Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1) Page 24

by Destiny Patterson

  “It’s not your fault, finish packing so we can get the heck out of here.”

  He nods and I hurry to my room. Noah’s standing at my door, “Where are you rushing off to?”

  “Daelynn’s.” I say trying to step around him.

  “You’re shutting me out.”

  “No I’m not.”

  He tilts his head, “Yes, you are. The symbols, whose brilliant brainchild was that?”

  “Oh…me, I painted them mostly.”

  “Don’t try to cover for him, I know it was Rouge. You haven’t been yourself since that trip to the store. Tell me something Journey, are you afraid of ME now?”

  “No,” well not until five seconds ago when you started acting overly bizarre, “why would you ask that?”

  “I just wanted to make sure that he didn’t say anything that would lead you to believe that because if so he was lying, that’s all.”

  “Well he didn’t and I haven’t seen him lately. You have nothing to worry about. Now if you don’t mind I have to pack.”

  Nodding he steps away then takes my arm as I open the door, “Can you find a way for me to get around the symbols? I really miss hanging out with you, I’ve been so lonely these last couple of days.”

  “I’ll work on it.”

  “Okay.” He says with a sad expression before vanishing.

  “Have you talked to Rouge?” Drew asks as I drive to Blake’s.

  “Not in a couple of days, why?”

  “Last night while we were finishing the walkway,”

  “It looks great by the way. Did he tell you what the symbols mean?”

  “No but he told me that you have something to show me. Sorry I haven’t come to chill, I’ve been so busy helping Rouge finish the mosaic. I swear I slept like the dead last night and half the day today.”

  “It’s cool I’ve been reading anyway. Mom’s worried I’m starting to shut everyone out and revert to my former self.”

  “That’s mom for you. So what was it you wanted to show me?”

  “The books, I brought a couple of them with me. You can look at them when we get to Blake and Dae’s house.”

  “Alright.” He says resting his head back and closing his eyes, “You do know where you’re going right?”

  “Not actually.”

  He types the address into the GPS quickly, “if I doze off wake me when we get there please.”


  Pulling up to Blake’s house I put the Jeep in park and stare at the old Second French Empire architecture feeling overly nervous. What if his parents hate me? What if Carson pops back up? What if there’s ghosts or worse in his house? Certainly he would have informed me. Maybe I should just go home, invite him over to hang out… That would not go over well Noah would see to it we were not allowed in my room then he’d annoy the crap out of us. Daelynn comes running out the front door and down the stairs with a huge smile on her face. Guess it’s to late to change my mind. “Drew, we’re here.” I nudge his arm.

  “Hey!” Dea snatches the door open and throws her arms around Drew, “I’m uber excited! My parents aren’t home and won’t be till late so Blake and I were thinking about going out for dinner, or we could order in, whatever, anyway y’all come on in.”

  I look up to see Blake strolling towards the car with a smile playing at his lips as he pulls his hand out of his pocket and waves. Yep, definitely staying. As I grab my purse he opens my door. “Good evening ma’am. I’ll get your bags and show you to your room.”

  “Thank you kind sir, I’d appreciate that greatly.” I smile as my heart flutters in my chest like a caged bird.

  Glancing around as we breeze through the house towards the staircase it dawns on me that Mom would approve of the décor. It’s not so formal that I’m afraid to touch anything yet it has that feel about it. Blake points towards different rooms telling us where everything is. We take a left on the second floor. “This is Dea’s room, if you hadn’t already figured that out.” He says reaching for the knob on the door with a beaming sun painted on it, it’s eyes boring through me like it’s judging whether or not I’ll be permitted.

  “I’ll take it from here.” Dae says snatching my bag from him and pushing past us to enter.

  “Okay…” I say getting out of the way as she pulls Drew in with her, drops my bag on the floor then turns to us.

  “I’m sure you want to show her your room so take Drew’s bag with you and we’ll catch up with y’all later.”

  Blake grins, “Sure thing.”

  As we head down the hall in the opposite direction I take notice to the details surrounding me. Everywhere I look there’s a symbol either carved into the framework or cleverly concealed in a painting. “My room.” Blake says. I’m staring at a door with the same Celtic knot I painted only much larger and it’s engraved into the wood. “Cool.” I whisper.

  Blake chuckles, “You haven’t seen anything yet,” he opens the door, “Ladies first.”

  I enter glancing around at his tidy room and set my purse down. It’s a big change from the picture he sent me. I hear the door shut and turn to him gazing at me. Despite my best efforts I feel my cheeks catch fire.

  “Does it meet your standards?”

  “Well I didn’t bring my white gloves but I think it passes inspection.”

  He smirks and steps closer, “I’ve been looking forward to this moment.”

  “Me critiquing your cleaning abilities?” I look at him doubtfully.

