Manha: Warriors Of Ition

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Manha: Warriors Of Ition Page 7

by Starr, Maia

  “Cover me, just in case there's another one of those things wanting to eat me.”

  “I got it,” I aimed the blaster gun at the water while he ran quickly to the bank and grabbed the container and then ran back toward me. He handed me the container.

  “It is not as salty as you might think. I think this is from the spring. It is good; try it. You need to stay hydrated; we have a long walk ahead of us.”

  I took the container and took a sip. It was good; it was refreshing. I chugged it down until it was empty. Then I handed it back to him. “Refill?”

  “Absolutely,” he said. He moved to the bank of the creek and dunked the container in. I aimed my gun at the water, ready to cover him if needed. This felt good. I felt useful. I felt like his equal. He had spent so much time and energy rescuing me, and now I was able to return the favor to him.

  He walked back over to me. “Let’s get back to that ship so I can gather my gear. Then we can get going.”

  He handed me the container. I handed him the blaster gun. He draped it on his body, and we began to walk back to the ship. He excitedly told me about how the creature took him. We could laugh about it now, but we had been in so many dangerous situations at this point that every new situation was just another story to tell.

  We walked back to the abandoned ship. I went inside and grabbed my sweater and tight around my waist. He grabbed his belt and his gear and searched the ship for anything that might be useful. Then we set out in the direction that we saw the light source at night, what we hoped was a village or city. It was going to be a long walk, but for some reason it didn't bother me as much as the walk before. The walk in the jungle had seemed like torture, walking alongside the enemy. But now, there was a camaraderie between us. I didn't just feel like a human female for having sex with; I felt like a soldier alongside him. I felt like a warrior, and that changed everything for me. We were in this together now as a team. We had a mission: find this village, find a ship. Get me to Imuna. Now that I had proven myself able to rescue him just as much as he could rescue me, I felt good about myself. I felt like I was contributing to this mission instead of feeling like a captive. It made all the difference, and it made me look at this Ition soldier in a completely different way. He no longer felt like my enemy; he felt like a friend. A lover. A teammate. It made me more aroused, but it wasn't just desire and lust; it was something else. I cared for him, but I wasn't ready to admit that out loud just get. It would stay my secret locked inside of me; I couldn't get too comfortable. I still didn't know that I could trust him. It was possible that he wasn't going to take me to Imuna at all. I had to remember that the Ition were very deceiving and manipulative.

  Chapter Eleven

  Commander Manha Ayre

  This human female was a badass. I didn't know how I was going to get out of that situation with the creature, but I never anticipated that she would rescue me. I thought I was all alone in it. In fact, I was surprised that she didn't use the opportunity to escape. She could have gone off without me. It was daylight, and she knew which direction the village was in. But instead, she heard my shouts. She grabbed my blaster gun and ran toward me, ready to fight for me. It was then that I knew this wasn't just desire and lust between us. It was something else. It was deeper. For a human from the Earth system to put herself in danger to protect an Ition Soldier, well, that was something. It was definitely something to think about. And I thought about it the entire walk to our destination.

  “Look. It is a village,” I said as we got to the top of a ridge. Down below we could see the village extending out. It was only a half a mile away from us now.

  “Yes!” She jumped up and down. I looked at her with a smile, enjoying this celebration that made her ample breasts bounce up and down. Then she threw her arms around me and hugged me. I enjoyed feeling her against me, as I always did. Then, she stopped. The celebration stopped. She looked at me, and I looked down at her, locking eyes with her. Then she reached up on her tiptoes and kissed me. Damn this woman. She was the one to initiate last night, and now she was doing it again. I wanted to push her away out of pride, but I couldn't. I kissed her back. It was cause for celebration that we had made it across this hostile planet alive. It was quite a feat.

  “Good work, Soldier,” I said as I pulled myself away from her.

  “To you as well, Soldier,” she smiled. Then she turned toward the village. She looked at me, and I gave her a nod. We began to walk down the ridge toward the activity of the village.

  Fifteen minutes later, we were entering the gate. It was a very lively village with an abundance of alien species around. There was a large market, a lot of tables with goods. A slavery market, and a couple of taverns.

  “This way,” I grabbed her hand and let her into a tavern.

  We sat down at a table in the corner. I sat with my back to the wall so that I could look out with her sitting beside me on the bench.

  “I have never seen so many different types of aliens in my life,” she whispered.

  “Yes, it is quite the sight. Try not to stare at it and look out of place. We need to act like we come here all the time.”

  She agreed. A barkeep walked over to us, waddling under his heavy weight. His skin was a light maroon color, and he wore a large apron. He didn't say anything.

  “Two large jugs of water, an order of bread, a tray of fruit, and a universal meal for two.”

  He walked away and attended to my order. He came back quickly with the two large jugs of water and two cups. Then he walked away again.

  “What does a universal meal mean?”

  “It means food that is able to be digested by all aliens. It is what you say when you are traveling so that you don't get fed something that is not compatible with your species.”

