The President's Secret Baby

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The President's Secret Baby Page 34

by Gage Grayson

  But sometimes, even the most vivid, penetrating hue in the universe isn’t clear enough to compete with the magic of human language.

  This is one of those times in which words become necessary.

  “Are you okay, Macy?”

  “Ugh...” Her breathing gets swifter as she struggles for her voice, I lift my hand away from her. “Just keep going, please.”

  My hand descends back down slowly, and reaching her bikini bottom, it absorbs heat radiating from her. Staying at the same pace, it slides across her mound and delve into the area between.

  Spreading my fingers, I lightly pinch both sides of her cunt. Skating along the edges of her bikini bottom, back and forth, I question her eyes with my own.

  She nods slowly, her eyes widening with mild, ecstatic shock—almost like she’s never felt anything like this before. Sometimes, all it takes is the right touch, and it’s like a whole new level, almost like the very first time all over again.

  If this ultimately winds up being my purpose in life, to finally take the time and the care to give this woman the pleasure she deserves, then I’m beyond fucking happy to fulfill it now and accept this as my peak.

  And if it ends right now, I’m happy to have fulfilled my purpose.

  I’m not in charge, though, and Macy doesn’t look like she’s ready for it to end.

  She’s so perfect, sprawled below me like a piece of art so beautiful, it almost feels wrong to behold. As if the human mind isn’t worthy or even capable of appreciation…

  “Is there a reason you stopped?”

  I can tell it took Macy a moment to summon the concentration for those words, which means I must be doing something right.

  My fingers run gingerly around her inner thighs and then up to where they meet.

  “Is this okay?” Stroking her pussy over her bikini bottom, I start to feel just how massively wet she is through the cloth.

  “Oh. Oh, yes. Oh, holy fucking shit, yes.”

  Her hand reaches between us and lightly fondles my stiff cock.

  When she touches it, I shudder and suddenly take in a short, sharp breath, creating a wild, pleasured hiss.

  “That feels fucking amazing.”

  Encouraged, she grasps me more firmly and starts stroking my length.

  Sparks of forceful color and dazzling light shoot everywhere through my vision as I hear myself yowl. Regaining some semblance of control through the haze of pleasure, I work my fingers in the side of her bikini bottom, running my fingers along the front of her folds.

  “You’re soaked.”

  Adjusting to this new, fucking mind-blowing reality, I resolve to stay on track to give Macy all the pleasure she wants and deserves.

  Leaning down, I take her lips in a long, deep kiss. At the same time, I work my fingers more decisively around her soaking pussy. Pulling back, our heavy breathing is the only thing between us except for this damn bikini bottoms.

  Before I can say or do anything about it, she’s already pulling them down her legs to fling them off with her bikini top.

  Yes. And I mean Yes.

  She grabs me aggressively around the neck, pulling me down to wrap her legs around my hips and kiss me again.

  Her wet pussy slides against my throbbing cock.

  My balls are tightening, and things get real really fucking quick.

  The soft sand under the towel seems to help her fluid movement, as she gyrates underneath me rubbing along my length.

  She feels so wet. Instinct takes over as I reach behind her legs wrapped around my waist.

  Centering her below me, I cup her ass and slide my fingers to her center to feel her wetness. One small adjustment, and I could be inside her.

  But, that’s me—and I can tell Macy needs more first.

  I can feel her excitement, now palpable in the air, growing around me.

  I rub her gently with two of my fingers on each side of her cunt, as she rubs her clit on my cock.

  She’s so wet that I can almost taste it—but I don’t know if almost is enough for either of us.

  Pulling from her kiss, I kneel above her.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen her more beautiful than right now, as her chest heaves below me. Her lips are red and swollen from my kisses on her flushed face.

  I immediately circle her clit with my thumb and wiggle down to lick from her opening to her clit.

  “Aaron!” My head shoots back up briefly.

  “No, don’t stop.”

  Well, that’s all the encouragement I need! I dive back in to devour her.

  If I thought my dick was hard before, it’s starting to reach new, unknown levels of eagerness now.

  My shaft has swollen to a painful size just thinking about where my tongue is about to go.

  Reaching up, I tweak a nipple as my lips go back to her warm cunt.

  Settling into a rhythm with long, rapid strokes, I listen to her breathing to see what she appears to like.

  Luckily, Macy doesn’t hold back.

  I don’t know if it’s because we’re all alone out here or if she’s just finally relaxing, but she’s loud and encouraging.

  Bucking against my face, I shorten my strokes and zero in on her clit. Sliding a finger across her wet channel, I slowly work it in and out in tempo with my licks and sucks on her little button. Macy’s climax tears through her brutally, and she cries out.

  I can feel her squeezing and milking my finger as my face is drenched with her release.

  Her hand lands on the top of my head, effectively stopping me from continuing.

  I peer up to see her eyes are still closed as she tries to calm her ragged breathing, clasping a hand to her chest.

  Gently, I remove my fingers, kissing my way up over her pubic bone and past her belly button. Putting a cursory kiss on each nipple, I travel up to take her lips with mine. Sharing her essence with her.

