Reapers and Roses: (Grove High School Book One)

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Reapers and Roses: (Grove High School Book One) Page 7

by A. R. Breck

  Gross, whatever.

  I head to class and attempt to rid these strange men from my mind.

  Easier said than done.


  Cara: I'm outside. Come open the door?

  I read the text from Cara and walk to my front door, revealing an excited Cara. "Ready for tonight? Can't believe you got the invite from Logan. Pretty jealous, girl." Cara says, standing in the entryway of my nonexistent foyer.

  I roll my eyes. "It's nothing. He was just being pushy. I don't know what's wrong with them, they keep acting like they rule the world. It's annoying."

  "They don't act like it. They do." She toes off her shoes and follows me into the house. Looking around, she inspects the Shack with open eyes. "This place is pretty nice. You acted like it was a piece of shit. This house is like, twice the size of my trailer."

  I swallow down a chuckle. "Um, this house is a piece of shit." I then think about what she said, and how much nicer this place is than hers. Wincing, I say. "I didn't mean -"

  She waves me off like it's not a big deal. "It's fine. I know I live in a tin can. And you're like this... princess from the rich and famous city."

  I open my mouth to say something, to apologize, anything really. But she doesn't seem bothered, and I feel way too awkward. So, I walk into the kitchen and open up the refrigerator, doing the next best thing. "Can I get you anything? Water? Pop? Cheap wine?" I roll my eyes at the last one. There is enough wine in this dump to hydrate all of the Grove.

  "Cheap wine?" She wrinkles up her nose in disgust. "I'll stick with a soda, thanks." I toss her one and crack open a bottle of water, taking a few swigs before we walk off to my room. "Where is your mom, anyway?" She asks, looking around for her.

  "Work or something. I don't know, honestly. She's been out a lot. I think she gets off work and goes somewhere, but I don't even ask. I don't care, really. If she wants to keep her life a sudden secret from her only daughter, then screw her." I shrug. "It is what it is."

  She looks over at me sympathetically, but then goes into my room to look around.

  I'm glad that she's not really prying into my personal life, and I'm sure she's not doing it because she comes from her own shit life. From what I've heard, her step-dad is a really asshole. Her mom doesn't do much to help, more like whines from the couch but never stands up for her own daughter. Piece of shits, the both of them.

  At least I don't have an abusive mother. I just have an absent mother. And a broke sperm donor for a father.

  Once I reach my room, I finally glance at the outfit Cara is wearing. A cute, strapless black jumper that shows off her tiny frame and large boobs. "Damn girl, cute outfit." I say.

  I got dressed on a pair of overly ripped designer jeans with a black halter cami. It's super cute. A little more bold than what I would usually wear, but I feel like stretching the boundaries tonight. If I'm going to live in this town, I might as well dive head first into the lifestyle too.

  "Thanks. But you look hot too. Your outfit shows off all of your curves in the best way." She looks me up and down, appraising me with a smile.

  "Thanks. So, before we leave, I wanted to tell you something." I wring my hands together as my nerves start to get the best of me. I've really tried to bury the feelings on what happened last time I was at the Pit, but most of the evening I have been nearly dizzy with worry that the same guy will be there, watching and waiting for me.

  "What is it?" She notices my unease, coming up to me and sitting next to me on the edge of the bed.

  "Well, okay. So, after we left the Pit last time, I was walking to my car and some guy came up to me and attacked me." I look down at the floor as I tell her this.

  God, why do I feel, like, guilty? I don't know what I feel, but this whole thing just hasn't felt right since it happened.

  "Holy shit! Rose, why didn't you say anything? What happened? Do you know who it was? I swear, you need to carry some pepper spray or a knife on you or something. I would have shanked the hell out of any guy that pulled one on me."

  "I - I didn't know the guy. He looked like some random homeless guy or something. Easton... Easton actually saved me."

  Her eyes grow as wide as saucers and her jaw falls into her lap. "Easton...saved you? What the hell does that mean?"