  “That is good to know.”

  A few moments later, the food was put in front of us. I reached into my belt to pull out a coin. The barkeep put his hand up and said, “Commanders of the Yinta Clan eat free, always. My regards to the supreme leader.” Then he walked away. It was then that I remembered I was wearing a Yinta Clan uniform; it was because it was how I rescued Karina from the Yinta Clan ship. I had forgotten that I was wearing it. I realized then that the barkeep was terrified of me, and everyone in the tavern was giving me side glances as though not to want to start any shit with the Yinta Clan. It was a good thing. It would keep people from messing with us, and also help me to get a ship.

  “Well, being in the Yinta Clan has its advantages; everyone is scared of you,” she whispered.

  “Just eat,” I said pouring some water for her.

  After we ate, the barkeep pointed me in the direction of where I could commandeer a small ship. I made sure he knew that I was willing to pay for it and not expect it for free. He graciously pointed out the direction to the other side of the village, where there was a small ship lot.

  I held Karina’s hand the entire way. I wasn't going to risk losing her, and it was important for everyone to know that she belonged to me. No one would mess with any contraband of the Yinta Clan. Finally, we made it to the lot. I asked for the merchant recommended to me by the barkeep. I pulled out a nice fat bag of coin and handed it to the merchant. He agreed and filled up the charge auxiliary. While we waited for the charge, I bought jugs of water and food for the journey. It took an hour before we were finally on our way.

  “Let's get off this damn purple rock,” I said as we sat together in the seats of the ship and I flipped switches turning it on ready for launch.

  “Yes, please. I think I've had enough of this purple planet to last a lifetime with its odd creatures,” she said.

  “I agree. Buckle in. Launching in five, four, three, two, one...”

  I punched the ship into launch mode. It shot straight up into the lavender sky filled with white clouds. From up here, the planet didn't seem so hostile, but I was glad when the black of space made its appearance. I felt safer in space, calmer.

  “What now?”

p; “I am setting up communications. See if I can get a message to my base, or even my fleet. Then we will make the jump to hyperspeed to get to Earth. I need to get you home.”

  “No! You have to take me to Imuna. I won’t go to Earth without her,” she said.

  “To the Ionia system?” I asked.

  “What is that?” she said.

  “That’s where my base is. That’s where Imuna is.”

  “Promise? You promise she is there?” she said looking at me sadly.

  “I know you don’t trust me. You have no reason to, but I promise I tell you the truth.”

  She smiled and then sighed as though relieved. I felt good that maybe she was actually starting to believe me.

  “Then that is where we must go. I can’t go back to Earth until I know she is alright.”

  “But my mission is to take you to Earth. I cannot fail,” I said.

  “Please. I need to know. I need to know she is alright. If she is, as you said, in a relationship with the leader, then I think that will help the humans. It could stop this cold war. We have to try,” she said.

  I looked at her begging me with those green eyes. I could not say no to her.

  “Fine, but I risk getting into trouble. After you meet with her, we must get you to Earth,” I said. “I don’t think this small ship could make the journey to Earth in one shot. We would have to stop and refuel, and that could be dangerous. I will take you to my base so that you can meet with Imuna and so that I can get a better ship. We are closer to Ionia than to Earth.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  I plotted the course, ready to jump into hyperspeed first before I did anything else. This way if we found ourselves in a tight spot, I could jump quickly. After I was done plotting the course and making sure the ship could handle it, I checked the communication link. It was solid. I picked up the radio and began to try to make contact.

  Within moments, my message was received by an Ionia Tower. I was relieved. I let them know my identification and what ship I would be entering the base on. I also made sure that Evex Ein would be alerted to my arrival. Once the message was confirmed, I made the jump into hyperspeed. I enjoyed watching Karina's reactions. She still looked at it in wonder. She made me feel joy at something that I took for granted so often, but it was an absolutely amazing thing to behold.

  “How long is this going to take in hyperspeed?” she asked.

  “Two hours,” I said.

  “Can I move around the ship?”

  “Yes, in fact, it is on autopilot now. We can both move around the ship; make yourself comfortable.

  She smiled and unbuckled her seat straps. She moved to the back of the ship. She pulled off her sweater. She was getting comfortable. I switched on a few more auto programs. I didn't want to stay at the front of the ship either, not when something so enticing was in the ship with me.

  I moved to the back of the ship. I watched her. She gave me a seductive smile as she sat down on the long bench and began to take off her boots. She pulled them off and then wiggled her toes, stretching. It was a delicious sight to behold. Then she pulled the band from her hair and pulled out the braid, letting her wild red hair loose. The sight nearly took my breath away; I had not seen it down before.

  “What are you trying to do to me, Karina? You are making my cock hard,” I said leaning against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest, watching her give me this visual.

  “It is? I don't believe you,” she said.

  “You never believe me. Fortunately, I can prove this to you,” I said.

  “Show me,” she smiled.