  “No, having you all to myself,” he agilely slips his hands around my waist, “in my room.”

  The nuisance colony has moved back in, for some reason when they invade my stomach my brain refuses to work. I try to get a grip on it, I don’t want to stand here staring at him like a dolt. “Uh, and why might that be?”

  As he guides me backwards I’m unable to take my eyes off of him. That is until I run into something, I glance back briefly then look up at him nervously.

  “It’s alright, I don’t bite, unless you like that sort of thing.” He smiles seductively as he lifts me to sit on his bed.

  “Umm…” I worry my lip, “no biting.”

  “Deal.” He says leaning closer. “Would you be apposed to me showing you what I had in mind?”

  “No.” my voice comes out faint as he leans closer. I scoot back and he follows, one knee between my legs the other pressed against my thigh. He wraps an arm around my back and knots his fingers in my hair. My heart hammers as he lightly presses his lips to mine. I’m afraid but only because I haven’t got a clue as to what I’m doing and I’m worried I’ll be terrible at this. He pulls away, “Relax, I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  I nod and he leans back in. Let go, you can do this; you want this, stop being a chicken! I give myself a pep talk. To my surprise it works quite well. I give in kissing him back, following his lead. He slides his hand from around me to my arm, pulling it from holding me up and pins me to the bed while interlacing our fingers. Our lips never lose contact and I’m not complaining. I could kiss him for hours and hopefully he feels the same way. I can’t believe I was freaking out over this for nothing. His leg is pressing firmly against me as he stifles a groan. Um on second thought that’s not his leg, my eyes pop open as he pulls away and I try not to giggle. “Maybe we should take a break for a few…” He says looking down at me, “Unless it doesn’t bother you.” His cheeks tint, “I was trying to hold that back but it’s really hard.”

  I’d say, okay don’t be a typical teenager and let your hormones over power. I promised I’d behave. “So long as you know you’re not putting it to use.”

  He bites at his lip, nods then leans back in crushing his lips to mine.

  Blake pulls away breathlessly as there’s a knock at the door. “Go away.” He groans.

  Dae giggles and opens the door. “You have to come up for air some time.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion.” Blake says over his shoulder.

stands in the doorway with her hand on her hip and Drew right behind her smirking at me. “They’re not going to leave us alone.” I inform Blake as he looks back down at me.

  “Correct.” Dae says, “Now grab the books you brought and march y’alls happy butts to the game room. DO NOT make us come back to get y’all.” She turns around and they disappear out of sight.

  “Books?” Blake questions getting up and holding out his hand.

  “Yeah, I found this old trunk in the basement full of them. They have symbols like the ones all over your house and they are written in a different language.”

  “Really.” He says without looking surprised.

  Why do I get the feeling he knows more than he’s letting on? “Yes,” I say getting my bag, “I’ll show all of you, lead the way.”

  The game room should be called Entertainment heaven. There’s a massive TV, couch, pool table, dartboard and a round table with seven chairs, which Dae and Drew are seated at. The wall closest to them has a large bookshelf packed with board games and of course books. Pulling out a chair I sit by Drew and put my purse on the table, “So I’m not sure if you’ll be able to read it…” I pull out the first one. Drew looks at it oddly but doesn’t make a move to take it.

  “Mind if I try?” Blake asks holding out his hand.

  “Not at all.” I smile.

  He flips it over in his hands studying the cover then opens it up. “So very few of us remain after the cleansing.” He looks at me with a grin and passes it to Daelynn. She takes a deep breath then looks at the page. For a second I think she may not be able to decipher it. “My only hope is that with time we shall be as strong in number and mind as we once were.” She grins triumphantly, “Your turn.” She hands it to Drew.

  I can see the worry on his face, he’s afraid he won’t be able to read it and will feel left out of the ‘club’.

  “It’s alright, chill. Open your mind, it might take a minute or so.” I tell him.

  He stares at the page, anxiousness whelming up, closes his eyes and lets out the breath he’d been holding. There’s a change in his demeanor as the switch is flipped, “To who ever may be reading this know you are not the first of our kind. I pray that you are not the last and are not alone,” he pauses opening his eyes to look directly at me, “child of light.” He sits the open book on the table, “That’s what she called you, what does it mean? Are we all children of light? What the heck are they anyway?”

  “Hello children.”

  We snatch our heads up unaware that anyone had joined us. A man and woman stand just inside the doorway. I all but gasp, they bare the same strange gold ringed eyes as Rouge.

  “Journey, Drew, meet our parents.” Blake smiles.

  “So nice to finally meet y’all,” Blake’s dad says.

  “We’ve been expecting y’all.” His mom finishes with a smile.

  You have got to be friggin’ kidding me…





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