  "It means exactly that. He came and saved me. I don't know, maybe he was outside or something and he saw me? Or he was just walking by? I don't know, but I'm just thankful that he was there when he was."

  "Easton never goes out there after a fight. He leaves out a separate exit, or even stays the night in the upstairs apartment." Upstairs apartment? "Maybe he... no, never mind. Couldn't be."

  She seems to shake off her thoughts, but now my curiosity has been utterly peaked. "No. No, you can't do that. What were you going to say?"

  "It's crazy. I'm thinking absolutely crazy and it's most likely not even in the realm of what was going on. But I don't know. Maybe he was watching you?" She looks at me sideways, like she is looking at me in a new light.

  "Pfff. Yeah, right. Easton the "Reaper" was watching me? Some girl from out of town, who he doesn't know, who he is a dick to, was watching me? Yeah, you are thinking crazy." I stand up and go to grab my things, not even giving water or sun to allow that theory to grow.

  "Yeah... yeah." Cara seems lost in thought, so I grab my things and walk out to the kitchen and scribble a note to my mom.


  Going out with a friend... Might be back tonight, otherwise will see you tomorrow.



  A part of me hates my mom for what she's done and her lack of parenting when I've needed it the most. But another part of me will always be a mommy's girl, and I will never worry her on purpose.

  "Cara, let's go, otherwise we will be late!"

  "Coming!" She shouts, walking towards the door and putting back on her flats.

  I slide into my flats - finally heeding to her advice - and we head out the door.



  Desire is the kind of thing that eats you and leaves you starving. - Nayyirah Waheed

  Arriving at the Pit feels like some sort of bad omen. Last time I came here, I was almost raped by a pudgy old man with the smell of rot leaking from his pores.

  What kind of night will tonight be?

  Cara decided to drive tonight, promising that we will walk hand in hand into the building and back out to her car when we leave. We made a pact that we would keep an eye on each other tonight, and it makes me forever grateful for her friendship.

  "Hey, Jerry. How's it goin'?" Cara asks, going up to the hulk of a bouncer and giving him a friendly smile.

  "Cara! Two times in a week? Come over here!" He grabs her by the bicep and hauls her into him, squeezing the life out of her in a type of hug that I cringe at. That shit looks painful.

  When he lets her go, he looks her up and down and then looks over at me, doing the same. He frowns, "You girls lookin' for trouble tonight, or somethin'?"

  Cara laughs and swats his arm. I'm sure to him it felt like a piece of dust hitting him. "No, just going to enjoy a girl's night out!" She grabs my wrist and pulls me with her. "See you later, Jerry!"

  "Night ladies. Don't go gettin' into any trouble." He repeats.

  With a wave over her shoulder, we walk inside. "Uh huh, okay. Night!"

  Once we enter and are once again walking down the dim hall with the flickering yellow lights that lead to the main area, I remember one important task that completely slipped my mind.

  Stopping in my tracks, I pull Cara to a halt. "Oof, what the hell, Rose?"

  "I totally forgot to text Logan. He gave me some serious ass instructions to not come into the building until I texted him." I then think about how much of a pussy I sound like, and internally slap myself across the face. "You know what? Never mind. Let's go." I start hauling her with me down the remainder of the hallway, but this time it's me that is pulled to a halt. "Oof, what the hell?"
  "Wait a sec. Logan told you to text him?"


  "You should text him. I'm not in the mood to piss any of those three off."

  "Who cares? If any of them start throwing a fit, I will blame the whole thing on me." I shrug.

  "Rose..." Cara starts, suddenly looking unsure.

  "What? Come on! We got dressed up and are looking smoking hot. I never would have dressed like this in my old town. The girls there were too rich - and they were never this risky. I want to have a good night and I don't want to let some bossy ass boys tell me what the hell I need to do!"

  "Bossy ass boys, huh? Bossy ass might right, but boy? Think again." Comes a voice from behind me, and I shriek and grab my chest.

  "Holy shit, Logan! How did you know we were even here?" Looking over at him, I see the pissed look on his face and only feel a sliver of guilt. He's been nice to me this week, I should try not to shit on our friendship.