  Chapter Twelve

  Karina Nolin

  Now, we were finally on the ship and headed to see Imuna. I was nervous. I didn't know what was going to happen once I reached this base that he kept talking about. I only knew that Imuna was there and that I wanted to see her. But I didn't know what Evex Ein would have planned for me. That terrified me, and because of that, I knew that I wanted Manha one more time. I didn't know what was going to happen when we arrived. It was possible that I would never see him again. So I wanted one last moment of enjoyment. I found myself being lustful again, wanting him. The beauty of the view of hyperspeed outside the windshield was the perfect environment to make love for one last time.

  So I initiated, just as I had before. I couldn't help myself. He was so damn attractive, and he made me feel safe. There was no one that I trusted more with my life, even if I didn't trust his words. He had proven time and again that he would risk his life for me, and that made me very aroused. So I moved to the back of the ship and started to make myself comfortable. I pulled off my boots, giving my tired feet some time to rest. We had a good two hours before landing on this new planet. And I wanted to feel comfortable and eventually... satisfied. He stood before me, tall, blue, a muscular figure. He leaned against the wall in that cocky, arrogant way, looking at me. Just the way his black eyes looked me up and down made me feel like a very sexy woman. I felt the wetness gathering between my thighs. Hearing that his cock was hard only made me want to see his hard cock one more time. I couldn't wait to put it in my mouth.

  I wanted him one more time because I did not know what the future would bring. This could be my last time experiencing this dark mysterious alien, and I wanted him badly.

  “I can show you,” he said as he pulled his cock out of his uniform. He was still fully dressed. I bit my lip as I looked at it. It was so long, and in the light, I could see that it was blue just like the rest of him.

  “Bring it to me, Soldier,” I said.

  He walked toward me as I sat there waiting for him. He stood in front of me. I grabbed his hips and pulled him toward me. I opened my mouth and pushed the tip of his cock in. He groaned loudly as he watched. His hands went into my red hair. He was breathing hard and deep. I wanted to please him. He had done so much for me, and now I wanted to return the favor and get my fill of him. This might be the only time that I had to play with his perfect cock. Once we arrived at Ionia, it could be forbidden to be together.

  I pushed my mouth further down his long hard staff. He sucked in a sharp breath. I licked it up and down, going slowly as I looked up at him. He looked down at me with a grin on his face. I pushed his cock into my mouth again, sucking slightly as I moved my mouth back and forth on him. He moaned louder and louder as I moved faster and faster. Then I slowed down and licked him again, teasing.

  “I can’t take it anymore, Karina. I need to do this to you,” he said. He stepped back from me and took off all his clothes. “Take off your clothes too. That’s an order, human.”

  “Yes, Commander. If that is your order,” I said. I stood up and pulled off my pants, and my tank top. I stood there naked, feeling small in front of his massive body and large, throbbing staff.

  He smiled. He picked me up and sat me down on the long, cushioned couch. Then he got on his knees. He put his hands on my knees and opened my legs wide. The alien pushed his face between my thighs. I gasped. “Oh! Oh…”

  He pressed his lips against my slit. He ran his long alien tongue up and down it, over and over. I opened my thighs wider. He moaned. His mouth moved up to my clitoris. He pressed his lips to it, sucking slightly.

  “Oh god. Yes, yes,” I moaned as I pushed my fingers into his hair. He moved his tongue over my clitoris pushing it back and forth and back and forth again. Then I exploded into sudden orgasm. It came on fast, in a rush. I let out a scream. I squeezed his face between my thighs. I released in his mouth. He groaned and licked up my nectar.

  He stood up and looked at me. He had a proud look on his face. I couldn’t even say anything to tease him because I couldn’t catch my breath and I was still cumming.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard, human,” he whispered as he picked me up. He put his hands under my bottom. Manha walked to the wall and pressed my back against it. I put my hands around his neck, holding on. His massive hands grabbed my waist, hoisting me up. I felt the tip of his cock press at my ope
ning. Then he lowered me down on to it.

  “Oh, shit. Yes, yes,” I moaned as I pressed my face against his chest, holding on. He slid inside of me and went deep. I groaned and wiggled against him. He growled a low deep growl. I felt the cold panel of the wall of the spaceship. He grabbed my hips again and then began to fuck me against the wall, hard and fast. He pumped his cock in and out of me, going so fast I wondered how he was able to achieve that speed. It was faster than any human man that I had ever been with. It surprised me and thrilled me. When he was done with this position, he moved me back to the bench. He set me down on my knees and flipped me around. I was on all fours. He got behind me. I felt his cock slide inside my wet center. He moved slow and deliberately. He was allowing time for each stroke of his cock, in and out of me. I moaned and pushed my head back. The sensation in this position was delicious. It felt like it was going deeper inside of me. Then he started going faster and faster. Suddenly the sound of his skin slapping against my ass filled the spaceship. My breasts bounced wildly. I could see the blur of hyperspeed through the windshield. It was enough.

  “I’m cumming again…” I whimpered over and over. I released once more into intense pulsations.


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