  She kisses and moans, drawing my lips into her mouth. She enthusiastically appears to want to continue.


  Her hand envelopes my cock again, tugging me towards her as she pulls her lips from mine.

  “It’s my turn now.”

  Smiling lazily, she strokes me gently to let me know what she means.

  “Let’s trade places.”

  I’m all for that!

  “Sounds great.”

  We shuffle places, and I lie back on the towel but prop myself up on my elbows to watch.

  Macy has an incredible body. Her tits are of a good size on her small frame, and they bounce cheerfully as she spreads the other towel underneath herself.

  She comes back up to kiss me, rubbing her soft, smooth body against me.

  I can feel her tits lightly brushing against my chest. As she pulls away, they glide softly down my stomach first, as she kisses my nipples briefly and works her way down.

  Her bounteous tits reach my cock. I feel them gliding across my hard dick, and he bucks up for more.

  She stops to look up at me and, provocatively squeezes them around my length.

  Fuck me. I’m getting close to the edge again.

  The thought of coming all over her face is enough of a visual that I’m relieved when she lets go. Her tits slide down and stay in contact with my balls as she licks from the root to tip before closing her mouth around the head.

  Damn. I’m beyond waxing fucking poetic. All I have to say is that she’s too fucking sexy.

  The light suction almost brings me all the way there again.

  Her soft pink lips stretch around me tightly as she bobs her head.

  She takes more of me slowly, working me deeper inside her mouth.

  When I hit the back of her throat, she begins a slow and steady swallow and pull that curls my toes.

  “Baby, baby…” I have to stop her before I blow.

  She pauses on the pull and looks up at me provocatively, my tip still in her mouth.


  With some struggle, I get the words out. “Climb on, baby. A
ren’t you ready for a ride?”


  I’ve been here many times.

  Obviously, not specifically with Aaron. I mean, more specifically here—faced with “the big decision.”

  Sex? Or no sex?

  And really, what am I waiting for?

  Not marriage. I never plan to marry.

  Not love. What a joke that is.

  Lapping at the tip of the Aaron’s cock, I contemplate this while staring into his eyes.

  Maybe I’ve been waiting for the person who’ll make me not want to wait.

  Mission accomplished!

  Am I ready for a ride? Fuck, yeah!

  I’ve never been this turned on. And I just came.

  I’ve had high school romances and fumbling college experiences, but I’ve never felt this passion—no, this need.

  I want him in me. I want him in me so much that I feel like I need it.

  That’s new. I need sex.

  And fuck, he’s a beautiful man. Even his cock is beautiful.

  Taking one last long lick, I release him and lean forward for another passionate, deep kiss.

  Crawling up to straddle his hard cock, I lower my pussy to rub my wet lubrication all over his length.

  Just like that, he sends me over the edge. I slip and slide easily against him, and each time his tip hits my clit, it sends a static zing through my entire body.

  Lifting up slightly, I break our kiss to reach between my legs.

  Grasping his length, I pull the tip into my folds and swirl it around, hitting my clit some more and thoroughly drenching him.

  “You’re such a tease,” he quips,

  Looking up, I see he’s watching where we join with a look of profound anticipation.

  “Am I now?” I throw my head back and sink down on him a little.

  He’s big. The stretch feels like it might be daunting, but that notion soon evaporates into something...


  Something new. So new that at first I can’t quite tell what it is or where it’s coming from.

  Yet I hear myself sighing, a little satisfied, a little overwhelmed...

  And a lot happy.

  It’s getting clearer, though I never expected it to be like this—like filling a hunger I didn’t know I had.

  Or starting to fill it.

  Whetting a new appetite, at least.

  He’s wrapped his arm around my body to pull me forward and draws my nipple into his mouth. That sucking alone makes me want to come.

  His cock feels thicker than I even expected from the sight, feel, and taste of it. But I’m starting to see that as a welcome surprise.

  Going up and down, the pleasure of him inside me forces a moan from my lips.

  His fingers have travelled to my clit, and he sets a merciless pace, playing with the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  I start to pant as I grip his shoulders harder, moving up and down. I’m not taking in more than part of him each time, but, holy fuck, does it feel incredible.

  The feeling of being stretched and filled and touched in a way I never knew was possible, in places I’m just learning now were waiting, starving, filled with an appetite I can’t believe is still being whet.

  For a moment, all I perceive is the plain reality—Aaron’s cock slowly sliding out and then back in, still slow. But the feeling’s like nothing I’ve felt, like nothing I expected—it transcends what I could describe physically, or anatomically, or at all.

  Well, I could say that I let just a little bit more in this time, but with that little bit more, the mundane fades even more.

  It’s like a flower of pleasure, blooming, growing larger and larger, starting around Aaron’s shaft and traveling slowly out of me, then back in. But it’s expanding more and more to take over every fiber of my being.

  Yeah, it’s feels really fucking good.

  Like, shockingly good.

  I can admit confidently, without exaggeration, it’s the best thing I’ve ever experienced.

  My own deep moan brings me back to the present moment, and I try to concentrate on the mind-erasing bliss of Aaron’s cock in my cunt, not letting the power of it override my senses this time, but actually feel it for what it is—to feel every bit of its awesome power.