  "Do you really think that anyone who gets in this building is going to go unnoticed by us?" He laughs like that's the stupidest thing he's ever heard.

  I roll my eyes, already annoyed by his presence. "Yeah, okay buddy. You know I'm here now, so have a good night. Cara and I are going to get some drinks." I grab Cara by the wrist and this time, she doesn't stop me.

  Surprisingly, Logan lets us pass.

  Unfortunately, and not all that surprising, these boys have to get in the last word. "Don't go drinking too much, ladies. Oh, and hey, Cara? I really approve of this outfit." He appraises her up and down with a heated look, and I am reminded on how good looking he really is. He turns to me looks me up and down as well. "Although, I don't think Easton is going to like yours as much."

  I flick him off and walk away. I'm sure not going to let Logan or Easton ruin my good night.

  Walking over to the bar with Cara, it's me this time who yells to the bartender. "Two strawberry lemonade vodkas, please!"

  I hand him money from my wallet that seems to be getting smaller and smaller by the day. It's starting to worry me and I really need to sit down and figure out a game plan for the future. I'm guessing I need to find a job, or at least find some summer gig once school lets out. I've never had one before, and I'm not even sure where I would start.

  The bartender delivers us our drinks, and I hand one to Cara who lifts hers in a toast. "To new friendships and a wild night."

  I give her a devilish look and clink my glass with hers, downing my drink quicker than I should have. I instantly feel the effects, the lightheaded feeling hitting me full force.

  Cara finishes hers as well, and we set our glasses down on the counter before making our way over to the fighting ring.

  Cara might be tiny, but she sure knows how to scrap her way to the front.

  By the time that we make it through the crowd and up to the front of the ring, the same rambunctious announcer that was here last time is announcing the fighters for the night. He announces Easton, who looks as raw as ever. Sweat drips from his body like he ran a marathon just before coming here. Logan and Jackson are on each side of him, as well as the man from the other night who is checking his taped hands once again. The crowd is going wild for him and I'm pretty sure I see a few panties fly across the air.

  Jealousy and fury make me wrinkle my nose in disgust. Is this the type of shit he likes? Slutty girls with genital warts? Girls who open their legs at the first sign of an alpha male?

  The announcer introduces the other fighter of the night, Reggie the "Viper" Vixon, snapping me out of my disturbing thoughts.

  I don't want to think about Easton like that. He's a bossy asshole who also thinks he can bully me into doing what he wants. No, thank you.

  The Viper is a tall, thin man. Taller than Easton, but also significantly thinner than him, too. I'm not quite sure what makes this guy a fighter. Easton looks like he could crush him like a bug. Not that Easton is overly built by any means, but he has that fighter build to him, and it's hard not to appreciate the obvious hard work that he does in the gym.

  Once the bell rings and the fight begins, I'm surprised to see Viper so quick on his feet. I see where he gets his name from. He might not be the strongest of men, but if he hops across the ring like that long enough, I'm sure any other fighter would get tired enough where Viper can make his strike.

  Hmm, fitting name, I suppose.

  Easton though, he seems to be looking almost too relaxed to be fighting. He looks more like he should be sitting in a recliner watching television instead of standing in a ring about to fight with someone called Viper.

  Easton gets a few punches in, but Viper just continues jumping around the ring like he's a fucking rabbit. That should have been his name - Rabbit.

  Suddenly, Easton looks like he has lost him momentum. He seems tired, and Viper uses this moment to lay a few into him, excited over the possible win against the Reaper.

  Easton is just playing a game, I realize.

  He launches out of his tired position and flies over to Viper, landing punch after punch until Viper is a heap on the ground.

  Viper attempts one more time at standing up and beating this thing when Easton winds his arm back to impossible lengths and lands a swift left hook to Viper's cheek, sending him flying across the ring and knocked out up against the edge.

  The bell rings, signaling the end of the fight.

  The announcer comes up and the crowd goes wild as he lifts one of Easton's arm in yet again another victory.

  As the crowd cheers and Logan and Jackson come up in the ring to congratulate Easton, he only does one thing.

