re mad at her.”

  “I thought I made that clear last night.”

  “You didn’t have to slap her, you really hurt her feelings.”

  I can’t stop the smirk from spreading.

  “It’s not funny Journey, you need to apologize.”

  “I need to apologize?” Has he lost his mind? Maybe she sucked the last brain cell he had out last night during their kiss fest. “It’s not going to happen, tell her to hold her breath for that, oh wait it doesn’t matter, she’s already dead.”

  “All of a sudden that matters to you? Why are you being such a bitty?”

  “Because I care about you stupid. All that’s going to happen is you’ll get your heart broken, again.”

  “Not this time, things are different.”

  “Duh, you think?”

  “Yeah she said,”

  “I don’t want to hear it honestly.” I interrupt, “I’ve got enough crap going on without worrying about your seriously screwed up love life. It’s obvious that no matter what I say it’s not going to change your mind, I’ll just make you angrier at me and I don’t want that.”

  “I don’t either, what are we supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know about you but I’m going to try and pretend it’s not happening, at least not right now.”

  “She’s your best friend, she lives here, how do you plan on doing that?”

  “Ignore the situation.” I say walking to the kitchen. “Ugh, seriously?” Mom and Dad look at me quickly. “What is it with everyone? Don’t you have a room?”

  Mom jumps off of Dad’s lap quickly, “Honey we were just talking.”

  “Whatever! I’m going off, I’ll be home later.” I say storming out of the house.

  “Journey,” a guy whispers my name as I reach my Jeep. I spin around expecting to see someone. “I’m in no mood for your stupid games!” I scream and turn back to the car. Something brushes against me accompanied by a laugh that sends a shiver down my spine. “Coward,” I seethe, “show yourself.” Total silence. “That’s what I thought.” I huff before peeling off.

  After I calm down I decide to plug my Ipod in so I can listen to my music instead of the endless country stations. Ugh, I feel like a jerk! I spot the GPS with a little red bow and a tag that reads heart mom and dad. Kadence would call me out right now, if she weren’t avoiding me. Not thinking about her! My stomach growls reminding me I haven’t eaten and I suddenly feel famished. I follow the route that I took yesterday hoping to spot a fast food restaurant. Seriously where do they hide the cheap places to eat?

  After parallel parking I can’t help but think I did a better job than Dad, although I’m sure he would argue otherwise. Men, they can’t accept the fact that most women are better drivers. Climbing out of the car I look around at all the people walking around, couples, groups, heck even most of the spirits have someone with them. I really miss Kadence and Drew, it would have been better to have someone to talk to instead of wandering around aimlessly alone. Maybe I should call him, tell him I’m sorry and they should come hangout… No! I am going to stop being a push over! I put in my ear buds, turn on The Arcade Fire and set off to explore. I’ve completely lost my mind, I’m going ghost hunting; like I really have to hunt for them, but before we moved I read online about supposedly haunted places and I want to check them out. Sometimes people are wrong, believe it or not. My cousin swore their house had a ghost in it. I stayed a week over the summer and nothing but a draft lightly closing doors or moving the curtains. Oh so scary. She still swears there’s something there but I know better. My stomach growls again and people actually look at me. Yes people I’m friggin starving but I couldn’t eat at home because my parents were to busy making out in the kitchen like a couple of hormone crazed teenagers! I really want to shout that but instead I turn as red as a fire hydrant and hurry off to find a restaurant. The nice places are packed with people standing outside waiting to get in. I see a Starbucks up ahead and nearly squeal I’m so excited, food and a latte, I pick up my pace.

  Oh CRAP! It’s Abigail, I can’t talk to her; someone is bound to notice. I try to pretend that I don’t see her as she approaches me but if I don’t acknowledge her she’ll follow me all day. Thinking quickly I duck into an alley, of course she’s right behind me, and pu
ll out my cell phone. Taking out an ear bud I pretend to call someone and hold it to my ear.

  “Journey,” Abigail says, “how are you? Did you find him?” She asks hopeful.

  “No, not yet. I am going to look today.”

  “Perhaps I could help you.”

  “That will not be necessary.”

  She looks me over, “You are a very peculiar girl ladies do not wear trousers.” She shakes her head in disapproval.

  “I don’t really care for dresses.”

  She giggles, “I am sure that displeases your parents.”

  “Actually yes, my mom wishes I were more like her.”

  “Most mothers do.” She looks at me sadly.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I…seem to have lost everyone. It gets rather lonely. Perhaps you could come to my home, keep me company sometimes.”

  “You live alone?”


  “Do you talk to anyone?”

  “Occasionally. Molly and a few newcomers to the neighborhood.” She shakes her head and lowers her voice, “I believe the poor dear has lost her mind.”


  “Molly, she is persistent that someone murdered her.”

  “That’s not,” I catch myself before I say uncommon.

  “Sane?” she asks.

  “Uh, yeah. I must be going now.”

  “So soon?”

  “Yes, I apologize but I have prior obligations.” With a coffee cake and latte.

  “I will not keep you then.” She says sadly.

  “I’ll catch you later.”

  She looks at me strangely again and nods briefly, “Yes, well then, goodbye.”

  I wait until she is out of sight before putting up my phone and all but run to Starbucks. There’s a group of teenagers seated around a table talking and laughing as I approach. A couple of them glance at me briefly as I pass then continue their conversation. Its times like these I really miss Kadence, when she was in the land of the living. She knew what to do or say and before I knew it we were hanging out with kids we just met. Not me, I give a quick smile or nod and continue on my way to afraid to look like a fool but Kay never met a stranger.


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