  And I feel all of it, channeling the intensity with an uncontrollable moan which wavers in pitch like no sound I’ve ever made.

  I can feel every rigid inch of him as I sink down. With what his fingers are doing, it gets to be too much for my purposeful concentration, and I can feel my orgasm building again.

  Reaching behind me with my left hand, I grasp his hard cock at the base.

  I’m a little over halfway, and the feeling running through me is almost too much to handle—yet I never want it to stop.

  I arch my chest toward him, and he eagerly draws on a nipple as I slowly work up and down on him, sinking lower each time.

  I’m so wet, I can feel my juices dripping down to the base where I hold him.

  Lightly running my fingers over his balls, I know he’s close like me.

  His thumb doesn’t relent, and I think it’s making me tighter, which I’m sure is making him harder.

  Such a vicious, wonderful cycle!

  Eagerly, I work him into me until I feel my pussy hit my fingers. Releasing his cock, I sink my weight onto him.

  I want to savor this for a second.

  He anticipates my mood and wraps both his arms around me, cupping my ass. Our foreheads meet, and our breath mingles.

  We’re both panting as we stare into each other’s eyes.

  And here I am—and there he is.

  There’s no need for poetry or the abstract to process it anymore. The look of warmth and happiness and appreciation in Aaron’s eyes is all I need to ground me like a gorgeous anchor.

  I’m now locked in to the moment and the marvelous feeling of Aaron’s rock-hard cock filling my appetite, as thoroughly whetted as it was.

  There’s no stopping the bright wide smile I can feel lighting up my face.

  Even without a mirror, I can see it reflected in Aaron’s smile as he arches into me, pushing with a degree of weight and pressure that’s so fucking perfect that he must’ve fucking measured it.

  I can’t believe how perfect it is.



  My clit lights up like the center of some massive detonation that’s about to light up the sky and the whole universe.

  But it stays, there, like a still frame, not ready to go off until I let it.


  The feeling of Aaron’s cock is getting more intense each time, even though it’s only going in just a bit more, and a bit more.


  I’m loud, but I can’t seem to help it as the air’s expelled from my body by his cock’s invasion.

  I watch his muscles tense and shift as he drives into me. My hands drop softly from his shoulders to beside his head.

  Feeling ready to try an experiment, I slide my body up him and feel the tip so close to coming out before slamming back down on him.

  He gasps wildly, and his body twists, and I just fucking revel in my newfound power.

  And I use my power to quicken the fucking pace a little.

  We both groan and growl together, then separately, taking turns going silent until the sound can’t be denied any longer. And the pace gets faster.

  I ride him frantically, pulling off a little less each time, keeping him deeper for longer as I get ready to hit the play button at last.

  Well, maybe not quite yet.

  “Yes, baby. Ride me.” Aaron licks and sucks at my nipples again, this time with a new intensity—a desperation.

  “That’s it. Show me how you need me.” I never thought I’d say that fucking sentence in my life, but the words come from someplace primal, almost like they’re meaningless.

  He’s still, sucking my tits and using them as leverage to push me down harder on his cock. />
  And harder.


  And harder.

  “Fuck, harder. Harder!”

  And harder.

  “Oh, goddammit, give me all you’ve got!”

  And harder.

  And just like that, all my appetites are sated, and a feeling of peace and stillness sweeps over me.

  If this is a climax, this is the calmest, quietest one I’ve ever…

  “Ohhhhaaaaaahhhh. Ahhh!”

  Fuck. Holy fucking shit.

  I’m not anchored anymore, and the world’s shaking…and instead of a flower, it’s now a fucking firework—many, countless, colorful, bright, and deafening fireworks.

  Aaron groans behind me, breaking through to my orgasmic mind and body.

  He’s still inside me. My muscles clamp around his thick shaft as I jerk violently from the force of the aftershocks.

  He lifts under me, jerking and twitching inside me as he comes on a long groan almost simultaneously.

  His steel-hard cock remains buried deep inside me as I collapse onto his chest, panting.

  We’re both a bit winded, believe it or not.

  His arms are wrapped around me securely, and his fingertips are running a warm, loving trail along my arm and back.

  My instinct, at this moment, is to say thank you to Aaron.

  I choose wisely to ignore that impulse.

  But as my heart slows down along with our breathing, I find another way to show my appreciation.

  “Not bad.” I smile at him. “Not even a little.”

  Reaching for my head with both hands, he leans up to give me a slow, lingering kiss.

  “That was fucking incredible. You are fucking incredible.”

  I guess my inexperience wasn’t showing too much.

  I lie back down on him and just relax, enjoying the feeling of him softening inside me until we separate, just slightly as the gentle sound of waves crashing and Aaron’s heart beating slowly lull me into sleep.


  The first thing I notice when I open one eye is the stars—a little bit dimmer than how I remember them.

  Letting my eyes open fully and focus, the next thing I notice is what could be a coconut tree just a few feet away.

  That whole coconut bit with Macy must’ve gone too far, because for a second I consider the possibility of a rogue coconut slamming into us.


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