  His eyes fly to mine and a zing of electricity shoots between my legs. His eyes darken to black pools of lust, like he realizes what just happened to my body. Everyone else in the Pit disappears and Easton and me are the only ones left in this room, in this town, on this planet.

  It's just us.

  What snaps me back to reality is my friends voice as she whispers into my ear, "Holy shit."

  "What?" I turn towards her, breaking eye contact with Easton.

  "Did you see that look Easton was giving you? Holy panties, Rose. That was some type of porn or something."

  I roll my eyes. Looking back at Easton, I see he is already walking off with his friends, not sparing me another glance.

  "Let's go get another one of those yummy drinks you got me addicted to." I say, ready for her to mosh her way out of this pit.

  "Hell yeah, girl. I told you they're good." She grabs my hand and pushes her way through the crowd. I watch her, taking notes on how to be a scrappy bitch in the future if I ever need to be.

  Cara orders us some drinks, and we pay the small fee and then happily sit and chat for a while.

  After a while, I hear the high-pitched annoying screams of girls and turn around, watching them all flaunt over the boys in what I'm sure is their usual spot. The girl who called me a slut the other day is attempting to rub her tits all over Easton. Her minions are acting just as slutty, rubbing themselves all over the Logan and Jackson's legs.

  Yuck, they look like bitches in heat. I'm surprised they haven't sprayed on them to mark their territory.

  I glance at Easton and see he is paying me no mind. I scowl into my drink. He was so quick to give me that heated glance earlier, but now he's acting like I don't even exist. I turn back around and chat with Cara until I feel a presence behind me.

  Turning around, I notice a cute guy who I've never seen before. He looks to be a little older, maybe twenty or so, with short brown hair cropped in a military cut with harsh cheek bones and blue eyes. He's handsome, not as handsome as Easton, but he is definitely someone I would have swooned over if I saw him in my old school.

  "Hey, ladies. Can I get you a drink?" He says smoothly. His voice is like honey, thick and warm. My eyes warm at his friendliness.

  Cara and I both look down at our drinks, seeing that there are only a few sips left.

  "Yeah, I guess I can have one more." I say. I look at Cara and she nods
in agreement.

  "I couldn't help but notice you two have been sitting here over by yourselves. Did you two come here with anyone?" I force myself to not glance towards Easton, instead leaning in more towards him and giving him a flirtatious smile.

  "Nope, just us and our single selves."

  Hottie takes the hint, his eyes turning molten as he sits down on the stool next to mine. "Well, that's too damn bad. Good thing I saw you before someone else in this place came and swooped you up." The bartender hands our drinks to the guy, and he passes them on to us before taking a swig of his own drink.

  "I'm Jesse." He says, holding out his hand.

  "Rose." His grip is warm and firm. Good, I was always told by my mother to stay away from people with a weak handshake.

  "Cara. Nice to meet you, Jesse." Cara sounds kind, but a little off. I'm about to turn to her and ask what the hell her problem is when Jesse steals my attention with another question.

  "What did you think of the fight tonight?" Jesse asks me.

  "It was good. This is only my second one, so I'm not really sure what the norm is around here."

  "Oh, really? Where are you from?"


  His eyebrows fly up to his hairline and he lets out a small whistle. "Woodbury, eh? What the hell are you doing in these parts?"

  "Just moved to the Grove."

  He squints at me, as if to question why someone would do such a stupid thing. I have no plan in delving into such personal information to someone I just met. I decide to move the subject off of me.

  "So, what about you? Where are you from?" I ask.

  Jesse is about to respond when I feel nails digging into my forearm. Turning towards Cara, I'm about to curse her out for stabbing me with her acrylic nails when I see the look in her eyes.

  Worry, or... is that terror? What's going on? "Cara, what is it?"

  I hear a commotion coming from behind me, and I turn towards Jesse and see him on his ass on the ground with Easton standing over him.

  I fly off of my stool and try to shove Easton out of the way, but it's like shoving a brick building. "You asshole! What the hell are you doing?"


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